goto label inside of if statement


W Karas

I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra .

The point, in case you were wondering, would be a macro-based "named block" pseudo-construct, where the block could be exited from any depth of block nesting, for example:

#define BLOCK(NAME) if (0) { NAME: ; } else
#define EXITBLOCK(NAME) goto NAME;

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
A a;



Victor Bazarov

I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra .

The point, in case you were wondering, would be a macro-based "named block" pseudo-construct, where the block could be exited from any depth of block nesting, for example:

#define BLOCK(NAME) if (0) { NAME: ; } else
#define EXITBLOCK(NAME) goto NAME;

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
A a;



And it actually skips the 'else' part when jumping into the 'if'
section, yes? And how well do optimizers handle it?


W Karas

And it actually skips the 'else' part when jumping into the 'if'

section, yes? And how well do optimizers handle it?

It runs correctly, at least this trivial example does:

#include <cstdio>

struct A {
A() { std::printf("A\n"); }
~A() { std::printf("~A\n"); }

void bar() { std::printf("BAR\n"); }

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


int main(void)






Works with GCC -O3 option

Elcaro Nosille

Drew said:
I can't give a cite, but I was always under the impression that
a goto thta crosses block boundaries (into or out of a block) is
undefined behaviour.

It's not possible when you go to a label that is after the
initialization of an object.

W Karas

Drew Lawson wrote:

It's not possible when you go to a label that is after the

initialization of an object.

That seems an accurate summary of what the Standard says, from 6.7-3:

It is possible to transfer into a block, but not in a way that bypasses declarations with initialization. A program that jumps(*) from a point where avariable with automatic storage duration is not in scope to a point where it is in scope is ill-formed unless the variable has scalar type, class type with a trivial default constructor and a trivial destructor, a cv-qualified version of one of these types, or an array of one of the preceding typesand is declared without an initializer (8.5). [ Example:
void f() {
// ...
goto lx; // ill-formed: jump into scope of a
X a = 1;
// ...
goto ly; // OK, jump implies destructor
// call for a followed by construction
// again immediately following label ly

* The transfer from the condition of a switch statement to a case label is considered a jump in this respect.

(This is a quote from the draft Standard dated 2013-10-13.)

W Karas

I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)


if (0)


LAB: ;




A a;

if (f) goto LAB;




will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra .

The point, in case you were wondering, would be a macro-based "named block" pseudo-construct, where the block could be exited from any depth of block nesting, for example:

#define BLOCK(NAME) if (0) { NAME: ; } else

#define EXITBLOCK(NAME) goto NAME;

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)




A a;





I added the -pendantic switch, still no warnings.

W Karas

That code is awful mate, don't do it.


What't the better alternative when you have to break out of an outer block, or a block that's not the body of a switch or loop?

Victor Bazarov

What't the better alternative when you have to break out of an outer
block, or a block that's not the body of a switch or loop?

Throw an exception.

Breaking out of nested loops is the only situation in which it's
reasonable, I think. The easiest thing in that case, however, is to
wrap your loops in a function and 'return' from it. I know, I know, not
the best solution, either, especially considering that you'd need the
context pass in somehow. Perhaps wrap it in a lambda that captures


David Brown

I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra .

The point, in case you were wondering, would be a macro-based "named block" pseudo-construct, where the block could be exited from any depth of block nesting, for example:

#define BLOCK(NAME) if (0) { NAME: ; } else
#define EXITBLOCK(NAME) goto NAME;

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
A a;



Such unstructured mixes of control flow /are/ possible in C, and can
sometimes be a good idea. But you need to be /very/ careful about what
you are doing - usually it is not worth the cost in terms of the
confusion you cause yourself and other readers. It is often better to
just duplicate some code sections (either copy-and-paste duplication, or
extracting a function which you might then make "static inline"). If it
is possible to combine the sections safely, then let the compiler's
optimiser do it for you.

You might be interested in looking up "protothreads" for a way of mixing
switches, labels, and other structures in order to make a simple
cooperative multi-threading system. I haven't used it myself, but I
believe it is all legal in C.


I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra .


I remember that I read a lot of discussions about whether's_device is legal C++ or undefined
behaviour. Even though this is a bit different from your case, maybe
those discussion contain some valuable information for you, too.


Larry Evans

I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra .

The point, in case you were wondering, would be a macro-based "named block" pseudo-construct, where the block could be exited from any depth of block nesting, for example:

#define BLOCK(NAME) if (0) { NAME: ; } else
#define EXITBLOCK(NAME) goto NAME;
The exit("loop label") statment here:

sounds similar.



Throw an exception.


Using an exception for "normal" control flow is IMHO a bad design
choice. My wife had to struggle with a real ugly piece of code for over
two weeks where an exception was used to indicate that some algorithm
had to be invoked with different parameters. Really yuk.

I have to admit that using exceptions is tempting, but it makes the
intended control flow harder to "read": If you see the code that throws
the exception it is harder for you to figure out what will be the next
statement because the exception might propagate through multiple levels
on the stack. A plain old return-statement tells you exactly what the
next statement will be.
Breaking out of nested loops is the only situation in which it's
reasonable, I think. The easiest thing in that case, however, is to
wrap your loops in a function and 'return' from it.


This is the technique I prefer, even though premature returns are often
labeled as "GOTO in disguise" by some people (for example my
co-workers). You have to pay the price of having to re-structure your
code so that individual loops have their own function.
I know, I know, not
the best solution, either, especially considering that you'd need the
context pass in somehow. Perhaps wrap it in a lambda that captures

Parameter passing should not be such an issue if you make your function
an object. Then you can simply put the parameters that are needed only
in the inner-most loops into a member variable, so there is no need to
"pass through" them from one function to the next.

This is usually not too much of an overkill because algorithms that tend
to need GOTOs are usually more time-consuming beasts, where you want to
be able to give the caller some kind of progress information or some
means to pause/stop the computation, so you will most probably wrap the
algorithm in an object, anyway.


Alf P. Steinbach

I was surprised to find that this code:

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
if (0)
LAB: ;
A a;

if (f) goto LAB;


will compile without warnings using GCC 4.7.3, even with -Wall and -Wextra.

It's okay to jump across block boundaries with "goto", either into or
out of a block, and it's also okay to jump into block boundaries with a
`switch` (the old "duff's device" relied on that), but you can't

* jump across function boundaries or

* skip the initialization of a variable

The point, in case you were wondering, would be a macro-based "named block"
pseudo-construct, where the block could be exited from any depth of block
nesting, for example:

#define BLOCK(NAME) if (0) { NAME: ; } else
#define EXITBLOCK(NAME) goto NAME;

struct A { A(); ~A(); };

void bar();

void foo(bool f)
A a;



That's ingenious.

But, heads-up: there once was a version of a Unix shell written in C
with macros and support functions defined to make it look like Pascal.
Heavy emphasis on **was**.

And for example, when I once defined a WITH macro (corresponding to C#
"using"), and even enlisted help from the community with the quality
assurance of that, I thought this was the next best thing since pizza
slices. It used a similar trick internally, using an `if` to introduce a
variable for the `else` part. I have not used that macro since.

* * *

So, how to reasonably exit from a nested scope, without such shenanigans?

Let's consider the common example, a nested loop, with some nested
conditionals thrown in for good measure, plus an "at the end" action:

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>       // sqrt
using namespace std;

auto main()
-> int
int const max_a         = 12345;
int const max_numbers   = 42;
int n = 0;
int prev_c  = 0;
for( int a = 1; a <= max_a; ++a )
for( int b = 1; b < a; ++b )
int const c_sq = a*a + b*b;
int const c = int( sqrt( c_sq ) + 0.5 );
if( c*c == c_sq )
if( c < prev_c )
cout << (n > 0? " " : "") << c;
if( n == max_numbers )
goto finished;
prev_c = c;
cout << endl;

cout << "Found " << n << " interesting numbers." << endl;

The C++ construct that is a scope that can be exited from some nested
scope, is a function, and in most all cases introducing (refactoring as)
a function is a good solution.

In C++03 that function must be a named function or a function template
instantiation. As a named function it can be at namespace scope or a
member of a local class. In C++11 it can also be an anonymous function,
as a lambda.

The code below shows a C++03-style named function refactoring:

#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>       // sqrt
using namespace std;

auto list_interesting_numbers(
int const   max_numbers,
int const   max_a         = 12345
-> int
int n = 0;
int prev_c  = 0;
for( int a = 1; a <= max_a; ++a )
for( int b = 1; b < a; ++b )
int const c_sq = a*a + b*b;
int const c = int( sqrt( c_sq ) + 0.5 );
if( c*c == c_sq )
if( c < prev_c )
cout << (n > 0? " " : "") << c;
if( n == max_numbers )
return n;
prev_c = c;
return n;

auto main()
-> int
int const n = list_interesting_numbers( 42 );
cout << endl;

cout << "Found " << n << " interesting numbers." << endl;

Since the `goto` has been eliminated, the effect of any statement here
is clear just from inspecting the statement itself.

Also, the function is more reusable.

For some special cases of nested loops there are some other clean
alternatives. For example, looping over a rectangular set of positions
can be done with a single logical position variable. But I do not think
that the Pascal solution, of introducing extra boolean "are we finished
yet" variables, checked at every loop iteration, is clean for C++. That
solution was nice for Pascal, and also for C, where a single exit point
(SESE) is important. However, in C++ a single exit point can almost
never be relied on (so that code that does, is misguided), and one has
tools to deal with multiple exit points, namely destructors and `catch`.

Cheers & hth.,

- Alf


Hiding goto inside a macro does not make goto any less bad. The only
acceptable use of goto is to break out of a deeply nested loop.


I'm starting to learn C++ and the first example of GOTO I saw went round
and round in an endless loop. That's not very good!

Tobias Müller

Mr Flibble said:
Which means checking for null pointers with if statements all over your
code and trying to decide what to do all over your code.

That's what propagation of error codes/error values means. It's tedious but
certainly possible.



Which means checking for null pointers with if statements all over your
code and trying to decide what to do all over your code.


Flibble I am very new to C++ and would like to get your recommendation. Do
you mean that GOTO shouldn't ever be used or is it okay in certain

Öö Tiib

Do you mean that GOTO shouldn't ever be used or is it okay in certain

One is certain that C++ programs can be written without using 'goto'
because there are large C++ code-bases (millions of lines) without a
single 'goto' in them.

Goto may cause that program logic is hard to understand. However
the silly tricks with loops, switches, continues or break's that I have
seen sometimes written for emulating goto are even worse. So if you
ever feel that you need to write tricky code to avoid goto then better
use goto.

Jorgen Grahn

So if you ever feel that you need to write tricky code to
avoid goto then better use goto.

Agreed, but keeping in mind that:
- there are always (more or less) cleaner solutions, if you have
the time and guts to refactor the code a bit (and sometimes you
- goto is less useful in C++ than in C, since RAII can replace those
"goto cleanup1", "goto cleanup2" ... constructs.


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