


Hello Anyone who can assist in getting this code to work. Thanks.

package priorityq;

* Defines an implementation of a Priority Queue using a heap
* represented with an array


public class HeapPriorityQueue implements PriorityQueue
private final int SIZE = 1000;
private MyElement a[];
private int size;

* Builds an array of MyElements of default size SIZE

public HeapPriorityQueue()
// Creates array of MyElement
this.a = new MyElement[ SIZE ];
size = 0;

* Builds an array of MyElements of default size size
* @param size

public HeapPriorityQueue( int size )
// Creates array of MyElement
this.a = new MyElement[ size ];
this.size = 0;

// returns number of elements in the queue
public int size()


// returns true if the queue is empty
public boolean isEmpty()
return (size == 0);

// insert the pair (k,o)
public void enqueue( int key, Object obj ) throws QueueException


// extract object with maximum key
public Object maxElement() throws QueueException


// extract maximum key (without removing the element from the queue)
public int maxKey() throws QueueException


// Remove element with min key
public void remove() throws QueueException


private void heapify( int i, int j )
int sx, dx, k;

sx = 2 * i + 1;
dx = sx + 1;

if ( sx > j )

if ( dx > j )
k = sx;
k = ( a[ sx ].getKey() > a[ dx ].getKey() ) ? sx : dx;

if ( a[ i ].getKey() < a[ k ].getKey() ) {
swap( i, k );
heapify( k, j );

private void swap( int i, int j )
MyElement tmp;

tmp = a[ i ];
a[ i ] = a[ j ];
a[ j ] = tmp;

private int father( int i )
return ( i - 1 ) / 2;

private void makeheap()
for ( int i = father( a.length - 1 ); i >= 0; i-- )
heapify( i, a.length - 1 );

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