Help converting sed script



Howdy --
What I'm looking for is a perl cript that goes step threw a directoy
tree and do a sed style global string replacement on every file( with
say an extension of *.php) here is the sed script I've been using:


David Jackson

Tad McClellan

Subject: Help converting sed script

Run your sed program through the "s2p" sed-to-perl translator that
comes with the perl distribution.

here is the sed script I've been using:

[snip sed]

But where is the Perl version that you've been working on that
you need help with?

If you show us your broken Perl code, we can probably help you fix it...

Joe Smith

Howdy --
What I'm looking for is a perl cript that goes step threw a directoy
tree and do a sed style global string replacement on every file

1) Write a simple perl script that takes the name of a file as a
command line argument, opens the file, opens a suitable output
file, reads the input a line at a time and makes the string
substitution before writing $_ to the output file.

2) Make that first script handle multiple files on the command line.

3) Learn about glob() and/or readdir() if you will be providing
the names of directories on the command line.

4) Use File::Find if you are intending to process all subdirectories.

If you want help from us, you need to show good faith, by actually
attempting that first step on your own. Good luck.


P.S. The equivalent of sed's
in perl is


Thanks for you replies.
Perl Version 5.8.0
Run your sed program through the "s2p" sed-to-perl translator that
comes with the perl distribution.
I actually had already run s2p on sed script, does it really take a 139
line Perl script to replace a 4 line sed script?

Thanks again,

------- Here's the s2p script -------------

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
$0 =~ s/^.*?(\w+)[\.\w+]*$/$1/;

use strict;
use Symbol;
use vars qw{ $isEOF $Hold %wFiles @Q $CondReg
$doAutoPrint $doOpenWrite $doPrint };
$doAutoPrint = 1;
$doOpenWrite = 1;
# prototypes
sub openARGV();
sub getsARGV(;\$);
sub eofARGV();
sub printQ();

# Run: the sed loop reading input and applying the script
sub Run(){
my( $h, $icnt, $s, $n );
# hack (not unbreakable :-/) to avoid // matching an empty string
my $z = "\000"; $z =~ /$z/;
# Initialize.
$Hold = '';
$CondReg = 0;
$doPrint = $doAutoPrint;
while( getsARGV() ){
$CondReg = 0; # cleared on t
# #!/usr/bin/sed -i -e
{ $s = s /HTTP_GET_VARS/_GET/sg;
$CondReg ||= $s;
{ $s = s /HTTP_POST_VARS/_POST/sg;
$CondReg ||= $s;
$CondReg ||= $s;
$CondReg ||= $s;
$CondReg ||= $s;
EOS: if( $doPrint ){
print $_, "\n";
} else {
$doPrint = $doAutoPrint;
printQ() if @Q;

exit( 0 );

# openARGV: open 1st input file
sub openARGV(){
unshift( @ARGV, '-' ) unless @ARGV;
my $file = shift( @ARGV );
open( ARG, "<$file" )
|| die( "$0: can't open $file for reading ($!)\n" );
$isEOF = 0;

# getsARGV: Read another input line into argument (default: $_).
# Move on to next input file, and reset EOF flag $isEOF.
sub getsARGV(;\$){
my $argref = @_ ? shift() : \$_;
while( $isEOF || ! defined( $$argref = <ARG> ) ){
close( ARG );
return 0 unless @ARGV;
my $file = shift( @ARGV );
open( ARG, "<$file" )
|| die( "$0: can't open $file for reading ($!)\n" );
$isEOF = 0;

# eofARGV: end-of-file test
sub eofARGV(){
return @ARGV == 0 && ( $isEOF = eof( ARG ) );

# makeHandle: Generates another file handle for some file (given by its
# to be written due to a w command or an s command's w
sub makeHandle($){
my( $path ) = @_;
my $handle;
if( ! exists( $wFiles{$path} ) || $wFiles{$path} eq '' ){
$handle = $wFiles{$path} = gensym();
if( $doOpenWrite ){
if( ! open( $handle, ">$path" ) ){
die( "$0: can't open $path for writing: ($!)\n" );
} else {
$handle = $wFiles{$path};
return $handle;

# printQ: Print queued output which is either a string or a reference
# to a pathname.
sub printQ(){
for my $q ( @Q ){
if( ref( $q ) ){
# flush open w files so that reading this file gets it all
if( exists( $wFiles{$$q} ) && $wFiles{$$q} ne '' ){
open( $wFiles{$$q}, ">>$$q" );
# copy file to stdout: slow, but safe
if( open( RF, "<$$q" ) ){
while( defined( my $line = <RF> ) ){
print $line;
close( RF );
} else {
print $q;
undef( @Q );



If you want help from us, you need to show good faith, by actually
attempting that first step on your own. Good luck.

My faith is "good".
And my perl version is 5.8.0

The problem my perl skill our 2 years out of date. And the script has
to run on Mac/Windows and Unix which leave out running a simple:

find . -name "*.php|sed -i -f sed_script?

While looking at the perldoc page for File I noticed find2perl which
produced this 54 line script:

#! /usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0; #$running_under_some_shell

use strict;
use File::Find ();

# Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS,
# since AFS cheats.

# for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name = *File::Find::name;
*dir = *File::Find::dir;
*prune = *File::Find::prune;

sub wanted;
sub doexec ($@);

# Traverse desired filesystems
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, '.');

sub wanted {
/^.*\.php\z/s &&
doexec(0, 'sed','-i','-e','s/HTTP_GET_VAR/_GET/g','-e');

use Cwd ();
my $cwd = Cwd::cwd();

sub doexec ($@) {
my $ok = shift;
my @command = @_; # copy so we don't try to s/// aliases to
for my $word (@command)
{ $word =~ s#{}#$name#g }
if ($ok) {
my $old = select(STDOUT);
$| = 1;
print "@command";
return 0 unless <STDIN> =~ /^y/;
chdir $cwd; #sigh
system @command;
chdir $File::Find::dir;
return !$?;


Tad McClellan

My faith is "good".

We are not asking for you to *say* you are asking in good faith[1],
we are asking for you to *show* us your good faith by actually
trying to write your own Perl code that addresses your problem.

The problem my perl skill our 2 years out of date.

Then you will have an even easier time of it than many who post
here who have never used Perl before.

And the script has
to run on Mac/Windows and Unix which leave out running a simple:

find . -name "*.php|sed -i -f sed_script?

To do the recursive filesystem searching part, see:

perldoc File::Find

For help with the string replacing part, see:

perldoc -q file

How do I change one line in a file/delete a line in a file/insert a
line in the middle of a file/append to the beginning of a file?

perldoc -f s

perldoc perlop

[1] "good faith" here means that you are trying to get help with writing
*your own* Perl code, rather than trying to get us to write
your program for you.

Tad McClellan

Thanks for you replies.

You can pay me back by reading the Posting Guidelines that
are posted here frequently.

[ Please provide an attribution when you quote someone ]

I actually had already run s2p on sed script, does it really take a 139
line Perl script to replace a 4 line sed script?

(I thought you had shown us a _5_ line sed script...)

If you want a machine to do it at zero personal cost, then yes.
That is typical of machine-generated code.

If you want to learn enough Perl to write a program to replace it,
then is should be only about 20 lines long.

If you want to learn enough Perl to make use of perl's command line
switches, then you can replace it with a single *one* liner that can
be run directly from the command line.

My one-liner to replace your 5 sed statements it about 65 characters
long, including the 4 "perl" characters at the beginning.

I'll try and remember to post it here later (if warranted).

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