Help with Lowest Score Drop

Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
ok i have a question about a specific part of my code that ive came to a hault and basically what im trying to do is write a program that calculates the average of a series of test scores, where the lowest score is dropped and it should have a fucntion for Getvalues which should ask for five test scores store in variables second findLowest which should determine which of the 5 scores is the lowest and return that value and lastly calcAverage which should calculate and display the average of the four highest scores.

this what i got so far but got stump on the lowest score? if someone could help thanks in advance.

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//Function Prototype
void getValues();
void findLowest();
void calcAverage();

int main()
	cout << "This program shows the full use of using functions ";
	cout << "to calculate the average of a series of tests.";
	getValues();           // The first function called
	findLowest();          // This function is called second
	calcAverage();         // Lastly, the third function is called
	cout << "Now, that is how you calculate the average of a ";
	cout << "series of tests.";
	return 0;

// Definition of function getValues.           *
// This function asks for five test scores and *
// stores them in variables.                   *

void getValues()
	int score1, score2, score3, score4, score5;
	cout << "Enter in 5 test scores and I will store ";
	cout << "them in variables. ";
	cin >> score1 >> score2 >> score3 >> score4 >> score5;
	cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(2);

// Definition of function findLowest.                   *
// This function determines which out of those          *
// five test scores is the lowest and return that value *

void findLowest()
	int score;
	double lowest;
	"Out of the five test scores the lowest score is " << lowest << endl;
	lowest = score1

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