How to change string or number passed as argument?


Peng Yu


I know that strings or numbers are immutable when they passed as
arguments to functions. But there are cases that I may want to change
them in a function and propagate the effects outside the function. I
could wrap them in a class, which I feel a little bit tedious. I am
wondering what is the common practice for this problem.


Tim Chase

I know that strings or numbers are immutable when they passed as
arguments to functions. But there are cases that I may want to change
them in a function and propagate the effects outside the function. I
could wrap them in a class, which I feel a little bit tedious. I am
wondering what is the common practice for this problem.

The most common way is to simply return the altered string if you
need it:

def my_func(some_string):
result = do_stuff(...)
some_string = mutate(some_string)
return result, some_string

result, value = my_func(value)

This gives the flexibility for the caller to decide whether they
want to allow the function to mutate the parameter or not.

You can also use a mutable argument:

def my_func(lst):
lst[0] = mutate(lst[0])
return do_stuff(...)
s = ["hello"]
result = my_func(s)
print s[0]

but this is horribly hackish.

In general, mutating arguments is frowned upon because it leads
to unexpected consequences. Just like I don't expect sin(x) or
cos(x) to go changing my input value, python functions should
behave similarly.


Hendrik van Rooyen

I know that strings or numbers are immutable when they passed as
arguments to functions. But there are cases that I may want to change
them in a function and propagate the effects outside the function. I
could wrap them in a class, which I feel a little bit tedious. I am
wondering what is the common practice for this problem.

You can just ignore the immutability.
Nothing stops you doing something like this;

def reader(port,buffer):
buffer +=
return buffer

and calling it repetitively until buffer is as long as you want it.

- Hendrik

Simon Forman


I know that strings or numbers are immutable when they passed as
arguments to functions. But there are cases that I may want to change
them in a function and propagate the effects outside the function. I
could wrap them in a class, which I feel a little bit tedious. I am
wondering what is the common practice for this problem.


Python strings and numbers are always immutable, not just when passed
as arguments.

"propagate the effects outside the function" is a little vague.

You can return new data objects (like str.lower() etc.. do) or you can
wrap them in a namespace (a dict or class instance) or you can pass a
list object that contains the string or int or whatever, and your
functions can replace the values in the dict/instance/list.


Gabriel Genellina

I know that strings or numbers are immutable when they passed as
arguments to functions. But there are cases that I may want to change
them in a function and propagate the effects outside the function. I
could wrap them in a class, which I feel a little bit tedious. I am
wondering what is the common practice for this problem.

In addition to all previous responses: Sometimes, you have a function that
should return more than one piece of information. On other languages, you
have to choose *one* of them as *the* function return value, and the
others become out parameters. In Python you simply return all of them:

def decode_index(index):
"convert linear index into row, col coordinates"
return index // width, index % width # divmod would be better...

row, col = decode_index(index)

(Tecnically, you're still returning ONE object - a tuple. But since
packing and unpacking of values is done automatically, you may consider it
as returning multiple values at the same time).

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