!!!! I got stucked with this !!!!! Question part



I have posted in ¡°problem with generating random numbers¡± I still
having many trouble with my program,

[First] : when program starts, screen display as below


| 1. Log on to system. |

| 2. Log out from system. |

| 3. Record inquire |

| 4. Data statistics |

| 5. Credit |

| 6. This Menu |

| 7. Help |

| 8. Exit |


entering log on mode... // when I press 1

gary // entering student name

02045109 // student id

error: assignID() // then I gets this

so it¡¯s obviously that the function assignID() having problem, but I
just can¡¯t find where the problem is.

So I commented all other lines except for the return-statement

int assignID(void) { // distribute machine id randomly

return 0;


[the second problem] comes when press 1 entered the log on mode:

entering log on mode...

gary // get first student name

02045109 // student id

more ?

: y // more to log on

steven // the second student


more ?

: y

Jason // the third


more ?

: y

emilie // the fourth


more ?

: n

exiting mode...

entering log out mode... // press 2 to log out

enter the student ID for inquire: 02045109 //PROBLEM:the ID:02045109

you are logging out system.... //belongs to gary but to display

Student name: steven //the steven¡¯s info,I don¡¯t know why

Student ID : 02045109

Machine ID : 0

Log on time : Sat Sep 13 22:44:55 2003

Sat Sep 13 22:45:36 2003 //PROBLEM:Where the hell does this come from ?

Log out time: Sat Sep 13 22:45:36 2003

Payment: 0.000000

And [the third problem]:

As I have initialized the structure with


In function logonSystem() but

The following code in inquireRecord(),

to determine whether a logged on student have logged out or not

if(record.logoutTime==NULL) { // compare with there input student ID

fprintf(stderr,"the student hasn't log out yet\n");


turned out that it never work the way I wanted, just don¡¯t know why!

And in function isBlankLine(), which I have commented it, i wanted to
determined whether an input line, was a blank line or just totally blank
spaces. It doesn¡¯t work either.

[Problem four]:

I know that there¡¯s must be more bugs in it, hope you guys
point them out for me, and any suggestion, critics to my code or
the my programming style will be appreciated !

Nick Austin

I have posted in ¡°problem with generating random numbers¡± I still
having many trouble with my program,

Apparently you have yet to learn the technique for getting help
from others.

Produce a minimal compilable program that shows each of the problems
that you are having.

The following is a list of mistakes that you should try to avoid

1. You posted the questions separately from the source.

2. You didn't post the source for functions validateName() and

3. You define an array:
int statistics[totalMachine];
But there are several places where you attempt to access an
element from this array but you forgot to supply the required
index, e.g:
function onInitialization():
statistics=UNOCCUPIED; // initialize the array
function assignID():
function availableComputers():
This won't compile.

4. The comment opened thus:
const char *mainMenu[]={
is never closed.

5. Non-ANSI extensions included via:
#include <io.h>
#include <conio.h>

6. Long lines with // comment lines that were split by the posting


Emmanuel Delahaye

In 'comp.lang.c' said:
I know that there¡¯s must be more bugs in it, hope you guys
point them out for me, and any suggestion, critics to my code or
the my programming style will be appreciated !

Hard to say, because your code doesn't compile, and there are a lot of
functions missing.

Compiling MAIN.C:
Warning MAIN.C 109: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 147: Call to function 'isFileExist' with no prototype
Error MAIN.C 147: Undefined symbol 'true'
Warning MAIN.C 152: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 176: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 190: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 239: Call to function 'validateName' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 242: Call to function 'validateStudentID' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 249: Call to function 'currentTime' with no prototype
Error MAIN.C 249: Type mismatch in parameter '__src' in call to 'strcpy'
Warning MAIN.C 258: Call to function 'isFileExist' with no prototype
Error MAIN.C 258: Undefined symbol 'true'
Warning MAIN.C 264: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 273: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 311: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 320: Call to function 'currentTime' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 320: Nonportable pointer conversion
Warning MAIN.C 341: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 380: Call to function 'errorMessage' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 403: Initialization is only partially bracketed
Warning MAIN.C 448: Call to function 'menu' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 486: Call to function 'credits' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 491: Call to function 'menu' with no prototype
Warning MAIN.C 496: Call to function 'systemHelp' with no prototype

BTW, your indentation is not consistent, and your line spacing is boring
(could be an editor issue). Here is a partial review of your code (-ed-).
It's far to be complete.

#include <io.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#if 0 /* -ed- Not standard C, and probably useless.
Removed */
#include <conio.h>

#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#define GENRAND(n) (rand()%n)

#define UNOCCUPIED -1 /* to test whether the machine occupied */
#define ENTER 1
#define EXIT 0

#define DATABASE "database.dat" /* the database file name */

const char *mainMenu[] =
"| 1. Log on to system. |",
"| 2. Log out from system. |",
"| 3. Record inquire |",
"| 4. Data statistics |",
"| 5. Credit |",
"| 6. This Menu |",
"| 7. Help |",
"| 8. Exit |",

const char *credit[] =
"| CREDIT |",

const double payPerHour = 1.00; /* payment rate on an hourly basis */

#if 0 /* -ed- Not C. */
const unsigned totalMachine = 100; /* total machines */
int statistics[totalMachine];
/* total machines */
#define totalMachine 100
int statistics[totalMachine];

typedef struct tagRECORD
{ /* the management record structure */
char name[8]; /* student name */
char studentID[9]; /* student ID */
char logonTime[25]; /* log on time */
char logoutTime[25]; /* log out time */
int machineID; /* machine ID */
clock_t logon; /* log on clock */
clock_t logout; /* log out clock */


/* I don't know how to clear the screen under Visual C++ */
void clrscr (void)

void onInitialization (void)
int i;

srand ((unsigned) time (NULL)); /* seed */

for (i = 0; i < totalMachine; ++i)
#if 0 /* -ed- Not C. */
statistics = UNOCCUPIED; /* initialize the array */
statistics = UNOCCUPIED; /* initialize the array */

/* randomly distribute the available machine ID */
int assignID (void)

int i, r; /* to each student log on */
int id = 0;
FILE *fp;
RECORD record;

fp = fopen (DATABASE, "rb");

if (fp == NULL)
/* -ed- Don't call functions without prototype.
* BTW, this function is not defined
errorMessage ("assignID()");

for (i = 0; !feof (fp) && i < totalMachine; ++i)
/* -ed- feof() doesn't work as you think. Read the FAQ for details.
* Use the value returned by fread()
fread (&record, sizeof (record), 1, fp);
#if 0 /* -ed- Not C. Hard to believe that this
compiles on your system */
statistics = record.machineID;
statistics = record.machineID;

for (r = 0; r < i && statistics[r] != -1; ++r)
id = GENRAND (totalMachine);
while (statistics[r] == id)
id = GENRAND (totalMachine);

fclose (fp);

return 0;

void availableComputers (void)
int i;
FILE *fp;
RECORD record;

/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
/* -ed- undefined 'true'. */
if (isFileExist (DATABASE) == true)
fp = fopen (DATABASE, "rb");
if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("availableComputer()");

for (i = 0; !feof (fp) && i <= totalMachine; ++i)
fread (&record, sizeof (record), 1, fp);
#if 0 /* -ed- Not C. Hard to believe that this
compiles on your system */
statistics = record.machineID;
if (statistics == UNOCCUPIED)
printf ("unoccupied machine #%d\n", statistics);
statistics = record.machineID;
if (statistics == UNOCCUPIED)
printf ("unoccupied machine #%d\n", statistics);
fclose (fp);
errorMessage ("database doesn't exist");

FILE *lookupStudent (char *sid)
int flag = 0, result;
FILE *fp;
RECORD record;

fp = fopen (DATABASE, "rb");

if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("lookupStudent()");

while (!feof (fp))
fread (&record, sizeof (record), 1, fp);
result = strcmp (record.studentID, sid); /* if the student ID exist */

if (result == 0)
flag = 1;
flag = 0;

return ((flag == 1) ? fp : NULL); /* return the specific record in the
data */
/* to which the FILE *fp points */

#if 0
/* BUG!! BUG !! */

bool isBlankLine (char *line)
char *tmp = line;
bool blank = true;

while (*tmp++ != '\0')
if ((*tmp != ' ') || (*tmp != '\n'))
blank = false;
return blank;


void logStudentInfo (RECORD * record)

/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
validateName (record->name); /* gets student name */

/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
validateStudentID (record->studentID); /* gets student ID */

record->machineID = assignID (); /* gets machine ID */

/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function.
* Compiler error due to lack of prototype.
strcpy (record->logonTime, currentTime ()); /* record log on time */

record->logon = clock (); /* clock the time */

void storeStudentInfo (RECORD * record)
FILE *fp;

if (isFileExist (DATABASE) == true)
{ /* if database file exist */
fp = fopen (DATABASE, "ab"); /* open in APPEND mode */

if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("storeStudentInfo()");

fp = fopen (DATABASE, "w+b"); /* if doesn't exist, CREATE it */
if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("storeStudentInfo()");

fwrite (record, sizeof (*record), 1, fp); /* write to the database */

fclose (fp);

double wholeCost (RECORD * record)
double duration;

duration = (double) ((record->logout) - (record->logout)) /
CLOCKS_PER_SEC; /* time elapsed */

return payPerHour * duration; /* money should pay */

void showRecordContent (RECORD * record)
printf ("Student name:\t%-8s\n", record->name);
printf ("Student ID :\t%-9s\n", record->studentID);
printf ("Machine ID :\t%-3d\n", record->machineID);
printf ("Log on time :\t%-25s", record->logonTime);
printf ("Log out time:\t%-25s", record->logoutTime);

void logoutSystem (char *sid)
char *timeIt;
FILE *fp;
RECORD record;
double totalPay;

fp = lookupStudent (sid);

if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("no such record exist");

if (!feof (fp))
fread (&record, sizeof (record), 1, fp);

strcpy (record.studentID, sid);
timeIt = currentTime ();
strcpy (record.logoutTime, timeIt);
record.logout = clock ();
totalPay = wholeCost (&record);
printf ("you are logging out system....\n");
showRecordContent (&record);
printf ("Payment:\t%-lf\n", totalPay);
fclose (fp);

void inquireRecord (char *sid)
FILE *fptr;
RECORD record;
double totalPay;
FILE *fp;

fp = fopen (DATABASE, "rb");

if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("assignID()");

fptr = lookupStudent (sid);

if (fptr == NULL)
printf ("no such record.\n");
exit (1);

if (!feof (fptr))
fread (&record, sizeof (record), 1, fptr);
if (record.logoutTime == NULL)
{ /* compare with there input student ID */

fprintf (stderr, "the student hasn't log out yet\n");


totalPay = wholeCost (&record);
showRecordContent (&record);
printf ("Payment:\t%-lf\n", totalPay);
fclose (fp);

void dataStatistics (void)
{ /* balance for the day */
FILE *fp;
RECORD record;
double individualPayment; /* individual balance */
double paySum = 0; /* balance */

fp = fopen (DATABASE, "rb");

if (fp == NULL)
errorMessage ("dataStatistics()");

while (!feof (fp))
fread (&record, sizeof (record), 1, fp);
individualPayment = wholeCost (&record); /* get individual balance */
paySum += individualPayment; /* gets sum */

printf ("today bill account:\n");
printf ("%f\n", paySum); /* ummmm......how much ? */
fclose (fp);

void showMode (int tag, char *mode)
printf ("%s %s mode...\n", ((tag == 1) ? "entering" : "exiting"), mode);

void logonSystem (void)
{NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0}; /* initialize the strucutre variable
int ch;

while (1)

logStudentInfo (&r);
storeStudentInfo (&r);
printf ("more ?\n: "); /* more to log on ? */
#if 0 /* -ed- Not standard. Replaced with getchar() */
ch = getche (); /* wait for key press */
ch = getchar (); /* wait for key press */

if (ch == 'y')
printf ("\n"); /* hurray ! */
continue; /* enter the next loop */
printf ("\n"); /* hey man, that sucks! */
showMode (EXIT, "");
break; /* exit from the loop */



/* input student ID for later process */
void inputStudentID (char *sid)
printf ("enter the student ID for inquire: ");
scanf ("%s", sid);

/* the main functionality reside here */
void showMainMenu (void)
int choice;
char sid[9]; /* temporarily storing the student ID */

/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
menu ();

while (1)
#if 0 /* -ed- Not standard. Replaced with getchar() */
choice = getch ();
choice = getchar (); /* wait for key press */

switch (choice)
case '1':
showMode (ENTER, "log on");
logonSystem ();
/* log on */

case '2':
showMode (ENTER, "log out"); /* log out */
inputStudentID (sid);
logoutSystem (sid);

case '3':
showMode (ENTER, "inquire"); /* inquire */
inputStudentID (sid);
inquireRecord (sid);


case '4':
showMode (ENTER, "statistics"); /* balance */
dataStatistics ();

case '5':
/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
credits (); /* program credits */

case '6':
/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
menu ();

case '7':
/* -ed- Missing prototype, undefined function. */
systemHelp (); /* system help */

case '8':
#if 0 /* -ed- Not standard. Ignored */
clrscr (); /* bye bye ! */

fprintf (stderr, "EXITING FROM SYSTEM...");
fprintf (stderr, "BYE BYE!\n");
exit (1);
fprintf (stderr, "invalid option\n");

int main (void)
onInitialization ();
clrscr ();
showMainMenu ();
return 0;

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