IIS7: *.aspx = 404


Paul Prewett

Sorry for the double post - I was posting under the wrong alias on the
previous post. Please reply to this one. Thanks.

~~~Update - ISAPI and CGI Restrictions show ASP.NET v2 as "Allowed"

I have a new machine with Vista Ultimate x64 installed. I'm coming from an
XP Pro x86 and I'm trying to get my development websites running on the new

IIS7 installed with no errors including ASP.NET, Windows Authentication, and
all of the IIS 6 Compat items. If I browse to http://localhost, I get the
nice welcome message. If I drop an htm file on the root, I can browse it no
problem. When I attempt to browse any aspx file, I get a 404. The 404 is
coming from .NET (i.e. it's the "Server Error in '/' Application" error) so
I know I'm getting at least as far as the framework.

The application pool is set to run Classic Managed Pipeline Mode. Identity
of the app pool is Network Service. Framework version 2.0.

I have run aspnet_regiis -u, -i, etc... until I'm blue in the face. It
seems that the only one that works well is the one in the Framework64
folder, which I guess is to be expected. When I try to run the one in the
regular Framework folder, I get a message that tells me that IIS is not

I have uninstalled IIS altogether, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted, and then
rerun the aspnet_regiis again... still no love. I get exactly the same
behavior no matter what I do.

I even tried reinstalling the .NET Framework 2.0 altogether, but Vista64
disallowed that saying that it was already installed as part of the OS.

What am I missing, folks? Thanks for any direction you can provide.

Scott M.


Paul Prewett said:
Sorry for the double post - I was posting under the wrong alias on the
previous post. Please reply to this one. Thanks.

~~~Update - ISAPI and CGI Restrictions show ASP.NET v2 as "Allowed"

I have a new machine with Vista Ultimate x64 installed. I'm coming from
XP Pro x86 and I'm trying to get my development websites running on the

IIS7 installed with no errors including ASP.NET, Windows Authentication,
all of the IIS 6 Compat items. If I browse to http://localhost, I get the
nice welcome message. If I drop an htm file on the root, I can browse it
problem. When I attempt to browse any aspx file, I get a 404.
The 404 is coming from .NET

The .NET Framework does not send http 400 level messages, this messge is
from IIS.
(i.e. it's the "Server Error in '/' Application" error) so
I know I'm getting at least as far as the framework.

If it's a "Server Error", then it's not a 404 error, it's a 500 level error,
which indicate problems with your server code.
The application pool is set to run Classic Managed Pipeline Mode.
of the app pool is Network Service. Framework version 2.0.

I have run aspnet_regiis -u, -i, etc... until I'm blue in the face. It
seems that the only one that works well is the one in the Framework64
folder, which I guess is to be expected. When I try to run the one in the
regular Framework folder, I get a message that tells me that IIS is not

I have uninstalled IIS altogether, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted, and
rerun the aspnet_regiis again... still no love. I get exactly the same
behavior no matter what I do.

I even tried reinstalling the .NET Framework 2.0 altogether, but Vista64
disallowed that saying that it was already installed as part of the OS.

What am I missing, folks? Thanks for any direction you can provide.

Check to make sure that the directory has a default document enabled and
that "Default.aspx" is on the list of default documents.

Paul Prewett

-Paul Prewett

Scott M. said:

The .NET Framework does not send http 400 level messages, this messge is
from IIS.

Here is a screenshot of the error:

The description says HTTP 404.

If it's a "Server Error", then it's not a 404 error, it's a 500 level error,
which indicate problems with your server code.

This code runs fine under the IIS5 installation on the XP Pro machine. In
fact, you can put a completely empty page, name it aspx, and the 404 will be
returned. I'm sure that the problem here is some missing plumbing somewhere
rather than the code.
Check to make sure that the directory has a default document enabled and
that "Default.aspx" is on the list of default documents.

Well, the default.aspx document is listed and enabled, but I'm not trying to
access a directory or leaning on the default document in any way. I'm
attempting direct access to the page. In the case of the screenshot, the url
entered was:

Any other ideas?

Paul Prewett

Just got this sorted out.

I run a separate program drive from my system drive. I added a ProgramDrive
environment variable, and because the default location of the website was
%SystemDrive%\Inetpub\wwwroot, I tried replacing that with

That was what was causing me my issues. I changed it to D:\Inetpub\wwwroot,
and all is now well. I can't say I understand why the %ProgramDrive% didn't
work. If I type that into a Start->Run, it opens D:\ just as sure as
%SystemDrive% opens C:\

Oh well.

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