img readyState problem


Michael J Whitmore

I am getting tired of losing hair over this. Here is a function that
simply inserts one of three images into a document right before
printing. It is called for every element that has a specific id in
the document with the onbeforeprint window call. The chosen image
will then be inserted into the document as a child element of ‘fig'.

The problem is the images decide on their own whether or not to show
up to the party. Random images constantly remain in a readyState of
uninitialized. However, for some reason when an alert box is shown
exactly 2 times the image will come out of the uninitialized state to
the complete state.

I don't want my clients to have to hit 2 alert boxes for each image
that is to be printed. How can I force these stupid images out of the
uninitialized state without 2n alert boxes?

The element fig has no child nodes in the document. That is where the
image goes and why there is a "f (!fig.hasChildNodes()) {" test. Once
inserted they will stay in the document unless it is closed. No need
to reload something that is already there.
The 100,000 value is simply a way to keep this out of an infinite
The preferred order of images to chose from is imgcommfig, imgprint,

function showfig(fig) {
//alert("fig.outerHTML" +fig.outerHTML);
if (!fig.hasChildNodes()) {
//alert("No Child Nodes");
img = new Image();
imgprint = new Image();
imgcommfig = new Image();

img.src = "figures/" + fig.src;
imgprint.src = "figures/print/" + fig.src;
imgcommfig.src = fig.src;

//if the print figure doesn't exist reload display figure for
//width of 28 is the IE graphic not found illustration, ie the
block with an X graphic

ImageWidth = imgcommfig.width;
Countimgcommfig = 0;
if (ImageWidth == 28) {
// Don't do anything since the file doesn't exist
//alert("imgcommfig doesn't exist, width of 28");
} else {
ReadyState = imgcommfig.readyState;
while (ReadyState != "complete" && Countimgcommfig <
100000) {
Countimgcommfig = Countimgcommfig + 1;
ReadyState = imgcommfig.readyState;
ImageWidth = imgcommfig.width;
//alert("The imgcommfig has not loaded yet. \nIt's
Next ReadyState = " +ReadyState);
ImageWidth = imgprint.width;
Countimgprint = 0;
if (ImageWidth == 28) {
// Don't do anything since the file doesn't exist
//alert("imgprint doesn't exist, width of 28");
} else {
ReadyState = imgprint.readyState;
while (ReadyState != "complete" && Countimgprint < 100000)
Countimgprint = Countimgprint + 1;
ReadyState = imgprint.readyState;
ImageWidth = imgprint.width;
//alert("The imgprint has not loaded yet. \nIt's Next
ReadyState = " +ReadyState);
ImageWidth = img.width;
Countimg = 0;
if (ImageWidth == 28) {
// Don't do anything since the file doesn't exist
//alert("img doesn't exist, width of 28");
} else {
ReadyState = img.readyState;
while (ReadyState != "complete" && Countimg < 100000) {
Countimg = Countimg + 1;
ReadyState = img.readyState;
ImageWidth = img.width;
//alert("The img has not loaded yet. \nIt's Next
ReadyState = " +ReadyState);

if (imgcommfig.width == 28) {
if (imgprint.width == 28) {
//alert("Printing img");
fig.insertBefore(img, fig.firstChild);
} else {
//alert("Printing imgprint");
fig.insertBefore(imgprint, fig.firstChild);
imgprint.width = img.width
imgprint.height = img.height
} else {
//alert("Printing imgcommfig");
fig.insertBefore(imgcommfig, fig.firstChild);
} else {
//alert("Yes Child Nodes");

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

I am getting tired of losing hair over this. Here is a function that
simply inserts one of three images into a document right before
printing. It is called for every element that has a specific id in
the document with the onbeforeprint window call.

My spider sense crawls here. ID's are supposed to be unique in a
document, so every element that has a specific id should be at most
one element. Am I misreading something?
The chosen image will then be inserted into the document as a child
element of ‘fig'.
The problem is the images decide on their own whether or not to show
up to the party. Random images constantly remain in a readyState of
uninitialized. However, for some reason when an alert box is shown
exactly 2 times the image will come out of the uninitialized state to
the complete state.

Odd. But that's what asynchroneous download will do to you.
The 100,000 value is simply a way to keep this out of an infinite

Busy waiting is never a good choice.
The preferred order of images to chose from is imgcommfig, imgprint,

imgcommfig is the same as fig.src, so it should already be loaded?
I assume the order is increasing?

The readyState property is, AFAIK, IE only. You might want to use
the onload/onerror event handlers instead.

How about:
function showfig(fig) {
if (fig.hasChildNodes()) {
return true;

var urls = [ // order of decreasing preferrence
"figures/" + fig.src,
"figures/print/" + fig.src,
var imgs = [];
var flags = [];
var done = false;
var imgload = function(num,state) {
if (done) {return;}
if (typeof (imgs[num].complete) == "boolean") {
state = imgs[num].complete; // Opera
imgs[num].onerror = imgs[num].onload = function(){};
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length ;i++) {
if (flags === true) {done=true;finish(i);return;}
if (flags === undefined) {return;}
var finish = function(num) {
var img = imgs[num]; // best picture that loaded correctly
// do something:
setTimeout(print,10); // gives Mozilla time to update

var mkImgload =
function(num,state){return function(){imgload(num,state);};};
for (i=0;i<urls.length;i++) {
imgs=new Image();
imgs.onload = mkImgload(i,true);
imgs.onerror = mkImgload(i,false);
imgs.src = urls;
return false; // cancel printing until images have loaded!
(I can't seem to get the onerror handler to work in Opera 7.21, though.
I suspect a bug, so it will probably be fixed)


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