In the matter of "Colonel Harlan Sanders"



This individual has posted 122 times since September of 2009.

EACH ONE of his posts is an attack on me, and many of the attacks are
vicious and personal speculations about my financial success or lack
thereof, my relationships with my family, and my professional

This account was therefore obviously created for the sole purpose of
real "trolling": the anonymous abuse of another person.

This behavior is stalking. It shows poor impulse control and may be
associated with poor anger management and violent behavior.

I therefore ask other posters to simply act decently and honorably,
and to post public requests addressed to this person that he leave
this group. He is completely off-topic and clearly an individual who
needs help.

Whereas, whether or not my views are in a minority, they have been
published in a respected moderated group. I am clearly qualified to
speak on C here given that I assisted John Nash with C at Princeton
and am the author of a compiler-related computer book.

To ignore Sanders is utter cowardice. To agree with someone who is
solely here to attack another poster is utterly vile.

It appears to me that the "regs" in this group won't be happy until
someone like Sanders, with his poor impulse and anger management,
commits a crime. He's already guilty of online stalking in many
communities. Given his behavior, I wouldn't be surprised if he starts
physically stalking me. My location and who I am is always well-known
because unlike "Sanders" I take responsibility for what I post.

Kenny McCormack


Colonel Harlan Sanders

... usual wacky stuff

I'm sorry that Heathfield and Seebach are ignoring you, but I'm afraid
I can't take the position of Arch Enemy. Really, I just don't have the
time or energy that would require.

Thanks for thinking of me though.


I'm sorry that Heathfield and Seebach are ignoring you, but I'm afraid
I can't take the position of Arch Enemy. Really, I just don't have the
time or energy that would require.

Okay, here's the real question that matters:

Which of you (you or Spinny) is more likely to get an official C&D from
Thanks for thinking of me though.

I'd like to urge you to reconsider. The position of Arch Enemy has quite
literally *no* time requirements. You don't have to be aware of him,
you don't have to interact or respond in any way. The benefits are hard
to overstate. Most people will regard the relationship as prima facie
evidence of your competence and maturity, for one thing.



Welcome to the internet. Just learn to ignore the idiots.

I have been on the internet since its inception, and on local area
networks and bulletin boards before that, and I drafted a courtesy
code at Princeton University's network. In effective networks in the
early days, the idiots were not ignored. Instead, others would
complain when someone was bullied in solidarity with the victim.

However, corporate types are incapable of human solidarity, so you
rarely see anyone defending anyone else or criticising bullies. This
is because capitalism itself is organized bullying on a grand scale.


Okay, here's the real question that matters:

Which of you (you or Spinny) is more likely to get an official C&D from

I'd like to urge you to reconsider.  The position of Arch Enemy has quite
literally *no* time requirements.  You don't have to be aware of him,
you don't have to interact or respond in any way.  The benefits are hard
to overstate.  Most people will regard the relationship as prima facie
evidence of your competence and maturity, for one thing.

Sure, Seebs. You have, like a vicious and overgrown child, used foils
ever since your idiotic attack on Schildt.

Deep down, you cannot look good to yourself without a "foil", someone
who bears "the secret contour of your weakness".

You are an inadequate man. You are a fat, doughy geek and a loser.
Therefore, you "troll" the Internet looking for targets using magical,
irrational thinking that if you can find someone who makes a lot of
mistakes like Schildt or is bullied like you were and are on computer
gaming forums, this means you are an O.K. person when you are not.

Truly "mature" people flee corporate jobs because corporations are not
interested in "competence and maturity".

It is in fact impossible to demonstrate, with regards to any given
white collar employee outside of direct customer contact sales on a
straight commission basis, whether he or she is a "good investment".
Any such demonstration is mathematically meaningless.

In programming, the wrong program can be coded bug free (although we
know, Seebs, that this is beyond you: you are only capable of writing
the wrong program with bugs). So much hyper-specialization is needed
that the pathetic spectacle of people turned into scrap metal
pervades: these are people nearing the end of their careers who know
everything there is to know about, say, IBM mainframes and have to
assist their employers in getting rid of this industrial waste.

Most of these people are unable to detect Quality in either coding or
writing because they've spent too much time having to learn low-
quality mistakes: as C specialists, for example, they have "learned"
that "compilers can optimize better when ordinary source code often
has an undefined result", a false proposition.

Therefore they, like you, make truth into a matter of personalities.
Therefore they, like you, turn into toxic bullies.

Dully do they gape, like an out of shape ape
At garish colors on computer screens,
Conventional, boring, they're full of hate
They don't love people, they just love...machines.
Oh, let's be post-human, Dad was so boring
Mommy mollycoddled us beginning in the womb
Let's escape the pain of living in computer gaming
Let's hide out all weekend in our little room.
And if anyone should make what we take a mistake
We make a good mob, the mob of the slob
Let's burn the outlier on the greasy stake
It's better than actually doing our "job".
We don't know much but we talk real loud
Oh don't look there's that boiling cloud.


Isn't it pretty clear by now that Sanders *is* one of the regs (i.e., a
sockpuppet).  Which one, I leave for you (and everyone else) to figure

I think it's Seebach.

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