Infer dual-clock block RAM for Xilinx



Anyone has code templates for infering a dual-port, dual-clock, block
RAM (RAMB16) for Xilinix using Synplicity and VHDL?

Xilinx XST supports this using shared variable for memory and two
processes for each write port. But I can't seem to find anything for

-- Amal


Have you tried to infer it yourself? It's something that's easy to do with
Synplicity's tools in Verilog, I imagine they do as good a job with VHDL.
You have an array, a write, and a read. You have your choice of a
registered read from a combinatorial address or an asynchronous read from a
registered address (which they translate back to the former, native
arrangement). They do a great job of taking care of the other control
signals as well.

The Synplify(Pro) online manual should also give you some guidance or at
least a description of what they expect to provide for support.


Google is not broken, but it's not quite what I need. A dual-clock,
dual-port block memory mapped to RAMB16 using VHDL!


D'oh, my mistake, I missed the dual-clock requirement. I know the dual clock
inference didn't work the last time I tried it, maybe 2 years ago. At least,
I mean I didn't find a solution except to instantiate the things. If you do
manage to crack it, it'd be cool if you could post your solution.
Thanks & good luck, Syms.

Mike Treseler

Amal said:
Google is not broken, but it's not quite what I need. A dual-clock,
dual-port block memory mapped to RAMB16 using VHDL!

A dual write port RAM template would
have to include a description of the
arbitration of simultaneous
writes to the same address. Lacking
this, there is no guarantee that
simulation and synthesis would match.

Your choices are
1. Use a vendor-specific instance or
2. Use a supported RAM template and add separate
logic to cover all the required cases.

-- Mike Treseler


Finally I could map to RAMB16 on Xilinx Virtex and Synplify using the

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use IEEE.math_real.all;

entity DualPortMemory is
generic (
DEPTH : positive;
WIDTH : positive
port (
-- port a (read/write)
clka : in std_logic;
ena : in std_logic;
wea : in std_logic;
addra : in std_logic_vector(integer(ceil(
log2(real(DEPTH))))-1 downto 0);
dia : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
doa : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
-- port b (read/write)
clkb : in std_logic;
enb : in std_logic;
web : in std_logic;
addrb : in std_logic_vector(integer(ceil(
log2(real(DEPTH))))-1 downto 0);
dib : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
dob : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0)
end entity DualPortMemory;

architecture rtl of DualPortMemory is

type MEM_TYPE is array(0 to DEPTH-1) of
std_logic_vector(WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal memory : MEM_TYPE;

attribute syn_ramstyle : string;
attribute syn_ramstyle of memory : signal is "block_ram";
attribute syn_ramstyle of memory : signal is "no_rw_check";


-- Port A (read/write)
p_Port_A: process( clka )
if ( rising_edge(clka) ) then

if ( ena = '1' ) then
if ( wea = '1' ) then
memory( conv_integer(unsigned(addra)) ) <= dia;
end if;
doa <= memory( conv_integer(unsigned(addra)) );
end if;

end if;
end process p_Port_A;

-- Port B (read/write)
p_Port_B: process( clkb )
if ( rising_edge(clkb) ) then

if ( enb = '1' ) then
if ( web = '1' ) then
memory( conv_integer(unsigned(addrb)) ) <= dib;
end if;
dob <= memory( conv_integer(unsigned(addrb)) );
end if;

end if;
end process p_Port_B;

end architecture rtl;

No collision check is done here.
-- Amal

Mike Treseler

Amal said:
Finally I could map to RAMB16 on Xilinx Virtex and Synplify

I don't have Synplify, so I can't verify this.
I like your idea of using math_real
functions for synthesis constants,
however, I am unconvinced that this a useful
simulation model since the signal _memory_
is driven by both processes.

And you may have a typo one one of these
duplicated attribute specifications:
attribute syn_ramstyle of memory : signal is "block_ram";
attribute syn_ramstyle of memory : signal is "no_rw_check";
No collision check is done here.

True, but a vhdl simulator knows nothing
about Synplify attributes declarations.

-- Mike Treseler

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