'Instiki as CMS' bug?


Dick Davies

Just a quick sanity check - does anyone on list use Instiki as
a CMS ( a la http://www.instiki.org/show/HowToUseInstikiAsCMS ) ?

I've tried setting this up, and can see my main page OK, but all the links
generated go to:


instead of


I fixed this by an extra ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse in the frontend
vhost, but is this a bug, or am I just configuring something wrong?

A new koan:
If you have some ice cream, I will give it to you.
If you have no ice cream, I will take it away from you.
It is an ice cream koan.
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

Bill Atkins

This is a bug. I submitted a patch for it, but it's still awaiting
integration. In the meantime, search the wiki at instiki.org for
BatkinsTweaks. Part of that patch fixes this bug.


Dick Davies

* Bill Atkins said:
This is a bug. I submitted a patch for it, but it's still awaiting
integration. In the meantime, search the wiki at instiki.org for
BatkinsTweaks. Part of that patch fixes this bug.

Cheers, there are a few other headscratchers mentioned there too.

Everytime I look at Instiki funny it seems to eat my content , but the fix for this bug looks
like a one-worder, so maybe I'll risk it :)

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