Int to std_logic_vector conversion problem

May 13, 2009
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Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and relatively new to VHDL.

I am having trouble converting an integer to a std_logic_vector array. I am reading integer values from a text file, and am attempting to convert them to the std_logic_vector data type using 32 bits to represent them. I want to have a std_logic_vector array of 1152 samples long where every sample is 32 bits wide.

I can get the conversion to work, however it limits the conversion to 8 bits for some reason. Is there a method or alternative function to "conv_std_logic_vector" that will perform the conversion using 32 bits?

Here is my code used to read from the textfile:

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; -- obsolete?
use STD.textio.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use WORK.my_package.all;

--type intarray is array (0 to 1151) of integer;

entity ReadInput is
port( Output : out std_array(1151 downto 0);
Enable : in std_logic;
N : out integer;
Res : out boolean); --(8 downto 1));
end entity ReadInput;

architecture behavioral of ReadInput is

io_process: process(Enable) is

file infile: TEXT open read_mode is "input.txt";
variable linein: line;
variable value: integer:= 0;
variable GOOD: boolean;
variable Counter: integer:= 0;

if(rising_edge(Enable)) then
while (not endfile (infile)) loop
readline(infile, linein);
read(linein, value, Good);
Output(1151 - Counter)<= conv_std_logic_vector(conv_signed(value,32),32);
Counter:= Counter + 1;
N <= Counter;
Res <= Good;
end loop;
end if;
end process io_process;
end architecture behavioral;

** I have used a package containing a data type called "std_array" where I have defined the data type as:

TYPE std_array IS ARRAY (integer RANGE <>) OF std_logic_vector(32-1 DOWNTO 0);

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I cant seem to find where I'm going wrong here.


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