Is it generally safe to inherit from STL iterator classes?



I understand why it is not safe to inherit from STL containers, but I have
found (in SGI STL documentation) that for example bidirectional_iterator
class can be used to create your own iterator classes by inheriting from
it, ie.

class my_bidirectional_iterator : public bidirectional_iterator<double>

I'm trying to implement STL compatible iterators for my custom class but I
need to change type returned by dereferencing my iterators, and inheriting
from bidirectional_iterator would make my job much easier of course. Now,
what I'm wondering, do I need to use SGI STL to do that safely, or it is
standard behavior for STL?

I have found few tutorials about creating custom iterators and I think I
understand how to do it, but before I start, I want to know is it worth
(safe) to do it and there is nothing in tutorials that explains that...


Daniel T.

T.A. said:
I understand why it is not safe to inherit from STL containers, but I have
found (in SGI STL documentation) that for example bidirectional_iterator
class can be used to create your own iterator classes by inheriting from
it, ie.

class my_bidirectional_iterator : public bidirectional_iterator<double>

I'm trying to implement STL compatible iterators for my custom class but I
need to change type returned by dereferencing my iterators, and inheriting
from bidirectional_iterator would make my job much easier of course. Now,
what I'm wondering, do I need to use SGI STL to do that safely, or it is
standard behavior for STL?

Bidirectional_iterator has no member functions, member variables, or
nested types. It exists solely to simplify the definition of the
functions iterator_category, distance_type, and value_type.

The only reason bidirectional_iterator exists is so you don't have to
put the three typedefs in your class. So inherit away. Do not inherit
from std::vector::iterator though.

Kai-Uwe Bux

Daniel said:
Bidirectional_iterator has no member functions, member variables, or
nested types. It exists solely to simplify the definition of the
functions iterator_category, distance_type, and value_type.

The only reason bidirectional_iterator exists is so you don't have to
put the three typedefs in your class. So inherit away. Do not inherit
from std::vector::iterator though.

Huh? I just found myself inheriting from std::set::const_iterator the other
day, and I don't see anything wrong with it. The standard arguments agains
inheriting from non-polymorphic classes do not apply: you don't use
std::vector::iterator* polymorphically and the functions taking
std::vector::iterator& as arguments all should be templated on an iterator
type anyway (and the ones from STL are). Could you please elaborate?

For concreteness, the code where I did it, is in this posting:

It defines a policy tracked<T> to be used as

class TrackedClass : public tracked<TrackedClass> {

and automatically adds to the interface of TrackedClass functionality to
iterate over all objects of type TrackedClass that currently exist.
Underlying this logic is a static std::set< tracked* > object since casting
to TrackedClass* is not available in tracked< TrackedClass >. Thus, an
iterator type is provided whose operator* performs the necessary up-cast.


Kai-Uwe Bux


Daniel T. wrote:


Huh? I just found myself inheriting from std::set::const_iterator the other
day, and I don't see anything wrong with it. The standard arguments agains
inheriting from non-polymorphic classes do not apply: you don't use
std::vector::iterator* polymorphically

OK, this makes a sense... No reason to use iterators polymorphically...

But I wonder will something like this work nice and safe (from the point of
view of STL algorithms):

class SomeClass;

class MyClass {

typedef SmartPointer<SomeClass> smart_pointer;
typedef std::vector<smart_pointer> smart_pointer_vector;

smart_pointer_vector itsContents;

class iterator : public smart_pointer_vector::iterator {

iterator begin() { return itsContents.begin(); }
iterator end() { return itsContents.end(); }

Now, when somebody uses, for example, find algorithm on MyClass will it
work as expected, or there are some dangers that I'm not aware of? (I think
it will work but I'm still quite new to C++ so I decided to double check)


Kai-Uwe Bux

T.A. said:
OK, this makes a sense... No reason to use iterators polymorphically...

But I wonder will something like this work nice and safe (from the point
of view of STL algorithms):

class SomeClass;

class MyClass {

typedef SmartPointer<SomeClass> smart_pointer;
typedef std::vector<smart_pointer> smart_pointer_vector;

smart_pointer_vector itsContents;

class iterator : public smart_pointer_vector::iterator {

iterator begin() { return itsContents.begin(); }
iterator end() { return itsContents.end(); }

Now, when somebody uses, for example, find algorithm on MyClass will it
work as expected, or there are some dangers that I'm not aware of? (I
think it will work but I'm still quite new to C++ so I decided to double

Thanks for being persistent and sceptical.

So I think I figured out what is wrong about inheriting from standard
iterators: to begin with, it might not even be possible! All iterator types
in the standard container are implementation defined. It follows that,
e.g., std::vector<T>::iterator might be just a T*. In this case, you simply
cannot inherit from it. Also, there are methods to inhibit inheritance. The
standard has no provisions demanding that std::set<T>::iterator does not
use such techniques to prevent derivation. Thus, whenever you write

class my_iterator : public std::vector<T>::iterator

you are non-portable because you are relying on a feature of your STL that
happens to allow derivation.

Another problem arises generally from "inheritance for convenience":
functions might match. Consider a derivation like

class my_iterator : std::vector<T>::iterator { ... };

Someone might have defined a function

void do_something ( std::vector<T>::iterator from,
std::vector<T>::iterator to ) { ... }

Note that my_iterator is a std::vector<T>::iterator. Thus, you can call
do_something on your container. The bad thing, however, is that the
parameters will be sliced and the semantics of the vector iterators will be
used. Very likely this will give rise to a surprising bug. Arguably, the
designer of do_something() is at least as guilty as the designer of
my_iterator: had do_something() been properly templated, there would be no

So, what about algorithms from the standard library? They are all properly
templated, so we should be fine, right? Well, there still is a catch:
consider Mr. I-type-everything-in-one-line. He writes:

my_iterator a_iter;
my_iterator b_iter;
std::transform( a_iter++, b_iter--, ... );

What happend? We inherited from std::vector<T>::iterator so that we do not
have to write all those member functions ourselves, right? Well, too bad:
the postfix operator ++ returns a std::vector<T>::iterator and not a
my_iterator. Thus, the wrong template will be chosen.

I guess, I thoroughly refuted my initial thought that there is nothing wrong
with inheriting from std::...<T>::iterator. It is, indeed, riddled with
difficulties. Oh well, I better revise the tracked<T> template to use
composition instead of derivation.

Sorry for the confusion

Kai-Uwe Bux


On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 11:12:44 -0400, Kai-Uwe Bux wrote:

Thanks for being persistent and sceptical.

So I think I figured out what is wrong about inheriting from standard
iterators: to begin with, it might not even be possible! All iterator types
in the standard container are implementation defined. It follows that,
e.g., std::vector<T>::iterator might be just a T*. In this case, you simply
cannot inherit from it. Also, there are methods to inhibit inheritance. The
standard has no provisions demanding that std::set<T>::iterator does not
use such techniques to prevent derivation. Thus, whenever you write

class my_iterator : public std::vector<T>::iterator

you are non-portable because you are relying on a feature of your STL that
happens to allow derivation.

Another problem arises generally from "inheritance for convenience":
functions might match. Consider a derivation like

class my_iterator : std::vector<T>::iterator { ... };

Someone might have defined a function

void do_something ( std::vector<T>::iterator from,
std::vector<T>::iterator to ) { ... }

Note that my_iterator is a std::vector<T>::iterator. Thus, you can call
do_something on your container. The bad thing, however, is that the
parameters will be sliced and the semantics of the vector iterators will be
used. Very likely this will give rise to a surprising bug. Arguably, the
designer of do_something() is at least as guilty as the designer of
my_iterator: had do_something() been properly templated, there would be no

So, what about algorithms from the standard library? They are all properly
templated, so we should be fine, right? Well, there still is a catch:
consider Mr. I-type-everything-in-one-line. He writes:

my_iterator a_iter;
my_iterator b_iter;
std::transform( a_iter++, b_iter--, ... );

What happend? We inherited from std::vector<T>::iterator so that we do not
have to write all those member functions ourselves, right? Well, too bad:
the postfix operator ++ returns a std::vector<T>::iterator and not a
my_iterator. Thus, the wrong template will be chosen.

I guess, I thoroughly refuted my initial thought that there is nothing wrong
with inheriting from std::...<T>::iterator. It is, indeed, riddled with
difficulties. Oh well, I better revise the tracked<T> template to use
composition instead of derivation.

Sorry for the confusion

Kai-Uwe Bux

So I guess it is true that only thing to inherit from safely are base
iterator classes (in this case probably the best one would be
std::random_access_iterator) and reimplemetation of whole my_iterator
interface. OK, I probably can do that... Now one more thing... I have found
this in docs:

"random_access_iterator is an iterator base class: it is intended that an
iterator that is a model of Random Access Iterator, and whose value type
and distance type are T and Distance, may be defined by inheriting from
random_access_iterator<T, Distance>
This class is no longer part of the C++ standard, although it was present
in early drafts of the standard. It is retained in this implementation for
backward compatibility."

As you see, even this is obsolete... As I understand, using iterator_traits
mechanism is currently the way to implement custom iterator types in
standard way:

"If you are defining a new iterator type I, then you must ensure that
iterator_traits<I> is defined properly. There are two ways to do this.
First, you can define your iterator so that it has nested types
I::value_type, I::difference_type, and so on. Second, you can explicitly
specialize iterator_traits for your type. The first way is almost always
more convenient, however, especially since you can easily ensure that your
iterator has the appropriate nested types just by inheriting from one of
the base classes input_iterator, output_iterator, forward_iterator,
bidirectional_iterator, or random_access_iterator.

Note that iterator_traits is new; it was added to the draft C++ standard
relatively recently. Both the old iterator tags mechanism and the new
iterator_traits mechanism are currently supported [1], but the old iterator
tag functions are no longer part of the standard C++ library and they will
eventually be removed. "

And no inheritance is involved in that. A bit more work than simply
inheriting from existing iterators, though, but that's the way to do it...
Thanks for your help...


Daniel T.

Kai-Uwe Bux said:
Huh? I just found myself inheriting from std::set::const_iterator
the other day, and I don't see anything wrong with it. The standard
arguments agains inheriting from non-polymorphic classes do not
apply: you don't use std::vector::iterator* polymorphically and the
functions taking std::vector::iterator& as arguments all should be
templated on an iterator type anyway (and the ones from STL are).
Could you please elaborate?

You shouldn't do it for the same reasons you shouldn't derive from
std::string or std::vector. There are always exceptions of course and
maybe yours applies but the general rational is this:

There are no protected members in std::set::const_iterator that you need
access to, there is (should be) no context where a function takes a
std::set::const_iterator* as a parameter and you need to wrap the
const_iterator to intercept calls to it, and there are no virtual
member-functions in std::set::const_iterator for you to override.
Therefore, there is no reason to derive from std::set::const_iterator.

The stuff you put in the derived class will likely work with any const
iterator that has the same semantics as std::set::const_iterator, and
you are creating an artificial limitation by deriving from

Daniel T.

T.A. said:
So I guess it is true that only thing to inherit from safely are base
iterator classes (in this case probably the best one would be
std::random_access_iterator) and reimplemetation of whole my_iterator

Maybe an example will help:

* dat_fibonacci.h
* Created by Daniel on 1/30/06.
* Copyright 2006 Daniel Tartaglia. All rights reserved.

#pragma once

#include <iterator>

namespace dat {

class fibonacci: public std::iterator< std::forward_iterator_tag, int >
int prev_value, value, max;
fibonacci(): prev_value(0), value(0), max(0) { }
explicit fibonacci(int m): prev_value(0), value(1), max(m) { }
const int operator*() const { return value; }
fibonacci& operator++() {
int tmp = value;
value += prev_value;
prev_value = tmp;
return *this;
fibonacci operator++(int) {
fibonacci tmp(*this);
return tmp;
friend bool operator==(const fibonacci& lhs, const fibonacci& rhs) {
bool result = false;
if ( lhs.value == 0 && rhs.value == 0 ) result = true;
else if ( rhs.value == 0 && !( lhs.value < lhs.max ) )
result = true;
else if ( lhs.value == 0 && !( rhs.value < rhs.max ) )
result = true;
else if ( lhs.prev_value == rhs.prev_value &&
lhs.value == rhs.value && lhs.max == rhs.max )
result = true;
return result;

bool operator!=(const fibonacci& lhs, const fibonacci& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);


Pete Becker

Daniel said:
There are no protected members in std::set::const_iterator that you need
access to, there is (should be) no context where a function takes a
std::set::const_iterator* as a parameter and you need to wrap the
const_iterator to intercept calls to it, and there are no virtual
member-functions in std::set::const_iterator for you to override.
Therefore, there is no reason to derive from std::set::const_iterator.

There is a very good reason for deriving from std::set::const_iterator:
when you do, you don't need to reimplement the member functions that it
provides. Except, of course, for the ones where you want different behavior.
The stuff you put in the derived class will likely work with any const
iterator that has the same semantics as std::set::const_iterator, and
you are creating an artificial limitation by deriving from

Maybe, but that sounds like overdesign. If the current application works
with set instances and needs modified iterators, then deriving from
set::const_iterator is perfectly appropriate. If some future application
needs something similar but more general, that's the time to add the


-- Pete

Author of "The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and
Reference." For more information about this book, see


Pete said:
There is a very good reason for deriving from std::set::const_iterator:
when you do, you don't need to reimplement the member functions that it
provides. Except, of course, for the ones where you want different behavior.

Except for the fact that there are no member functions that a
std::set::const_iterator type is required to provide. The Standard
requires only that the const_iterator type support certain operations -
there is no requirement concerning how those operations are to be
implemented or even any requirement that the library must implement
them itself. A built-in type that supported the necessary built-in
operations with built-in operators would qualify as well. So any class
derived from set's const_iterator cannot be sure of the interface it
will actually be inheriting, nor can it be sure that inheritance is
even an option: after all, set's const_iterator may be a typedef for a
built-in type, such as a pointer.

Maybe, but that sounds like overdesign. If the current application works
with set instances and needs modified iterators, then deriving from
set::const_iterator is perfectly appropriate. If some future application
needs something similar but more general, that's the time to add the

The sensible design is to wrap the iterator in a template class, and
implement the handful of operations the program actually will use as
class methods that (in the default case) simply perform the same,
corresponding operation on the wrapped iterator instance.

Any design that involves deriving from std::set::const_iterator is
necessarily a non-portable and fragile implementation based entirely on
the inner workings of a particular implementation of std::set written
by someone else. In other words, there is no solid foundation. Future
revisions of the same Standard library (or even debug or non-debug
builds of the same library) could well render the design's current
assumptions false. Worse, there is no assurance that a design broken in
this way would be reported as an error. Instead the program may still
compile, but when run, would fail silently.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete said:
There is a very good reason for deriving from std::set::const_iterator:
when you do, you don't need to reimplement the member functions that it
provides. Except, of course, for the ones where you want different

That is exactly what I thought. And I still think that the standard reasons
usually given to not inherit from classes without protected members and
virtual functions are bogus in this case.

However, there are some difficulties that provide independent good reasons
to be cautious about this inheritance. Consider the following container
implementation where the iterator is derived lazily:

#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>

template < typename T >
struct ptr_vector {

typedef T value_type;
typedef T* pointer;
typedef T& reference;
typedef typename std::vector<T*>::size_type size_type;


typedef std::vector<T*> ptr_vect;
typedef typename ptr_vect::iterator ptr_iter;

ptr_vect data;


struct iterator : public ptr_iter {

typedef T value_type;

iterator ( ptr_iter i )
: ptr_iter ( i )

pointer operator-> () const {
return ( ptr_iter::eek:perator*() );

reference operator* () const {
return ( * ptr_iter::eek:perator*() );


void push_back ( value_type const & t ) {
data.push_back( new value_type ( t ) );

void pop_back ( void ) {
delete data.back();

iterator begin ( void ) {
return ( data.begin() );

iterator end ( void ) {
return ( data.end() );

// some clutter added to handle copies correctly:
// not important for the example at hand.

ptr_vector ( void )
: data ()

ptr_vector ( ptr_vector const & other )
data.reserve( other.size() );
for ( size_type i = 0; i < other.size(); ++i ) {
push_back( new value_type ( other ) );

~ptr_vector ( void ) {
for ( size_type i = 0; i < this->size(); ++i ) {
delete ( data );

ptr_vector& operator= ( ptr_vector const & other ) {
ptr_vector dummy ( other );
std::swap( data, );
return ( *this );

size_type size ( void ) const {
return ( data.size() );

reference operator[] ( size_type i ) {
return ( *( data ) );


template < typename Iter >
void bubble_sort ( Iter from, Iter to ) {
for ( Iter low = from; low != to; ++ low ) {
for ( Iter high = low; high != to; ++ high ) {
if ( std::less< typename Iter::value_type >()( *high, *low ) ) {
std::iter_swap( low, high );

int main ( void ) {
ptr_vector< int > v;
v.push_back( 20 );
v.push_back( 30 );
v.push_back( 10 );
std::copy( v.begin(), v.end(),
std::eek:stream_iterator<int>( std::cout, " " ) );
std::cout << '\n';
bubble_sort( v.begin(), v.end() );
std::copy( v.begin(), v.end(),
std::eek:stream_iterator<int>( std::cout, " " ) );
std::cout << '\n';
bubble_sort( v.begin()++, v.end()-- );
std::copy( v.begin(), v.end(),
std::eek:stream_iterator<int>( std::cout, " " ) );
std::cout << '\n';

On my machine, this prints:

20 30 10
10 20 30
10 30 20

The first call to bubble_sort is fine. The second one, however, is all
messed up because postfix operators return iterators of the wrong type.
Thus, a never thought of instance of bubble_sort() is used, and second call
orders the objects by address. So, in the end, you would need to wrap all
method that return std::vector<T*>iterator in the iterator class anyway.
Then, inheritance is not really much less code compared to composition (at
least in this case), unless you are headed for strange bugs.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete Becker

Greg said:
Except for the fact that there are no member functions that a
std::set::const_iterator type is required to provide. The Standard
requires only that the const_iterator type support certain operations -
there is no requirement concerning how those operations are to be
implemented or even any requirement that the library must implement
them itself.

Sigh. Okay, I shouldn't have used the term "member functions" when I
meant "operations."
A built-in type that supported the necessary built-in
operations with built-in operators would qualify as well. So any class
derived from set's const_iterator cannot be sure of the interface it
will actually be inheriting, nor can it be sure that inheritance is
even an option: after all, set's const_iterator may be a typedef for a
built-in type, such as a pointer.

const_iterator for a set cannot be a pointer, nor any other builtin
type. Operators on builtin types don't meet the requirements for an
iterator into a set.
The sensible design is to wrap the iterator in a template class, and
implement the handful of operations the program actually will use as
class methods that (in the default case) simply perform the same,
corresponding operation on the wrapped iterator instance.

That's one sensible (over)design, but it's not the only possibility.
Any design that involves deriving from std::set::const_iterator is
necessarily a non-portable and fragile implementation based entirely on
the inner workings of a particular implementation of std::set written
by someone else.

No, it's not. set::const_iterator has a rquired set of operations that
are well specified.
In other words, there is no solid foundation. Future
revisions of the same Standard library (or even debug or non-debug
builds of the same library) could well render the design's current
assumptions false.

Only if you implement it that way.


-- Pete

Author of "The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and
Reference." For more information about this book, see

Pete Becker

Kai-Uwe Bux said:
The first call to bubble_sort is fine. The second one, however, is all
messed up because postfix operators return iterators of the wrong type.
Thus, a never thought of instance of bubble_sort() is used, and second call
orders the objects by address. So, in the end, you would need to wrap all
method that return std::vector<T*>iterator in the iterator class anyway.

Not all. Increment and decrement, certainly. But operator* and
operator-> should be fine, for example.
Then, inheritance is not really much less code compared to composition (at
least in this case), unless you are headed for strange bugs.

I didn't say anything about how much code was involved. I objected to
the categorical assertion that you shouldn't do it. Far too many
programmers write code based on slogans instead of facts and analysis.


-- Pete

Author of "The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and
Reference." For more information about this book, see

Daniel T.

Pete Becker said:
I didn't say anything about how much code was involved. I objected to
the categorical assertion that you shouldn't do it. Far too many
programmers write code based on slogans instead of facts and analysis.

Sorry Pete, it wasn't my intention to make a categorical assertion,
that's why I prefaced it with "there are exceptions."

Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete said:
Not all. Increment and decrement, certainly. But operator* and
operator-> should be fine, for example.

Do those return std::vector<T*>::iterator? I thought that would yield a
recursion loop. Anyway, those were the ones where I wanted different
behavior anyway.

I didn't say anything about how much code was involved.

Well you made it sound that way:

I read that to mean: you safe some t development time by reusing methods
through inheritance so that you don't have to include the boilerplate
forwarding code that comes with composition. Sorry, if I interpreted you to

I objected to
the categorical assertion that you shouldn't do it. Far too many
programmers write code based on slogans instead of facts and analysis.

I don't know what too many programmers do. But I wholeheartly agree that
most categorial dos and don'ts are somewhat bogus.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete Becker

Kai-Uwe Bux said:
Do those return std::vector<T*>::iterator? I thought that would yield a
recursion loop. Anyway, those were the ones where I wanted different
behavior anyway.

operator* returns T& and operator-> returns T*.


-- Pete

Author of "The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and
Reference." For more information about this book, see

Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete said:
Greg wrote: [snip]
Any design that involves deriving from std::set::const_iterator is
necessarily a non-portable and fragile implementation based entirely on
the inner workings of a particular implementation of std::set written
by someone else.

No, it's not. set::const_iterator has a rquired set of operations that
are well specified.

But that does not imply you can inherit meaningfully. (See below)

Only if you implement it that way.

I assume that "it" refers to "design" and not to "Standard library".

Hm, would it be possible for a standard compliant implementation of
std::set, to proceed as follows and effectively break all classes derived
from set::iterator:

template < typename T >
struct set {

class iterator;
class const_iterator;

// more stuff


class blocker {

friend class iterator;
friend class const_iterator;

blocker ( void ) {};
blocker ( blocker const & ) {};



class iterator : public virtual blocker {

iterator ( void ) {}

// more stuff


// more stuff


If my library vendor, along with the next revision, decides to put this
blocker code in, any attempt like the following will result in compiler

struct my_iter : public set<int>::iterator {

// some stuff


int main ( void ) {
my_iter i;

Would the standard allow me to prove my library vendor wrong? As far as I
can see, std::set::iterator is an implementation defined type that makes no
guarantees about derivability. But I might be missing a provision. If there
is no guarantee that set::iterator does not use a nasty trick like the
above, then Greg is essentially correct: any derivation from set::iterator
relies on the inner workings of a particular implementation.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete Becker

Kai-Uwe Bux said:
Pete said:
Greg wrote: [snip]
Any design that involves deriving from std::set::const_iterator is
necessarily a non-portable and fragile implementation based entirely on
the inner workings of a particular implementation of std::set written
by someone else.
No, it's not. set::const_iterator has a rquired set of operations that
are well specified.

But that does not imply you can inherit meaningfully. (See below)

Sure it does.
I assume that "it" refers to "design" and not to "Standard library".

Yes, indeed.
Hm, would it be possible for a standard compliant implementation of
std::set, to proceed as follows and effectively break all classes derived
from set::iterator:

Maybe. Why would anyone do that?
Would the standard allow me to prove my library vendor wrong? As far as I
can see, std::set::iterator is an implementation defined type that makes no
guarantees about derivability. But I might be missing a provision. If there
is no guarantee that set::iterator does not use a nasty trick like the
above, then Greg is essentially correct: any derivation from set::iterator
relies on the inner workings of a particular implementation.

No, not at all. It relies on the assumption that library implementors
don't go out of their way to screw their users.

Portability isn't about being bulletproof. It's about writing code that
has a good chance of surviving changes. This sort of thing isn't high on
my list of worries.


-- Pete

Author of "The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and
Reference." For more information about this book, see

Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete said:
Kai-Uwe Bux said:
Pete said:
Greg wrote: [snip]
Any design that involves deriving from std::set::const_iterator is
necessarily a non-portable and fragile implementation based entirely on
the inner workings of a particular implementation of std::set written
by someone else.
No, it's not. set::const_iterator has a rquired set of operations that
are well specified.

But that does not imply you can inherit meaningfully. (See below)

Sure it does.

We must have slightly different understandings of what "does not imply"
means. I just meant that a standard compliant library implementation is
conceivable where set::const_iterator supports all required operations, yet
still would not support derivation in any meaningful way. The code I
sketched strongly indicates that such an implementation is possible. What
is the meaning of "does not imply" that you used to arrive at the opposite

Yes, indeed.

Maybe. Why would anyone do that?

One use would be to check code for strict standard compliance. I certainly
would love to have a compiler/library that allowed me to flag all instances
where my code relies on common but not mandated behavior (e.g., it would be
great to have a library with headers that strive to only provide what the
standard puts within that header).

No, not at all. It relies on the assumption that library implementors
don't go out of their way to screw their users.

Portability isn't about being bulletproof. It's about writing code that
has a good chance of surviving changes. This sort of thing isn't high on
my list of worries.

Portability is, among other things, about not relying on behavior that is
not guaranteed by the standard. I recall that some code that used to work
perfectly fine broke when my standard library incorporated concept checks
(however, my memory is notoriously unreliable and could be making this up).
At that point, I learned that the standard requires complete types for the
template arguments in many places even in cases where there there are
natural implementations that would not need that. I think, the assumption
that you can meaningfully derive from set::iterator is not that different.
When you do it, you are writing code that is not guaranteed to work as
expected by the standard. That, in itself, is not a reason to never do it.
But it sure is a drawback. More important: that a certain idiom relies on
common but not mandated behavior is a good prima facie reason to warn
agains said idiom.


Kai-Uwe Bux

Pete Becker

Kai-Uwe Bux said:
Portability is, among other things, about not relying on behavior that is
not guaranteed by the standard.

That is one aspect of portability, but it must be applied sensibly.
I recall that some code that used to work
perfectly fine broke when my standard library incorporated concept checks
(however, my memory is notoriously unreliable and could be making this up).
At that point, I learned that the standard requires complete types for the
template arguments in many places even in cases where there there are
natural implementations that would not need that. I think, the assumption
that you can meaningfully derive from set::iterator is not that different.

On the contrary: it is quite different. The C++ specification explicitly
says that you cannot use incomplete types in that context, so you
violated an express prohibition. There is no such prohibition on
deriving from std::const_iterator, and no reasonable implementation will
prevent that. It's hard enough to write library code that gets the
actual requirements right. Adding made up ones is simply wasting time.


-- Pete

Author of "The Standard C++ Library Extensions: a Tutorial and
Reference." For more information about this book, see

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