is there a GUI for Perl to display large tree structures ?



I am looking for a way to display large tree structure - 60-70,000
resulting from parsing source code for an OO language. I tried Tk
in the best but it would choke. I know it can be done in VB but I was
if there are any GUI toolkits in Perl capable of doing it.
At the beginning I would like the tree nodes to be all collapsed and I
like to be able to do regexp searh for a node that would result in
of intermediate nodes. Essentially I need a source code browser for
a proprietary (Java like) language.

TIA for any pointers/info/references,



Woland99 said:
I am looking for a way to display large tree structure - 60-70,000
resulting from parsing source code for an OO language. I tried Tk
in the best but it would choke. I know it can be done in VB but I was
if there are any GUI toolkits in Perl capable of doing it.
At the beginning I would like the tree nodes to be all collapsed and I
like to be able to do regexp searh for a node that would result in
of intermediate nodes.

I don't know of any. It doesn't seem like the kind of thing I'd expect
Perl to be a likely candidate for. For first effort would be to translate
the data to XML and then try using various XML viewing tools to see of one
does what you want. I'll the ones I've seen did branch collapsing, but
I don't know of any do searching by regex, but I've never looked.


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I am looking for a way to display large tree structure - 60-70,000
resulting from parsing source code for an OO language. I tried Tk
in the best but it would choke. I know it can be done in VB but I was
if there are any GUI toolkits in Perl capable of doing it.
At the beginning I would like the tree nodes to be all collapsed and I
like to be able to do regexp searh for a node that would result in
of intermediate nodes. Essentially I need a source code browser for
a proprietary (Java like) language.

TIA for any pointers/info/references,


Gtk2 will probably handle it better than Tk. Try this, pulled from some
maillist. The Perl code can be converted to c for more speed.
Or google for "Gtk2 xmlviewer" for other Perl viewers.

use strict;
use warnings;
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => !TRUE;
use Gtk2 -init;
use XML::Simple;

# Read the xml file into a hash using the XML::Simplemodule

my $tree_xml_file = 'tree-from-xml-data.xml'; # or use shift

my $data_tree = XMLin( $tree_xml_file, forcearray => 1 );

# Define the columns in the order to be seen
my $all_columns = [
{ ColumnName => 'Name' },
{ ColumnName => 'Color' },
{ ColumnName => 'Price' },
{ ColumnName => 'Taste' },
{ ColumnName => 'Source' }

# Let us choose to freeze the first column
my $frozen_columns = [ $all_columns->[ 0 ] ];

# Create two arrays for sending into the Gtk2::TreeStore->new method
my @tree_store_full_types =
map { 'Glib::String' } @$all_columns;
my @tree_store_frozen_types = map { 'Glib::String' } @$frozen_columns;

# Create the 'full' tree on the right side pane
my $tree_store_full = Gtk2::TreeStore->new( @tree_store_full_types );
my $tree_view_full = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $tree_store_full );
my $column_count = 0;
for my $column ( @$all_columns ) {
my $column_name = $column->{ ColumnName };
my $column = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes(
text => $column_count
$column->set_resizable( TRUE );
$tree_view_full->append_column( $column );

# Hide the first column
# Ensure that the expander is fixed to the first
# column( and hence is hidden too )
if ( $column_count == 0 )
$column->set_visible( FALSE );
$tree_view_full->set_expander_column( $column );

# Create the single column tree for the left side pane
my $tree_store_frozen = Gtk2::TreeStore->new( @tree_store_frozen_types
my $tree_view_frozen = Gtk2::TreeView->new( $tree_store_frozen );

# There is only one column (the first column) in this case
my $column_name = $frozen_columns->[ 0 ]->{ ColumnName };
my $column =
Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new_with_attributes( $column_name,
text => 0 );
$column->set_resizable( TRUE );
$tree_view_frozen->append_column( $column );

# Synchronize the frozen-tree with the full-tree
'row-expanded' => sub {
my ( $view, $iter, $path ) = @_;
$tree_view_full->expand_row( $path, 0 );
'row-collapsed' => sub {
my ( $view, $iter, $path ) = @_;
$tree_view_full->collapse_row( $path );

# Recursive function to actually create the tree
append_children( $tree_view_full->get_model(), undef, $data_tree,
$all_columns );
append_children( $tree_view_frozen->get_model(),
undef, $data_tree, $frozen_columns );

# Add the frozen-tree to the left side of the pane
my $paned = Gtk2::HPaned->new;
$paned->add1( $tree_view_frozen );

# we set the vertical size request very small, and it ill fill up the

# available space when we set the default size of the window .
$tree_view_frozen->set_size_request( -1, 10 );

# Add the full-tree to a scrolled window in the right pane
my $scroll = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new;
$scroll->add( $tree_view_full );
$paned->add2( $scroll );

# Synchronize the scrolling
$tree_view_frozen->set( vadjustment => $tree_view_full->get_vadjustment

# Create a new window and add the pane into it
my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
destroy => sub {
$window->add( $paned );
$window->set_default_size( 300, 100 );

# The obligatory recursive function to display the tree
# I don't know the performance implications of using recursion,

# but it seems easy to write and understand
sub append_children {
my ( $tree_store, $iter, $data_tree, $columns ) = @_;
if ( $data_tree ) {
my $count = 0;
my $child_iter = $tree_store->append( $iter );
for my $column ( @$columns ) {
my $column_name = $column->{ ColumnName };
if ( $data_tree->{ $column_name } ) {
$tree_store->set( $child_iter, $count,
$data_tree->{ $column_name } );
foreach my $child ( @{ $data_tree->{ 'Node' } } ) {
append_children( $tree_store, $child_iter, $child, $columns );




I am looking for a way to display large tree structure - 60-70,000
resulting from parsing source code for an OO language. I tried Tk
in the best but it would choke. I know it can be done in VB but I was
if there are any GUI toolkits in Perl capable of doing it.
At the beginning I would like the tree nodes to be all collapsed and I
like to be able to do regexp searh for a node that would result in
of intermediate nodes. Essentially I need a source code browser for
a proprietary (Java like) language.

TIA for any pointers/info/references,


On a 1GHz Athlon, 100,000 calls to Tk::HList::addchild took
12 seconds. That's too slow?


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