Is there any separate editor for ruby?


Vellingiri Arul

Hai Friends,
Is there any separate editor for ruby?
If it is there Please you could tell to me.
where I can getting the package,I am RedHat EL4 version OS.
how i am going to install that package.I heard that one separate editor
is there.
I am not sure,with that I have asking to you.
Please tell me.


7stud --

Vellingiri said:
Hai Friends,
Is there any separate editor for ruby?
If it is there Please you could tell to me.
where I can getting the package,I am RedHat EL4 version OS.
how i am going to install that package.I heard that one separate editor
is there.
I am not sure,with that I have asking to you.
Please tell me.


$ vim myfile.rb

Alex Gutteridge

Dear Friend,
Other that that vi,emacs,vim,is there any editor is there.

This is a very frequently asked question and there are many options
available. Your best bet is probably to search the archives for the
last big thread.

Alex Gutteridge

Bioinformatics Center
Kyoto University

Alex Shulgin

Dear Friend,
Other that that vi,emacs,vim,is there any editor is there.

Why would you want a _separate_ editor program in the first place? Do
you know any example of such an editor suitable exclusively for some
other programming language? Can you estimate how much time/effort
would it take to develop a working editor for every new programming
language? ;-)

I use GNU Emacs with ruby-mode and I'm pretty happy with it. Please
no holy wars...

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