Issues related to storing heterogeneous-sized objects in a vector


Ramon F Herrera

Newbie alert: I come from C programming, so I still have that frame of
mind, but I am trying to "Think in C++". In C this problem would be
solved using unions.


Please consider the snippet below. I have some objects which are
derived (subclassed?, subtyped?) from simpler ones, in increasing
size. There is a linear hierarchy. I need to keep them all in some
sort of linked list (perhaps std::vector). I could have several
vectors, one for every different class, but I have an intuitive belief
that C++ must be able to provide a means to save all the objects in
the same vector.

Issue #1: Notice the definition of the vector. Should I use the
largest class (vector<pentagon>) to reserve space for the extreme
case? Or, should I define a vector<triangle> instead since the others
are inheritors of the triangle class?

Maybe my approach is wrong to begin with?




#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct point
int x, y;

class triangle
public :
point vertex1;
point vertex2;
point vertex3;

class square : public triangle
public :
point vertex4;

class pentagon : public square
public :
point vertex5;

int main()
vector<triangle> piggybank;
triangle *love_affair = new triangle;
square *boxing_ring = new square;
pentagon *military = new pentagon;

military->vertex5.x = 123;
military->vertex5.y = 456;


return 0;

Ramon F Herrera

Issue #1: Notice the definition of the vector. Should I use the
largest class (vector<pentagon>) to reserve space for the extreme
case? Or, should I define a vector<triangle> instead since the others
are inheritors of the triangle class?

Perhaps there is a way to specify all possible classes that will be
welcome in the vector? This would be my guessed syntax:

vector<triangle|square|pentagon> universal_container;

Could this be a job for templates (which I barely understand)?


Kai-Uwe Bux

Ramon said:
Newbie alert: I come from C programming, so I still have that frame of
mind, but I am trying to "Think in C++". In C this problem would be
solved using unions.


Please consider the snippet below. I have some objects which are
derived (subclassed?, subtyped?) from simpler ones, in increasing
size. There is a linear hierarchy. I need to keep them all in some
sort of linked list (perhaps std::vector). I could have several
vectors, one for every different class, but I have an intuitive belief
that C++ must be able to provide a means to save all the objects in
the same vector.

Issue #1: Notice the definition of the vector. Should I use the
largest class (vector<pentagon>) to reserve space for the extreme
case? Or, should I define a vector<triangle> instead since the others
are inheritors of the triangle class?

Maybe my approach is wrong to begin with?




#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct point
int x, y;

class triangle
public :
point vertex1;
point vertex2;
point vertex3;

class square : public triangle

This is not good. A square is not a triangle. The line above means that you
can pass a square to each function that takes a triangle as an argument.
But that will generally not make any sense.
public :
point vertex4;

class pentagon : public square
public :
point vertex5;

int main()
vector<triangle> piggybank;
triangle *love_affair = new triangle;
square *boxing_ring = new square;
pentagon *military = new pentagon;

military->vertex5.x = 123;
military->vertex5.y = 456;


Google for "slicing". All you do is copy the triangle subobjects into the

If you need a vector whose entries are polymorphic, you should consider

vector< BaseClass * >

or (usually better)

vector< some_smart_pointer< BaseClass > >

where the smart pointer would have the right semantics (e.g., deep copy if
you want value semantics mimicking the behavior of containers most
return 0;

A more fundamental question is about the semantics of your objects. Are
objects of type triangle supposed to be values (i.e., different objects can
be the same triangle) or are they supposed to be entities (i.e., different
objects will always be different also their member variables might have
identical values). Containers work better with values, OOP in C++ works
better with entities. Pointers interface between values and entities (since
the address of an entity object is a value).


Kai-Uwe Bux


Newbie alert: I come from C programming, so I still have that frame of
mind, but I am trying to "Think in C++". In C this problem would be
solved using unions.


Please consider the snippet below. I have some objects which are
derived (subclassed?, subtyped?) from simpler ones, in increasing
size. There is a linear hierarchy. I need to keep them all in some
sort of linked list (perhaps std::vector). I could have several
vectors, one for every different class, but I have an intuitive belief
that C++ must be able to provide a means to save all the objects in
the same vector.

You certainly can, assuming you design a hierarchy that supports a
base type.
Think 'Shapes'
Issue #1: Notice the definition of the vector. Should I use the
largest class (vector<pentagon>) to reserve space for the extreme
case? Or, should I define a vector<triangle> instead since the others
are inheritors of the triangle class?

Maybe my approach is wrong to begin with?



Consider the following, lets forget the coordinate system for now

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

class Shape { };
class Triangle : public Shape { };
class Rectangle : public Shape { };
class Circle : public Shape { };

int main()
std::vector< Shape* > shapes;

Triangle tri;
Rectangle rect;
Circle circ;


std::cout << "vector shapes has ";
std::cout << shapes.size() << " elements\n";


#include <vector>

using namespace std;

struct point
int x, y;


class triangle
public :
point vertex1;
point vertex2;
point vertex3;


class square : public triangle
public :
point vertex4;


class pentagon : public square
public :
point vertex5;


int main()
vector<triangle> piggybank;
triangle *love_affair = new triangle;
square *boxing_ring = new square;
pentagon *military = new pentagon;

military->vertex5.x = 123;
military->vertex5.y = 456;


return 0;


I'ld suggest choosing a smart_pointer instead of new.
You would end up with something like the following (using
boost::shared_ptr in this case)

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include "boost/smart_ptr.hpp"

class Shape { };

class Triangle : public Shape
~Triangle(){ std::cout << "~Triangle\n"; }

class Rectangle : public Shape
~Rectangle(){ std::cout << "~Rectangle\n"; }

class Circle : public Shape
~Circle(){ std::cout << "~Circle\n"; }

int main()
std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<Shape> > shapes;

// Triangle tri;
// Rectangle rect;
// Circle circ;

shapes.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<Shape>(new Triangle));
shapes.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<Shape>(new Rectangle));
shapes.push_back(boost::shared_ptr<Shape>(new Circle));

std::cout << "vector shapes has ";
std::cout << shapes.size() << " elements\n";

vector shapes has 3 elements

The above uses default constructors only, if parametized ctors are
supplied, the concept remains the same.

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