Jmail in spam


M. Savas Zorlu

Hi Everyone,

I am using Jmail to send mail through my website. In my case it is a
reservation confirmation. The Problem is that email sent from Jmail is
going directly to spam folder in Gmail.

When I look at email headers, everything looks fine. Here is the code.
Can someone please tell me what I need to do so the email does not go to

on error resume next

Set jmail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.Message")

strReferer = request.servervariables("HTTP_REFERER")
strServer2 = Replace(request.servervariables("SERVER_NAME"),"www.","")
strClientIP = request.servervariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
strServerIP = request.servervariables("LOCAL_ADDR")

JMail.Charset = lang(cVAR,"","MetaLang")

JMail.MailServerUserName = mailserverusername
JMail.MailServerPassWord = mailserverpassword

jmail.AddRecipient request.form("FrmEMAIL"),
ChkString(request.form("FrmNAME"),"message") & " " &
JMail.AddRecipientBCC strsender, sitename
jmail.From = strsender
jmail.FromName = sendername
JMail.ReplyTo = request("from")

JMail.Priority = 3
JMail.AddHeader "Originating-IP", strClientIP

JMail.Silent = True
JMail.Logging = True

jmail.Subject = strSubject
jmail.Body = strBody

contentId = jmail.AddAttachment("d:\images\logo.png")

jmail.HTMLBody = someMoreBody
jmail.appendHTML SomeMoreHtml

jmail.Body = strbody
jmail.appendText strtext & vbCrLf & vbCrLf


Adrienne Boswell

I am using Jmail to send mail through my website. In my case it is a
reservation confirmation. The Problem is that email sent from Jmail is
going directly to spam folder in Gmail.

When I look at email headers, everything looks fine. Here is the code.
Can someone please tell me what I need to do so the email does not go to

<snip coding>

There are many reasons mail servers think mail received is spam.
1. IP address of mail server is different from that in the email, eg. vs where Google is expecting

2. Images, especially those that are the dimensions of a banner.

3. IP address or IP address range has been reported by a recipient as
spam in the past

4. An IP or domain is already on a blacklist - there are several out
there - is a big one

5. There is relaying on the server and the server is on a relays
blacklist, eg.

6. Content - mail servers filter on certain words, eg. Viagra, Watches,

Google for domainkeys, a technology started by Yahoo, which a lot of
ISPs have implemented.

Your best bet is to put something on the form that says to add your
email to the allowed list.

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