LazyTree converted to a Checkbox Tree, but checkbox clear?



I have been working with lazytree.js to convert it to a checkbox tree.
LazyTree.js runs really quickly and other free checkbox trees that I
have come across seem to be too slow - but if anyone knows of a better
example to work on please let me know.

The problem that I am having with my conversion of this [originally]
folder tree to a checkbox tree is that i) checked boxes are being
cleared when the tree is closed and then reopened, ii) I can't seem to
get the values of the checkboxes out to form values and iii)
checkboxing of a parent element does need to have some function to
automatically checkbox the child checkboxes.

The html is:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>lazytree checkbox tree testing</title>
<meta name="vs_targetSchema"
content="" />
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='skin/lt.css' />
<script src='lazyTree.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>

function onTreeSelect (tn) {
document.getElementById('idTreeSelection').innerHTML = 'You selected
"' + tn.title + '".';
if ( && ) (, '_blank');
function onTreeRead (tn) {
tn.setLazyNodeStatus (LTNodeStatus_Reading);
tn.setLazyNodeStatus (LTNodeStatus_Ok);
function initTree() {
var tree = new CLazyTree ('idTree', 'Root Cause');

// tree.bExpandOnAdd = true;
tree.bRootVisible = false;
tree.bRootCollapsible = true;
// tree.bSelectExpandsFolders = false;
tree.bAutoCollapse = false;

tree.onSelect = onTreeSelect;
tree.onLazyRead = onTreeRead;

tree.enableUpdate (false);

// --- this is a sample of a simple node hierarchy:
var m1 = tree.getRoot().addFolder ('Team 1');
var m2 = tree.getRoot().addFolder ('Team 2');

var n;

n = m1.addDoc ('Front');
n.addDoc ('Player 1');
n.addDoc ('Player 2');
n = m1.addDoc ('Mid');
n.addDoc ('Player 1');
n.addDoc ('Player 2');
n = m1.addDoc ('Rear');
n.addDoc ('Player 1');
n.addDoc ('Player 2');
n.addDoc ('Player 3');
n.addDoc ('Player 4');
n = m1.addDoc ('Goal');

n = m2.addDoc ('Front');
n.addDoc ('Player 1');
n.addDoc ('Player 2');
n = m2.addDoc ('Mid');
n.addDoc ('Player 1');
n.addDoc ('Player 2');
n = m2.addDoc ('Rear');
n.addDoc ('Player 1');
n.addDoc ('Player 2');

ltLog ('tree was created.');
tree.enableUpdate (true);
<body onload='initTree();'>

<div id='idNoJS'>This page requires JavaScript. Please make sure you
have enabled this in your browser's settings.</div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
document.getElementById('idNoJS').style.display = 'none'; </script>

<div id='idTree'>
<div id='idTreeSelection'>
<div id='idLogPanel'>
<p>(Remove the div-tag with id <code>idLogPanel</code> to suppress
debug output.)</p>

the jscript is:

Dynamic HTML tree, with support for lazy loading of branches.

This code may be used freely, as long as
- you accept, that NO WARRANTY is given:
use it a your own risk OR DON'T USE IT AT ALL
- this comment header is left intact

A current version and some documentation should be available at

Let me know, if you find bugs or improvements.
(c) 2006 (e-mail address removed)


* Common functions for extending classes etc.
* Borrowed from prototype.js
var Class = {
create: function() {
return function() {
this.initialize.apply(this, arguments);

* Debug funcions
var bDebug = true;
var divLogPanel = null;
function ltLog (msg) {
if ( !bDebug )
if ( !divLogPanel ) {
divLogPanel = document.getElementById('idLogPanel');
if ( !divLogPanel ) {
bDebug = false;
var dt = new Date();
divLogPanel .innerHTML +=
+ ' ' + msg + '<br>';

* CLazyTreeNode
var LTNodeStatus_Error = 'Error.';
var LTNodeStatus_Reading = 'Loading...';
var LTNodeStatus_Ok = null;

var CLazyTreeNode = Class.create();
CLazyTreeNode.prototype = {
initialize: function(tree, data) {
this.tree = tree;
if ( typeof data == 'string' ) { = null;
this.title = data;
} else { = data;
this.title = data.title;
this.parent = null; // not yet added to a parent
this.div = null; // not yet created
this.span = null; // not yet created
this.aChilds = null; // new Array();
this.bIsFolder = false;
this.bDelayed = false;
this.bRead = false;
this.bExpanded = false;
inspect: function() {
return '"' + this.title + '" (' + + ')';
getInnerHtml: function() {
// cache tags
var ip = this.tree.imagePath; //'images/';

this.tagFld = '<input type=checkbox name=checkbx value=unknown
onclick="toggleNodeOpen(this)" >';
this.tagFld_o = '<input type=checkbox name=checkbx value=unknown
onclick="toggleNodeOpen(this)" checked>';
this.tagDoc = '<input type=checkbox name=checkbx value=unknown

this.tagL_ns = '<img src="' + ip + 'ltL_ns.gif" alt="|" height="16"
this.tagL_ = '<img src="' + ip + 'ltL_.gif" alt="" height="16"

var res = '';

// parent connectors
var bIsRoot = (this.parent==null);
var bHideFirstConnector = ( !this.tree.bRootVisible ||
!this.tree.bRootCollapsible );

var p = this.parent;
while ( p ) {
if ( ! (bHideFirstConnector && p.parent==null ) )
res = ( p.isLastSibling() ? this.tagL_ : this.tagL_ns) + res ;
p = p.parent;

// connector (expanded, expandable or simple
// alert (this.title + ' isLast=' + this.isLastSibling());
var imgConnector = null;
var imgAlt = '';
var bHasLink = true;
if ( bHideFirstConnector && bIsRoot ) {
// skip connector
imgConnector = null;
bHasLink = false;
} else if ( this.aChilds && this.bExpanded ) {
imgConnector = ( this.isLastSibling() ? 'ltM_ne' : 'ltM_nes' );
imgAlt = '-';
} else if (this.aChilds) {
imgConnector = ( this.isLastSibling() ? 'ltP_ne' : 'ltP_nes' );
imgAlt = '+';
} else if (this.bDelayed) {
imgConnector = ( this.isLastSibling() ? 'ltD_ne' : 'ltD_nes' );
imgAlt = '?';
} else {
imgConnector = ( this.isLastSibling() ? 'ltL_ne' : 'ltL_nes' );
bHasLink = false;

// var anchor = '#' + this.key;
if ( bHasLink )
res += '<a href="#" onClick="parentNode.ltn.expand();">';
// res += '<a href="javascript:parentNode.ltn.expand();">'
if ( imgConnector )
res += '<img src="' + this.tree.imagePath + imgConnector + '.gif"
alt="' + imgAlt + '" height="16" width="16" />'
if ( bHasLink )
res += '</a>';

// folder or doctype icon
// res += ( this.bIsFolder ? this.tagFld : this.tagDoc );
if ( && ) {
res += '<img src="' + ip + + '" alt="" height="16"
} else if ( this.bIsFolder ) {
res += ( this.bExpanded ? this.tagFld_o : this.tagFld );
} else {
res += this.tagDoc;
res += '&nbsp;';

// node name
var hint = ( && typeof == 'string' ) ? '
title="' + + '"' : '';
if ( this.bIsFolder && this.tree.bSelectExpandsFolders &&
(this.aChilds || this.bDelayed) ) {
res += '<a href="#" onClick="parentNode.ltn.expand();"' + hint +
'>' + this.title + '</a>';
} else if ( !this.bIsFolder ) {
res += '<a href="#" onClick=";"' + hint +
'>' + this.title + '</a>';
} else {
res += this.title;
res += (this.bSelectable ? '<a href="#"
onClick=";">' : '')
+ this.title
+ (this.bSelectable ? '</a>' : '');
return res;
_createOrSetDomElement: function() {
if ( this.div==null ) {
this.div = document.createElement ('div');
this.div.className = 'tnLevelN';

this.span = document.createElement ('span');
this.span.className = 'ltNode';
this.span.ltn = this;
this.div.appendChild ( this.span );
} else {
// simply replace existing span's inner html
return this.div;
render: function (bDeep, bHidden) {

// ltLog ('render '+this.title+', expanded='+this.bExpanded + ',
// --- create <div><span>..</span></div> tags for this node
if ( ! this.span ) {
if ( this.parent )
this.parent.div.appendChild ( this.div );
this.span.className = ( this.bIsFolder ? 'ltFolder' : 'ltDocument'
// hide root?
if ( this.parent==null ) = ( this.tree.bRootVisible ? '' : 'none');
// hide this node, if parent is collapsed = ( this.parent==null || this.parent.bExpanded
? '' : 'none');

// set node connector images, links and text
this.span.innerHTML = this.getInnerHtml();

if ( bDeep && (this.aChilds != null ) && (bHidden || this.bExpanded)
) {
for (var i=0; i<this.aChilds.length; i++) {
this.aChilds.render (bDeep, bHidden)
isLastSibling: function() {
var p = this.parent;
if ( !p ) return true;
return p.aChilds[p.aChilds.length-1] == this;
select: function() {
this.tree.tnSelected = this;
if ( this.tree.onSelect )
this.tree.onSelect (this);
setLazyNodeStatus: function (lts) {
var firstChild = ( this.aChilds ? this.aChilds[0] : null );
if ( lts==LTNodeStatus_Ok ) {
if ( firstChild ) {
this.div.removeChild (firstChild.div);
this.bRead = true;
} else {
if ( firstChild ) {
firstChild.title = lts;
firstChild.render (false, false);
} else {
this._addChildNode (new CLazyTreeNode (this.tree, lts, null));
_expand: function (bExpand) {
if ( this.bExpanded == bExpand )
// ltLog ('_expand ('+this.title+', '+bExpand+')...');
this.bExpanded = bExpand;
// expanding a lazy node: set 'loading...' and call callback
if ( bExpand && this.bDelayed && !this.bRead ) {
if ( this.tree.onLazyRead ) {
this.setLazyNodeStatus ('reading');
this.tree.onLazyRead (this);
} else {
alert ('onLazyRead callback not set');
// render expanded nodes
this.render (true, false);
// we didn't render collapsed nodes, so we have to update the
visibility of direct childs
if ( this.aChilds ) {
for (var i=0; i<this.aChilds.length; i++) { = (this.bExpanded ? '' : 'none');
expand: function() {
ltLog ('expand ('+this.title+')...');
this._expand ( ! this.bExpanded);
// auto-collapse mode
if ( this.bExpanded && this.parent && this.tree.bAutoCollapse ) {
var ac = this.parent.aChilds;
for (var i=0; i<ac.length; i++) {
// ltLog ('aci=('+ac.title+', this='+this.title+')...' + ', eq='
+ (ac == this));
if ( ac!=this )
ac._expand (false);
ltLog ('expand ('+this.title+') done.');
onLoad: function() {
alert ('expand ' + this.key);
_cbHide: function (tn) { = 'none';
_cbShow: function (tn) { = '';
showChilds: function (bShow) {
// don't recurse, because div tags are nested anyway
this.visit (bShow ? this._cbShow : this._cbHide, false, false);
visit: function (cb, bSelf, bDeep) {
var n = 0;
if ( bSelf ) { cb (this); n++; }
if ( this.aChilds ) {
for (var i=0; i<this.aChilds.length; i++) {
if ( bDeep ) {
n += this.aChilds.visit (cb, true, bDeep);
} else {
cb (this.aChilds);
return n;
_addChildNode: function (tn) {
// ltLog ('addChild '+tn.title);
if ( this.aChilds==null ) {
this.aChilds = new Array();
this.eExpandable = 1;
this.aChilds.push (tn);
tn.parent = this;

if ( this.tree.bExpandOnAdd || ( (!this.tree.bRootCollapsible ||
!this.tree.bRootVisible) && this.parent==null ) )
this.bExpanded = true;
if ( this.tree.bEnableUpdate )
this.render (true, false);
return tn;
collapseSiblings: function() {
if ( this.parent==null )
var ac = this.parent.aChilds;
for (var i=0; i<ac.length; i++) {
if ( ac!=this && ac.bExpanded )
addDoc: function (data) {
var tn = new CLazyTreeNode (this.tree, data);
return this._addChildNode (tn);
addFolder: function (data) {
var tn = new CLazyTreeNode (this.tree, data);
tn.bIsFolder = true;
return this._addChildNode (tn);
addLazyDoc: function (data) {
var tn = new CLazyTreeNode (this.tree, data);
tn.bDelayed = true;
tn.bRead = false;
return this._addChildNode (tn);
addLazyFolder: function (data) {
var tn = new CLazyTreeNode (this.tree, data);
tn.bIsFolder = true;
tn.bDelayed = true;
tn.bRead = false;
return this._addChildNode (tn);
// --- end of class
lastFunction: function ()

* CLazyTree
var CLazyTree = Class.create();
CLazyTree.prototype = {
// static members
version: '0.2',
// constructor
initialize: function (id, name) {
ltLog ('CLazyTree.initialize()');
// instance members
this.bEnableUpdate = true;
this.tnSelected = null;
this.imagePath = 'skin/';
this.onSelect = null;
this.onLazyRead = null;

this.bRootVisible = true;
this.bRootCollapsible = false;
this.bExpandOnAdd = false;
this.bSelectExpandsFolders = true;
this.bAutoCollapse = false;

// find container element
this.divTree = document.getElementById (id);
// create the root element
this.tnRoot = new CLazyTreeNode (this, {title:name, key:'root'});
this.tnRoot.bIsFolder = true;
this.tnRoot.render (false, false);
this.divRoot = this.tnRoot.div;
this.divRoot.className = 'lazyTree';
// add root to container
this.divTree.appendChild (this.divRoot);
// member functions
inspect: function() {
return 'CLazyTree "' + name + '"';
redraw: function() {
ltLog ('redraw... ');
this.tnRoot.render (true, false);
ltLog ('redraw done. ');
getRoot: function (tn) {
return this.tnRoot;
enableUpdate: function (bEnable) {
if ( this.bEnableUpdate==bEnable )
return bEnable;
this.bEnableUpdate = bEnable;
if ( bEnable )
return !bEnable; // return prev. value
// --- end of class
lastFunction: function ()

The css is:
font-family: tahoma, arial, helvetica;
font-size: smaller;

line-height: 0;

white-space: nowrap;

padding: 3;
border-width: 2;
border-style: inset;
border-color: buttonhighlight;

background-color: threedlightshadow; /*#f0f0f0;*/
/* padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border-width: 0; */
..lazyTree a
text-decoration: none;
..lazyTree a:visited
text-decoration: none;
..lazyTree a:hover
text-decoration: underline;
..lazyTree a:focus
text-decoration: none;
background-color: Gray;
..lazyTree a:active
text-decoration: none;
background-color: Gray;
..lazyTree img
border-width: 0;
font-weight: bold;
color: graytext;
vertical-align: middle;
/* background-color:#DDDDDD;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
border-width: 0;*/
#idLogPanel {
background-color: #f0f0f0;

original code credit:

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