Limiting duplicates in a dynamic dropdown? - Code included



I'm using this script to dynamicaly populate 2 dropdowns and dispaly the
results. Choose a component type from the first drop down, lets say
'car' and the second box will list all the car 'manufacturers' and the
display will then provide all the rest of the info from the other fields.

I need to eliminate all the duplicates in the First Drop Down as it
currently displays an entry for every record, many are identical, I might
have over 2,000 records but only around 15 componet_types, which would
ideal for this drop down.


<!-- Start First Drop Down -->

Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDC.Open Application("Database1_connectionstring")

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select Component_Type FROM Parts_Table")
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-
collapse: collapse" width="100%" id="AutoNumber1">
<td width="3%">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="77%">
<FORM METHOD="POST" NAME="Form1" ACTION="systems.asp">
<p align="left">
<SELECT NAME="Component_Type" SIZE="1" ONCHANGE=Form1.submit()>
<option selected><% = Request.Form("Component_Type") %>
' Continue until we get to the end of the recordset.
Do Until objRS.EOF
' For each record we create a option tag and set it's value to
the Component_Type
<OPTION><%= objRS("Component_Type") %></OPTION>
' Get next record
</SELECT> <b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080">Choose a
Component Type</font></b></p>

' Close Data Access Objects and free DB variables
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDC = Nothing

<!-- End first Drop Down -->
<!--Second drop down -->

'Some code to hide the second drop down until we make a selection from
the first
IF Request.Form("Component_Type") = "" Then
'If Component_Type has a value then we get a list of parts for the second
drop down
Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDC.Open Application("Database1_connectionstring")

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select Products FROM Parts_Table WHERE
Component_Type = '" & Request.Form("Component_Type") & "'")
<FORM METHOD="POST" NAME="Form2" ACTION="systems.asp">
<p align="left">
<font face="Arial"><font color="#008080"><b>
<SELECT NAME="Products" SIZE="1" ONCHANGE=Form2.submit()>
<option selected><% = Request.Form("Products") %></option>
' Continue until we get to the end of the recordset.
Do Until objRS.EOF
' For each record we create a option tag and set it's value to
the Products
<OPTION><%= objRS("Products") %></OPTION>
' Get next record
'Set a hidden value in the second form for the Component_Type
'so we can pass it along with the Products to the next query
</SELECT></b></font><b><font size="2" color="#008080"> </font>
<font size="2" color="#000080">Choose a Product</font></b><font
color="#000080"><b><input type="hidden" name="Component_Type" value="<% =
Request.Form("Component_Type") %>"></b></font></font></p>

' Close Data Access Objects and free DB variables
Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDC = Nothing
End IF

<!-- Display the records -->

<td width="20%"><img border="0" src="compsystem200X120.gif"></td>
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-
collapse: collapse" width="600" id="AutoNumber2">
<td width="55" valign="top"><b>
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000000">Details: </font><font
face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"> <% Response.Write Products & " " &
Component_Type %> </font>
<td width="311">
'Make sure we have submitted a Product and don't show results until we do
IF Request.Form("Products") = "" Then
Set objDC = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objDC.Open Application("Database1_connectionstring")

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select * FROM Parts_Table WHERE Component_Type
= '" & Request.Form("Component_Type") & "' AND Products = '" &
Request.Form("Products") & "'")

'Loop through the database and assign the appropriate values to variables
'that we will use later

Do Until objRS.EOF
Manufacturer = objRS("Manufacturer")
Description = objRS("Description")
Model_No = objRS("Model_No")
Products = objRS("Products")
Part_Number = objRS("Part_Number")
Price = objRS("Price")
Image = objRS("Image")
Options = objRS("Options")
Component_Type = objRS("Component_Type")

Set objRS = Nothing
Set objDC = Nothing
<p align="left"><b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"><%
Response.Write Products & " - " & Component_Type %> </font>
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080">
'Set up the display of the record
Response.Write "Manufacturer - " & Manufacturer & "<br>"
Response.Write Description & "<br>"
Response.Write "Model No. " & Model_No & "<br>"
Response.Write Products & " - " & "Part No. " & Part_Number & " Price
" & Price & "<br>"
IF Options <> "" Then
Response.Write "Options:- " & Options & "<br>"
Response.Write "Image " & Image & "<br>"
End IF
End IF

WIlliam Morris

Set objRS = objDC.Execute("Select DISTINCT Component_Type FROM

That ought to do it.


As you can see I'm very new to ASP and just can't learn this stuff quick

I have a field with the url to the image folder and would like to display
the image, but on the right hand side of the page in another cell.

so the output looks like:-

details: (the output) IMAGE
(the output)
(the output)

Any help appreciated


<p align="left"><b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"><%
Response.Write Products & " - " & Component_Type %> </font>
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080">
'Set up the display of the record
Response.Write "Manufacturer - " & Manufacturer & "<br>"
Response.Write Description & "<br>"
Response.Write "Model No. " & Model_No & "<br>"
Response.Write Products & " - " & "Part No. " & Part_Number & " Price
" & Price & "<br>"
IF Options <> "" Then
Response.Write "Options:- " & Options & "<br>"
Response.Write "Image " & Image & "<br>" <<=I KNOW THIS IS WRONG
End IF
End IF


<td width="41%">&nbsp;</td>



Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Kingdom
As you can see I'm very new to ASP and just can't learn this stuff
quick enough.

I have a field with the url to the image folder and would like to
display the image, but on the right hand side of the page in another

so the output looks like:-

details: (the output) IMAGE
(the output)
(the output)

Any help appreciated


<p align="left"><b><font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"><%
Response.Write Products & " - " & Component_Type %> </font> </b> <br>
<font face="Arial" size="2" color="#000080"> <%
'Set up the display of the record
Response.Write "Manufacturer - " & Manufacturer & "<br>"
Response.Write Description & "<br>"
Response.Write "Model No. " & Model_No & "<br>"
Response.Write Products & " - " & "Part No. " & Part_Number & " Price
" & Price & "<br>"
IF Options <> "" Then
Response.Write "Options:- " & Options & "<br>"
Response.Write "Image " & Image & "<br>" <<=I KNOW THIS IS WRONG
End IF
End IF


<td width="41%">&nbsp;</td>


You really should head on over to one of the client side groups like
alt.html where they will tell you that:
A. Tables should be used for tabular data, not for presentation and
B. The FONT element is depreciated
C. Image elements should have alt attributes

But here you go:

<% response.write "Image <img src=" chr(034) & image & chr(034) & "
height=" & chr(034) & "100" & chr(034) & " width=" & chr(034) & "100" & chr
(034) & " alt=" & chr(034) & "description of image" & chr(034) & "><br>" %>

or better:

Image <img src="<%=image%>" width="100" height="100" alt="description of


Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Kingdom

You really should head on over to one of the client side groups like
alt.html where they will tell you that:
A. Tables should be used for tabular data, not for presentation and
B. The FONT element is depreciated
C. Image elements should have alt attributes

But here you go:

<% response.write "Image <img src=" chr(034) & image & chr(034) & "
height=" & chr(034) & "100" & chr(034) & " width=" & chr(034) & "100"
& chr (034) & " alt=" & chr(034) & "description of image" & chr(034) &
"><br>" %>

or better:

Image <img src="<%=image%>" width="100" height="100" alt="description
of image"><br>

I still cannot get the image to show, any where with either scripts. The
page loads the image place holder on the first pass and this may be my

The full code is in the first post in this thread if you have any ideas.

Thanks for your help in this and advice, it's a steep learning curve but
fun when things eventually work.


Gazing into my crystal ball I observed Kingdom
I still cannot get the image to show, any where with either scripts. The
page loads the image place holder on the first pass and this may be my

The full code is in the first post in this thread if you have any ideas.

Thanks for your help in this and advice, it's a steep learning curve but
fun when things eventually work.

Have you looked at the source? Is the path to the image correct?

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