MathML to SVG



Does anybody know a MathML editor, whether free or commercial, which is
able to export the equations to SVG? I am searching for a way to get a
SVG out of a MathML file. I know Custard, JEuclid and some other tools
which haven't conviced me yet. I know Mathematica can export to SVG but
this a little bit overdosed for my needs.

David Carlisle

There is also the route of mathml - tex - dvi - svg, I haven't tried any
of the dvi to svg convertors recently but google'ing for dvi svg shows a
lot of activity in that area.



Indeed I just began to go this way a few days ago. The dvi2svg
convertors seem to be more advanced than mml2svg.
My problem is know that I need a "slim" latex system for windows which
only purpose is to create a dvi out of my tex files. All
"distributions" like MikTex are huge package collections. I haven't
found yet any usefull information about what I minimally need for just
creating a dvi out of a tex file. The reason is I plan to incorporate
this in my custom application


A student of mine has implemented a MathML-to-SVG converter in XSLT
2.0. It is far from production quality, but the design is relatively
clean, and we hope to massage it into a useful distribution over the
summer. This should be a good starting point for further development.
Check it out at
(in French, sorry, but there are pictures).

Peter Flynn

Tom said:
Indeed I just began to go this way a few days ago. The dvi2svg
convertors seem to be more advanced than mml2svg.
My problem is know that I need a "slim" latex system for windows which
only purpose is to create a dvi out of my tex files. All
"distributions" like MikTex are huge package collections. I haven't
found yet any usefull information about what I minimally need for just
creating a dvi out of a tex file. The reason is I plan to incorporate
this in my custom application

One of the commercial implementations, PCTeX, installs with a minimal
set of packages and may suit this requirement as it is targeted at math.


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