need a new web site host



I am sure this question comes up here often but I am also sure new ideas
often come up. I may need a new host for my web site. Any good ideas for
great service and reasonable price of course. Now, maybe you have some
opinions about why I am thinking about changing. My internet service
provider is through earthlink. My web host is They offer a
great deal for the $8 a month BUT it appears that because of a year old
spamming issue earthlink blocks emails sent to my web site and any site
hosted by hostsave. I know this is happening because when I send emails from
my earthink account to my email addresses through my web site they get
bounced. I also wonder if other internet service providers my be blocking
emails to my addresses at my web site. I know business has dropped off
lately and can't help but wonder if this might be a cause. Has anyone else
ever encountered this problem?

Rob McAninch

Paul said:
I am sure this question comes up here often but I am also sure
new ideas often come up. I may need a new host for my web
site. Any good ideas for great service and reasonable price of
course. [...]

You can search the reviews or maybe look at companies that have one
their editor's choice award.

Tina -

Paul said:
I am sure this question comes up here often but I am also sure new ideas
often come up. I may need a new host for my web site. Any good ideas for
great service and reasonable price of course. Now, maybe you have some
opinions about why I am thinking about changing. My internet service
provider is through earthlink. My web host is They offer a
great deal for the $8 a month BUT it appears that because of a year old
spamming issue earthlink blocks emails sent to my web site and any site
hosted by hostsave. I know this is happening because when I send emails from
my earthink account to my email addresses through my web site they get
bounced. I also wonder if other internet service providers my be blocking
emails to my addresses at my web site. I know business has dropped off
lately and can't help but wonder if this might be a cause. Has anyone else
ever encountered this problem?

It doesn't make sense that email FROM earthlink would be blocked TO your
hosted email. Do you actually have more reason than that to believe its a
spam issue? It could be a misconfigured email account or something.


Tina -

Rob McAninch said:
Paul said:
I am sure this question comes up here often but I am also sure
new ideas often come up. I may need a new host for my web
site. Any good ideas for great service and reasonable price of
course. [...]

You can search the reviews or maybe look at companies that have one
their editor's choice award.

Oh! We did! :)

This is actually one of the only awards that really actually meant much to
me. I wish they would have told me we won it though - I didn't find out
until about 4 months ago when I was Googling around to see where our site
was being linked from!!



While sitting in a puddle Tina - scribbled in the
It doesn't make sense that email FROM earthlink would be blocked TO
your hosted email. Do you actually have more reason than that to
believe its a spam issue? It could be a misconfigured email account
or something.

CWIA in nothern CA blocked everything from Earthink for about 6 months.
Their explanation - they got to much email from earthlink.

Tina -

Duende said:
While sitting in a puddle Tina - scribbled in the

CWIA in nothern CA blocked everything from Earthink for about 6 months.
Their explanation - they got to much email from earthlink.

Hosts/ISPs shouldn't be in the business of censoring their customers email.
They should give them the tools needed to filter it themselves.



While sitting in a puddle Tina - scribbled in the
Hosts/ISPs shouldn't be in the business of censoring their customers
email. They should give them the tools needed to filter it themselves.

I agree with you but some do it anyway.


Tina - said:
Hosts/ISPs shouldn't be in the business of censoring their customers email.
They should give them the tools needed to filter it themselves.

My ISP started filtering spam about 6 months ago. Best thing they ever did.
Cut my spam down from about 80 per day to about 3 per day. I then use
Mailwasher on the last 3. Saves me a lot of time.


Tina -

Malcolm said:
My ISP started filtering spam about 6 months ago. Best thing they ever did.
Cut my spam down from about 80 per day to about 3 per day. I then use
Mailwasher on the last 3. Saves me a lot of time.


Filtering spam is always a good idea. However, it should be in the hands
of the person receiving the email. That is, if they want to help you reduce
spam - they should give you the tools you need, rather than censoring your
email for you.

I can't tell you how many times our customers have missed important
announcements or bills (resulting in suspended accounts) because their ISP
thought the email might have been spam. Did you know that emails
containing a subject of: URGENT - Your invoice is overdue! has been
filtered by some well-meaning ISPs for looking too much like spam (words in
all caps and exclamation marks in subjects are a no-no)??? I'm not
against fighting spam or using server-side filters. I just think ISPs have
no business deciding for you and me which emails should be deleted for
looking like spam.



Malcolm wrote:
: > My ISP started filtering spam about 6 months ago. Best thing they ever
: did.
: > Cut my spam down from about 80 per day to about 3 per day. I then use
: > Mailwasher on the last 3. Saves me a lot of time.

That's what you think now, but you may find out about emails you haven't
been receiving. My ISP's spam filter gradually blocked more and more legit
email, and I often didn't find out about it till months later. I had to
switch a number of things over to a web-based email address.

Tina responded to Malcolm:
: I can't tell you how many times our customers have missed important
: announcements or bills (resulting in suspended accounts) because their ISP
: thought the email might have been spam. Did you know that emails
: containing a subject of: URGENT - Your invoice is overdue! has been
: filtered by some well-meaning ISPs for looking too much like spam (words
: all caps and exclamation marks in subjects are a no-no)???

Or those emails may have been blocked because they were from an automated
system. Among the emails my ISP blocked were ones from web hosts.


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