New cross-language web development framework called Jasper




I've just finished a new cross-language web developement framework
called Jasper. It supports several (four, in fact) platforms and
languages, Perl amongst them.

I am posting this new thread since I want others to have a go with
Jasper, and hopefully provide some helpful comments.

It is a while since I've developed a purely Perl driven website
commercially but I felt a Perl implementation was essential. For this
reason, I'm particularly interested in feedback from active Perl web

Kind regards,


A. Sinan Unur

I've just finished a new cross-language web developement framework
called Jasper. It supports several (four, in fact) platforms and
languages, Perl amongst them.

I am posting this new thread since I want others to have a go with
Jasper, and hopefully provide some helpful comments.

Based on a cursory look, I would stay away from this module.

You have re-written a lot of fundamental Perl functionality, which
results in obscurity and (completely unnecessary) performance penalties.

For example,

package ArrayUtils;

sub size
my $arr = shift;

return ( scalar @$arr );


sub keyExistsAndNonEmpty
my $arr = shift;
my $key = shift;

return ( exists($arr->{$key}) && !StringUtils::equals( $arr->
{$key}, "" ) );

The naming of this method is completely misleading. And, a simple

length $str

is enough to check if $str is empty or not.

You have basically written Java in Perl. There is a reason we program in
Perl. If I wanted to program in Java, which I still occasionally do, I
would just go ahead and program in Java.

package RegEx;

sub new
my $class = shift;
my $this = {};

bless ($this, $class);

my $re = shift;
my $ignore = shift;

if ( !$ignore )
$this->{re} = qr/$re/;
$this->{re} = qr/$re/i;

return $this;

sub find
my $this = shift;

my $line = shift;

if ( $line =~ $this->{re} )
my $left = $`;
my $right = $';
my $middle = $&;
my $match = $1;

my @matches = ( $middle );

for ( my $i = 1; $i <= 9; $i++ )
if ( my $mi = eval("\$$i") )
$matches[ $i ] = $mi;

return ( RegExResult->new( $left, $right, $middle, $match,
\@matches ) );

return ( undef );

Once again, you have obscured a whole bunch of crucial things going on,
introduced a completely unnecessary string eval, incurred unnecessary
performance penalties etc.

In other notes, you trample all over the namespace. For example, you put
stuff in package Config. You should read

perldoc perlmod

to learn how to partition the name space, and write proper modules.

There are too many hidden bugs, bad programming practices, and plain old
crap in your code to even begin to think about making it better. You are
better off deleting all existing copies, and going over to CPAN.

There are a whole bunch of great frameworks, such as Catalyst and
Maypole, or a bunch of modules such as CGI::Application, CGI::prototype,
HTML::Template,, Class::DBI so on and so forth for writing
web applications.


A. Sinan Unur <[email protected]>
(remove .invalid and reverse each component for email address)

comp.lang.perl.misc guidelines on the WWW:

A. Sinan Unur

I've just finished a new cross-language web developement framework
called Jasper. It supports several (four, in fact) platforms and
languages, Perl amongst them.

I am posting this new thread since I want others to have a go with
Jasper, and hopefully provide some helpful comments.

It is like an accident, I can't stop looking.

package Log;

sub getTimeStamp
my ( $second, $minute, $hour, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp
) = localtime time;

return ( sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $minute, $second ) );

Hmmm ...

D:\Dload> cat

use strict;
use warnings;

sub getTimeStamp
my ( $second, $minute, $hour, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp
) = loc
altime time;

return ( sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $minute, $second ) );

print getTimeStamp(), "\n";

D:\Dload> t
"my" variable $tmp masks earlier declaration in same statement at D:
\Dload\ line 8.
"my" variable $tmp masks earlier declaration in same statement at D:
\Dload\ line 8.
"my" variable $tmp masks earlier declaration in same statement at D:
\Dload\ line 8.
"my" variable $tmp masks earlier declaration in same statement at D:
\Dload\ line 8.
"my" variable $tmp masks earlier declaration in same statement at D:
\Dload\ line 8.

sub timestamp {
sprintf q{%2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d}, reverse( (localtime) [0 .. 2] );


sub getDateStamp
my ( $tmp, $tmp, $tmp, $day, $month, $year, $tmp, $tmp, $tmp ) =
localtime time;

return ( sprintf( "%02d,%02d,%d", $day, $month + 1, $year + 1900
) );

You should use an unambiguous date string.

sub datestamp {
my ($d, $m, $y) = (localtime)[3 .. 5];
sprintf q{%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d}, $y + 1900, $m + 1, $d;


A. Sinan Unur <[email protected]>
(remove .invalid and reverse each component for email address)

comp.lang.perl.misc guidelines on the WWW:

A. Sinan Unur

I've just finished a new cross-language web developement framework
called Jasper. It supports several (four, in fact) platforms and
languages, Perl amongst them.

I am posting this new thread since I want others to have a go with
Jasper, and hopefully provide some helpful comments.

package StringUtils;

sub chomp {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/[\n\r]+$//;
return ( $str );

Read perldoc -f chomp to see what chomp actually does.

sub toLower {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ tr /A-Z/a-z/;
return ( $str );

sub toUpper {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ tr /a-z/A-Z/;
return ( $str );

Perl builtins lc and uc should be used in preference.

sub equals {
my $first = shift;
my $second = shift;

return ( $first eq $second );

You should directly use the eq operator in your code as opposed to
relagating the comparison to a silly subroutine.

sub len {
my $str = shift;
return ( length( $str ) );

Again, directly call the Perl builtin.

sub split {
my $str = shift;
my $divider = shift;
return split( /$divider/, $str );


In summary, most of the code you have written is completely unnecessary.
Most of the code which is not necessary is either wrong, or bug-prone.

I use frameworks and modules written by others to make it easier to
solve *new* problems, not to experience the same problems over and over


A. Sinan Unur <[email protected]>
(remove .invalid and reverse each component for email address)

comp.lang.perl.misc guidelines on the WWW:


Sinan, hi,

thanks for the feedback.

I accept many of your comments, of all the languages that Jasper is
written in, I confess Perl is my weakest. I was determined to write a
Perl implementation however, not just because Perl provides the 'er' in
Jasper but out of my own fondness for the language. I wish I had more
time to spend on Perl, really.

The main point you make I think in all of this is that Jasper hides
many native Perl functions in what appears to be pointless
functionality of its own.

I agree, but it was unavoidable. I wanted to force web developers to
think about web programming in a way that went beyond language
specifics, to encourage debate, mainly. I also have to write code
snippets to express my ideas so that everyone can read them, hence some
of Jasper's API seems pointless. Developers in any language can level
the same critism at me and all I can do really is to hold my hands up
and point to the fact that when trying to reason across languages, such
generalisations are just unavoidable.

I have taken your specific language points on board, you're right about
the ArrayUtils class, I missed the internals of these methods and if I
drone on about the need to abstract from language specifics for the
sake of demonstration, I should at least take this no further than
absolutely necessary. The two offending methods now look as they

sub keyExistsAndNonEmpty

return ( exists($arr->{$key}) && (length($arr->{$key})>0) );

sub keyExistsAndEquals
return ( exists($arr->{$key}) && ($arr->{$key}eq$val) );

Also the two date related functions of the Log class:

sub getTimeStamp
my ($second,$minute,$hour) = (localtime)[0..2];

return ( sprintf( "%02d:%02d:%02d", $hour, $minute, $second ) );

sub getDateStamp
my ($day,$month,$year) = (localtime)[3..5];

return ( sprintf( "%02d,%02d,%d", $day, $month + 1, $year + 1900 ) );

And the case functions of the StringUtils class, I've really shown my
relative ignorance here, I had no idea 'lc' and'uc' existed, so, of

sub toLower
my $str = shift;

return ( lc($str) );

sub toUpper
my $str = shift;

return ( uc($str) );

If you have any other comments or want to press home the ones I have
omitted to reply to here, please feel free to mail me directly, my
email address is _sf_AT_aleph-one_DOTcom, replace the underscores and
uppercase but keep the hyphen.

Kind regards,


A. Sinan Unur

Sinan, hi,

If you have any other comments or want to press home the ones I have
omitted to reply to here, please feel free to mail me directly, my
email address is _sf_AT_aleph-one_DOTcom, replace the underscores and
uppercase but keep the hyphen.

I think the case is closed for me: There is no reason for the Perl version
of Jasper to exist.

I do recommend that you actually learn Perl before writing Perl. Perl ships
with excellent documentation, and there are great Perl books out there.


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