[NEWBIE] What's wrong in this code?!


Marco Pikiri

Hi all.

I use Altera Max Plus II for an "EPF10K70RC240-4" device.

Here the code:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;

entity progetto2 is

port(clock_25MHz, pb1, pb2 : in std_logic;

segment_a, segment_b, segment_c,
segment_d, segment_e,
segment_f, segment_g : out std_logic;

segment_a1, segment_b1, segment_c1,
segment_d1, segment_e1,
segment_f1, segment_g1 : out std_logic;

punto, punto1 : out std_logic);

end progetto2;

architecture unica of progetto2 is

-- dichiarazione segnali globali
signal clock_10hz : std_logic;
signal ingresso : std_logic; -- onda quadra in ingresso
signal uscita : std_logic; -- onda quadra in uscita
signal led_u, led_d : integer range 0 to 9;
signal segment_data, segment_data1 : std_logic_vector(6 downto 0);
signal freq_in : integer range 10000 to 200000;
signal divisore : integer := (led_d*10 + led_u);
signal freq_out : integer := (freq_in mod divisore);


-- Creo il clock a 10 Hz, necessario per capire se i pulsanti vengono
premuti per più o meno di 100 ms
clock: PROCESS

VARIABLE count_10hz : integer range 0 to 1258750;


wait until clock_25MHz'EVENT and clock_25MHz = '1';

if count_10hz /= 1258749 then
count_10hz := count_10hz + 1;

count_10hz := 0;
clock_10hz <= NOT clock_10hz;

end if;

end process;

-- creazione del contatore 1 -> 99
contatore: PROCESS

VARIABLE cnt : integer range 0 to 10;


wait until (clock_10hz'event and clock_10hz = '1');

if (pb1 = '0' and pb2 = '0') then -- condizione di reset

if cnt /= 10 then
cnt := cnt + 1;

cnt := 0;
led_u <= 1;
led_d <= 0;

end if;

elsif (pb1 = '0') then -- incremento contatore

if (led_u = 9 and led_d /=9) then -- led unità a fondo scala e led
decine no
led_u <= 0;
led_d <= led_d + 1;

elsif (led_u = 9 and led_d = 9) then -- led unità e led decine a fondo
scala (9)
led_u <= 1;
led_d <= 0;

else -- né led unità né led decine a fondo scala
led_u <= led_u + 1;

end if;

elsif (pb2 = '0') then -- decremento contatore

if (led_u = 0 and led_d /= 0) then -- led unità a inizio scala e led
decine no
led_u <= 9;
led_d <= led_d - 1;

elsif (led_u = 0 and led_d = 0) then -- led unità e led decine a inizio
scala (0)
led_u <= 9;
led_d <= 9;

elsif (led_u = 1 and led_d = 0) then -- salto di 00
led_u <= 9;
led_d <= 9;

else -- né led unità né led decine a inizio scala
led_u <= led_u - 1;

end if;


led_d <= led_d;
led_u <= led_u;

end if;

end process;

-- i due processi seguenti sono per verificare il corretto funzionamento del

decine : PROCESS (led_d)


case led_d is

when 0 => segment_data <= "1111110";
when 1 => segment_data <= "0110000";
when 2 => segment_data <= "1101101";
when 3 => segment_data <= "1111001";
when 4 => segment_data <= "0110011";
when 5 => segment_data <= "1011011";
when 6 => segment_data <= "1011111";
when 7 => segment_data <= "1110000";
when 8 => segment_data <= "1111111";
when 9 => segment_data <= "1111011";
when others => segment_data <= "0000101"; -- Er (Errore)

end case;

segment_a <= NOT segment_data(6);
segment_b <= NOT segment_data(5);
segment_c <= NOT segment_data(4);
segment_d <= NOT segment_data(3);
segment_e <= NOT segment_data(2);
segment_f <= NOT segment_data(1);
segment_g <= NOT segment_data(0);

punto <= '1';

end process;

unità : PROCESS (led_u)


case led_u is

when 0 => segment_data1 <= "0000001";
when 1 => segment_data1 <= "1001111";
when 2 => segment_data1 <= "0010010";
when 3 => segment_data1 <= "0000110";
when 4 => segment_data1 <= "1001100";
when 5 => segment_data1 <= "0100100";
when 6 => segment_data1 <= "0100000";
when 7 => segment_data1 <= "0001111";
when 8 => segment_data1 <= "0000000";
when 9 => segment_data1 <= "0000100";
when others => segment_data1 <= "0000101"; -- Er (Errore)

end case;

segment_a1 <= segment_data1(6);
segment_b1 <= segment_data1(5);
segment_c1 <= segment_data1(4);
segment_d1 <= segment_data1(3);
segment_e1 <= segment_data1(2);
segment_f1 <= segment_data1(1);
segment_g1 <= segment_data1(0);

punto1 <= '1';

end process;

-- Creo il segnale di onda quadra (livelli logici 0 - 1) alla frequenza
"freq_in" desiderata (compresa tra 10 e 200 KHz)

segnale_in : PROCESS

VARIABLE max_count_in : integer := ((25175000) mod (2*freq_in));
VARIABLE count_in : integer;


wait until clock_25MHz'EVENT and clock_25MHz = '1';

if count_in /= (max_count_in-1) then
count_in := count_in + 1;

count_in := 0;
ingresso <= NOT ingresso;

end if;

end process;

segnale_out : PROCESS

VARIABLE max_count_out : integer := ((25175000) mod (2*freq_out));
VARIABLE count_out : integer;


wait until clock_25MHz'EVENT and clock_25MHz = '1';

if count_out /= (max_count_out-1) then
count_out := count_out + 1;

count_out := 0;
uscita <= NOT uscita;

end if;

end process;

end unica;

Going to "Save & Check" is all ok, but "Save & Compile" notify 64 errors for
"missing source" on variables "max_count_in" (32 errors) and "max_count_out"
(the other 32 errors). As a newbie, I ignore what's the problem's type...
For me the syntax's code is ok.

Anyone can help me, please?

Many thanks.

Nicolas Matringe

Marco Pikiri a écrit :
Going to "Save & Check" is all ok, but "Save & Compile" notify 64 errors for
"missing source" on variables "max_count_in" (32 errors) and "max_count_out"
(the other 32 errors). As a newbie, I ignore what's the problem's type...
For me the syntax's code is ok.

You declare max_count_in as a variable but you never assign a value,
except at declaration where you assign a default value based on a
signal's value, and you never even assign a value to this signal (freq_in)
Same goes for max_count_out.
Consider using generics and constants.

Tim Good


VHDL was originally developed as a way to write specifications for
complex digital designs. This was quite some time prior to the tools
for synthesis came along.

You should find that there is only a sub-set of valid VHDL syntax which
will work with your modelling tool (i.e. behavioral description level).
From this an even smaller fraction of the possible VHDL statements
will actually produce synthesisable code.

There are many textbooks which describe the VHDL language and a smaller
number which describe SYNTHESIS using VHDL. I wont recommend a
particular text as there are numerous to choose from and it is a matter
of personal taste which authors writing style you like the most. You
may find it useful to read one or two of the books on synthesis to get
some idea of the coding styles used for reliable synthesis and a level
of description called Register Transfer Level (RTL). I am assuming that
as you are quoting a device part number you are seeking a synthesisable

From a quick look at your code here are a few observations you should
find helpful:

1. The 2x32 errors arrise from your two integer (32-bit) variables
"max_count_in" and "max_count_out", the problem is that these have no
initial value. But this is not an end to the problem...

2. The style of coding you are using (wait statements, integers, etc) is
just fine for a behavioural model but I guess you are finding synthesis
difficult. Suggest you need to change programming style a little for
synthesis to work.

(a) use "if clk'event and clk='1'" rather than "wait until "

(b) use "std_logic_vector( Nbits-1 downto 0)" rather than integer where
Nbits is the number of bits you really want.

(c) create a reset signal and use it to force a stable initial state
for each counter, example process:

if reset='1' then
if clk'event and clk='1' then
end if; -- no else to infer register behaviour
end if

(d) look at some examples of code eg www.opencores.org

Hope this helps,


Marco Pikiri

Nicolas said:
You declare max_count_in as a variable but you never assign a value,
except at declaration where you assign a default value based on a
signal's value, and you never even assign a value to this signal
(freq_in) Same goes for max_count_out.
Consider using generics and constants.

Thanks a lot!

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