not able to write to addr loc x0



I am using the following code to write some contents to an external memory.
a data_ready signal is sent to my mem controller to do the write.the
problem i have here is that i want my data to go into addr 0 through
5..instead i find its there in address 1 through 6..i am not sure where i
am introducing this offset..i do have a counter that counts up to each mem
i am pasting my code i doing the counting the wrong way? thanks
("N" is my address counter)

Receive_Process: Process(clk_6_51u,Din)
variable temp : std_logic;
if clk_6_51u'event and clk_6_51u = '1' then

case statevar is
when rst =>
data_ready_w <= '0';
data_ready_r <= '0';
data <= X"00";
LD <= "00000000";
N <= "00000000";
statevar <= idle;

when idle =>
shift_reg <= X"FFFF";
cnt <= 0;
statevar <= startbit;
when startbit =>
shift_reg <= Din & shift_reg(15 downto 1);
if shift_reg = X"0FFF" then
statevar <= d0;
statevar <= startbit;
end if;

when d0 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (16) then
statevar <= d0;
data(0) <= Din;
statevar <= d1;
end if;
when d1 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (32) then
statevar <= d1;
data(1) <= Din;
statevar <= d2;
end if;
when d2 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (48) then
statevar <= d2;
data(2) <= Din;
statevar <= d3;
end if;
when d3 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (64) then
statevar <= d3;
else data(3) <= Din; statevar <= d4;
end if;
when d4 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (80) then
statevar <= d4;
data(4) <= Din;
statevar <= d5;
end if;
when d5 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (96) then
statevar <= d5;
data(5) <= Din;
statevar <= d6;
end if;
when d6 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (112) then
statevar <= d6;
data(6) <= Din;
statevar <= d7;
end if;
when d7 =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (128) then
statevar <= d7;
data(7) <= Din;
LD <= data;
statevar <= stopbit;
end if;
when stopbit =>
cnt <= cnt + 1;
if cnt < (144) then
statevar <= stopbit;
temp := Din;
Statevar <= dataready;
end if;
when dataready =>
data_ready_w <= '1';
statevar <= incN;
when incN =>
data_ready_w <= '0';
N <= N + 1;
statevar <= idle;
end case;
end if;

end process Receive_Process;


fpgawizz said:
I am using the following code to write some contents to an external memory.
a data_ready signal is sent to my mem controller to do the write.the
problem i have here is that i want my data to go into addr 0 through
5..instead i find its there in address 1 through 6..i am not sure where i
am introducing this offset..i do have a counter that counts up to each mem
i am pasting my code i doing the counting the wrong way? thanks
("N" is my address counter)

I already suggested that you should check the design intention
when you test a signal right after having assigned it in a process.
The code, for a VHDL beginner, is misleading since the actual
change only occurs later...
RE your immediate concern, if the data consumer reacts synchronously,
there is a chance he will catch the incremented address since the address
(N) does change in the next clock cycle after Write enable is set.
Maybe you storage part is assuming the address remains stable after the
wr=1 cycle ?

If you simulate your design, you should be able to see and understand
what happens.


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