PAR and pp



Hi all,

I'm a relative newbie to perl and I'm having some trouble creating a
standalone executable using PAR.

I'm using Activeperl and tried using PAR .952, however from
the command line, I'm getting "'pp' is not recognized as an internal or
external command..."

On my previous machine, I had Activeperl 5.8.7 and PAR installed and
the pp command worked fine.

What might I be missing?


Jakanapes said:
I'm using Activeperl and tried using PAR .952, however from
the command line, I'm getting "'pp' is not recognized as an internal or
external command..."

What might I be missing?

It's hard to say for sure, but are you sure you installed PAR? If
you aren't sure, this command will install it for you (it will let you
know if it's already installed):

ppm install PAR

If it complains that the Module::ScanDeps module is missing, you can
easily install it with the command:

ppm install Module-ScanDeps

Once installation is successful, see if you can compile scripts. If
you still can't, I would think that the "pp.bat" file you need isn't in
your %PATH% environment variable.

To verify this, go to your Perl's bin directory (it might be
"C:\Perl\bin") and look for a file named "pp.bat". Is it there? If it
is, then you probably don't have the Perl bin directory in your %PATH%.
Type "echo %PATH%" to see the directories in your path to verify that
the directory is indeed not in your path. If it really isn't in your
path, then you must add it. There are different ways of adding it to
your path (some of which depend on your flavor of Windows), so you
don't know how to do it, you'll have to search around and see how to do
it for your particular OS.

If, on the other hand, the "pp.bat" file isn't in Perl's bin
directory, then PAR probably didn't install correctly. You might want
to "Search" your hard drive(s) for the "pp.bat" file in case it was
copied to the wrong place.

It's kind of hard to troubleshoot this problem remotely, so this is
all the advice I can give you for now. I hope it helps.

-- Jean-Luc


Jakanapes said:
I'm a relative newbie to perl and I'm having some trouble creating a
standalone executable using PAR.

I'm using Activeperl and tried using PAR .952, however from
the command line, I'm getting "'pp' is not recognized as an internal or
external command..."

On my previous machine, I had Activeperl 5.8.7 and PAR installed and
the pp command worked fine.

What might I be missing?

Make sure you have PAR installed correctly. To verify that there is a at all, you can run this:

perl -MPAR -e "print PAR->VERSION.qq{\n};"

It should print 0.952 if you have the most current version of PAR.

Now for the pp utility that comes with PAR. As another poster
suggested, try searching your hard drive for pp.bat. Perhaps also try or just pp.
If it's found, try adding the directory that contains it to your PATH
enviromnent variable.

Moreover, it might be a little problematic to install PAR via ppm. In
particular, if you want to do that, I suggest installing not from the
ActiveState default repository but from the ppm repository
which is very good at staying up to date.

For more details, please have a look at the PAR homepage at

Best regards,
Steffen Müller


Make sure you have PAR installed correctly. To verify that there is a at all, you can run this:

perl -MPAR -e "print PAR->VERSION.qq{\n};"

It should print 0.952 if you have the most current version of PAR.

Now for the pp utility that comes with PAR. As another poster
suggested, try searching your hard drive for pp.bat. Perhaps also try or just pp.
If it's found, try adding the directory that contains it to your PATH
enviromnent variable.

Moreover, it might be a little problematic to install PAR via ppm. In
particular, if you want to do that, I suggest installing not from the
ActiveState default repository but from the ppm repository
which is very good at staying up to date.

For more details, please have a look at the PAR homepage at

Best regards,
Steffen Müller

I did get 0.952 from the MPAR command, but I can't find pp.bat
anywhere. Thanks for the help....

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