parser error: Could not load type ???.Global in globall.asax line 1


Tyson Zwicker


I'm suddenly unable to run any applications. Last week everything
worked. But now (Mondays!) I get the same error from _every_ application
I've written:

Parser Error

Description: An error occured during the parsing of a resource required to
service this request. Please review the following specific parse error
details and modify your source code appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type HTMLTableExtractor.Global

Source Error:

<% Application Codebehind = "Global.asax.cs"
Inherits="HTMLTableExtractor.Global" %>

This is what I have tried to date:

1. Erase Global.asax file and replace with a new one. (Didn't work).
2. Create a whole new empty project, and import old classes in one by one
(Didn't work).
3. Erase "bin" folder and rebuild application from scratch. (Didn't work).
4. Erase all files in
c:/winnt/system/ ASP.NET Files.
and then rebuild (Didn't Work).
5. Restarted the ASP.NET thread. (Didn't work).
6. Restarted IIS. (Didn't work).
7. Moved everything to new virtual directory. (Didn't work).
8. Restarted the computer a dozen times..

Now, I can deploy these applications to another server, and they run, on the
other server. Just not on my computer. On my computer they don't run from
IE. Visual studio does not appear to be the problem.

I'm about ready to use the one solution I do know: FORMAT C: :)

Any suggestions? Can I remove IIS and reinstall it without screwing up
Visual Studio and having to reinstall everything?



DotNetJunkies User

I did everything you did and ran into the same issue.

Here was how I was able to work around it.

Inside of the Global.asax.vb wrap the Global class inside of the same namespace your project is in:

NameSpace Group.NameSpace
Public Class Global
End Class
End NameSpace

Then Build the app, view in browser and it worked for me.

I was then able to remove the namespace and everything still worked fine.

Good Luck,
Jan 29, 2008
Reaction score
Hi can u help me on parser error

Hi ,

I have created on web application . when i am installing that it in my local machine it's working perfectly .
But when i am installing it in web server . while opening the starting page it's throwing one parsor error like this .

Parsor error message : COuld not load type ''

line 1 : <%@ Application Inherits='lundbeck.Global' Labguage='c#' %>

can u help me on it ASAP
Mar 24, 2009
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Parser Error global.asax

Team Foundation Suite / Visual Studio 2008 / Vista Enterprise (64-bit)

I have solved my problem…

I just went into the CTSWeb project properties and changed the Output directory for the “Active Debug” configuration to the local Bin\ folder ( C:\TFS\Sources\CTS\CTSWeb\Bin\ ) for my startup project (my solution has 5 projects total)... so the BUILD would place the CTSWeb.dll on my machine locally rather than the share that houses all of our DLL files on our network when I press F5 (Startup in Debug Mode).

Startup Project Name: CTSWeb


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