Perl and WMI



Hello all.

I use Perl for intranet applications and Unix systems administration
on an HP-UX platform. I have recently been tasked with collecting
system information from Windows servers. I'd really like to keep
using Perl for this if possible. Visual Basic is just not my cup of

I know how to query the WMI in VBScript to get system information,
however, can this also be done in Perl? I've downloaded and installed
ActiveState Perl; I guess what I'm looking for now is the best modules
that can be used for this task.

I'm surfing CPAN right now; opinions and advice would be helpful.



I know how to query the WMI in VBScript to get system information,
however, can this also be done in Perl? I've downloaded and
installed ActiveState Perl; I guess what I'm looking for now is
the best modules that can be used for this task.

All you need is Win32::OLE, and it's standard in ActivePerl.
If you already know how to use the Windows Script Object from VBScript, you
basically already have all you need to do the same tasks in Perl. :)

Look at the stuff under Windows Scripting in the table of contents of your
ActivePerl html documentation to see what I mean.

Here is an example of accessing WMI from Perl:
#! c:\perl\bin\perl.exe
# Script to demonstrate using WMI
# Requires that WMI core classes be installed
# from
# Retrieves info from the local system

use strict;
use Win32::OLE qw(in with);

my $wmi = Win32::OLE->GetObject("winmgmts:");

print "Computer System\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $sys_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_ComputerSystem");
foreach my $sys (in($sys_set)) {
print "Caption: ".$sys->{'Caption'}."\n";
print "PriOwner: ".$sys->{'PrimaryOwnerName'}."\n";
print "SysType: ".$sys->{'SystemType'}."\n";
print "Domain: ".$sys->{'Domain'}."\n";

print "\n";
print "Operating System\n";
print "-" x 30,"\n";
my $os_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_OperatingSystem");
foreach my $os (in($os_set)) {
print "Caption: ".$os->{'Caption'}."\n";
print "Manuf: ".$os->{'Manufacturer'}."\n";
print "BootDevice: ".$os->{'BootDevice'}."\n";
print "System Dir: ".$os->{'SystemDirectory'}."\n";
print "Organization: ".$os->{'Organization'}."\n";
print "BuildNum: ".$os->{'BuildNumber'}."\n";
print "Build: ".$os->{'BuildType'}."\n";
print "Version: ".$os->{'Version'}."\n";
print "CSDVersion: ".$os->{'CSDVersion'}."\n";
print "Locale: ".$os->{'Locale'}."\n";
print "WinDir: ".$os->{'WindowsDirectory'}."\n";
print "TotMem: ".$os->{'TotalVisibleMemorySize'}." bytes\n";
print "SerNum: ".$os->{'SerialNumber'}."\n";

print "\n";
print "PageFile Settings\n";
print "-" x 30,"\n";
my $pf_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_PageFile");
foreach my $pf (in($pf_set)) {
print "Name: ".$pf->{'Name'}."\n";
print "Initial: ".$pf->{'InitialSize'}." MB\n";
print "Max: ".$pf->{'MaximumSize'}." MB\n";

print "\n";
print "Services\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $serv_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_Service");
foreach my $serv (in($serv_set)) {
print "Service => ".$serv->{'DisplayName'}." [".$serv->{'Name'}."]\n";
print "\tState: ".$serv->{'State'}."\n";
print "\tStatus: ".$serv->{'Status'}."\n";
print "\tExecuteable: ".$serv->{'PathName'}."\n";
print "\tStart Name: ".$serv->{'StateName'}."\n";
print "\tPID: ".$serv->{'ProcessID'}."\n";
print "\n";

print "\n";
print "Processes\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $proc_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_Process");
printf "%-10s %-40s\n","PID","Name";
printf "%-10s %-40s\n","-" x 5,"-" x 20;
foreach my $proc (in($proc_set)) {
printf "%-10s %-40s\n",$proc->{'ProcessID'},$proc->{'Name'};

print "\n";
print "Print Jobs\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $print_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_PrintJob");
if ($print_set->{'Count'} eq 0) {
print "No print jobs.\n";
else {
foreach my $print (in($print_set)) {
print "Name: ".$print->{'Name'}."\n";
print "\tJobID: ".$print->{'JobID'}."\n";
print "\tStatus: ".$print->{'Status'}."\n";
print "\tTotal Pages: ".$print->{'TotalPages'}."\n";
print "\n";

print "\n";
print "Network Connections\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $conn_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkConnection");
foreach my $conn (in($conn_set)) {
printf "%-40s %-10s\n",$conn->{'Name'},$conn->{'Caption'};

print "\n";
print "Logical Disks\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $disk_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_LogicalDisk");
foreach my $disk (in($disk_set)) {
printf "%-7s %-25s %-8s

print "\n";
print "Network Adapters\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $adapt_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapter");
foreach my $adapt (in($adapt_set)) {
print $adapt->{'Name'}."\n";
print "\tType: ".$adapt->{'AdapterType'}."\n";
print "\tDesc: ".$adapt->{'Description'}."\n";
print "\tDeviceID: ".$adapt->{'DeviceID'}."\n";
print "\tStatus: ".$adapt->{'Status'}."\n";
print "\tManuf: ".$adapt->{'Manufacturer'}."\n";
print "\tMAC: ".$adapt->{'MACAddress'}."\n";
print "\tInstall Date: ".$adapt->{'InstallDate'}."\n";
print "\n";

print "\n";
print "Desktop\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $dt_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_Desktop");
foreach my $dt (in($dt_set)) {
print $dt->{'Name'}."\n";
print "\tScreenSave active: ".$dt->{'ScreenSaverActive'}."\n";
print "\tScreenSaver .exe: ".$dt->{'ScreenSaverExecutable'}."\n";
print "\tScreenSaver secure: ".$dt->{'ScreenSaverSecure'}."\n";
print "\tScreenSaver timeout: ".$dt->{'ScreenSaverTimeout'}." sec\n";
print "\n";

print "\n";
print "User Accounts\n";
print "-" x 20,"\n";
my $user_set = $wmi->InstancesOf("Win32_UserAccount");
foreach my $user (in($user_set)) {
print $user->{'Name'}."\n";
print "\tDomain: ".$user->{'Domain'}."\n";
print "\tSID: ".$user->{'SID'}."\n";
print "\tCaption: ".$user->{'Caption'}."\n";
print "\tDescription: ".$user->{'Description'}."\n";
print "\tDisabled: ".$user->{'Disabled'}."\n";
print "\tStatus: ".$user->{'Status'}."\n";
print "\tLockout: ".$user->{'Lockout'}."\n";
print "\t***Password Settings***\n";
print "\t\tChangeable: ".$user->{'PasswordChangeable'}."\n";
print "\t\tRequired: ".$user->{'PasswordRequired'}."\n";
print "\t\tExpires: ".$user->{'PasswordExpires'}."\n";
print "\n";

I think that example is originally from Microsoft themselves...
I used it 3.5 years ago to get started on WMI-hacking. :)

Hope this helps!


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