Perl - Windows Service to Map Drive


John Ferrell

I am trying to write a Windows service using the Perl Dev Kit from
ActiveState, to map a network drive and copy a file to the mapped
drive at regular intervals.

The code I have works fine when I run the script from the command
prompt. However when I run it as a service the drive is not mapped.
I have tried to run the service using my account on the machine
instead of the system account, but cannot get that to work either.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

#!d:/perl/bin/perl.exe -w

package PerlSvc;
use File::Copy;
use Win32::NetResource;

our %Config;

$hostname = $ENV{'computername'};

sub Startup {
# here's where your startup code will go
while (ContinueRun(60)) {
# do some work here

#map the drive if need be
if (!-e "v:\\$hostname.log")
%NetResource = (
LocalName => "V:",
RemoteName => "\\\\\\logs"
$User = "cjones";
$Password = "cj0n3s~";
Win32::NetResource::AddConnection( \%NetResource, $Password, $User, 0

#copy file
copy("c:\\program files\\pwrchute\\$hostname.log",
"v:\\$hostname.log") or die "file copy failed\n";

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