progress indicator long running proc NO Button click



I have a procedure long running in C# 2003 app
I need to show iframe with just a graphic (bouncing ball) inside the
procedure and before end of procedure close the window
I know there are more complicated solutions for a progress bar but I haave
spent 2 weeks and I cannot get them to work
I have a test form, click a button enter a procedure show the iframe and
with click of second button set parent div with iframe in it display to none

show then none

I cannot understand why on the close I get the javascript error

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required
on line
<script language ="javascript">
parent.document.getElementById("cont").style.display = "none";
which is the script that executes in close

the code behind is

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void AddClientScript()
const string scriptName = "CALL_POPUP";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
sb.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");
sb.Append("\nlast_id = \"\";");
sb.Append("\nfunction frame_pop(id, oLeft, oTop, oPage)");
sb.Append("\nvar mystr = window.showModalDialog('Popframe.aspx');");
sb.Append("\nif (undefined != mystr)");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"my_iframe\").style.width =
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"my_iframe\").style.height =
sb.Append("\nif (id != last_id) {");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\").style.left = oLeft;");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\") = oTop;");
sb.Append("\nwindow.frames[\"my_iframe\"].location = oPage;");
sb.Append("\nlast_id = id;");
sb.Append("\nelse {");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =
sb.Append("\nlast_id = \"\";");
sb.Append("\nreturn false;");
if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(scriptName))
//ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), scriptName,
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), scriptName,
public static void OpenProgressBar(System.Web.UI.Page Page)
StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
sbScript.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");
sbScript.Append(" \n");
sbScript.Append("\nvar newwindow ='page1.aspx', 'name',
public static void CloseProgressBar(System.Web.UI.Page Page)

StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
sbScript.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");

sbScript.Append("\nparent.document.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void BindData()
protected void BindData2()
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

the form is
<form id="form1" runat="server">

<div runat="server" id="cont"
style="position:absolute;left:300px;top:200px;width:300px;height:140px;display:none;border:1px solid #000000">
<div runat="server" id="pop"
style="text-align:center;background-color:#FFFFFF"> </div>

<iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click"
Text="open" />
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="close"
onclick="Button2_Click" />

Andrew Morton

I cannot understand why on the close I get the javascript error

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required
on line
<script language ="javascript">
parent.document.getElementById("cont").style.display = "none";
which is the script that executes in close

In your code where you're generating the JavaScript, you need to use
cont.ClientId instead of "cont":

sb.AppendFormat("\ndocument.getElementById(\"{0}\").style.display =
\"block\";", cont.ClientId);

because when you put runat="server" in the div, it alters the ID when it
renders the HTML. Just look at the source and you'll see what I mean.



Still get object not found, I do not need runat for div so I simplifed the form

<form id="form1" runat="server">

<div id="cont"
style="position:absolute;left:300px;top:200px;width:300px;height:140px;display:none;border:1px solid #000000">
<div id="pop" style="text-align:center;background-color:#FFFFFF"> </div>

<iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click"
Text="open" />
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="close"
onclick="Button2_Click" />

I commented out the line in the close created by javascript to use your
suggestion but maybe I have syntax wrong

= \"none\";");

sbScript.AppendFormat("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont.ClientId\").style.display = \"none\";");

I looked in the source created below and I see <div id="cont"

<script type="text/javascript">

//Realised by Apachejeff

last_id = ""
function frame_pop(id, oLeft, oTop, oPage) {
document.getElementById("my_iframe").style.width =
document.getElementById("my_iframe").style.height =
if (id != last_id) {
document.getElementById("cont").style.display = "block"
document.getElementById("cont").style.left = oLeft
document.getElementById('cont') = oTop
window.frames["my_iframe"].location = oPage

setTimeout('document.getElementById("headertxt").innerHTML=window["my_iframe"].document.title', 200)
last_id = id
else {
document.getElementById('cont').style.display = "none"
last_id = ""

return false


<form name="form1" method="post" action="index.aspx" id="form1">
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE"
value="/wEPDwUKMTg3NjE0NDI3MmRk6v0m9Bx5KGf3D6sGA3/cnza95QY=" />

<script language ="javascript">

var newwindow ='page1.aspx', 'name',

<input type="hidden" name="__EVENTVALIDATION" id="__EVENTVALIDATION"
value="/wEWAwKC8enKDAKM54rGBgK7q7GGCKC1w3Vx0StuMtnTanzYGpzKBaEi" />

<div id="cont"
style="position:absolute;left:300px;top:200px;width:300px;height:140px;display:none;border:1px solid #000000">
<div id="pop" style="text-align:center;background-color:#FFFFFF"> </div>

<iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<input type="submit" name="Button1" value="open" id="Button1" />
<input type="submit" name="Button2" value="close" id="Button2" />

here is the codebehind that creates the javascript see above in source

public static void OpenProgressBar(System.Web.UI.Page Page)
StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
sbScript.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");
sbScript.Append(" \n");
sbScript.Append("\nvar newwindow ='page1.aspx', 'name',
public static void CloseProgressBar(System.Web.UI.Page Page)

StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
sbScript.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");

//sbScript.Append("\nparent.document.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =

sbScript.AppendFormat("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont.ClientId\").style.display = \"none\";");

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void BindData()
protected void BindData2()
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


I have to install Firefox on another machine and move the application and
install .net and add the addon to debug?

How about any link to any demo using the show and close iframe using
javascript in the code behind

Andrew Morton

I have to install Firefox on another machine and move the application and
install .net and add the addon to debug?

Is there any reason not to install Firefox on your dev machine? In VS, you
can right-click on an .aspx file and choose which browser to open it with.
Or if you run the app in IIS (this may be another can of worms) instead of
the web server that comes with VS, you could easily access it from another
PC. It's often a good idea to check web sites in other browsers anyway,
unless you have a defined target audience.
How about any link to any demo using the show and close iframe using
javascript in the code behind

I haven't seen one, but as long as your generated JS looks the same as the
other googleable communicating-from-an-iframe-to-its-parent scripts, I don't
see why it won't work - unless there's something awry with where in the DOM
you should be pointing it to or there's some security thing in the browser
preventing communication out from the iframe , but I thought the latter only
applied to iframe content from a different domain.

Does anyone else want to chime in?



I have a procedure long running in C# 2003 app
I need to show iframe with just a graphic (bouncing ball) inside the
procedure and before end of procedure close the window
I know there are more complicated solutions for a progress bar but I haave
spent 2 weeks and I cannot get them to work
I have a test form, click a button enter a procedure show the iframe and
with click of second button set parent div with iframe in it display to none

show then none

I cannot understand why on the close I get the javascript error

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required
on line
<script language ="javascript">
parent.document.getElementById("cont").style.display = "none";
 which is the script that executes in close

What version of ASP.NET do you use?

Simply open source code window in IE (right click - view source) and
check if you have <div id=cont> there. It might be that you have no
that div, or it has another id. You specified it as a server control
(runat=server). Do you really need it? If yes, instead of
document.getElementById('cont') use document.getElementById('<

<%=cont.ClientID%> injects client id of the server control.

If you still has a problem, post the rest of the code. For example, it
is not clear where do you call frame_pop from.

Hope this helps

Andrew Morton

Alexey said:
is there any reason to install Firefox to debug javascript?

Well, as far as I can tell, it appears that the problem is accesing the div
with id="cont" from the iframe, and the Firebug add-on makes it simple to
explore the DOM. Also, if there was a bug in IE, it might work as-is in FF,
so a work-around could be devised (although I saw no google results
suggesting such a bug).



Well, as far as I can tell, it appears that the problem is accesing the div
with id="cont" from the iframe, and the Firebug add-on makes it simple to
explore the DOM. Also, if there was a bug in IE, it might work as-is in FF,
so a work-around could be devised (although I saw no google results
suggesting such a bug).


Well, I use FF to debug, but because I already have it. I totally
agree that there are some add-ons which make debug really simple, but
seeing "Object required on line XX" in IE, I think you have clear
message what is wrong. I already posted some hints on how to get the
problem solved


Upgraded to 2008, the app is two forms the code is all on this post
Use the .net debugger and I break on the line

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required
on line
<script language ="javascript">
parent.document.getElementById("cont").style.display = "none";
which is the script that executes in close

the code behind is

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

protected void AddClientScript()
const string scriptName = "CALL_POPUP";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("");
sb.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");
sb.Append("\nlast_id = \"\";");
sb.Append("\nfunction frame_pop(id, oLeft, oTop, oPage)");
sb.Append("\nvar mystr = window.showModalDialog('Popframe.aspx');");
sb.Append("\nif (undefined != mystr)");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"my_iframe\").style.width =
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"my_iframe\").style.height =
sb.Append("\nif (id != last_id) {");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\").style.left = oLeft;");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\") = oTop;");
sb.Append("\nwindow.frames[\"my_iframe\"].location = oPage;");
sb.Append("\nlast_id = id;");
sb.Append("\nelse {");
sb.Append("\ndocument.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =
sb.Append("\nlast_id = \"\";");
sb.Append("\nreturn false;");
if (!ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(scriptName))
//ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), scriptName,
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), scriptName,
public static void OpenProgressBar(System.Web.UI.Page Page)
StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
sbScript.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");
sbScript.Append(" \n");
sbScript.Append("\nvar newwindow ='page1.aspx', 'name',
public static void CloseProgressBar(System.Web.UI.Page Page)

StringBuilder sbScript = new StringBuilder();
sbScript.Append("\n<script language =\"javascript\">");

sbScript.Append("\nparent.document.getElementById(\"cont\").style.display =

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void BindData()
protected void BindData2()
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

the form is
<form id="form1" runat="server">

<div id="cont"
style="position:absolute;left:300px;top:200px;width:300px;height:140px;display:none;border:1px solid #000000">
<div id="pop"
style="text-align:center;background-color:#FFFFFF"> </div>

<iframe id="my_iframe" name="my_iframe" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click"
Text="open" />
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" Text="close"
onclick="Button2_Click" />

Andrew Morton

cindy wrote
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object required
on line
<script language ="javascript">
parent.document.getElementById("cont").style.display = "none";
which is the script that executes in close

OK, a little bit of testing suggests that you can't do that with an
<iframe>. Just enclose it in a <div> and set the display style on that.

-- this is page.html

<title>Testing iframe communication</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_iframe() {
<p onclick="show_iframe()">Show iframe</p>
<div id="my_iframe_container" style="display:none">
<iframe id="my_iframe" src="my_iframe.html" />

-- this is my_iframe.html

<script type="text/javascript">
function hi() {
<p onclick="hi()" style="background-color:Red">Hide me</p>

You really should have tried an absolutely minimal amount of markup to test
it - I know all too well that sometimes one can get too engrossed in some
part of something to widen/narrow one's view to be able to focus on the
pertinent items.



Andrew Morton

[My reply of a couple of minutes ago hasn't come through to my newsreader

Oh, and when I tested that in IE8 instead of FF3.5, IE gave a message about
blocking scripts; is it possible you've told your IE not to display messages
about blocking scripts?


Andrew Morton

Andrew said:
cindy wrote

OK, a little bit of testing suggests that you can't do that with an
<iframe>. Just enclose it in a <div> and set the display style on

Pah! Silly me. Re-reading your original post I notice that /is/ what you're
doing. Although your code is a bit obscure to me (e.g. you have a method
BindData2() which appears to have nothing to do with binding data), I think
that what you're trying to do is have your code-behind interact with the
browser. That doesn't work unless you're using AJAX (or similar).

Now you have a later version of VS, you might consider using AJAX to give a
progress bar. Here is an article with code:



I am using Ajax panels to show progress when a button executes a procedure
“Chart2_Load†to fill a chart. It works.
When the page loads initially the chart is filled with a default values and
the progress bar does not show during the initial page load, this is also the
longest time to wait for the load.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(Page.IsPostBack))
Chart2_Load(TextStart, TextEnd);


How can I show simple waiting message with Javascript or tell me what I am
doing wrong with Ajax to get the user a message during the first page load
seen above?

I have included the html for the panels below.
User requirements are to load the page initial with default values and not
ask them to click before chart loads first time.

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">……..
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="QuarterUpdatePanel" runat="server"
ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<asp:DataList id="dlButtons runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="PieUpdatePanel" runat="server"
OnLoad="PieUpdatePanel_Load" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<dotnet:Chart id="ChartPie" runat="server"/>
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server"
ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<div id="OuterTableCellOverlay">
<div id="InnerTableCellOverlay">
<b>... LOADING ...</b>
<asp:Image ID="LoadImage" runat="server"
ImageUrl="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ChartUpdatePanel" runat="server"
<dotnet:Chart id="Chart5" runat="server"/>


I am using Ajax panels to show progress when a button executes a procedure
“Chart2_Load†to fill a chart. It works.
When the page loads initially the chart is filled with a default values and
the progress bar does not show during the initial page load, this is also the
longest time to wait for the load.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(Page.IsPostBack))
Chart2_Load(TextStart, TextEnd);


How can I show simple waiting message with Javascript or tell me what I am
doing wrong with Ajax to get the user a message during the first page load
seen above?

I have included the html for the panels below.
User requirements are to load the page initial with default values and not
ask them to click before chart loads first time.

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">……..
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="QuarterUpdatePanel" runat="server"
ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<asp:DataList id="dlButtons runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="PieUpdatePanel" runat="server"
OnLoad="PieUpdatePanel_Load" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<dotnet:Chart id="ChartPie" runat="server"/>
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server"
ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<div id="OuterTableCellOverlay">
<div id="InnerTableCellOverlay">
<b>... LOADING ...</b>
<asp:Image ID="LoadImage" runat="server"
ImageUrl="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ChartUpdatePanel" runat="server"
<dotnet:Chart id="Chart5" runat="server"/>


cindy said:
I am using Ajax panels to show progress when a button executes a procedure
“Chart2_Load†to fill a chart. It works.
When the page loads initially the chart is filled with a default values and
the progress bar does not show during the initial page load, this is also the
longest time to wait for the load.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!(Page.IsPostBack))
Chart2_Load(TextStart, TextEnd);


How can I show simple waiting message with Javascript or tell me what I am
doing wrong with Ajax to get the user a message during the first page load
seen above?

I have included the html for the panels below.
User requirements are to load the page initial with default values and not
ask them to click before chart loads first time.

<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">……..
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="QuarterUpdatePanel" runat="server"
ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<asp:DataList id="dlButtons runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="PieUpdatePanel" runat="server"
OnLoad="PieUpdatePanel_Load" ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<dotnet:Chart id="ChartPie" runat="server"/>
<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" runat="server"
ChildrenAsTriggers="true" UpdateMode="Always">
<div id="OuterTableCellOverlay">
<div id="InnerTableCellOverlay">
<b>... LOADING ...</b>
<asp:Image ID="LoadImage" runat="server"
ImageUrl="~/Images/ajax-loader.gif" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ChartUpdatePanel" runat="server"
<dotnet:Chart id="Chart5" runat="server"/>


Andrew Morton said:
[My reply of a couple of minutes ago hasn't come through to my newsreader

Oh, and when I tested that in IE8 instead of FF3.5, IE gave a message about
blocking scripts; is it possible you've told your IE not to display messages
about blocking scripts?



I have used ajax for the procedure

All I want to do now is showing "Waiting" message before page loads if
and have message be hidden when page is loaded
That I cannot do with Ajax
With Ajax when a button is clicked to load the grid I can get a progress
panel but when page loads first time it takes 30 sec for the procedure the
fills the grid with default values to load so the user who does not look down
to the progress indication in the browser window has no clue. is clueless
like me on how to get somethig to work

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