Python 3.2 has some deadly infection


Steven D'Aprano

Some interesting comments here infection.html
so I'm simply asking for other opinions.

Oh, Anatoly Techtonik. He's quite notorious on python-dev for wanting to
impose his wild and sometimes wacky processes on the entire community.
Specific examples aren't coming to mind, and I'm too lazy to search the
archives, so I'll just make one up to give you an idea of the flavour of
his requests:

"Twitter is the only way that developers can effectively
communicate. We must shut down all the mailing lists and the
bug tracker and move all communication immediately to
Twitter. And by we I mean you."
[Not an actual quote.]

I've come to the conclusion that he occasionally has a point to his
posts, but only at random by virtue of the scatter-gun technique. He's
obviously widely read, but not deeply, and so he fires off a lot of ill-
thought out but superficially attractive proposals. Just by chance a few
of them end up being interesting, not *interesting enough* for somebody
else to do the work. At this point the ideas languish, because he refuses
to sign a contributor agreement so the Python core developers cannot
accept anything from him.

This blog post is a strong opinion about Python, but it isn't clear what
that opinion *actually is*. His post is rambling and unfocused and
incoherent ("art is the future"). He rails against having to write PEPs,
and decries the lack of stats, summaries, analysis and comparison,
utterly missing the point that the purpose of the PEP process is to
provide those stats, summaries, analysis and comparison. Reading between
the lines, I think what he means, deep down, is that *somebody else*
ought to gather those stats and do the analysis to support his ideas, and
not expect him to write the PEP.

He makes at least one factually wrong claim:

"I thought that C/C++ must die, because really all major
security problems are because of it."
[actual quote]

He's talking about buffer overflows. Buffer overflows have never been
responsible for "all" major security problems. Even allowing for a little
hyperbole, buffer overflows have not been responsible for the majority of
major security problems for a very long time. It is not 1992 any more,
and today the single largest source of security bugs are code injection
attacks. In Python terms that mostly means failure to sanitize SQL
queries and the use of eval() and exec() on untrusted data.

Three of the top four software errors are forms of code injection: SQL
injection, OS command injection, cross-site scripting. The classic C
buffer overflow comes in at number 3, so it's not an inconsiderable cause
of security vulnerabilities even today, but it is not even close to the
only such cause.

See also

Back to the blog post... it's 2014, Python 3.3 and 3.4 have come out, why
is he talking about 3.2?

It's interesting that he starts off by stating his graph is meaningless:

"They don't measure anything - just show some lines that
correlate to each other."

then immediately tries to draw a conclusion from those lines:

"It looks like the peak of Python was on February 2011,
and since then there was a significant drop."

I've written about the difficulty of measuring language popularity in any
meaningful way:

Anatoly has picked the TIOBE Index, but I don't know that this is the
best measure of language popularity. According to it, Python is more
popular than Javascript. I love Python, but really, more popular than
Javascript? That feels wrong to me.

In any case, I think that a better explanation for the observed dip in
Feb 2011 is not that Python 3.2 is infected (infected by what?) but
*regression to the mean*. Regression to the mean is a statistical
phenomenon which basically says that all else being equal, an extreme
value is likely to be followed by a less extreme (closer to the average)

Language popularity, as measured by TIOBE, is at least in part random.
(Look at how wiggly the lines are. The wiggles represent random
variation.) If by chance a language gets a spike in interest one month,
it is less likely to

Because TIOBE's results contain so much random noise, they really ought
to smooth them out by averaging the scores over a three month window, and
show trend lines. They don't, I believe, because random hiccoughs in the
data provide interest: "Last month, Java was overthrown from it's #1
ranking by C. This month it has fought its way back to #1 again! Tune in
next month to see if C can repeat it's stunning victory!!!"

I think that long term trend lines would be much less exciting but much
more informative. Eyeballing the graph, it seems to me that Java and C++
are trending down, C is probably steady, and Objective C and Python
trending up. If by chance there was a flurry of interest in Python for a
month or two, and then things fell back to normal (regression to the
mean), that might look like a slump.

But I digress... back to Anatoly's post. I think he reveals more about
himself than Python:

"When these little things sum up, you realize that you're
just wasting time trying to improve things that people
don't want to improve. They don't want to improve the process.
They don't realize that the problem is not in the language,
but in the way they don't want to hear each other. Technology
showed that people want to be heard, that they opinion should
be accounted , not closed as won't fix , or works for
me . It is not a community process, when you rely on abilities
of certain individuals to monitor and respond to all traffic
and wishes, especially when they fail to do so."

On Python-Dev, this is Anatoly's repeated claim: the process is broken,
because well it just is okay. In my opinion, "the process is broken" is
Anatoly's shorthand for "I want to do things THIS way, and you won't let
me. My way is SO OBVIOUSLY BRILLIANT that everybody, no matter their
circumstances, will be immeasurably better off by switching to my process
instead of the old way of doing things. Anyone who thinks differently is
simply not paying attention. Didn't you hear how brilliant my process is?"

Anatoly does make a few concrete complaints about Python 3, or at least
as concrete as he gets in this post:

"I expected Python 3 to be ready for the internet age" -- What does that
mean? What makes him think it isn't?

"with cross-platform behavior preferred over system-dependent one" --
It's not clear how cross-platform behaviour has anything to do with the
Internet age. Python has preferred cross-platform behaviour forever,
except for those features and modules which are explicitly intended to be
interfaces to system-dependent features. (E.g. a lot of functions in the
os module are thin wrappers around OS features. Hence the name of the

"with clear semantics to work with binary data" -- There are clear
semantics to work with binary data: use bytes, and the struct module.
Those features can be improved, and indeed Python 3.4 has improved them,
and 3.5 is in the process of improving them further. But to suggest that
Python doesn't have those clear semantics is simply false.

"with non-confusing error handling" -- How is Python 3's error handling
confusing? It's the same error handling as Python 2. Where is the

TL;DR: Anatoly's blog post is long on disappointment and short on actual
content. It feels to me that we could summarise his post as:

I don't know what I want, I won't recognise it even if I saw
it, but Python 3 isn't it. I blame others for not living up
to my expectations for features I cannot describe and were
never promised.

Chris Angelico

TL;DR: Anatoly's blog post is long on disappointment and short on actual
content. It feels to me that we could summarise his post as:

I don't know what I want, I won't recognise it even if I saw
it, but Python 3 isn't it. I blame others for not living up
to my expectations for features I cannot describe and were
never promised.

I think that summary is accurate. When Mark posted this last night
(okay, it was last night for me, probably not for most of you), I
tried to read the post and figure out what he was actually saying...
and failed. Gave up on it and moved on. Got better things to do with
my life... like, I dunno, actually writing code, which seems to be
something that people who whine in blog posts don't do.


Tim Delaney

"with cross-platform behavior preferred over system-dependent one" --
It's not clear how cross-platform behaviour has anything to do with the
Internet age. Python has preferred cross-platform behaviour forever,
except for those features and modules which are explicitly intended to be
interfaces to system-dependent features. (E.g. a lot of functions in the
os module are thin wrappers around OS features. Hence the name of the

There is the behaviour of defaulting input and output to the system
encoding. I personally think we would all be better off if Python (and
Java, and many other languages) defaulted to UTF-8. This hopefully would
eventually have the effect of producers changing to output UTF-8 by
default, and consumers learning to manually specify an encoding when it's
not UTF-8 (due to invalid codepoints).

I'm currently working on a product that interacts with lots of other
products. These other products can be using any encoding - but most of the
functions that interact with I/O assume the system default encoding of the
machine that is collecting the data. The product has been in production for
nearly a decade, so there's a lot of pushback against changes deep in the
code for fear that it will break working systems. The fact that they are
working largely by accident appears to escape them ...

FWIW, changing to use iso-latin-1 by default would be the most sensible
option (effectively treating everything as bytes), with the option for
another encoding if/when more information is known (e.g. there's often a
call to return the encoding, and the output of that call is guaranteed to
be ASCII).

Tim Delaney

Steven D'Aprano

There is the behaviour of defaulting input and output to the system

That's a tricky one, but I think on balance that is a case where
defaulting to the system encoding is the right thing to do. Input and out
occurs on the local system you are running on, which by definition isn't
cross-platform. (Non-local I/O is possible, but requires work -- it
doesn't just happen.)

I personally think we would all be better off if Python (and
Java, and many other languages) defaulted to UTF-8. This hopefully would
eventually have the effect of producers changing to output UTF-8 by
default, and consumers learning to manually specify an encoding when
it's not UTF-8 (due to invalid codepoints).

UTF-8 everywhere should be our ultimate aim. Then we can forget about
legacy encodings except when digging out ancient documents from archived
floppy disks :)

I'm currently working on a product that interacts with lots of other
products. These other products can be using any encoding - but most of
the functions that interact with I/O assume the system default encoding
of the machine that is collecting the data. The product has been in
production for nearly a decade, so there's a lot of pushback against
changes deep in the code for fear that it will break working systems.
The fact that they are working largely by accident appears to escape
them ...

FWIW, changing to use iso-latin-1 by default would be the most sensible
option (effectively treating everything as bytes), with the option for
another encoding if/when more information is known (e.g. there's often a
call to return the encoding, and the output of that call is guaranteed
to be ASCII).

Python 2 does what you suggest, and it is *broken*. Python 2.7 creates
moji-bake, while Python 3 gets it right:

[steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c "print u'δжç'"
[steve@ando ~]$ python3.3 -c "print(u'δжç')"

Latin-1 is one of those legacy encodings which needs to die, not to be
entrenched as the default. My terminal uses UTF-8 by default (as it
should), and if I use the terminal to input "δжç", Python ought to see
what I input, not Latin-1 moji-bake.

If I were to use Windows with a legacy code page, then I couldn't even
enter "δжç" on the command line since none of the legacy encodings
support that set of characters at the same time. I don't know exactly
what I would get if I tried (say, by copying and pasting text from a
Unicode-aware application), but I'd see that it was weird *in the shell*
before it even reaches Python.

On the other hand, if I were to input something supported by the legacy
encoding, let's say I entered "αβγ" while using ISO-8859-7 (Greek), then
Python ought to see "αβγ" and not moji-bake:

py> b = "αβγ".encode('iso-8859-7') # what the shell generates
py> b.decode('latin-1') # what Python interprets those bytes as

Defaulting to the system encoding means that Python input and output just
works, to the degree that input and output on your system just works. If
your system is crippled by the use of a legacy encoding, then Python will
at least be *no worse* than your system.

Tim Delaney

Python 2 does what you suggest, and it is *broken*. Python 2.7 creates
moji-bake, while Python 3 gets it right:

The purpose of my example was to show a case where no thought was put into
encodings - the assumption was that the system encoding and the remote
system encoding would be the same. This is most definitely not the case a
lot of the time.

I also should have been more clear that *in the particular situation I was
talking about* iso-latin-1 as default would be the right thing to do, not
in the general case. Quite often we won't know the correct encoding until
we've executed a command via ssh - iso-latin-1 will allow us to extract the
info we need (which will generally be 7-bit ASCII) without the possibility
of an invalid encoding. Sure we may get mojibake, but that's better than
the alternative when we don't yet know the correct encoding.

Latin-1 is one of those legacy encodings which needs to die, not to be
entrenched as the default. My terminal uses UTF-8 by default (as it
should), and if I use the terminal to input "δжç", Python ought to see
what I input, not Latin-1 moji-bake.

For some purposes, there needs to be a way to treat an arbitrary stream of
bytes as an arbitrary stream of 8-bit characters. iso-latin-1 is a
convenient way to do that. It's not the only way, but settling on it and
being consistent is better than not having a way.

Tim Delaney

Rustom Mody

For some purposes, there needs to be a way to treat an arbitrary
stream of bytes as an arbitrary stream of 8-bit
characters. iso-latin-1 is a convenient way to do that. It's not the
only way, but settling on it and being consistent is better than not
having a way.

Here is a quote from the oracle docs:

| The C locale, also known as the POSIX locale, is the POSIX system
| default locale for all POSIX-compliant systems.

In more layman language

| ASCII also known as the 'Unix locale' is the default for all *nix
| compliant systems

which is a key aspect of what Ive called 'The UNIX Assumption' :

Wolfgang Maier

Tim Delaney said:
I also should have been more clear that *in the particular situation I was
talking about* iso-latin-1 as default would be the right thing to do, not in
the general case. Quite often we won't know the correct encoding until we've
executed a command via ssh - iso-latin-1 will allow us to extract the info
we need (which will generally be 7-bit ASCII) without the possibility of an
invalid encoding. Sure we may get mojibake, but that's better than the
alternative when we don't yet know the correct encoding.
Latin-1 is one of those legacy encodings which needs to die, not to be
entrenched as the default. My terminal uses UTF-8 by default (as
itshould), and if I use the terminal to input "δжç", Python ought to seewhat
I input, not Latin-1 moji-bake.
For some purposes, there needs to be a way to treat an arbitrary stream of
bytes as an arbitrary stream of 8-bit characters. iso-latin-1 is a
convenient way to do that.
For that purpose, Python3 has the bytes() type. Read the data as is, then
decode it to a string once you figured out its encoding.


Tim Delaney

For some purposes, there needs to be a way to treat an arbitrary stream
bytes as an arbitrary stream of 8-bit characters. iso-latin-1 is a
convenient way to do that.
For that purpose, Python3 has the bytes() type. Read the data as is, then
decode it to a string once you figured out its encoding.

I know that, you know that. Convincing other people of that is the

I probably should have mentioned it, but in my case it's not even Python
(Java). It's exactly the same principal - an assumption was made that has
become entrenched due to the fear of breakage. If they'd been forced to
think about encodings up-front, it shouldn't have been an issue, which was
the point I was trying to make.

In Java, it's much worse. At least with Python you can perform string-like
operations on bytes. In Java you have to convert it to characters before
you can really do anything with it, so people just use the default encoding
all the time - especially if they want the convenience of line-by-line
reading using BufferedReader ...

Tim Delaney

Chris Angelico

In Java, it's much worse. At least with Python you can perform string-like
operations on bytes. In Java you have to convert it to characters before you
can really do anything with it, so people just use the default encoding all
the time - especially if they want the convenience of line-by-line reading
using BufferedReader ...

What exactly is "line-by-line reading" with bytes? As I understand it,
lines are defined by characters. If you mean "reading a stream of
bytes and dividing it on 0x0A", then surely you can do that, but that
assumes an ASCII-compatible encoding.


Robin Becker

I probably should have mentioned it, but in my case it's not even Python
(Java). It's exactly the same principal - an assumption was made that has
become entrenched due to the fear of breakage. If they'd been forced to
think about encodings up-front, it shouldn't have been an issue, which was
the point I was trying to make.
there seems to be an implicit assumption in python land that encoded strings are
the norm. On virtually every computer I encounter that assumption is wrong. The
vast majority of bytes in most computers is not something that can be easily
printed out for humans to read. I suppose some clever pythonista can figure out
an encoding to read my .o / .so etc files, but they are practically meaningless
to a unicode program today. Same goes for most image formats and media files.
Browsers routinely encounter mis/un-encoded pages.
In Java, it's much worse. At least with Python you can perform string-like
operations on bytes. In Java you have to convert it to characters before
you can really do anything with it, so people just use the default encoding
all the time - especially if they want the convenience of line-by-line
reading using BufferedReader ...

In python I would have preferred for bytes to remain the default io mechanism,
at least that would allow me to decide if I need any decoding.

As the cat example

showed these extra assumptions are sometimes really in the way.

Terry Reedy

there seems to be an implicit assumption in python land that encoded
strings are the norm.

I don't know why you say that. To have a stream of bytes interpreted as
characters, open in text mode and give the encoding. Otherwise, open in
binary mode and apply whatever encoding you want. Image programs like
Pil or Pillow assume that bytes have image encodings. Same idea.
On virtually every computer I encounter that assumption is wrong.

Except for the std streams (see below), it is also not part of Python.

I will just point out that bytes are given meaning by encoding meaning
into them. Unicode attempts to reduce the hundreds of text encodings to
just a few, and mostly to just one for external storage and transmission.
In python I would have preferred for bytes to remain the default io

Do you really think that defaulting the open mode to 'rb' rather than
'rt' would be a better choice for newbies?
mechanism, at least that would allow me to decide if I need any decoding.

Assuming that 'rb' is actually needed more than 'rt' for you in
particular, is it really such a burden to give a mode more often than not?
As the cat example
showed these extra assumptions are sometimes really in the way.

This example is *only* about the *pre-opened* stdxyz streams. Python
uses these to read characters from the keyboard and print characters to
the screen in input, print, and the interactive interpreter. So they are
open in text mode (which wraps binary read and write). The developers,
knowing that people can and do write batch mode programs that avoid
input and print, gave a documented way to convert the streams back to
binary. (See the sys doc.)

The issue Armin ran into is this. He write a library module that makes
sure the streams are binary. Someone else does the same. A program
imports both modules, in either order. The conversion method referenced
above raises an exception if one attempt to convert an already converted
stream. Much of the extra code Armin published detects whether the steam
is already binary or needs conversion.

The obvious solution is to enhance the conversion method so that one may
say 'convert is needed, otherwise just pass'.

Gregory Ewing

Terry said:
The issue Armin ran into is this. He write a library module that makes
sure the streams are binary.

Seems to me he made a mistake right there. A library should
*not* be making global changes like that. It can obtain
binary streams from stdin and stdout for its own use, but
it shouldn't stuff them back into sys.stdin and sys.stdout.

If he had trouble because another library did that, then
that library is broken, not Python.

Terry Reedy

Seems to me he made a mistake right there. A library should
*not* be making global changes like that. It can obtain
binary streams from stdin and stdout for its own use, but
it shouldn't stuff them back into sys.stdin and sys.stdout.

If he had trouble because another library did that, then
that library is broken, not Python.

I agree. The example in Armin's blog rant was an application, an empty
unix filter (ie, simplified cat clone). For that example the complex
code he posted to show how awful Python 3 is is unneeded. When I asked
what he did not directly use the fix in the doc, without the
scaffolding, he switching to the 'library' module explanation.

The problem is that causal readers like Robin sometimes jump from 'In
Python 3, it can be hard to do something one really ought not to do' to
'Binary I/O is hard in Python 3' -- which is is not.

Robin Becker

The problem is that causal readers like Robin sometimes jump from 'In Python 3,
it can be hard to do something one really ought not to do' to 'Binary I/O is
hard in Python 3' -- which is is not.
I'm fairly causal and I did understand that the rant was a bit over the top for
fairly practical reasons I have always regarded the std streams as allowing
binary data and always objected to having to open files in python with a 't' or
'b' mode to cope with line ending issues.

Isn't it a bit old fashioned to think everything is connected to a console?

I think the idea that we only give meaning to binary data using encodings is a
bit limiting. A zip or gif file has structure, but I don't think it's reasonable
to regard such a file as having an encoding in the python unicode sense.

Chris Angelico

I think the idea that we only give meaning to binary data using encodings is
a bit limiting. A zip or gif file has structure, but I don't think it's
reasonable to regard such a file as having an encoding in the python unicode

Of course it doesn't. Those are binary files. Ultimately, every file
is binary; but since the vast majority of them actually contain text,
in one of a handful of common encodings, it's nice to have an easy way
to open a text file. You could argue that "rb" should be the default,
rather than "rt", but that's a relatively minor point.


Steven D'Aprano

there seems to be an implicit assumption in python land that encoded
strings are the norm. On virtually every computer I encounter that
assumption is wrong. The vast majority of bytes in most computers is not
something that can be easily printed out for humans to read. I suppose
some clever pythonista can figure out an encoding to read my .o / .so
etc files, but they are practically meaningless to a unicode program
today. Same goes for most image formats and media files. Browsers
routinely encounter mis/un-encoded pages.

If you include image, video and sound files, you are probably correct
that most content of files is binary.

Outside of those three kinds of files, I would expect that *by far* the
single largest kind of file is text. Some text is wrapped in a binary
layer, e.g. .doc, .odt, etc. but an awful lot of it is good old human
readable text, including web pages (html) and XML.

Every programming language I know of defaults to opening files in text
mode rather than binary mode. There may be exceptions, but reading and
writing text is ubiquitous while writing .o and .so files is not.

In python I would have preferred for bytes to remain the default io
mechanism, at least that would allow me to decide if I need any

That implies that you're opening files in binary mode by default. It also
implies that even something as trivial as writing the string "Hello
World" to a file (stdout is a file) is impossible until you've learned
about encodings and know which encoding you need. I really don't think
that's a good plan, for any language, but especially a language like
Python which is intended for beginners as well as experts.

The Python 2 approach, where stdout in binary but tries really hard to
pretend to be a superset of ASCII, is simply broken. It works well for
trivial examples, while breaking in surprising and hard-to-diagnose ways
in others. It violates the Zen, errors should not be ignored unless
explicitly silenced, instead silently failing and giving moji-bake:

[steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(u'ñβж\n')"

Changing to print doesn't help:

[steve@ando ~]$ python2.7 -c "print u'ñβж'"

Python 3 works correctly, whether you use print or sys.stdout:

[steve@ando ~]$ python3.3 -c "import sys; sys.stdout.write(u'ñβж\n')"

(although I haven't tested it on Windows).

Chris Angelico

Outside of those three kinds of files, I would expect that *by far* the
single largest kind of file is text. Some text is wrapped in a binary
layer, e.g. .doc, .odt, etc. but an awful lot of it is good old human
readable text, including web pages (html) and XML.

In terms of file I/O in Python, text wrapped in a binary layer has to
be treated as binary, not text. There's no difference between a JPEG
file that has some textual EXIF information and an ODT file that's a
whole lot of zipped up text; both of them have to be read as binary,
then unpacked according to the container's specs, and then the text
portion decoded according to an encoding like UTF-8.

But you're quite right that a large proportion of files out there
really are text.


Terry Reedy

I think the idea that we only give meaning to binary data using
encodings is a bit limiting.

On the contrary, it is liberating. The fact that bits have no meaning
other than 'a choice between two alterntives' means
1. any binary choice - 0/1, -/+, false/true, no/yes, closed/open,
male/female, sad/happy, evil/good, low/high, and so on ad infinitum, can
be encoded into a bit. Since any such pair could have been reversed, the
mapping between bit states and the pair is arbitrary, and constitutes an
2. any discret or digitized information that constitutes a choice
between multiple alternative can be encoded into a sequence of bits.

This crucial discovery is the basis of Shannon's 1947 paper and of the
information age that started about then.
A zip or gif file has structure, but I don't think it's reasonable to
to regard such a file as having an encoding in the python unicode sense.

I an not quite sure what you are denying. Color encodings are encodings
as much as character encodings, even if they encode different
information. Both encode sensory experience and conceptual correlates
into a sequences of bits usually organized for convenience into a
sequence of bytes or other chunks.

There is another similarity. Text files often have at least two levels
of encoding. First is the character encoding; that is all unicode
handles. Then there is the text structure encoding, which is sometimes
called the 'file format'. Most text files are at least structured into
'lines'. For this, they use encoded line endings, and there have been
multiple choices for this and at least 2 still in common use (which is a

Similarly, a pixel (bitmap!) image file must encode the color of each
pixel and a higher-level structuring of pixels into a a 2D array of rows
of lines. Just as with text, there have been and still are multiple
encoding at both levels. Also, similarly, the receiver of an image must
know what encoding the sender used.

Vector graphics is a different way of encoding certain types of images,
and again there are multiple ways to encode the information into bits.
The encoding hassle here is similar to that for text. One of the
frustrations of tk is that it natively uses just one old dialect of
postscript (.ps) to output screen images. One has to find and install an
extension to a modern Scaled Vector Graphics (.svg) encoding.

Because Python is programed with lines of text, it must come with
minimal text decoding. If Python were programmed with drawings, it would
come with one or more drawing decoders and a drawing equivalent of a
lexer. It might even have special 'rd' (read drawing) mode for open.

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