Querystrings different in straight HTML and delimited ASP


.Net Sports

I have querystrings that are referencing the same queried object:

HTML: <a href="?qencl=<%=qencl%>&cat=<%=qc%> ....

ASP: Response.Write "<a href=?qencl="&qencl&"&cat="&qc&"...

the queried object "cat" does not break up if the "cat" has spaces in
it on the "HTML" version

the queried object "cat" breaks off at the first space in the "ASP:

HTML = http://www.mysite.com/my.asp?qencl=sup&cat=Critical
Infrastructure and Key Resources

ASP: = http://www.mysite.com/my.asp?qencl=sup&cat=Critical

not sure to what extent i need to use Server.URLEncode in this snafu


Adrienne Boswell

I have querystrings that are referencing the same queried object:

HTML: <a href="?qencl=<%=qencl%>&cat=<%=qc%> ....

ASP: Response.Write "<a href=?qencl="&qencl&"&cat="&qc&"...

the queried object "cat" does not break up if the "cat" has spaces in
it on the "HTML" version

the queried object "cat" breaks off at the first space in the "ASP:

HTML = http://www.mysite.com/my.asp?qencl=sup&cat=Critical
Infrastructure and Key Resources

ASP: = http://www.mysite.com/my.asp?qencl=sup&cat=Critical

not sure to what extent i need to use Server.URLEncode in this snafu


dim q, r, t
q = 1
r = 2
t = 3

Response.Write "<a href=" & chr(34) & "somepage.asp?q=" & id &
"&amp;r=" & col & "&amp;t=" & tld & chr(34) & ">somepage</a>"

which the browser will parse as
<a href="somepage.asp?q=1&r=2&t=3">somepage</a>

The & character should be escaped &amp; except in the case of a
response.redirect or server.transfer, and the quotation marks should
remain in place. Others use double quotes, but I prefer using chr(34)
instead - it's easier to debug.


.Net Sports said:
I have querystrings that are referencing the same queried object:

HTML: <a href="?qencl=<%=qencl%>&cat=<%=qc%> ....

ASP: Response.Write "<a href=?qencl="&qencl&"&cat="&qc&"...

the queried object "cat" does not break up if the "cat" has spaces in
it on the "HTML" version

the queried object "cat" breaks off at the first space in the "ASP:

HTML = http://www.mysite.com/my.asp?qencl=sup&cat=Critical
Infrastructure and Key Resources

ASP: = http://www.mysite.com/my.asp?qencl=sup&cat=Critical

not sure to what extent i need to use Server.URLEncode in this snafu


In the latter case you are not quoting the URL, which is why a space causes
a problem. You should never be using spaces in URLs though.

In both case, use Server.URLEncode to encode each value, eg.

Response.Write "<a href=""?qencl=" & Server.URLEncode(qencl) & "&cat=" &
Server.URLEncode(qc) & ... """>"

note that I've also added "" after the href=, this is one way to add double
quotes into strings in ASP VBScript; another being the Chr(34) that Adrienne
has suggested.

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