Re: Modelsim PE vs. Aldec Active-HDL (PE)


Martin Thompson

rickman said:
Are you saying that Emacs understands VHDL well enough to build a test
bench for you? Will it also build a component declaration or
instantiation automatically? These three things could be automated,
but I have never taken the time to do it. Making it part of the
editor makes perfect sense.

Here's an example:

Given this (for which I typed very few letters due to autocompletion
and other magic):

entity example is

generic (
blah : integer := 5);

port (
clk : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
a : in integer;
b : out integer);

end entity example;

I can "copy-port" and "paste as testbench" to get this (I have done
nothing further to it at all):

< being vhdl paste >

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;


entity tb_example is

end entity tb_example;


architecture test of tb_example is

-- component generics
constant blah : integer := 5;

-- component ports
signal clk : std_logic;
signal reset : std_logic;
signal a : integer;
signal b : integer;

-- clock
signal Clk : std_logic := '1';
-- finished?
signal finished : std_logic;

begin -- architecture test

-- component instantiation
DUT: entity work.example
generic map (
blah => blah)
port map (
clk => clk,
reset => reset,
a => a,
b => b);

-- clock generation
Clk <= not Clk after 10 ns when finished /= '1' else '0';

-- waveform generation
WaveGen_Proc: process
finished <= '0';
-- insert signal assignments here
finished <= '1';
report (time'image(now) & " Finished");
end process WaveGen_Proc;

end architecture test;


configuration tb_example_test_cfg of tb_example is
for test
end for;
end tb_example_test_cfg;


< end vhdl paste >

I still need to update the vhdl-mode config so that clk doesn't get
defined twice - I broke that at some point, and haven't gone back to
fix it properly, I just delete the line. That feels very lazy, now
I'm admitting it :)


Nial Stewart

Are you saying that Emacs understands VHDL well enough to build a test
bench for you? Will it also build a component declaration or
instantiation automatically? These three things could be automated,
but I have never taken the time to do it. Making it part of the
editor makes perfect sense.

The problem with emacs is you need three knuckles in each finger to
drive it.

The following perl script builds a basic testbench from a *.vhd entity.

It's not perfect (generics throw it I think, I keep meaning to fix that)
but it's saved me a lot of time.


Andy Peters

Ok, that's what I get from the Aldec or Lattice ispLever tools.  I'll
have to look at EMACs sometime soon.  Can it be used to do pretty
print formatting on VHDL files?

Yep, it beautifies buffers beautifully.

The comprehensive auto-complete feature is the best reason to use
emacs and its vhdl-mode.

Type pr then <tab> and blam, it inserts a process template, which you
can customize with clock name, reset name and type (async/sync) and
polarity, and it'll ask for a process label too.

Really, I don't know how anyone does any VHDL coding without it.



Yes, it will "beautify", either the entire buffer or the current
region (using C-c C-b or C-c M-b).

I'm also using Emacs/Gnus writing this message and reading this
newsgroup. I'm using Emacs/Mew for writing E-mail, also writing
Verilog, Common Lisp, Python, C, Java, LaTex, etc., as well as doing
GIT commits, diffs, creating branches, merges, even surfing the web
using w3m. Dired in Emacs provides a great file browser where I can to
bulk editing etc. Whenever I want to perform tedious repetitive
editing tasks I will usually make a small Emacs Lisp function to do it
for me...

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing on usenet and in e-mail?


There was a guy in some of the Yahoo groups who had a tag line about
not being able to chew a radio wave. For some reason it struck me as
annoying and eventually I asked him to change it. He was not wedded
to it and was nice enough to do so.

I find your tag line to be pretty annoying as well. It is one of
those things that once you've read it, you don't need to keep reading
it. But it is there at the bottom of each post you make and it is
hard to ignore. At least I find it hard to ignore. What are the
chances you can switch to something else?


glen herrmannsfeldt

(snip, someone wrote)

(snip, someone else wrote)
I find your tag line to be pretty annoying as well. It is one of
those things that once you've read it, you don't need to keep reading
it. But it is there at the bottom of each post you make and it is
hard to ignore. At least I find it hard to ignore. What are the
chances you can switch to something else?

I agree. While I mostly agree that top posting is bad, I don't
believe that it is always true. I will rarely read a post if there
is nothing new in the first two pages scrolling down. If I do get
to the bottom, though, I do seem to keep reading the above comments.

In the case of a small addition to a large post, and which has no
likely follow-ups. (Doesn't ask a question or extend one.) I would
rather see it at the top where I can read it quickly.

I don't mind the comments applied to actual top posts, but it
gets pretty annoying to see it all the time.

-- glen

Petter Gustad

rickman said:
I find your tag line to be pretty annoying as well. It is one of

Of course I can remove it. I just got a little curious. Is it that
I've been using it for so long? Is it the length? Or is it the context
that annoys you?
It is one of those things that once you've read it, you don't need to
keep reading it.

There are other readers here besides you. There's probably new people
entering the group every day. The sig was mostly targeted towards new
But it is there at the bottom of each post you make and

That's the case with most sigs.
hard to ignore. At least I find it hard to ignore. What are the
chances you can switch to something else?

This will have to do until I dig out some of my older ones...



Of course I can remove it. I just got a little curious. Is it that
I've been using it for so long? Is it the length? Or is it the context
that annoys you?

It is just the repetition of the message I think. First, I guess I
don't agree that it is something that needs to be addressed in this
way. Others have used this sort of sig too and after some several
hundreds or thousands of times of seeing it it becomes an annoyance.
The same is true for commercials on TV. I can't stand some of them
the first time I see them. Others start getting on my nerves after a
few dozen times. That is why I use the mute and it is also why I
haven't done anything to get more channels after I fell of the digital
cliff on the broadcast conversion. I now get three channels from one
public TV station and am pretty happy with that actually.

Thanks for being understanding about your sig.


Petter Gustad

rickman said:
It is just the repetition of the message I think.

I should try to go for some more frequent variation in the future.
gnus-posting-styles makes this easy so I have no excuse other than
it's been a while since I looked into its syntax and features.
The same is true for commercials on TV. I can't stand some of them
the first time I see them. Others start getting on my nerves after a

Luckily(!?) I live in a country where they only have crap on TV so
it's not worth watching, though every TV owner has to pay even if
your're watching it or not.


Anssi Saari

rickman said:
It is just the repetition of the message I think. First, I guess I
don't agree that it is something that needs to be addressed in this
way. Others have used this sort of sig too and after some several
hundreds or thousands of times of seeing it it becomes an annoyance.

I don't understand. You read signatures? And get annoyed by them? Why?
It should be entirely voluntary. I at least don't display them
usually, why would I? It's the message that's important. It's like
complaining about repetitive headers...

Or is this something that Google Groups users do?

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