Reading a table

  • Thread starter Stephen.Schoenberger
  • Start date



My C is a bit rusty (.NET programmer normally but need to do this in
C) and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table. The
general form of the file is

00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000

I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.

Any suggestions would be great!




My C is a bit rusty (.NET programmer normally but need to do this in
C) and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table. The
general form of the file is

00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000

I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.

Any suggestions would be great!

fopen() to open the file.
fgets() to read in one line at a time.
write your own function to parse it, because only you know the format.



My C is a bit rusty (.NET programmer normally but need to do this in
C) and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table. The
general form of the file is
00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000
I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.
Any suggestions would be great!

fopen() to open the file.
fgets() to read in one line at a time.
write your own function to parse it, because only you know the format.



Default User


My C is a bit rusty (.NET programmer normally but need to do this in
C) and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table. The
general form of the file is

00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000

I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.

Any suggestions would be great!

Arrays in C are indexed from 0. You can leave the first one empty if
you're determined to have 1-based indexing, but it's not an overly good

I'd also suggest a two-dimensional array, rather than separate ones
named "array1" etc. That makes for easier handling, as the entire table
OR individual rows can be passed to functions or whatever. So the first
row would be table[0], and the first element would be table[0][0].

It's especially easy if you happen to know the number of rows and
columns going in, otherwise you'll probably need a dynamic array. Of
course, you still need to come up with a data type for the elements
themselves, presumably char*, but it's not clear what the parsing
actually consists of. We'd need more information.


Bill Reid

My C is a bit rusty (.NET programmer normally but need to do this in
C) and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table. The
general form of the file is
00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000
I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.
Any suggestions would be great!

fopen() to open the file.
fgets() to read in one line at a time.
write your own function to parse it, because only you know the format.



He forgot to tell you about fclose()!


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define LINEMAX 512

extern unsigned
(char *,unsigned (*)(unsigned,char *,void *),void *);

static FILE *text_file;

static char text_line[LINEMAX];

/* assigns field values from text file lines using callback function */
unsigned assign_text_file_line_fields
(char *text_file_path,
unsigned assign_func(unsigned,char *,void *),void *assign_ptr) {
unsigned line_num=0;

/* try to open text file, return if failure */
if((text_file=fopen(text_file_path,"rt"))==NULL) {
printf("\nERROR: Could not open text file\n%s",

/* get every line in file, pass to callback function */
while((fgets(text_line,LINEMAX,text_file))!=NULL) {

if(!assign_func(line_num,text_line,assign_ptr)) {
printf("ERROR: Could not assign line %d fields);


/* OK, looks like we've succeeded */

/* try to close file, warn if failure */
printf("\nWARNING: Problem closing text file\n%s",

/* buh-bye */
return ret_val;

If you set up the above in its own little object file/library or
whatever, you can link it into any program when you need to
parse any type of text file with regularly-formatted lines of
column-data, by writing a specific assign_func for each type
of file, and declaring a suitable multi-dimensional array (or
array of structs) to hold the data:

typedef struct My_Data {
double field_1;
unsigned field_2;
int field_3;
} My_Data;

My_Data my_data_array[100];

My_Data *my_data_array_ptr=&my_data_array;

static unsigned
(unsigned line_num,char *text_line,void *data_ptr) {
My_Data *my_data_ptr=data_ptr;

/* line parsing and assigning goes here */


(text_file_path,assign_my_file_fields,(void *)(my_data_array_ptr));

And you'll never have to write the file opening, reading, and closing
code ever again...the only reason I bring this up is because, of course,
I have literally hundreds of different text file formats to read in my
own code...



My C is a bit rusty (.NET programmer normally but need to do this in
C) and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table. The
general form of the file is

00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000

I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.

/* BEGIN file_parse.c output */

Input file:
0000000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 8 318 318 068 9318 068
0000000001 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 9 619 119 119 7619 119
0000000002 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 2 252 252 002 6252 002

Resulting array:
array[0][0] 0000000000
array[0][1] USNIST00Z
array[0][2] 00000000_00
array[0][3] 8
array[0][4] 318
array[0][5] 318
array[0][6] 068
array[0][7] 9318
array[0][8] 068

array[1][0] 0000000001
array[1][1] USNIST00Z
array[1][2] 00000000_00
array[1][3] 9
array[1][4] 619
array[1][5] 119
array[1][6] 119
array[1][7] 7619
array[1][8] 119

array[2][0] 0000000002
array[2][1] USNIST00Z
array[2][2] 00000000_00
array[2][3] 2
array[2][4] 252
array[2][5] 252
array[2][6] 002
array[2][7] 6252
array[2][8] 002

/* END file_parse.c output */

/* BEGIN file_parse.c */
My C is a bit rusty
(.NET programmer normally but need to do this in C)
and I need to read in a text file that is setup as a table.
The general form of the file is

00000000 USNIST00Z 00000000_00 0 000 000 000 0000 000

I need to read the file line by line and eventually parse out each
piece of the file and store in arrays that correspond to the specific
line. array1[1] would be the first entry in the first line and so on
and so forth.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>

#define LINES_PER_FILE 3
#define LU_RAND_SEED 123456789LU
#define LU_RAND(S) ((S) * 69069 + 362437 & 0XFFFFFFFFLU)
#define NMEMB(A) (sizeof (A) / sizeof *(A))

struct list_node {
struct list_node *next;
void *data;

typedef struct list_node list_type;

int get_line(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream);
int list_fputs(list_type *node, FILE *stream);
list_type *list_append(list_type **head,
list_type *tail,
void *data,
size_t size);
void list_free(list_type *node, void (*free_data)(void *));
void no_free(void *data);
void free_ptrs(char ***p, size_t nmemb);
void display_array(char ***p, size_t nmemb, size_t n_fields);

int main(void)
long unsigned lu_seed, line, n_fields, field;
int rc;
char *buff, *ptr;
size_t size;
list_type *tail, *head;
char fn[L_tmpnam];
FILE *fp;
char ***f;

puts("/* BEGIN file_parse.c output */");
** Open temporary input text file for writing.
lu_seed = LU_RAND_SEED;
fp = fopen(fn, "w");
if (fp == NULL) {
fputs("fopen(fn), \"w\") == NULL\n", stderr);
for (line = 0; line != LINES_PER_FILE; ++line) {
lu_seed = LU_RAND(lu_seed);
"%.10lu %s %.1lu %.3lu %.3lu %.3lu %.4lu %.3lu\n",
line, "USNIST00Z 00000000_00",
lu_seed % 10, lu_seed % 1000,
lu_seed % 500, lu_seed % 250,
lu_seed % 10000, lu_seed % 125);
** Close file.
** Open input text file for reading.
** Represent each line of the input text file
** as a string in a node of a linked list.
** Close temp input file after reading.
size = 0;
buff = NULL;
head = tail = NULL;
fp = fopen(fn, "r");
if (fp == NULL) {
fputs("fopen(fn), \"r\") == NULL\n", stderr);
while ((rc = get_line(&buff, &size, fp)) > 0) {
tail = list_append(&head, tail, buff, strlen(buff) + 1);
if (tail == NULL) {
fputs("tail == NULL\n", stderr);
** Free allocated buffer used by get_line function.
** Remove temporary input file.
if (rc != EOF) {
list_free(head, free);
fprintf(stderr, "rc == %d\n", rc);
** Display linked list.
puts("\nInput file:");
list_fputs(head, stdout);
** Create array.
n_fields = 1;
for (ptr = head -> data; *ptr != '\0'; ++ptr) {
if (*ptr == ' ') {
f = malloc(line * sizeof *f);
if (f == NULL) {
list_free(head, free);
fputs("f == NULL\n", stderr);
for (line = 0; line != LINES_PER_FILE; ++line) {
f[line] = malloc(n_fields * sizeof *f[line]);
if (f[line] == NULL) {
puts("f[line] == NULL");
** Tokenise list data and
** assign string addresses to pointers in array.
line = 0;
for (tail = head; tail != NULL; tail = tail -> next) {
f[line][0] = tail -> data;
for (field = 1; field != n_fields; ++field) {
f[line][field] = strchr(f[line][field - 1], ' ');
if (f[line][field] == NULL) {
puts("f[line][field] == NULL");
*f[line][field]++ = '\0';
** Free list nodes but not node->data.
list_free(head, no_free);
** Display resulting array.
puts("\nResulting array:");
display_array(f, LINES_PER_FILE, n_fields);
** Free array.
free_ptrs(f, LINES_PER_FILE);
puts("/* END file_parse.c output */");
return 0;

void display_array(char ***p, size_t nmemb, size_t n_fields)
long unsigned line, field;

for (line = 0; line != nmemb; ++line) {
for (field = 0; field != n_fields; ++field) {
printf("array[%lu][%lu] %s\n",
line, field, p[line][field]);

void free_ptrs(char ***p, size_t nmemb)
while (nmemb-- != 0) {

int get_line(char **lineptr, size_t *n, FILE *stream)
int rc;
void *p;
size_t count;

count = 0;
while ((rc = getc(stream)) != EOF) {
if (count != (size_t)-2) {
if ((size_t)(count + 2u) > *n) {
p = realloc(*lineptr, count + 2);
if (p == NULL) {
if (*n > count) {
if (rc != '\n') {
(*lineptr)[count] = '\0';
(*lineptr)[count - 1] = (char)rc;
} else {
(*lineptr)[count - 1] = '\0';
} else {
if (*n != 0) {
**lineptr = '\0';
ungetc(rc, stream);
count = 0;
*lineptr = p;
*n = count + 2;
if (rc == '\n') {
(*lineptr)[count - 1] = '\0';
(*lineptr)[count - 1] = (char)rc;
if (rc != EOF) {
rc = INT_MAX > count ? count : INT_MAX;
} else {
if (*n > count) {
(*lineptr)[count] = '\0';
return rc;

int list_fputs(list_type *node, FILE *stream)
while (node != NULL) {
if (fputs(node -> data, stream) == EOF) {
return EOF;
if (putc('\n', stream) == EOF) {
return EOF;
node = node -> next;
return '\n';

list_type *list_append(list_type **head,
list_type *tail,
void *data,
size_t size)
list_type *node;

node = malloc(sizeof *node);
if (node != NULL) {
node -> next = NULL;
node -> data = malloc(size);
if (node -> data != NULL) {
memcpy(node -> data, data, size);
if (*head != NULL) {
tail -> next = node;
} else {
*head = node;
} else {
node = NULL;
return node;

void list_free(list_type *node, void (*free_data)(void *))
list_type *next_node;

while (node != NULL) {
next_node = node -> next;
free_data(node -> data);
node = next_node;

void no_free(void *data)

/* END file_parse.c */


pete wrote:
/* BEGIN file_parse.c */

I rewrote some of the code.
long unsigned lu_seed, line, n_fields, field;

Could use another variable to count file lines.

long unsigned lu_seed, line, n_lines, n_fields, field;
for (line = 0; line != LINES_PER_FILE; ++line) {
f[line] = malloc(n_fields * sizeof *f[line]);
if (f[line] == NULL) {
puts("f[line] == NULL");

Some of the cleanup could be better.

for (line = 0; line != n_lines; ++line) {
f[line] = malloc(n_fields * sizeof *f[line]);
if (f[line] == NULL) {
free_ptrs(f, line);
list_free(head, free);
puts("f[line] == NULL");
f[line][0] = NULL;
if (f[line][field] == NULL) {
puts("f[line][field] == NULL");

if (f[line][field] == NULL) {
free_ptrs(f, n_lines);
list_free(head, free);
puts("f[line][field] == NULL");

free_ptrs(f, LINES_PER_FILE);

Instead of the above two lines, just this one:

free_ptrs(f, n_lines);

void free_ptrs(char ***p, size_t nmemb)
while (nmemb-- != 0) {

This version of free_ptrs, frees the list data,
which I had neglected to do before.

void free_ptrs(char ***p, size_t nmemb)
while (nmemb-- != 0) {

Roland Pibinger


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define LINEMAX 512

extern unsigned
(char *,unsigned (*)(unsigned,char *,void *),void *);

static FILE *text_file;

static char text_line[LINEMAX];

/* assigns field values from text file lines using callback function */
unsigned assign_text_file_line_fields
(char *text_file_path,
unsigned assign_func(unsigned,char *,void *),void *assign_ptr) {
unsigned line_num=0;

/* try to open text file, return if failure */
if((text_file=fopen(text_file_path,"rt"))==NULL) {
printf("\nERROR: Could not open text file\n%s",

/* get every line in file, pass to callback function */
while((fgets(text_line,LINEMAX,text_file))!=NULL) {

if(!assign_func(line_num,text_line,assign_ptr)) {
printf("ERROR: Could not assign line %d fields);


/* OK, looks like we've succeeded */

/* try to close file, warn if failure */
printf("\nWARNING: Problem closing text file\n%s",

/* buh-bye */
return ret_val;

Your callback solution has its merits. But you could have done it

- without gotos
- whithout static FILE
- for arbitrary long lines (no hard-coded maximum line lenght)
- with a typedef for the callback function for better readability
- with an explanation for "rt" instead of "r"
- returning error codes instead of using printfs
- with self-explanatory names e.g. process_file_by_line (insted of
assign_text_file_line_fields), process_line (instead of assign_func),
data or context (instead of assign_ptr)

Bill Reid

Roland Pibinger said:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define LINEMAX 512

extern unsigned
(char *,unsigned (*)(unsigned,char *,void *),void *);

static FILE *text_file;

static char text_line[LINEMAX];

/* assigns field values from text file lines using callback function */
unsigned assign_text_file_line_fields
(char *text_file_path,
unsigned assign_func(unsigned,char *,void *),void *assign_ptr) {
unsigned line_num=0;

/* try to open text file, return if failure */
if((text_file=fopen(text_file_path,"rt"))==NULL) {
printf("\nERROR: Could not open text file\n%s",

/* get every line in file, pass to callback function */
while((fgets(text_line,LINEMAX,text_file))!=NULL) {

if(!assign_func(line_num,text_line,assign_ptr)) {
printf("ERROR: Could not assign line %d fields);


/* OK, looks like we've succeeded */

/* try to close file, warn if failure */
printf("\nWARNING: Problem closing text file\n%s",

/* buh-bye */
return ret_val;

Your callback solution has its merits. But you could have done it

- without gotos

They're worth it just to irritate some people and don't hurt
- whithout static FILE

Possibly, but the idea here is just to read a single file and
then close it right up...
- for arbitrary long lines (no hard-coded maximum line lenght)

Yes, but again the idea here is we KNOW the maximum size
of our file lines, almost certainly because we wrote them in the
first place with trusted and checked data (note that I left out anything
about sizing the array for the number of lines, that's left "up to the
reader") real life, I do have a similar function that does dynamic
resizing for arbitrarily long lines for other types of files...
- with a typedef for the callback function for better readability

Uh, yeah, maybe, I'm not sure I'm following you here...
- with an explanation for "rt" instead of "r"

Read the friggin' man page!
- returning error codes instead of using printfs

Up to the original poster to implement their error handling
routines; actually, I use something else in "real life" but modified
it for "readability"...
- with self-explanatory names e.g. process_file_by_line (insted of
assign_text_file_line_fields), process_line (instead of assign_func),
data or context (instead of assign_ptr)

Yeah, semantics, maybe...
"The best software is simple, elegant, and full of drama" - Grady Booch

Ah, brinksmanship, most applicable to nuclear power plant software...


Bill said:
.... snip ...

Possibly, but the idea here is just to read a single file and
then close it right up...

Yes, but again the idea here is we KNOW the maximum size> of our
file lines,

However, some people want to copy files without worrying about line
length. With ggets (and fggets) you can handle this with ease, as
in the following:

[1] c:\c\junk>cc -o fcopylns.exe ggets.o junk.c

[1] c:\c\junk>fcopylns <junk.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ggets.h"

int main(void) {
char *line;

while (0 == ggets(&line)) {
return 0;
} /* main, fcopylns */

Note the complexity. You can get the source etc. for ggets at:



Bill said:
Read the friggin' man page!

That's the problem.

Man pages aren't part of the C programming language.

Using "rt" as a second argument in a fopen function call
isn't part of the C programming language either.

Bill Reid

pete said:
That's the problem.

Man pages aren't part of the C programming language.

Using "rt" as a second argument in a fopen function call
isn't part of the C programming language either.
Yeah, I guess you're right, from a completely strict interpretation
of the "standard"...except, of course, that the "standard" itself is
actually contradictory as a practical matter on the subject.

If "rt" is NOT a part of the "C programming language" (standard),
then of course it would be completely illegal to use "rt". But that's
NOT what the "standard" says, now is it?

Meanwhile, on my "implementation", there is a global file opening
mode variable that can be over-ridden by using either 't' or 'b'. Since
it is set to "O_TEXT" by default I don't actually NEED to use the "rt",
but since this has also been the case for several wildly-different
"implementations" in my experience, I am in the habit of setting it
that way. I suspect there aren't a lot of C compilers out there where
this would cause a problem, since a lot of them fudge around the
"undefined behavior" in their "man pages", explicitly allowing the
"rt" while acknowledging it is a waste of a character...

But, I guess you're "technically" correct, I should have noted that
to open a text file under the "C standard" you only need to use "r",
and "rt" MIGHT cause a "portability" problem...

Bill Reid

CBFalconer said:
Bill said:
... snip ...

Possibly, but the idea here is just to read a single file and
then close it right up...

Yes, but again the idea here is we KNOW the maximum size> of our
file lines,

However, some people want to copy files without worrying about line
length. With ggets (and fggets) you can handle this with ease, as
in the following:

[1] c:\c\junk>cc -o fcopylns.exe ggets.o junk.c

[1] c:\c\junk>fcopylns <junk.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ggets.h"

int main(void) {
char *line;

while (0 == ggets(&line)) {
return 0;
} /* main, fcopylns */

Note the complexity. You can get the source etc. for ggets at:

Sure, something like that might come in handy in some situations,
but I actually take a somewhat different tack for parsing out text "tables"
with potentially (unpredictably) HUGE "field" sizes.

Consider that the file must STILL have a rigorously-applied delimiter
strategy in order to be useful. Then consider that we can always replace
the delimiter with '\0' in the text buffer, and that we can count the
"lines" (rows) as being every occurence of a '\n' OUTSIDE of a
potentially HUGE text field "protected" in some way to allow the
use of the "field" (columns) and "line" (rows) delimiters in the text.

So at the very least, if you use fgetc() until EOF, you will wind up
with a buffer of strings delimited by NULs that corresponds to your
count of "columns" and "rows", and if you haven't already completely
parsed out the data and assigned it to your arrays, you can make
a second pass to do so based on this information.

If you're wondering why you would want a second pass in the
first place, I actually do this on a weekly basis with some HUGE
text files (well, several MB each) I download from the net, and I
actually prefer for download speed and security to go through the
download buffers in real-time applying the NUL to each "field", and
then after closing each download connection doing some fairly
time-consuming parsing of the fields (which involves writing thousands
of files).

In this case, I'm always doing dynamic memory re-allocation
for the text buffer as the download buffer is filled on successive
HTTP GETs; in the case of local files, a similar type of dynamic
buffer re-sizing could also be used. Therefore, I never need to
"get" a "line" of any length at all...

But when it comes time to parse a file that I've written myself
and KNOW exactly how big the maximum line length is, I just
use fgets(), and typically nothing more fancy than sscanf() to parse
out and assign the "fields" for each line...


Bill said:
CBFalconer said:
Bill said:
... snip ...

- whithout static FILE

Possibly, but the idea here is just to read a single file and
then close it right up...

- for arbitrary long lines (no hard-coded maximum line lenght)

Yes, but again the idea here is we KNOW the maximum size> of our
file lines,

However, some people want to copy files without worrying about line
length. With ggets (and fggets) you can handle this with ease, as
in the following:

[1] c:\c\junk>cc -o fcopylns.exe ggets.o junk.c

[1] c:\c\junk>fcopylns <junk.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ggets.h"

int main(void) {
char *line;

while (0 == ggets(&line)) {
return 0;
} /* main, fcopylns */

Note the complexity. You can get the source etc. for ggets at:

Sure, something like that might come in handy in some situations,
but I actually take a somewhat different tack for parsing out text
"tables" with potentially (unpredictably) HUGE "field" sizes.

Try out ggets. It will handle ANY size line. I deliberately
designed it to replace gets, with the usage simplicity, but no
worry about over-run. It's primary use is in interactive work, but
the efficiency is not bad for general use.

Keith Thompson

Bill Reid said:
Yeah, I guess you're right, from a completely strict interpretation
of the "standard"...except, of course, that the "standard" itself is
actually contradictory as a practical matter on the subject.

Why do you insist on using scare-quotes for the word "standard"? And
how is the standard contradictory?
If "rt" is NOT a part of the "C programming language" (standard),
then of course it would be completely illegal to use "rt". But that's
NOT what the "standard" says, now is it?

Here's what the standard actually says:

The argument mode points to a string. If the string is one of the
following, the file is open in the indicated mode. Otherwise, the
behavior is undefined.

This is followed by a list of mode strings, including "r" but not
including "rt". The "r" mode specifies opening a text file for

I see no contradiction. Using "rt" is not "completely illegal" (i.e.,
the implementation isn't required to reject it); the standard simply
assigns no meaning to it.
Meanwhile, on my "implementation", there is a global file opening
mode variable that can be over-ridden by using either 't' or 'b'. Since
it is set to "O_TEXT" by default I don't actually NEED to use the "rt",
but since this has also been the case for several wildly-different
"implementations" in my experience, I am in the habit of setting it
that way. I suspect there aren't a lot of C compilers out there where
this would cause a problem, since a lot of them fudge around the
"undefined behavior" in their "man pages", explicitly allowing the
"rt" while acknowledging it is a waste of a character...

There are *no* conforming C implementations on which using just "r"
rather than "rt" will cause a problem.
But, I guess you're "technically" correct, I should have noted that
to open a text file under the "C standard" you only need to use "r",
and "rt" MIGHT cause a "portability" problem...

Here's a clue. A simpler version of the phrase "technically correct"
is "correct". I can think of no reason to use "rt" rather than "r";
where "rt" is supported, it presumably does the same thing, and where
"rt" is not supported, using "r" is correct.


CBFalconer said:
Bill said:
CBFalconer said:
Bill Reid wrote:

... snip ...

- whithout static FILE

Possibly, but the idea here is just to read a single file and
then close it right up...

- for arbitrary long lines (no hard-coded maximum line lenght)

Yes, but again the idea here is we KNOW the maximum size> of our
file lines,

However, some people want to copy files without worrying about line
length. With ggets (and fggets) you can handle this with ease, as
in the following:

[1] c:\c\junk>cc -o fcopylns.exe ggets.o junk.c

[1] c:\c\junk>fcopylns <junk.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ggets.h"

int main(void) {
char *line;

while (0 == ggets(&line)) {
return 0;
} /* main, fcopylns */

Note the complexity. You can get the source etc. for ggets at:

Sure, something like that might come in handy in some situations,
but I actually take a somewhat different tack for parsing out text
"tables" with potentially (unpredictably) HUGE "field" sizes.

Try out ggets. It will handle ANY size line. I deliberately
designed it to replace gets, with the usage simplicity, but no
worry about over-run. It's primary use is in interactive work, but
the efficiency is not bad for general use.

The definition of fggets declares no size_t type objects!

The cast in this expression in fggets, doesn't do anything:
realloc(buffer, (size_t)cursize))

I think that ggets.h:

int fggets(char* *ln, FILE *f);

#define ggets(ln) fggets(ln, stdin)

should also have this function declaration:

int (ggets)(char* *ln);

and that ggets.c should also have this function definition:

int (ggets)(char* *ln)
return ggets(ln);


pete said:
CBFalconer wrote:
.... snip ...

The definition of fggets declares no size_t type objects!

The cast in this expression in fggets, doesn't do anything:
realloc(buffer, (size_t)cursize))

You didn't read it. cursize has been increased when this is
encountered. The testing in the zipfile proves it. Oh, you mean
the parameter. That is harmless. cursize should probably be a
size_t anyhow.
I think that ggets.h:

int fggets(char* *ln, FILE *f);
#define ggets(ln) fggets(ln, stdin)

should also have this function declaration:

int (ggets)(char* *ln);


Bill Reid

Keith Thompson said:
Why do you insist on using scare-quotes for the word "standard"?

For your information, those are "sarcastic quote marks", and I have
an annoying habit of using them, and look, I just did it again...
how is the standard contradictory?
It declares "non-standard" (whoops, did it again) function arguments
as possibly causing errors because they could possibly open file types
not intended by the programmer. This is some amazing circular logic
that only a committee could cogitate...
Here's what the standard actually says:

The argument mode points to a string. If the string is one of the
following, the file is open in the indicated mode. Otherwise, the
behavior is undefined.
My only copy of the LATEST "standard" says more than this, as
I indicated, they put some "scare language" in there to frighten people
who've been fool enough to use "rt" as instructed by their "implementations"
for years to "conform" to the will of the committee...
This is followed by a list of mode strings, including "r" but not
including "rt". The "r" mode specifies opening a text file for

I see no contradiction. Using "rt" is not "completely illegal" (i.e.,
the implementation isn't required to reject it); the standard simply
assigns no meaning to it.
Read the LATEST "standard", or maybe read a little further in
what you've been quoting here...
There are *no* conforming C implementations on which using just "r"
rather than "rt" will cause a problem.

So what's your point? My "implementation" DOES not only ALLOW
it but REQUIRE it under certain a practical matter,
what am I to do? Hold my breath until all the "non-conforming" compilers
disappear retroactively?
Here's a clue. A simpler version of the phrase "technically correct"
is "correct". I can think of no reason to use "rt" rather than "r";
where "rt" is supported, it presumably does the same thing, and where
"rt" is not supported, using "r" is correct.

Try reading what I actually wrote...carefully this time. With many
compilers, I might wind up opening the file as "binary" (now THAT'S

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