Request objects working fine locally on IIS, but not on my live site


J. Muenchbourg

I'm cannot seem to get my request objects posted from a form on a
previous page to show up on the page I'm posting to. When I try it
locally on my IIS webserver, it works fine. But the form posting does
not seem to work when I do it live (on Windows 2000). Below is the
series of statements I'm using.

<%' QUERY POST stuff
dim req
if request("DBCode") = "LY-YrToDate" or request("DBCode") = "YrToDate"
req = 1
elseif request("DBCode") = "LY-Last8wk" or request("DBCode") =
"Avg(YrTD-LY)" or request("DBCode") = "Rolling-6wk" then
req = 2
end if
'''''''''''''sql ''''''''''''''''''''''''
dim sqlstr
sqlstr = "SELECT season,gameweek,dbcode,gamedata FROM tblNFLGameData
WHERE season = '" & request("season") & "' and gameweek = '" &
request("gameweek") & "' and DBCode = '" & req & "'"

Set rf = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rf.Open sqlstr,sqlc,3
'get date from the week queried
'dim datsunday, datgamedate
'datgamedate = rf("gamedate")

If rf.BOF and rf.EOF Then
response.write "<b><h3>There are no games for this query!</h3></b>" &
req & "?" %>

As you see, I am testing the output of the variable "req" in my
response.write . The variable (either 1 or 2)shows up fine when doing
this locally on IIS, but the variable, or the posted data, doesn't show
up when doing it live. I even tried using Request.form("myvariables")


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