Rich Text Editor - problem with generated HTML



I'm doing a Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG) in javascript for a game for
kids. I'm doing a special case in with every keystroke from A-Z creates
a background and foreground color for that letter, witch is the same.
The problem is editing doesn't work that well.

For example when I type: ABCDFG , I get this code generated and
displayed by the Rich Text Editor:

<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" color=#ffff00>a<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #3399cc" color=#3399cc>b<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffccff" color=#ffccff>c<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc" color=#cccccc>d<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc99" color=#ffcc99>f<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d21894"

The markup looks ugly but it works.

If I put my cursor between the "D" and "F", for example, and try to
insert the letter "E" I get this code:

<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff9900"

I just want the letter "E" inserted in its own tag without overwriting
the other letters. The whole line ends with the color of "E". :-(

By the way, I'm using execCommand wih IE6 sp2. If you think or know a
better way of solving this without execCommand or anything, please help

Any ideas, suggestions, code samples?

Thank you...


Welcome to the world of wysiwyg editing. I'm currently working on an
editor for a social networking site, and have found that the code
generated is usually not pretty. How does your logic work when you
press a key? I'm guessing that it's something like
on key down
1. get the letter from the keycode
2. execCommand to set corresponding fore / back color for that

Instead of on keydown, maybe on keypress, get all the text nodes from
the editor document, and if they don't have a parent node of font (or
span, whatever you want), assign a parent node with the color you want.

Something like (mix of pseudo and javascript)
on keypress
nodes = editor.document.childNodes;
foreach in nodes as i
if nodes[ i ] != text node
color = possible_colors[ nodes[ i ].lowerCase ];
span_tag = new span tag;
span_tag.color = color;
span_tag.appendChild( nodes[ i ].cloneNode( false ) )
editor.document.replaceChild( span_tag, nodes[ i ] )


I realized this approach won't work, since your text is likely to be
inside of various tags. Therefore iterating through document.childNodes
won't work. It'd have to be a recursive function to catch all the text
nodes. Sorry

Welcome to the world of wysiwyg editing. I'm currently working on an
editor for a social networking site, and have found that the code
generated is usually not pretty. How does your logic work when you
press a key? I'm guessing that it's something like
on key down
1. get the letter from the keycode
2. execCommand to set corresponding fore / back color for that

Instead of on keydown, maybe on keypress, get all the text nodes from
the editor document, and if they don't have a parent node of font (or
span, whatever you want), assign a parent node with the color you want.

Something like (mix of pseudo and javascript)
on keypress
nodes = editor.document.childNodes;
foreach in nodes as i
if nodes[ i ] != text node
color = possible_colors[ nodes[ i ].lowerCase ];
span_tag = new span tag;
span_tag.color = color;
span_tag.appendChild( nodes[ i ].cloneNode( false ) )
editor.document.replaceChild( span_tag, nodes[ i ] )
I'm doing a Rich Text Editor (WYSIWYG) in javascript for a game for
kids. I'm doing a special case in with every keystroke from A-Z creates
a background and foreground color for that letter, witch is the same.
The problem is editing doesn't work that well.

For example when I type: ABCDFG , I get this code generated and
displayed by the Rich Text Editor:

<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffff00" color=#ffff00>a<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #3399cc" color=#3399cc>b<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffccff" color=#ffccff>c<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #cccccc" color=#cccccc>d<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffcc99" color=#ffcc99>f<FONT
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #d21894"

The markup looks ugly but it works.

If I put my cursor between the "D" and "F", for example, and try to
insert the letter "E" I get this code:

<P><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ff9900"

I just want the letter "E" inserted in its own tag without overwriting
the other letters. The whole line ends with the color of "E". :-(

By the way, I'm using execCommand wih IE6 sp2. If you think or know a
better way of solving this without execCommand or anything, please help

Any ideas, suggestions, code samples?

Thank you...


I use an on keypress event function. It calls a forecolor and backcolor
function. Like so: (this is the code i'm working on). I'm trying to get
it to work...

function kb_handler(evt) {
evt = evt || window.event;
var keyCode = evt.keyCode || evt.charCode;
var key = String.fromCharCode(keyCode).toLowerCase();
var rte = 'rte1';

if(keyCode == 32)
dlgColorPalette(rte, 'hilitecolor', '');
dlgColorPalette(rte, 'forecolor', '');
switch (key)
case 'a':
dlgColorPalette(rte, 'hilitecolor', '');
dlgColorPalette(rte, 'forecolor', '');
// .... and so on for all letters...
dlgColorPalette(rte, 'hilitecolor', '');
dlgColorPalette(rte, 'forecolor', '');

function setColor(color) {
var rte = currentRTE;
var parentCommand = parent.command;

if (document.all) {
var sel = frames[rte].document.selection;
if (parentCommand == "hilitecolor") parentCommand = "backcolor";
if (sel != null) {
var newRng = sel.createRange();
newRng = rng;;

rteCommand(rte, parentCommand, color);
showHideElement('cp' + rte, "hide");

function dlgColorPalette(rte, command) {
parent.command = command;
currentRTE = rte;

function setRange(rte) {
var oRTE;
if (document.all) {
oRTE = frames[rte];
var selection = oRTE.document.selection;
if (selection != null) rng = selection.createRange();
} else {
oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow;
var selection = oRTE.getSelection();
rng = selection.getRangeAt(selection.rangeCount - 1).cloneRange();

function rteCommand(rte, command, option) {
//function to perform command
var oRTE;
if (document.all) {
oRTE = frames[rte];
} else {
oRTE = document.getElementById(rte).contentWindow;

try {
oRTE.document.execCommand(command, false, option);
} catch (e) {
// alert(e);
// setTimeout("rteCommand('" + rte + "', '" + command + "', '" +
option + "');", 10);

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