Ruby idiom for enum?


David Brady

Okay, one more question from a C++ leopard trying to change his spots:

I want to set up a program that uses some predefined values to determine
its logic. For example, a method could analyze some data and return
"Good", "Fair", "Poor", or "Out of Bounds" based on a set of
thresholds. I want to be able to refer to these values by name in my
code, so constants or symbols make a good choice here. But I also want
to build a sort of rule set around these values: some function returns
values in the range of (0.0..1.0) and I want to be able to say that 0.8
is the minimum score for "Good", etc. I also want the word "Good"
stored in a specific single place so that I don't make any typos each
time I need to print the description.

In C++, I would use an enum for each of the values, then build arrays of
floats and strings indexed by those enums to hold the thresholds and

What's the Ruby idiom for this?

Perhaps Struct followed by some initializer arrays? This seems like a
good start but I end up wanting to build a set of constants first to use
as keys to a hash containing the Structs. Perhaps the Structs should be
the constants themselves, like:"RatingData", name, threshold, description)

RATING_GOOD = Struct::RatingData( :Good, 0.8, "Good Rating" )
RATING_FAIR = Struct::RatingData( :Fair, 0.5, "Fair Rating" )

...etc. The analyze_data could return RATING_GOOD if things were fine. So:

rating = analyze_data data
puts "Analysis: #{rating.description}"

Though this doesn't let me treat the values as though they are ordered, e.g.

puts "*** Warning: Rating below Fair ***" if rating < RATING_FAIR



Robert Klemme

2005/8/28 said:
Okay, one more question from a C++ leopard trying to change his spots:
I want to set up a program that uses some predefined values to determine
its logic. For example, a method could analyze some data and return
"Good", "Fair", "Poor", or "Out of Bounds" based on a set of
thresholds. I want to be able to refer to these values by name in my
code, so constants or symbols make a good choice here. But I also want
to build a sort of rule set around these values: some function returns
values in the range of (0.0..1.0) and I want to be able to say that 0.8
is the minimum score for "Good", etc. I also want the word "Good"
stored in a specific single place so that I don't make any typos each
time I need to print the description.
In C++, I would use an enum for each of the values, then build arrays of
floats and strings indexed by those enums to hold the thresholds and
What's the Ruby idiom for this?
Perhaps Struct followed by some initializer arrays? This seems like a
good start but I end up wanting to build a set of constants first to use
as keys to a hash containing the Structs. Perhaps the Structs should be
the constants themselves, like:
=20"RatingData", name, threshold, description)
RATING_GOOD =3D Struct::RatingData( :Good, 0.8, "Good Rating" )
RATING_FAIR =3D Struct::RatingData( :Fair, 0.5, "Fair Rating" )
...etc. The analyze_data could return RATING_GOOD if things were fine. = So:
rating =3D analyze_data data
puts "Analysis: #{rating.description}"
Though this doesn't let me treat the values as though they are ordered, e= g.
puts "*** Warning: Rating below Fair ***" if rating < RATING_FAIR

There are several possible solutions: Use an enum lib maybe there's
something in the RAA

Or create a Hash with nested Arrays

:good =3D> [0.8, "Good Rating"],
:bad =3D> [0.1, "Bad Rating"]

I'd probably go with your struct approach with some additional code
for creation of a single rating that will also register all ratings
somewhere and with some algorithm for determining the rating.

For example, if you place your constants in class Struct::RatingData
you can easily get all ratings via Struct::RatingData.constants.

If you need efficient rating assignment from a float value and if
there are many ratings then you might want to store ratings ordered by
the threshold to use binary search on the ratings to find the correct

Just some thoughts.

Kind regards


Brian Schröder

Okay, one more question from a C++ leopard trying to change his spots:
I want to set up a program that uses some predefined values to determine
its logic. For example, a method could analyze some data and return
"Good", "Fair", "Poor", or "Out of Bounds" based on a set of
thresholds. I want to be able to refer to these values by name in my
code, so constants or symbols make a good choice here. But I also want
to build a sort of rule set around these values: some function returns
values in the range of (0.0..1.0) and I want to be able to say that 0.8
is the minimum score for "Good", etc. I also want the word "Good"
stored in a specific single place so that I don't make any typos each
time I need to print the description.
In C++, I would use an enum for each of the values, then build arrays of
floats and strings indexed by those enums to hold the thresholds and
What's the Ruby idiom for this?
Perhaps Struct followed by some initializer arrays? This seems like a
good start but I end up wanting to build a set of constants first to use
as keys to a hash containing the Structs. Perhaps the Structs should be
the constants themselves, like:
=20"RatingData", name, threshold, description)
RATING_GOOD =3D Struct::RatingData( :Good, 0.8, "Good Rating" )
RATING_FAIR =3D Struct::RatingData( :Fair, 0.5, "Fair Rating" )
...etc. The analyze_data could return RATING_GOOD if things were fine. = So:
rating =3D analyze_data data
puts "Analysis: #{rating.description}"
Though this doesn't let me treat the values as though they are ordered, e= g.
puts "*** Warning: Rating below Fair ***" if rating < RATING_FAIR

Simply expanding on your thoughts:

module RATING
RatingData =3D, :threshold, :description)

class RatingData
include Comparable

def <=3D>(o)
if o.respond_to?:threshold
=09self.threshold <=3D> o.threshold
=09self.threshold <=3D> o
GOOD =3D :Good, 0.8, "Good Rating" )
FAIR =3D :Fair, 0.5, "Fair Rating" )
POOR =3D :poor, 0.2, "Poor Rating" )

rating =3D RATING::pOOR
puts "Analysis: #{rating.description}"

puts "*** Warning: Rating below Fair ***" if rating < RATING::FAIR

would be a possibility. Throw in some metaprogramming and it can get
really nice.




Stringed instrument chords:


Okay, one more question from a C++ leopard trying to change his spots:

I want to set up a program that uses some predefined values to determine its
logic. For example, a method could analyze some data and return "Good",
"Fair", "Poor", or "Out of Bounds" based on a set of thresholds. I want to
be able to refer to these values by name in my code, so constants or symbols
make a good choice here. But I also want to build a sort of rule set around
these values: some function returns values in the range of (0.0..1.0) and I
want to be able to say that 0.8 is the minimum score for "Good", etc. I
also want the word "Good" stored in a specific single place so that I don't
make any typos each time I need to print the description.

In C++, I would use an enum for each of the values, then build arrays of
floats and strings indexed by those enums to hold the thresholds and

What's the Ruby idiom for this?

you could use enums : it's easy enough to do clearly in ruby
Perhaps Struct followed by some initializer arrays? This seems like a good
start but I end up wanting to build a set of constants first to use as keys
to a hash containing the Structs. Perhaps the Structs should be the
constants themselves, like:"RatingData", name, threshold, description)

RATING_GOOD = Struct::RatingData( :Good, 0.8, "Good Rating" )
RATING_FAIR = Struct::RatingData( :Fair, 0.5, "Fair Rating" )

...etc. The analyze_data could return RATING_GOOD if things were fine. So:

rating = analyze_data data
puts "Analysis: #{rating.description}"

Though this doesn't let me treat the values as though they are ordered, e.g.

i often do something like this:

harp:~ > cat a.rb
class C
module RATING
LIST = [

C::RAITINGS.each{|r| p r}

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
["GOOD", "FAIR", "POOR"]

remember - the main reason to use ints for enums in c/c++ is to be able to use
'==' with the variables but a language like ruby can do just as well with

puts "*** Warning: Rating below Fair ***" if rating < RATING_FAIR


in any case, reading over your description i'd be inclined to wrap Raitings as
as objects and design a class generator that sets appropriate constants to
configurable raitings, something like:

harp:~ > cat a.rb
module RuleSet
class Raiting
include Comparable
attr 'description'
attr 'value'
def initialize d, v
@description, @value = String(d), Float(v)
def <=> other
ov = other.value rescue other
value <=> ov
def to_s
"#{ description }(#{ value })"
alias inspect to_s

module ClassMehods
attr 'raitings'
def inspect; raitings.inspect; end
def to_s; raitings.inspect; end

module InstanceMethods

class << self
def new(spec = {'good' => 0.8, 'fair' => 0.5, 'poor' => 0.2,})
klass = Class::new {
include InstanceMethods
extend ClassMehods
@raitings = []
%w( good fair poor ).each do |k|
c = k.upcase
ks = k.to_s
ki = ks.intern
keys = [k, ki, ks.downcase, ks.upcase]
v = nil
keys.each{|k| v = spec[k] and break}
r = Raiting::new k, v
const_set c, r
@raitings << r
alias [] new

rule_set = RuleSet::new
p rule_set::raitings
p(rule_set::GOOD < 42)
p rule_set::GOOD.description
p rule_set::GOOD.value

rs =
:good => 42,
:fair => 41,
:poor => 40,
p rs
p(rs::GOOD == 42)

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
[good(0.8), fair(0.5), poor(0.2)]
[good(42.0), fair(41.0), poor(40.0)]


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Florian Groß

David said:
In C++, I would use an enum for each of the values, then build arrays of
floats and strings indexed by those enums to hold the thresholds and

That's also possible in Ruby, but I think it is a better idea to
aggregate all the data into the enum member itself.

Here's Ruby code for doing C++ style enums:
# Represents a C# style enumeration of known values.
# Usage:
# Color =, :Green, :Blue)
# Color.is_a?(Enum) # => true
# Color::Red.inspect # => "Color::Red"
# Color::Green.is_a?(Color) # => true
# Color::Green.is_a?(Enum::Member) # => true
# Color::Green.index # => 1
# Color::Blue.enum # => Color
# values = [[255, 0, 0], [0, 255, 0], [0, 0, 255]]
# values[Color::Green] # => [0, 255, 0]
# Color[0] # => Color::Red
# Color.size # => 3
# Enums are enumerable. Enum::Members are comparable.
class Enum < Module
class Member < Module
attr_reader :enum, :index

def initialize(enum, index)
@enum, @index = enum, index
# Allow Color::Red.is_a?(Color)
extend enum

# Allow use of enum members as array indices
alias :to_int :index
alias :to_i :index

# Allow comparison by index
def <=>(other)
@index <=> other.index

include Comparable

def initialize(*symbols, &block)
@members = []
symbols.each_with_index do |symbol, index|
# Allow
symbol = symbol.to_s.sub(/^[a-z]/) { |letter| letter.upcase }.to_sym
member =, index)
const_set(symbol, member)
@members << member

def [](index) @members[index] end
def size() @members.size end
alias :length :size

def first(*args) @members.first(*args) end
def last(*args) @members.last(*args) end

def each(&block) @members.each(&block) end
include Enumerable

But I think it is not the best match in this case."RatingData", name, threshold, description)

RATING_GOOD = Struct::RatingData( :Good, 0.8, "Good Rating" )
RATING_FAIR = Struct::RatingData( :Fair, 0.5, "Fair Rating" )

This sounds good, but I'd go with a module:

module Rating
Good =, 0.8, "Good Rating")
Fair =, 0.5, "Fair Rating")

That seems more Rubyish to me.

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