
I have some questions on this , why isn't sub parse and sub search not
performing the way I want them too, they are supposed to go through all of
the directories and then open the files in them and then if the contents of
the file match param ('query') print the results. It's been driving me
crazy, if someone could point me in the right direction it would be great.
This is very incomplete and doesn't use all of it's data yet, so I would
appreciate comments that don't point that out, for example, what if it opens
binary files? I dunno..thanks in advance, by the way, I know that it's
somewhere in the methods search or parse, but other than that I don't have
the foggiest.



use strict;
use warnings;

use Fcntl qw :)flock);

use CGI qw:)all);

$CGI::pOST_MAX=1024 * 100; # max 100K posts
$CGI::DISABLE_UPLOADS = 1; # no uploads

$" = '';

$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';

my @directories = ("./", "../", "../design"); #change this to the
directories you want to have searched.
my $action = url_param ('action');
my $rootfile = url (relative=>1);
my $headerfile = "searchheader.txt";
my $footerfile = "searchfooter.txt";
my $errorfile = "ERR.txt";
my @head = getheader ($headerfile);
my @foot = getfooter ($footerfile);
my $date = getdate ();
my @errors;

if ($action eq "search")
search ();

newsearch ();

sub search
print header;
print (@head);
print <<END;
<p><strong><em>Infused Search</em></strong>
Search Results:
#code for parsing results
foreach my $dir (@directories)
opendir (DIR, $dir);
my @files_from_dir = readdir (DIR);
closedir (DIR);
foreach my $file (@files_from_dir)
if (! -d $file)
parse ($file, $dir);
print <<END;
<hr size="1">

sub parse
my ($filetoparse, $dirtoparse) = @_;
my @results;
open (FILE, $filetoparse) or push (@errors, "A file open operation
flock (FILE, LOCK_SH) or push (@errors, "A file lock operation
my @filecontents = <FILE>;
close (FILE);
chomp (@filecontents);
my $result;
my $filecontents = join ('', @filecontents);
if (param ('query') =~ /$filecontents/m and param ('query'))
$result = $filetoparse;
print "<a href=\"$dirtoparse" . "$filetoparse\">$result</a><br>";

sub newsearch
print header;
print (@head);
print <<END;
<strong><em>Infused Search</em></strong>
<hr size="1">
<form name="form1" method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="query">
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">
<hr size="1">
print (@foot);

sub checkerrors
if (@errors)
print header;
print "<html><body><center>";
print "There were errors while trying to execute Infused Search. They
are listed as follows.<br><br>\n";
foreach my $error (@errors)
print ($error, "<br>\n");
my $errflag = 0;
if (! open (ERRORF, ">>$errorfile") and flock (ERRORF, LOCK_EX))
print "There was an error logging the errors: file cannot be locked or
$errflag = 1;
print ERRORF ("Current date: $date", "\n");
foreach my $error2 (@errors)
print ERRORF $error2, "\n";
close (ERRORF);
if (! $errflag)
print "<br>", "Errors have been logged in $errorfile.";
print "</body></html>";
exit (0);

sub getheader
my $header_sub = shift;
my (@headertoret);
if (-e $header_sub)
open (HEADERF, $header_sub);
@headertoret = <HEADERF>;
close (HEADERF);
open (HEADERF, ">$header_sub");
@headertoret = <<END;
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css">
body,td,th {
color: #FFA4A4;
body {
background-color: #000000;
a:link {
color: #66FFFF;
a:visited {
color: #66FFFF;
a:hover {
color: #FF9933;
a:active {
color: #66FFFF;

print HEADERF @headertoret;
close (HEADERF);
return (@headertoret);

sub getfooter
my $footer_sub = shift;
my (@footertoret);
if (-e $footer_sub)
open (HEADERF, $footer_sub);
@footertoret = <HEADERF>;
close (HEADERF);
open (HEADERF, ">$footer_sub");
@footertoret = <<END;
print HEADERF @footertoret;
close (HEADERF);
return (@footertoret);

sub getdate
my ($day, $mon, $year)=(localtime)[3,4,5];
$year +=1900;
my $date = $mon . "/" . $day . "/" . $year;
return $date;

Sherm Pendley

Robin said:
I have some questions on this , why isn't sub parse and sub search not
performing the way I want them too, they are supposed to go through all of
the directories and then open the files in them and then if the contents
of the file match param ('query') print the results. It's been driving me
crazy, if someone could point me in the right direction it would be great.

Your script passes the directory to parse(), but it doesn't look like
parse() is using it. So any file that isn't in the current directory ('./')
won't get parsed.
open (FILE, $filetoparse) or push (@errors, "A file open operation

You should be using more helpful error messages. The above tells you nothing
more than that a file failed to open - it would be better if it also told
you what file and why. Including the file name and $! would make this bug
easier to find.



Robin said:
#code for parsing results
foreach my $dir (@directories)
opendir (DIR, $dir);
my @files_from_dir = readdir (DIR);
closedir (DIR);
foreach my $file (@files_from_dir)
if (! -d $file)
parse ($file, $dir);

Do you really indent your code like that, or is this just an artifact of
whatever utility that you use to post to clpm? That is so painful to look at
that I cannot even consider analyzing it to help you with your problems...

Mark Clements

GreenLight said:
"Robin" <webmaster @ infusedlight . net> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
Do you really indent your code like that, or is this just an artifact of
whatever utility that you use to post to clpm? That is so painful to look at
that I cannot even consider analyzing it to help you with your problems...

Robin: you could do with looking at templating solutions, eg
HTML::Template or Template-Toolkit (though there are a fair number out
there and people tend to have strong opinions about choice of templating
package). Embedding HTML ie presentation and content directly within a
script makes it hard to read and hard to maintain. It also makes it very
difficult to work with web designers who may not have any knowledge of

As far as the indenting goes, check out perltidy.


David K. Wall

Robin said:
I have some questions on this , why isn't sub parse and sub search
not performing the way I want them too, they are supposed to go
through all of the directories and then open the files in them and
then if the contents of the file match param ('query') print the
results. It's been driving me crazy, if someone could point me in
the right direction it would be great.

use File::Find;

Writing your own code to recurse through directories is a useful
exercise, but if you just want to get the program written and use it,
File::Find is faster and easier to use, and almost certainly more

I'd also suggest not printing the results immediately, but save them
somewhere (possibly in an array of some sort, maybe of hashes) and
only print them out when the search has finished.

And please, *please*, format your code in a readable way. perlstyle
has suggestions. You don't have to follow them exactly, but at least
pick a style and use it *consistently*. If I didn't have perltidy
available to reformat your code I would not have even bothered to
skim over it. If you don't have an editor that assists with
indenting, then get one.

sub parse
my ($filetoparse, $dirtoparse) = @_;
my @results;
open (FILE, $filetoparse) or push (@errors, "A file open
operation failed.");

So if the open fails, save a non-informative message in an array
(which file? why did it fail?) ...
flock (FILE, LOCK_SH) or push (@errors, "A file lock operation
my @filecontents = <FILE>;

....and then try to read it anyway.
close (FILE);
chomp (@filecontents);

....and then do other stuff with an empty array.


[I got tired at this point and stopped reading]

Michele Dondi

I have some questions on this , why isn't sub parse and sub search not
performing the way I want them too, they are supposed to go through all of
the directories and then open the files in them and then if the contents of
the file match param ('query') print the results. It's been driving me

I have not read your code, but I seemed to notice some readdir()s so
from what is described above I feel like pointing out that the
standard answer -and indeed generally a good one!- to this kind of
questions is 'use File::Find'. Maybe you knew, maybe you don't: if you
didn't, it's there for your ease!


Joe Smith

Robin said:
opendir (DIR, $dir);
my @files_from_dir = readdir (DIR);
closedir (DIR);
foreach my $file (@files_from_dir)
if (! -d $file)
parse ($file, $dir);

1) You really messed up on the indentation there.
2) Your main logic error is in the argument to -d() and parse(); it's
incomplete. Anytime $dir is not the same as ".", your code will fail.

foreach my $fil (@files_from_dir) {
my $file = "$dir/$fil";
parse($file,$dir) if -f $file;


Tassilo v. Parseval

Also sprach Michele Dondi:
I have not read your code, but I seemed to notice some readdir()s so
from what is described above I feel like pointing out that the
standard answer -and indeed generally a good one!- to this kind of
questions is 'use File::Find'. Maybe you knew, maybe you don't: if you
didn't, it's there for your ease!

As far as I could see, he is not recursing further into subdirectories.
For ordinary directory listings, I'd use readdir() alright.


David K. Wall

Tassilo v. Parseval said:
Also sprach Michele Dondi:

As far as I could see, he is not recursing further into
subdirectories. For ordinary directory listings, I'd use readdir()

Yeah, you're right. I didn't look closely enough either.


Sherm Pendley said:

Your script passes the directory to parse(), but it doesn't look like
parse() is using it. So any file that isn't in the current directory ('./')
won't get parsed.

parse uses the directory when the link is printed out.
You should be using more helpful error messages. The above tells you nothing
more than that a file failed to open - it would be better if it also told
you what file and why. Including the file name and $! would make this bug
easier to find.

yes, this is my first draft and I haven't really worked in the error
checking routine, but I will....



GreenLight said:
"Robin" <webmaster @ infusedlight . net> wrote in message

Do you really indent your code like that, or is this just an artifact of
whatever utility that you use to post to clpm? That is so painful to look at
that I cannot even consider analyzing it to help you with your problems...

The code has screwed up indendation because of my newsreader which does some
weird stuff with tabs and spaces, but it looks fine when I edit it, and also
when I open the file with a text editor, it's just when I paste it into
something, sorry for posting code that's hard to read.



Robin: you could do with looking at templating solutions, eg
HTML::Template or Template-Toolkit (though there are a fair number out
there and people tend to have strong opinions about choice of templating
package). Embedding HTML ie presentation and content directly within a
script makes it hard to read and hard to maintain. It also makes it very
difficult to work with web designers who may not have any knowledge of

I'll keep it in mind, I've never used either one, I tend to work with
minimal modules because it's sometimes a compatibility issue with some
servers using scripts that don't have the modules that I'm using...but
As far as the indenting goes, check out perltidy.

I will check it out. See above.


David K. Wall said:
use File::Find;

Writing your own code to recurse through directories is a useful
exercise, but if you just want to get the program written and use it,
File::Find is faster and easier to use, and almost certainly more

I'd also suggest not printing the results immediately, but save them
somewhere (possibly in an array of some sort, maybe of hashes) and
only print them out when the search has finished.

yeah, I was thinking that exact same thing. I'll check out file::find.
And please, *please*, format your code in a readable way. perlstyle
has suggestions. You don't have to follow them exactly, but at least
pick a style and use it *consistently*. If I didn't have perltidy
available to reformat your code I would not have even bothered to
skim over it. If you don't have an editor that assists with
indenting, then get one.

yeah, next time I post code I will make sure it's formatted good.



Michele Dondi said:
I have not read your code, but I seemed to notice some readdir()s so
from what is described above I feel like pointing out that the
standard answer -and indeed generally a good one!- to this kind of
questions is 'use File::Find'. Maybe you knew, maybe you don't: if you
didn't, it's there for your ease!

I have to check out the docs for that! Thanks.


Joe Smith said:
1) You really messed up on the indentation there.
2) Your main logic error is in the argument to -d() and parse(); it's
incomplete. Anytime $dir is not the same as ".", your code will fail.

foreach my $fil (@files_from_dir) {
my $file = "$dir/$fil";
parse($file,$dir) if -f $file;

Thanks! I see what you mean.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

Robin said:
yes, this is my first draft and I haven't really worked in the
error checking routine, but I will....

It's rude IMO to post a "first draft" of script and ask for criticism,
since it unnecessarily takes up people's time.

Do your *best* first, and (possibly) ask for criticism only after that.

Sherm Pendley

Robin said:
parse uses the directory when the link is printed out.

.... but not when the file is opened. That's the problem.
yes, this is my first draft and I haven't really worked in the error
checking routine, but I will....

The error checking isn't something to pretty up later in the process - it's
there to help you find your bugs. This bug would have been obvious to you,
if the error message had included the full file name and $!.


Mark Clements

Robin wrote:

I'll keep it in mind, I've never used either one, I tend to work with
minimal modules because it's sometimes a compatibility issue with some
servers using scripts that don't have the modules that I'm using...but
you could always install them... You don't need to have root access to
install and use CPAN modules: they can be installed into eg ~/lib and
used from there.
I will check it out. See above.


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