searching substrings with interpositions



hi everyone.
a problem:
two binary strings, a="0101" b="000011110100";
i search a function f(a,b) that gives 1 if a is "contained" in b with
any sub strings interposed.
in this example a in contained cause 000<01>111<01>00 but also
but also <0>0001111<101>00 but also 000<0>1111<01>0<0> etc....
any idea?
Thanx in advance.
Giorgi Borghi

Kent Johnson

hi everyone.
a problem:
two binary strings, a="0101" b="000011110100";
i search a function f(a,b) that gives 1 if a is "contained" in b with
any sub strings interposed.
in this example a in contained cause 000<01>111<01>00 but also
but also <0>0001111<101>00 but also 000<0>1111<01>0<0> etc....
any idea?
Thanx in advance.
Giorgi Borghi

You can do this easily with regular expressions though I guess may be poor with long strings:(0, 10)
Put the chars of the search string in groups if you need to know where they were found.


Claudio Grondi

i search a function f(a,b) that gives 1 if a is "contained" in b with
any sub strings interposed.

If I understand it right, it should be something
like this:

def blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB):
intNoOfCharsFound = 0
intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB = 0
intLenA = len(strA)
intLenB = len(strB)
blnStrAinB = False
for chrA in strA:
blnFoundChrA = False
# print chrA
for indxToB in range(intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB, intLenB):
if(chrA == strB[indxToB]):
intNoOfCharsFound += 1
# print " ",chrA, strB[indxToB], indxToB
intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB = indxToB + 1
blnFoundChrA = True
if(intNoOfCharsFound == intLenA):
blnStrAinB = True
print "sequence '%s' found in '%s'"%(strA, strB)
if(blnFoundChrA == False):
if blnStrAinB == False:
print "sequence '%s' not in '%s'"%(strA, strB)

strA = "0101"
strB = "000011110100"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB)

strA = "010101"
strB = "000011110100"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB)

Note: code above is intended to help clarify things only,
so that a bunch of examples can be tested.
If you need production quality code, maybe someone else
can provide it.

Is it what you are looking for?

By the way:
it looks to me like a standard problem while
comparing DNA sequences, so I suppose
that there are ready to use fast libraries
providing such kind of function.



thanx everyone, is what i need.
As Claudio argues, it's a standard problem of dna sequences
the next step of my job is to make limits of lenght of interposed
sequences (if someone can help me in this way i'll apreciate a lot)
thanx everyone.

Andrew Dalke

the next step of my job is to make limits of lenght of interposed
sequences (if someone can help me in this way i'll apreciate a lot)
thanx everyone.

Kent Johnson had the right approach, with regular expressions.
For a bit of optimization, use non-greedy groups. That will
give you shorter matches.

Suppose you want no more than 10 bases between terms. You could
use this pattern.


If you want to know the location of each of the bases, and
you'll have less than 100 of them (I think that's the limit)
then you can use groups in the regular expression language
.... if limit is None:
.... t = ".*?"
.... else:
.... t = ".{,%d}?" % (limit,)
.... text = []
.... for c in s:
.... text.append("(%s)%s" % (c, t))
.... return "".join(text)
.... .... print, m.start(i), m.end(i)
a 3 4
t 9 10
c 16 17
g 27 28

(e-mail address removed)

Claudio Grondi

thanx everyone, is what i need.
As Claudio argues, it's a standard problem of dna sequences
the next step of my job is to make limits of lenght of interposed
sequences (if someone can help me in this way i'll apreciate a lot)
thanx everyone.
Note: code below is intended to help to clarify things only,
so that a bunch of examples can be tested.
If you need bugfree production quality code, maybe
someone else can provide it.

I have introduced two additional parameter to the function.
If intMaxLenOfGap == 0 the gap size doesn't matter.
lstStartEndOfRangeOfBwithOccurenceOfA returns in its
0,1 elements the begin and end of the range strA was
found in strB.

Hope this does what you mean with
"make limits of lenght of interposed sequences",
does it?

P.S. Here the code:

def blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB,
intMaxLenOfGap = 0, lstStartEndOfRangeOfBwithOccurenceOfA = []):

lstStartEndOfRangeOfBwithOccurenceOfA = []
intNoOfCharsFound = 0
intPtrToFirstCharFound = 0
intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB = 0
intLenA = len(strA)
intLenB = len(strB)
blnStrAinB = False
indxToA = 0

while(indxToA < intLenA):
# print chrA
if(indxToA == 0):
blnFoundChrA = False
for indxToB in range(intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB, intLenB):
if(strA[indxToA] == strB[indxToB]):
intNoOfCharsFound += 1
# print " ",chrA, strB[indxToB], indxToB
intPtrToFirstCharFound = indxToB
intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB = indxToB + 1
blnFoundChrA = True
if(intNoOfCharsFound == intLenA):
blnStrAinB = True
print "sequence '%s' found in '%s'"%(strA, strB)
if(blnFoundChrA == False):
indxToA += 1
intGapLen = 0
blnFoundChrA = False
for indxToB in range(intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB, intLenB):
if(strA[indxToA] == strB[indxToB]):
intNoOfCharsFound += 1
# print " ",chrA, strB[indxToB], indxToB
intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB = indxToB + 1
blnFoundChrA = True
intGapLen += 1
if(intMaxLenOfGap > 0 and intGapLen > intMaxLenOfGap):
indxToA = 0
blnFoundChrA = False
intPtrToBeginOfSubsectionOfB = intPtrToFirstCharFound + 1
intNoOfCharsFound = 0
if(intNoOfCharsFound == intLenA):
blnStrAinB = True
print "sequence '%s' found in '%s' at range(%i, %i)"%(strA, strB,
intPtrToFirstCharFound, indxToB+1)
if(blnFoundChrA == False):
indxToA += 1
if blnStrAinB == False:
if(intMaxLenOfGap > 0 and intGapLen > intMaxLenOfGap):
print "sequence '%s' not in '%s' (maybe allowed gap of %i chars was
too small?)"%(strA, strB, intMaxLenOfGap)
print "sequence '%s' not in '%s'"%(strA, strB)


lstStartEndOfRangeOfB = []
strA = "0101"
strB = "000011110100"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB)

lstStartEndOfRangeOfB = []
strA = "0101"
strB = "000011110100"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB, 2)

strA = "010101"
strB = "000011110100"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB, 6,

strA = "010101"
strB = "00001111010000001"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB, 4,

strA = "010101"
strB = "00001111010000001"
blnFindCharSequenceAevenIfSpreadOverEntireStringB(strA, strB, 5,
print "usage of lstStartEndOfRangeOfB parameter passed to function for use
as return value:"
print "sequence '%s' was found in '%s' at range(%i, %i)"%(strA, strB,
lstStartEndOfRangeOfB[0], lstStartEndOfRangeOfB[1])

Andrew Dalke

Claudio said:
Note: code below is intended to help to clarify things only,
so that a bunch of examples can be tested.
If you need bugfree production quality code, maybe
someone else can provide it.

Still not tested enough to ensure that it's bug free, but more
concise. Here's one the implements the algorithm directly and
another that uses a regexp. The latter should be the preferred
approach. My intent was that the algorithm implements the given
pattern so they should given identical results.

# Doing the work ourselves
def find_spread_substring(query, target, limit = None):
stack = []
ti = qi = 0
Nq = len(query)
Nt = len(target)
delta = 0

while ti < Nt:
# We have a match
if query[qi] == target[ti]:
stack.append( (qi, ti, delta) )
qi = qi + 1
if qi == Nq:
return [ti for (qi, ti, delta) in stack]
ti = ti + 1
delta = 0
# No match
while 1:
# If we have a partial match, check if we've
# gone over the limit.
if stack:
delta = delta + 1
if limit is not None and delta > limit:
# backtrack, treating it as an invalid match
# (so retry this 'else:' block)
qi, ti, delta = stack.pop()
# No backtracking needed
# Advance to check the next character in the target
ti = ti + 1

# Failure
return None

# Using regular expressions
import re
def find_spread_substring2(query, target, limit = None):
if limit is None:
template = "(%s).*?"
template = "(%%s).{,%d}?" % (limit,)
terms = [template % c for c in query]
pattern = "".join(terms)

pat = re.compile(pattern)
m =
if not m:
return None
return [m.start(i) for i in range(1, len(query)+1)]

def test():
for (q, t, limit, is_valid) in (
("1010", "10001001", None, True),
("1010", "100011", None, False),
("1010", "100010", 3, True),
("1010", "100010", 1, True),
("1010", "1000010", 1, False),
("1010", "01000010", 2, True),
("1010", "01000010", 1, False),
("1010", "0100000", None, False),

result = find_spread_substring(q, t, limit)
result2 = find_spread_substring2(q, t, limit)
if result != result2:
raise AssertionError( (result, result2) )

if result is not None:
if limit is not None:
# check that it's a proper subset
for (x, y) in zip(result[:-1], result[1:]):
# +1 because 'limit' is the maximum gap size
if (y-x) > limit+1:
raise AssertionError((q, t, limit, result, x, y))
s = "".join([t for i in result])
if s != q:
raise AssertionError((q, t, limit, result, s))

if result is None and not is_valid:
elif result is not None and is_valid:
raise AssertionError( (q, t, limit, is_valid, result) )

if __name__ == "__main__":
print "All tests passed."

(e-mail address removed)

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