Segmentation Fault - core dumped. Do I have latest version ?


Glen Hendry

Hi all,

I am getting repeated seg faults and dumped cores on Solaris (version
details below).

The problem is difficult to trace with debug print statements and
often dissapears completely when print statements (which resolve
variables) are added. The problem also stops happening when we run in
debugging mode. It is very frustrating.

We do use the 'use blah' statement and some have said in recent posts
that these can cause the problem.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (My current solution is to
run the program in production with -d switch ;-)


OS Version ...
SunOS capdev01 5.6 Generic_105181-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4

Perl Version ...
Summary of my perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0)
osname=solaris, osvers=2.6, archname=sun4-solaris
uname='sunos 5.6 generic_105181-26 sun4u sparc sunw,ultra-1 '
config_args='-Dcc=gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/'
hint=recommended, useposix=true, d_sigaction=define
usethreads=undef use5005threads=undef useithreads=undef
useperlio=define d_sfio=undef uselargefiles=define usesocks=undef
use64bitint=undef use64bitall=undef uselongdouble=undef
usemymalloc=n, bincompat5005=undef
cc='gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/', ccflags ='-fno-strict-aliasing
ccversion='', gccversion='3.1', gccosandvers='solaris2.6'
intsize=4, longsize=4, ptrsize=4, doublesize=8, byteorder=4321
d_longlong=define, longlongsize=8, d_longdbl=define,
ivtype='long', ivsize=4, nvtype='double', nvsize=8, Off_t='off_t',
alignbytes=8, prototype=define
Linker and Libraries:
ld='gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/', ldflags =' -L/usr/local/lib '
libpth=/usr/local/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib
libs=-lsocket -lnsl -lgdbm -ldl -lm -lc
perllibs=-lsocket -lnsl -ldl -lm -lc
libc=/lib/, so=so, useshrplib=false, libperl=libperl.a
Dynamic Linking:
dlsrc=dl_dlopen.xs, dlext=so, d_dlsymun=undef, ccdlflags=' '
cccdlflags='-fPIC', lddlflags='-G -L/usr/local/lib'

Characteristics of this binary (from libperl):
Compile-time options: USE_LARGE_FILES
Built under solaris
Compiled at Jul 22 2002 05:26:53

Glen Hendry

Hi all,

I am getting repeated seg faults and dumped cores on Solaris (version
details below).

The problem is difficult to trace with debug print statements and

With the intentions of providing specificity to those contemplating
this problem, the source code is hereby included. Its largish, and is
certainly not the best coded I have ever seen, but it may be useful.
I hope no-one is grossly opposed to me posting >1500 lines of code.
Of course I dont expect anyone to read it all, but someoone might know
where excatly to look. Please feel free to <snip> the crap out of it
in any future replies. Thanks again.

--- long post follows ----

#!/usr/local/perl/bin/perl -w
# Program Name :
# Author : Glen Hendry (QCOM)
# Description : Main script for Financials - Invoice Balances
# Return Value : TRUE - OK
# Parameters In : Database Name
# Out : None
# Modifications :
# $Id:,v 1.10 2003/10/03 04:04:08 ghendry
Exp ghendry $
# $Log:,v $
# Revision 1.10 2003/10/03 04:04:08 ghendry
# 03-Oct-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) SIR1355
# Revision 1.9 2003/10/02 07:34:07 ghendry
# 02-Oct-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) CR1206
# Revision 1.8 2003/10/01 06:14:35 ghendry
# 01-Oct-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) CR926
# Revision 1.7 2003/09/26 01:08:30 ghendry
# 26-Sep-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) CR1187, SIR1218
# Revision 1.6 2003/09/24 06:03:10 ghendry
# 24-Sep-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) SIR1161
# Revision 1.5 2003/09/23 23:02:30 ghendry
# 24-Sep-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) SIR1155
# Revision 1.4 2003/09/17 00:31:47 coxa1
# 17-Sep-2003 Andrew Cox CONVCR948
# Revision 1.3 2003/09/01 00:42:34 garyk
# 01-Sep-2003 Gary Kerswell D&E Rework 218
# Revision 1.2 2003/08/28 01:31:04 garyk
# 28-Aug-2003 Gary Kerswell D&E Rework 197, 204, 206 & 210
# Revision 1.1 2003/08/22 05:46:40 ghendry
# 22-Aug-2003 Glen Hendry(QCom) ISASCONV7

# Include Project Library path for include packages.
push (@INC, ".");
push (@INC, "/usr/script/ISAS_Conv");

$ENV{"ISAS_IMPORT_PROCESS"} = "ImportManager";

use strict;
use English;
use FileHandle;
use DBD::Ingres;
use Getopt::Long;
# Include Project Packages
use WU600_ISAS_PKG;
require "";

# Declare and Initialise Variables


WriteDebug("Start of 619 Main");

# Additional Options Arguments :) implies argument value required.
$WU600::OptionDesc{"S:"} = "StudentTestFile Restrict data set on
$WU600::OptionDesc{"O:"} = "ExtOrgTestFile Restrict data set on Ext
$WU600::OptionDesc{"P:"} = "FilePrefix
Restrict data file creation, only the
EXTGD or EXTTPC data file is created.
Not Implemented Yet."; #TODO

# Initialise all other variables here.
my ($rv);
my ($sth);
my ($dbh);
my ($SQLStmt) = "";
my ($SQLStmt2) = "";
my ($PrevEOGD) = "";
my ($PrevEOTP) = "";
my ($PrevStudent) = "";
my (%ExtractRecord);
my ($ExtOrgTestFile) = "";
my ($StudentTestFile) = "";
my ($FileRestriction) = "";

$WU600::SelTypeOption{"PLT"} = "Pilot";
$WU600::SelTypeOption{"ENT"} = "Enterprise";
$WU600::MaxRecsPerFile = 2000; # WU619 requirement

# Test Passed in Parameters
GetOptions( "V" => \$WU600::Debug,
"S=s" => \$StudentTestFile,
"O=s" => \$ExtOrgTestFile,
"P=s" => \$FileRestriction,
"D=s" => \$WU600::DataDir,
"R=i" => \$WU600::MaxRecsPerFile) ||
&WU600::Usage ();

$WU600::FilePrefix = "MAIN";

# Ensure that mandatory arguments are passed in correctly.
&WU600::CheckUsage (@ARGV);

WriteDebug ("619: data dir = |$WU600::DataDir|");
WriteDebug ("619: test file = |$StudentTestFile|");
WriteDebug ("619: recs per file = |$WU600::MaxRecsPerFile|");
WriteDebug ("619: data file restirction = |$FileRestriction|");
WriteDebug ("619: Ext org file restriction = |$ExtOrgTestFile|");

# NOTE that this will be a fixed width format data file, not field
# This layout exists for both the data file and the error file. Later
in the
# code when the error file is being created, 4 extra erre fields are
# prepended to the file layout.
my (@FileLayout) = (
"emplid_ext_org_id 11 0 C M",
"abs_amount 18 2 F M",
"item_type 12 0 C M",
"accounting_date 10 0 C M",
"due_date 13 0 C M",
"term 4 0 C M",
"ref_no 15 0 C M",
"description 30 0 C M"

# The consolidated file layout is tab delimited. This layout exists
for both
# consolidated data file and the consolidated error file. Later in
the code
# when the error file is being created, 4 extra erre fields are
# prepended to the file layout.
# The consolidated files are used for reconcilliation. Since there
are multiple
# data and error files created at each Institute, the consolidated
file will
# have a record in it for each record in every file on every Insitute.
# consolidated files have a different format to the normal data files.
my (@ConsFileLayout) = (
"debtor_no 10 0 C M",
"debtor_type_code 10 0 C M",
"ref_no 10 0 C M",
"trans_type_code 10 0 C M",
"trans_date 19 0 D M",
"due_date2 19 0 D M",
"description 30 0 C M",
"trans_amt 10 2 F M",
"outst_amt 10 2 F M",
"match_ref_no 10 0 C M",
"trans_status_code 1 0 C M",
"stud_fee_flag 1 0 C M",
"row_status 1 0 C M",
"sap_business_area 4 0 C M",
"college_code 3 0 C M",
"campus 5 0 C M",
"ps_emplid 11 0 C M",
"ps_ext_org_id 11 0 C M",
"item_type 12 0 C M",
"debtor_type 6 0 C M");

my ($x) = "";
my ($i) = 0;
my ($CountKey) = "";
my ($File) = "";

my (@InstCounts) = ();
my (%ExtOrgIdHash) = ();
my (%ErrorFileCount) = ();
my (%FileDescriptors) = ();
my (%StudProgKeyRefHash) = ();
my (%DataFileStats_TotalAmount) = ();
my (%DataFileStats_RecordCount) = ();

my ($FileType) = "dat"; #default file type to send data record to
my ($ERR_CODE) = "";
my ($ERR_MESSAGE) = "";

my ($CFile) = &WU600::GetControlFileName ();
my ($FD_CF) = new FileHandle ">$CFile";

# Initialise Count Hash
my (%CntlCount) = (
STD_Data => 0, # Data counts
EXTGD_Data => 0,
EXTTPC_Data => 0,

STD_Err => 0, # Error counts
EXTGD_Err => 0,
EXTTPC_Err => 0,

STD_Sum => 0, # Data amounts
EXTGD_Sum => 0,
EXTTPC_Sum => 0,

STD_eSum => 0, # Error amounts
EXTGD_eSum => 0,
EXTTPC_eSum => 0,

STD_Cnt => 0, # Distinct student counts
EXTGD_Cnt => 0,
EXTTPC_Cnt => 0

# This hash holds the counts and amounts for the CR1206
# extra column in the control file for the CONSolidation file
my (%CONS_Count) =(
data_students=> 0,
data_general => 0,
data_thirdparty => 0,

error_students=> 0,
error_general => 0,
error_thirdparty => 0,

total_rows_processed => 0,

data_rows_processed => 0,
data_total => 0,

error_rows_processed => 0,
error_total => 0,

distinct_thirdparty => 0,
distinct_students => 0,
distinct_general => 0,

student_data_sum => 0,
general_data_sum => 0,
thirdparty_data_sum => 0,

student_error_sum => 0,
general_error_sum => 0,
thirdparty_error_sum => 0

# This variable can point to either of the two FileHandles below.
my ($ConsolidatedFileDescriptor) = new FileHandle;

# Consolidated DATA file handle
my ($ConsolidatedDatDescriptor) = new FileHandle

# Consolidated ERROR file handle
my ($ConsolidatedErrDescriptor) = new FileHandle

# Output Headings to Error File
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_message 99 0 C M");
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_code 99 0 C M");
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_owner 99 0 C M");
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_no 9 0 C M");
&WU600::CreateFieldArrays (@ConsFileLayout);

my ($FieldName);
foreach $FieldName (@WU600::FieldList) {
print $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor $FieldName .

print $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor $WU600::RecordSeparator;

# Unshift Error Fields from Layouts
shift (@ConsFileLayout);
shift (@ConsFileLayout);
shift (@ConsFileLayout);
shift (@ConsFileLayout);

my ($ConErrorFileCount) = 0;

# Open Database Session at command line database for Ext Org table
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Ingres:$WU600::ExportDB", "", "",
{ AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0 } )
or die "Unable to connect to database $WU600::ExportDB\n";
$dbh->{ChopBlanks} = 1;

&LoadUpExtOrgFile(); # loads the ext org data file into %ExtOrgIdHash
&LoadStudProgKeyref(); # CONVCR1246 - Load STUD_PROG_KEYREF


### Loop through Institute databases ###
my ($Inst, $DBase);
my ($DataRecordCount, $ErrorRecordCount); #CR961
my (%FileRecordCount) = ();

my (@fcl);
my (@FileList);

# Extract the Inst keys out from the Hash ordered alphabetically by
# Institute name. CR1187. This will make the control file have the
# resultant Institute columns ordered alphabetically.
foreach $Inst (sort keys %WU600::InstDBaseList) {

$DBase = $WU600::InstDBaseList{$Inst};
$DataRecordCount = 0;
$ErrorRecordCount = 0;

# If Not Running in PILOT Mode and Institute is a PILOT Institute
# Running in PILOT Mode and Institute is NOT a PILOT Institute,
# skip this Institute.
if ( ($WU600::ExecutionProcess ne "PLT") &&
($WU600::pilotInst{$Inst}) ) {
WriteDebug("Skipping Pilot Institute $Inst");
} elsif ( ($WU600::ExecutionProcess eq "PLT") &&
(!$WU600::pilotInst{$Inst}) ) {
WriteDebug("Skipping Non-Pilot Institute $Inst");
# Open Database Session
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Ingres:$DBase", "", "",
{ AutoCommit => 0, RaiseError => 0, PrintError => 0 } )
or die "Unable to connect to database $DBase\n";
$dbh->{ChopBlanks} = 1;

my ($InstCode) = GetInstNumericCode();

my (%InstCount) = (
Inst_Name => $Inst,
Inst_Code => $InstCode,
STD_Data => 0,
EXTGD_Data => 0,
EXTTPC_Data => 0,

STD_Err => 0,
EXTGD_Err => 0,
EXTTPC_Err => 0,

STD_Sum => 0,
EXTGD_Sum => 0,
EXTTPC_Sum => 0,

STD_eSum => 0, # Error amounts
EXTGD_eSum => 0,
EXTTPC_eSum => 0,

STD_Cnt => 0,
EXTGD_Cnt => 0,
EXTTPC_Cnt => 0

# This array matches the Filelist below. It holds the count of
files for
# each filetype as there is a maximum of 2000 records for each
file, and
# then the file in split into a new file and given an incremented
@fcl = (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);

# ------ file handling --- create a list of the files to gen at
each inst
@FileList = (
"INV_BAL_STD_" . $InstCode . "_CR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[0]) . ".dat",
"INV_BAL_STD_" . $InstCode . "_DR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[1]) . ".dat",
"INV_BAL_EXTGD_" . $InstCode . "_CR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[2]) . ".dat",
"INV_BAL_EXTGD_" . $InstCode . "_DR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[3]) . ".dat",
"INV_BAL_EXTTPC_" .$InstCode . "_CR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[4]) . ".dat",
"INV_BAL_EXTTPC_" .$InstCode . "_DR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[5]) . ".dat",
"INV_BAL_STD_" . $InstCode . "_CR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[6]) . ".err",
"INV_BAL_STD_" . $InstCode . "_DR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[7]) . ".err",
"INV_BAL_EXTGD_" . $InstCode . "_CR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[8]) . ".err",
"INV_BAL_EXTGD_" . $InstCode . "_DR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[9]) . ".err",
"INV_BAL_EXTTPC_" .$InstCode . "_CR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[10]) . ".err",
"INV_BAL_EXTTPC_" .$InstCode . "_DR_" . $WU600::RunDate . "_"
sprintf("%04d", $fcl[11]) . ".err"

# Open up all these files (and put the file handles into a hash
# FOR EACH INSTITUTE. Then based on the records selected, it can
be written
# to one of the hash array file handles.

%ErrorFileCount = ();
%FileDescriptors = ();
%DataFileStats_TotalAmount = ();
%DataFileStats_RecordCount = ();

foreach $File (@FileList) {
# open files for writing
$FileDescriptors{$File} = new FileHandle "+>$WU600::DataDir/$File";

# Add control information (first 2 fields on row 1) for updation
# Markers below are to be replaced with stats once they are
if ($File =~ /\.dat$/) {
} else {

$FileRecordCount{$File} = 0;

$WU600::CurrRecordNo = 1; # Initialise as one record has been
# ------- end file creation ------------------

&LoadUpTestDataFiles(); # get, student restrictor, ext org
restrictor files.

WriteDebug ("\n---\nSelecting from Institute :$Inst\n---\n");
# This SQL creates the base temp table
&BuildUpSQL1(); # create the String 'SQLStmt'
#WriteDebug ("\nRunning SQL1.");
$rv = $dbh->do ($SQLStmt) || die $dbh->errstr; $dbh->commit;

&BuildTermKeyRefTable(); # Holds PS-Term information needed for
data files
&BuildUpSQL2(); # create string variable 'SQLStmt2'
$sth = $dbh->prepare ($SQLStmt2) || die $dbh->errstr;
$rv = $sth->execute() || die $dbh->errstr;

# Bind the names of the column from the select into the Data
Extract record
$sth->bind_columns( \( @ExtractRecord{ @{$sth->{NAME_lc} } } ));

while ($sth->fetchrow_arrayref) { #-----

$File = &LocalWriteOutRecord (\%InstCount);

# If we have exceeded the max record count for a file, close it off
# and open a new file with an incremented suffix
if (++$FileRecordCount{$File} >= $WU600::MaxRecsPerFile) {



# close all the files for this institute before we jump on to the
next Inst
my ($Filename) = "";
foreach $Filename (@FileList) {

# Add totals for Institute to Grand Totals.
foreach $CountKey (keys %InstCount) {
if ( $CountKey ne "Inst_Name" ) {
$CntlCount{$CountKey} += $InstCount{$CountKey};

# Add to our list of institute counts
push(@InstCounts, \%InstCount);

# Write out Total Control File.
&CreateControlFile("", %CntlCount);
WriteDebug("End of 619 Main");
exit (0);

# Local sub routines #

# This routine is used after a file has reached its maximum record
# There is an array of file descriptors and a file list which must be
# manipulated when a file reaches its maximum size.
sub ChangeFileDescriptors {

my ($File) = @ARG;
my ($NewFile) = "";

# locate which element of $FileList
my ($Temp) = "";
my ($index) = 0;
foreach $Temp (@FileList) {
if ($Temp eq $File) { last; }

# Change the element to have a new 0001++ extension (filename
# $fcl[index] is the current count of files for than filename
++$fcl[$index]; # this is the new count for the filetype

# Generate $NewFile, which will contain the newly incremented
# ie. remove "xxxx_.dat" from the name
$NewFile = substr ($File, 0, length($File)-8); # omitt "nnnn.dat"
from end
$NewFile = $NewFile .
sprintf ("%04d%s", $fcl[$index], substr($File, length($File)-4,

#WriteDebug("new file -".$NewFile); WriteDebug("old file

# Open the new file
# Change the $FileDescriptiors array to point to new file
$FileDescriptors{$NewFile} = new FileHandle

close $FileDescriptors{$File}; # close the previous filedescriptor
undef $FileDescriptors{$File}; # undef the previous filedescriptor

# Create the file counts and header records for the closing file
if ($NewFile =~ /\.dat$/) { # only for data files
} else {

# Change the master filelist array to have the new filename
$FileList[$index] = $NewFile;

# Create and reset the record count for the newly opened file
$FileRecordCount{$NewFile} = 0;

$File = $NewFile;

sub CloseOffFileWhichHasReachedLimit
my ($File) = @ARG;

sub CloseOffFile
my ($File) = @ARG;

if ($File =~ /\.dat$/) {
# update the first row of data files to write control information
seek $FileDescriptors{$File}, 0, 0; # rewind to start of date file

printf {$FileDescriptors{$File}} "%04.4d",
printf {$FileDescriptors{$File}} "%016.2f",

if (defined ($FileDescriptors{$File})) {
close ($FileDescriptors{$File});

# This routine cannot be changed without checking what it affects.
sub PrepareNewDataFile # needs ARG to be open
my ($File) = @ARG;

print { $FileDescriptors{$File} } "CC__CA34567890123456";
$DataFileStats_TotalAmount{$File} = 0.0;
$DataFileStats_RecordCount{$File} = 0;

# This routine cannot be changed without checking what it affects.
sub PrepareNewErrorFile
my ($File) = @ARG;
$ErrorFileCount{$File} = 1; # initialise error counte

# Ouput Headings to Error File
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_message 99 0 C M");
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_code 99 0 C M");
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_owner 99 0 C M");
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_no 9 0 C M");
&WU600::CreateFieldArrays (@FileLayout);

my ($FieldName);
foreach $FieldName (@WU600::FieldList) {
print { $FileDescriptors{$File} } $FieldName .

print { $FileDescriptors{$File} } $WU600::RecordSeparator;

# Unshift Error Fields from Layouts
shift (@FileLayout);
shift (@FileLayout);
shift (@FileLayout);
shift (@FileLayout);

# ----------------------- LocalWriteOutRecord
# This routine writes records (sourced from the main SQL) to any one
of the
# 12 data files that can be open for each Institute. It decides which
# to write to based on the data selected.
sub LocalWriteOutRecord ($)
my ($Inst);
my ($InstCode);
my ($InstCountRef) = @ARG;

my ($Balance) = "";
my ($DebtType) = "";

$Inst = $InstCountRef->{Inst_Name}; #CR1187
$InstCode = $InstCountRef->{Inst_Code}; #CR1187

if ($ExtractRecord{debtor_type_code} eq "S") { # student
$DebtType = "STD";
$ExtractRecord{ps_ext_org_id} = "";
else { # Debtor_type_code == 'D' (for debtor)
$ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id} =
if ( !defined ($ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id}) ) {
$ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id} = "";
$ExtractRecord{ps_ext_org_id} =

if ($ExtractRecord{debtor_type_code} eq "D" &&
($ExtractRecord{stud_fee_flag} eq "N" ||
$ExtractRecord{stud_fee_flag} eq " " || # some records (S and D)
$ExtractRecord{stud_fee_flag} eq "")) # some records (S and D)
$DebtType = "EXTGD";

if ($ExtractRecord{debtor_type_code} eq "D" &&
$ExtractRecord{stud_fee_flag} eq "Y") {
$DebtType = "EXTTPC";

$ExtractRecord{debtor_type} = $DebtType;

if ($ExtractRecord{trans_amt} < 0) {
} else {

if ($Balance eq "CR") {
$ExtractRecord{item_type} += 5000;

$ExtractRecord{item_type} = sprintf ("%012d",

&CheckForErrors(); # This sets the CONSFileDescriptor to erroe or

# x will be the name of the file the record has to be written to.
# file the data record is written to depends on the content of the
data row.

# need to add the file count at this point, normally 0001, but it
can change
# make the filecount match for any number, using reg expr, then
add a "."
$x .= sprintf ("%04d.", ReturnFileCount($x."....\.".$FileType));
$x .= $FileType; # add either ".dat" or ".err" to the filename
for output

# Generate control file information (counters)
if ($DebtType eq "STD") {
if ($FileType eq "dat") {
++$CONS_Count{data_students}; # CR1206
$CONS_Count{student_data_sum} +=

if ($PrevStudent ne $ExtractRecord{debtor_no}) {
$PrevStudent = $ExtractRecord{debtor_no};
$InstCountRef->{STD_Sum} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt}; #CR1187
} else {
++$CONS_Count{error_students}; # CR1206
$InstCountRef->{STD_eSum} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt}; #CR1187
# CR1206

} elsif ($DebtType eq "EXTGD") { # General Debtor
if ($FileType eq "dat") {
++$CONS_Count{data_general}; # CR1206
# CR1206

if ($PrevEOGD ne $ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id}) {
$PrevEOGD = $ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id};
$InstCountRef->{EXTGD_Sum} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt}; #CR1187
} else {
++$CONS_Count{error_general}; # CR1206
# CR1206
$InstCountRef->{EXTGD_eSum} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt}; #CR1187

} else { # Third Party Debtor
if ($FileType eq "dat") {
++$CONS_Count{data_thirdparty}; # CR1206

if ($PrevEOTP ne $ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id}) {
$PrevEOTP = $ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id};
$InstCountRef->{EXTTPC_Sum} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt}; #CR1187
} else {
++$CONS_Count{error_thirdparty}; # CR1206
$InstCountRef->{EXTTPC_eSum} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt};

# Write data record to the correct data file based on $x
(filename) hash
if ($FileType eq "dat") { # if data only (not err)
$WU600::FieldSeparator = "";
$WU600::ImportProcess = "ImportManager";

# update the control totals for each file
$DataFileStats_TotalAmount{$x} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt};

} else {
# err files get standard format
$WU600::FieldSeparator = "\t";
$WU600::ImportProcess = "SQL_Loader";

# add fields to the file format for extra error columns in error file
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_message 99 0 C M");
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_code 99 0 C M");
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_owner 99 0 C M");
unshift (@FileLayout, "error_no 9 0 C M");
push (@FileLayout, "debtor_no 10 0 C M"); # CR1355 Add debtor
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_message 99 0 C M");
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_code 99 0 C M");
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_owner 99 0 C M");
unshift (@ConsFileLayout, "error_no 9 0 C M");
++$ConErrorFileCount; # Consolidate Error File counter
$ExtractRecord{error_no} = $ErrorFileCount{$x}++;
$ExtractRecord{error_owner} = $ExtractRecord{campus};
$ExtractRecord{error_code} = $ERR_CODE;
$ExtractRecord{error_message} = $ERR_MESSAGE;

&WU600::CreateFieldArrays (@FileLayout); # Layout may change in
each file

&WU600::WriteDataRecord ($FileDescriptors{$x}, %ExtractRecord);

# Write to consolidated files (both dat and err)
# Change file layout mapping and write consolidated data record to
file also
$WU600::FieldSeparator = "\t";
$WU600::ImportProcess = "SQL_Loader";
$ExtractRecord{error_no} = $ConErrorFileCount; # Change to cons
error cnt
&WU600::CreateFieldArrays (@ConsFileLayout);
&WU600::WriteDataRecord ($ConsolidatedFileDescriptor,

$WU600::CurrRecordNo = 1; # reset so that the package doesnt
split files

if ($FileType eq "err") { # remove four new fields (err code and
mesg etc)
pop (@FileLayout); # CR1355 Remove debtor No
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
shift (@FileLayout);
shift (@ConsFileLayout);

return $x;

sub ReturnFileCount
# This routine returns the file count for the named file (param) from
# fcl (file count list) in conjunction with the FileList global
my ($num) = 0;
my ($file) = "";
my ($param) = @ARG;

foreach $file (@FileList) {
if (substr($file, 0, length($param)) =~ /$param/) {

return $fcl[$num];

sub CheckForErrors () {

$ERR_CODE = "";

# Outstanding amount should always be non 0
if ($ExtractRecord{trans_amt} == 0) {
$ERR_CODE = "ERR_WU619_0101";
$ERR_MESSAGE = "Item Amount must be entered";

=pod CR1206.2
# due date cannot be less than effective date
if ($ExtractRecord{due_date} lt $ExtractRecord{accounting_date}) {
$ERR_CODE = "ERR_WU619_0102";
$ERR_MESSAGE = "Due Date cannot be less than Effective Date";

# Student number is required for debtor_type 'S'
if ($ExtractRecord{debtor_type_code} eq "S" &&
$ExtractRecord{debtor_no} eq "") {
$ERR_CODE = "ERR_WU619_0103";
$ERR_MESSAGE = "EMPLID is required";

#if no record was returned dump record to err file.
if ($ExtractRecord{debtor_type_code} eq "D") { # student
if ($ExtractRecord{emplid_ext_org_id} eq "") {
$ERR_CODE = "ERR_WU619_0104";
$ERR_MESSAGE = "Ext Org Id is required";

# CONVCR1246 - Student must be in STUD_PROG_KEYREF
if ($ExtractRecord{debtor_type_code} eq "S") {

my ($temp) = $ExtractRecord{debtor_no};
if ( !(defined $StudProgKeyRefHash{$temp} )) {
$ERR_CODE = "ERR_WU619_0105";
$ERR_MESSAGE = "Student does not exist in STUD_PROG_KEYREF";

# This code below is required <cringe> to keep a segmentation viol
at bay

if ($ERR_CODE ne "") { # Erro has occurred, change file pointers
to error
$FileType = "err";
$ConsolidatedFileDescriptor = $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor; # write err
++$CONS_Count{error_rows_processed}; # CR1206
$CONS_Count{error_total} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt} ; # CR1206
else {
$FileType = "dat";
$ConsolidatedFileDescriptor = $ConsolidatedDatDescriptor; # write dat
++$CONS_Count{data_rows_processed}; # CR1206
$CONS_Count{data_total} += $ExtractRecord{trans_amt} ; # CR1206


# ------------------------- LoadUpTestDataFiles
# This routine will load up data files into temporary tables for SQL
# usage.
sub LoadUpTestDataFiles ()
my ($rv);
my ($CreateStmt) = "";

# Load up the student range file (STDNT_TEST.dat into
# ------------------
if ($StudentTestFile ne "") {
# create zwu624_stud_range
if (&WU600::DropTable ($dbh, "zwu619_stdnt_test", 0) > 0) {

$CreateStmt = "CREATE TABLE zwu619_stdnt_test (ps_emplid varchar(10))
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) ||
&ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr, "zwu619_stdnt_test");

# Load data into student test reference Table from data file (if
if ($StudentTestFile eq "") { $StudentTestFile = "STDNT_TEST.dat"; }
if ( -f "$WU600::FilesDir/$StudentTestFile" ) {
$CreateStmt = "COPY TABLE zwu619_stdnt_test ( ps_emplid = c0nl )
FROM '$WU600::FilesDir/$StudentTestFile' ";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) || die $dbh->errstr;
else {
$WU600::ErrFile = $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor;
&WU600::LogError ("ERR_WU619_0002", $Inst);

# Load up the ext org range file (EXT_ORG_TEST.dat into
# ------------------
if ($ExtOrgTestFile ne "") {
# create zwu619_ext_org_test
if (&WU600::DropTable ($dbh, "zwu619_ext_org_test", 0) > 0) {

$CreateStmt ="CREATE TABLE zwu619_ext_org_test
(ps_ext_org_id varchar(11))";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) ||
&ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr, "zwu619_ext_org_test");

# Load data into student test reference Table from data file
if ($ExtOrgTestFile eq "") {
$ExtOrgTestFile = "EXT_ORG_TEST.dat";

if ( -f "$WU600::FilesDir/$ExtOrgTestFile" ) {
$CreateStmt = "COPY TABLE zwu619_ext_org_test " .
FROM '$WU600::FilesDir/$ExtOrgTestFile' ";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) || die $dbh->errstr;
else {
$WU600::ErrFile = $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor;
&WU600::LogError ("ERR_WU619_0003", $Inst);

sub LoadUpExtOrgFile ()
my ($rv);
my ($CreateStmt) = "";
my ($tempsql) = "";
my ($Result) = "";
my ($localsth);

# ensure that the EXT ORG reference file exists (KEYREF)
# -----------------
if ( -f $WU600::FilesDir . "TQ_EXT_ORG_TBL_KEYREF.dat" ) {
&WU600::DropTable ($dbh, "zwu619_ext_org_keyref", 0);
$CreateStmt = "CREATE TABLE zwu619_ext_org_keyref (
college_code varchar(3),
debtor_no varchar(10),
ext_org_id varchar(11) ) ";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) ||
&ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr, "zwu619_ext_org_keyref");
$CreateStmt = "COPY TABLE zwu619_ext_org_keyref (college_code =
debtor_no = c0tab,
ext_org_id = c0nl )
FROM '$WU600::FilesDir/TQ_EXT_ORG_TBL_KEYREF.dat' ";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) || die $dbh->errstr;
else {
$WU600::ErrFile = $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor;
&WU600::LogError ("ERR_WU619_0001", "TAFEQ");
exit (0);

# Now create a global hash with the Ext Org Id values in it.
$tempsql = "SELECT ext_org_id, debtor_no, college_code
FROM zwu619_ext_org_keyref ";
$localsth = $dbh->prepare ($tempsql);
$rv = $localsth->execute ();

my ($extorgid) = 0;
my ($debtor_no) = 0;
my ($college_code) = "";

while (($extorgid, $debtor_no, $college_code) =
$localsth->fetchrow_array) {
$ExtOrgIdHash{$college_code,$debtor_no} = $extorgid;


sub BuildUpSQL1 ()
&WU600::DropTable ($dbh, "zwu619_inv_bal", 0);

# Sql start
$SQLStmt = "
CREATE TABLE zwu619_inv_bal AS
SELECT match_ref_no,
MONEY (SUM (trans_amt)) AS summed_inv_amt
FROM ard_debtor_trans a
WHERE trans_status_code = 'P'
AND debtor_no != ''
AND debtor_type_code != ''
AND row_status = 'A'

if ($ExtOrgTestFile ne "") {
$SQLStmt .= " AND a.debtor_no IN ( SELECT ps_ext_org_id /* debtorno
FROM zwu619_ext_org_test ) \n ";

if ($StudentTestFile ne "") {
$SQLStmt .= " AND a.debtor_no IN ( SELECT ps_emplid
FROM zwu619_stdnt_test ) \n ";

$SQLStmt .= " \n\t GROUP BY match_ref_no
HAVING MONEY (SUM (trans_amt)) != 0 ";

sub BuildTermKeyRefTable ()
# This code is taken from ISASCONV1
my ($TermDataFile) = $WU600::FilesDir . "TERM_KEYREF.dat";
my ($TableAgeMax) = &WU600::FileAge ($TermDataFile);
my ($CreateStmt) = "";

# If Term File Does not exist, set Table Age Max to 1000, only create
# table if it does not exist.
if ($TableAgeMax == 0) { $TableAgeMax = 1000; }

# If Term Key Ref table newer than data file, then re-create.
if (&WU600::DropTable ($dbh, "zwu600_term_keyref", $TableAgeMax) > 0)
# Create Term Key reference Table
$CreateStmt = "CREATE TABLE zwu600_term_keyref (
locn_code varchar(3),
term_year varchar(4),
term varchar(4) ) ";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) || &ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr);

# Load data into Term Key reference Table from data file (if if
if ( -f $TermDataFile) {
$CreateStmt = "COPY TABLE zwu600_term_keyref ( locn_code =
term_year = c0tab, term = c0nl ) FROM '$TermDataFile'";
$rv = $dbh->do ($CreateStmt) ||
&ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr, "zwu600_term_keyref");
else {
$WU600::ErrFile = $ConsolidatedErrDescriptor;
&WU600::LogError ("ERR_WU600_0003", $Inst);
exit (0);

sub BuildUpSQL2 ()
# Sql start
$SQLStmt2 = "
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '020' THEN 'TNQ'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '030' THEN 'SBI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '050' THEN 'GLC'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '060' THEN 'BRM'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '110' THEN 'MTI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '120' THEN 'CQI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '140' THEN 'SQI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '150' THEN 'BAR'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '160' THEN 'YER'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '190' THEN 'MOR'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '210' THEN 'CSI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '260' THEN 'LOG'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '300' THEN 'OLI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '320' THEN 'WBI'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '400' THEN 'BNI'
ELSE ' ' END AS campus,
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '020' THEN 72400
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '030' THEN 72000
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '050' THEN 71000
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '060' THEN 70400
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '110' THEN 71600
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '120' THEN 70600
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '140' THEN 72200
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '150' THEN 70000
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '160' THEN 72800
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '190' THEN 71400
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '210' THEN 70800
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '260' THEN 71200
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '300' THEN 71800
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '320' THEN 72600
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '400' THEN 70200
ELSE 0 END AS item_type,
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '020' THEN 'X000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '030' THEN 'AAAA'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '050' THEN 'P000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '060' THEN 'M000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '110' THEN 'V000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '120' THEN 'T000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '140' THEN 'N000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '150' THEN 'U000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '160' THEN 'E000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '190' THEN 'D000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '210' THEN 'R000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '260' THEN 'L000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '300' THEN 'F000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '320' THEN 'W000'
WHEN c.college_locn_code = '400' THEN 'H000'
ELSE ' ' END AS sap_business_area,
WHEN a.debtor_type_code = 'S' THEN a.debtor_no
ELSE '' END AS ps_emplid,
c.college_locn_code as college_code,
a.debtor_no AS emplid_ext_org_id,

(RIGHT('0000'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('YEAR', a.trans_date)), 4) +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('MONTH', a.trans_date)), 2) +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('DAY', a.trans_date)), 2))
AS accounting_date,

(RIGHT('0000'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('YEAR', a.due_date)), 4) +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('MONTH', a.due_date)), 2) +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('DAY', a.due_date)), 2))
AS due_date,

(RIGHT('0000'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('YEAR', a.trans_date)), 4) + '-' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('MONTH', a.trans_date)), 2) + '-' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('DAY', a.trans_date)), 2) + ' ' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('HOUR', a.trans_date)), 2) + ':' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('MINUTE',a.trans_date)), 2) + ':' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('SECOND',a.trans_date)), 2))
AS trans_date,

(RIGHT('0000'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('YEAR', a.due_date)), 4) + '-' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('MONTH', a.due_date)), 2) + '-' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('DAY', a.due_date)), 2) + ' ' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('HOUR', a.due_date)), 2) + ':' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('MINUTE',a.due_date)), 2) + ':' +
RIGHT( '00'+VARCHAR(DATE_PART('SECOND',a.due_date)), 2))
AS due_date2,

LEFT(a.stmt_narr, 30) AS description,
MONEY (a.outst_amt) AS outst_amt, /* CR1206 */
MONEY (b.summed_inv_amt) AS trans_amt, /* CR1206 */ /* total for inv
MONEY (ABS(b.summed_inv_amt)) AS abs_amount

FROM ard_debtor_trans a,
zwu619_inv_bal b,
syd_ctl c,
zwu600_term_keyref d

WHERE a.ref_no = b.match_ref_no
AND c.college_locn_code = d.locn_code
AND DATE_PART('YEAR', a.trans_date) = d.term_year

ORDER BY debtor_no,
trans_date ";
#WriteDebug ("619 a. inv balance selected as\n$SQLStmt2\n\n");
#WriteDebug ("\nRunning SQL2.");

# This local debug routine, does not put into timestamp information.
sub WriteDebug ($)
my ($DebugMess) = @ARG;
$DebugMess =~ s/0E0/0/;

if ($DebugMess !~ /\n$/) { $DebugMess .= "\n"; }
print STDERR $DebugMess;

sub CreateControlFile () # See example below.
my ($Counts);

# HEADER Line 1
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF "\t". $Counts->{Inst_Name}; # Append Institute

print $FD_CF "\tTotal\tCONS_INV_BAL";

# TOTAL - Line 2
print $FD_CF "\nCount of rows processed (Total including Errors)

print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{total_rows_processed}\t"; # CR1206

# Each Institute
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF ($Counts->{STD_Data} +
$Counts->{EXTGD_Data} + $Counts->{EXTTPC_Data}
$Counts->{STD_Err} + $Counts->{EXTGD_Err}
$Counts->{EXTTPC_Err}) . "\t";

# Total
print $FD_CF ($CntlCount{STD_Data} + $CntlCount{EXTGD_Data} +
$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Data} + $CntlCount{STD_Err} +
$CntlCount{EXTGD_Err} + $CntlCount{EXTTPC_Err}) .

# Count of DATA
############### - Line 3
print $FD_CF "\nCount of rows written to data files in the
following " .

# Student Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n Student Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{STD_Data} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{STD_Data}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{data_students}\t"; # CR1206

# General Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n General Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTGD_Data} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTGD_Data}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{data_general}\t"; # CR1206

# Third party Contract Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n Third Party Contract Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTTPC_Data} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Data}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{data_thirdparty}\t"; # CR1206

# Grand Total - Line 6
print $FD_CF "\nTotal \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF ($Counts->{STD_Data} +
$Counts->{EXTGD_Data} +
$Counts->{EXTTPC_Data}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF " " . ($CntlCount{STD_Data} +
$CntlCount{EXTGD_Data} +
$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Data}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF " ". ($CONS_Count{data_general} +
$CONS_Count{data_students} +
$CONS_Count{data_thirdparty}) . "\t";

# Count of ERRORS
print $FD_CF "\nCount of rows written to error files in the " .
"following categories\n";

# Student Debtors
print $FD_CF " Student Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{STD_Err} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{STD_Err}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{error_students}\t"; # CR1206

# General Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n General Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTGD_Err} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTGD_Err}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{error_general}\t"; # CR1206

# Third party Contract Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n Third Party Contract Debtors\t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTTPC_Err} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Err}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{error_thirdparty}\t"; # CR1206

# Grand Total - Line 11
print $FD_CF "\nTotal \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF ($Counts->{STD_Err} +
$Counts->{EXTGD_Err} +
$Counts->{EXTTPC_Err}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF " " . ($CntlCount{STD_Err} +
$CntlCount{EXTGD_Err} +
$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Err}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF " " . ($CONS_Count{error_general} +
$CONS_Count{error_students} +
$CONS_Count{error_thirdparty}) . "\t";

print $FD_CF "\nSum of outstanding amounts in the following

# Student Debtors
print $FD_CF " Student Debtors\t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{STD_Sum} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{STD_Sum}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{student_data_sum}\t";

# General Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n General Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTGD_Sum} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTGD_Sum}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{general_data_sum}\t";

# Third party Contract Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n Third Party Contract Debtors \t" ;
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTTPC_Sum} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Sum}\t" ;
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{thirdparty_data_sum}\t";

# Grand Total - Line 16
print $FD_CF "\nTotal \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF ($Counts->{STD_Sum} +
$Counts->{EXTGD_Sum} +
$Counts->{EXTTPC_Sum}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF " " . ($CntlCount{STD_Sum} +
$CntlCount{EXTGD_Sum} +
$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Sum}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{data_total}\t";

# Error TOTALS CR1187
print $FD_CF "\nSum of error amounts in the following

# Student Debtors
print $FD_CF " Student Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{STD_eSum} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{STD_eSum}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{student_error_sum}\t";

# General Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n General Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTGD_eSum} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTGD_eSum}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{general_error_sum}\t";

# Third party Contract Debtors
print $FD_CF "\n Third Party Contract Debtors \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTTPC_eSum} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTTPC_eSum}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{thirdparty_error_sum}\t";

# Grand Total - Line 21
print $FD_CF "\nTotal \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF ($Counts->{STD_eSum} +
$Counts->{EXTGD_eSum} +
$Counts->{EXTTPC_eSum}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF " " . ($CntlCount{STD_eSum} +
$CntlCount{EXTGD_eSum} +
$CntlCount{EXTTPC_eSum}) . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{error_total}\t";

print $FD_CF "\nCount of distinct Students \t";
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{STD_Cnt} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{STD_Cnt}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{distinct_students}\t";

print $FD_CF "\nCount of distinct External Orgs - General Debtors
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTGD_Cnt} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTGD_Cnt}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{distinct_general}\t";

print $FD_CF "\nCount of distinct External Orgs - Third Party
foreach $Counts ( sort @InstCounts ) {
print $FD_CF $Counts->{EXTTPC_Cnt} . "\t";
print $FD_CF "$CntlCount{EXTTPC_Cnt}\t";
print $FD_CF "$CONS_Count{distinct_thirdparty}\t";

close $FD_CF;

<Control file example. Line numbers only indicative.>
1 Total
2 Count of rows processed (Total including Errors) 2669
3 Count of rows written to data files in the following
4 Student Debtors 2382
5 General Debtors 271
6 Third Party Contract Debtors 1 1
6 Total 2654
7 Count of rows written to error files in the following
8 Student Debtors 7 7
9 General Debtors 8 8
10 Third Party Contract Debtors 0 0
11 Total 15
12 Sum of outstanding amounts in the following categories
13 Student Debtors 121805.16
14 General Debtors 418857.42
15 Third Party Contract Debtors 147
16 Total 540809.58
17 Sum of error amounts in the following categories
18 Student Debtors 295.93
19 General Debtors 14108.62
20 Third Party Contract Debtors 0 0
21 Total 14404.55
22 Count of distinct Students 924
23 Count of distinct External Orgs - General Debtors 156
24 Count of distinct External Orgs - Third Party Contr 1 1

sub GetInstNumericCode {
my ($lrv);
my ($lsth);
my ($college_code);
my ($sql) = "SELECT college_locn_code FROM syd_ctl ";

$lsth = $dbh->prepare ($sql);
$lrv = $lsth->execute ();
$college_code = $lsth->fetchrow_array;


return $college_code;

sub LoadStudProgKeyref ()
my ($rv);
my ($CreateStmt) = "";
my ($tempsql) = "";
my ($Result) = "";
my ($localsth);

my ($StudProgKeyRefTable) = "zwu611_stud_prog_keyref";
my ($StudProgKeyRefFile) = $WU600::FilesDir .

# If STUD_PROGL_KEYREF data file does not exist or file is empty
(size 0),
# terminate the process.
if (( ! -f $StudProgKeyRefFile ) || ( ! -s $StudProgKeyRefFile)) {
die "ERR_WU619_0008 - Stud Prog Reference does not exist. Process has
been terminated. $StudProgKeyRefFile." ;

my $TableAgeMax = &WU600::FileAge ($StudProgKeyRefFile);
if ($TableAgeMax == 0) {
$TableAgeMax = 1000;

# If STUD_PROG_KEYREF table is older than data file or doesn't
# then re-create.
if (&WU600::DropTable ($dbh, $StudProgKeyRefTable, $TableAgeMax) >
0) {

$SQLStmt = "CREATE TABLE $StudProgKeyRefTable (
ps_emplid varchar(10),
cap_crse_code varchar(10),
cap_college_code varchar(3),
cap_award_code integer4,
ps_career varchar(4),
ps_stdnt_car_nbr integer4,
ps_acad_prog varchar(5),
ps_campus varchar(5),
ps_acad_plan varchar(10),
ps_degree_nbr varchar(2),
ps_pilot_flag char(1),
ps_last_prog_action varchar(4),
ps_last_effdt date,
ps_matr_admit_term varchar(4),
ps_degr_chkout_stat varchar(2),
ps_completion_term varchar(4),
ps_last_award_actn varchar(4)) ";

$rv = $dbh->do ($SQLStmt) || &ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr);

# Load data into STUD_PROG_KEYREF Table from data file (if exists)
if ( -f $StudProgKeyRefFile) {
$SQLStmt = "COPY TABLE $StudProgKeyRefTable (
ps_emplid = c0tab,
cap_crse_code = c0tab,
cap_college_code = c0tab,
cap_award_code = c0tab,
ps_career = c0tab,
ps_stdnt_car_nbr = c0tab,
ps_acad_prog = c0tab,
ps_campus = c0tab,
ps_acad_plan = c0tab,
ps_degree_nbr = c0tab,
ps_pilot_flag = c0tab,
ps_last_prog_action = c0tab,
ps_last_effdt = c0tab,
ps_matr_admit_term = c0tab,
ps_degr_chkout_stat = c0tab,
ps_completion_term = c0tab,
ps_last_award_actn = c0nl )
FROM '$StudProgKeyRefFile'";

$rv = $dbh->do ($SQLStmt) ||
&ProgramFinish (1, $dbh->errstr, $StudProgKeyRefTable);

# Now create a global hash of STUD_PROG_KEYREF students
$tempsql = "SELECT ps_emplid
FROM $StudProgKeyRefTable ";
$localsth = $dbh->prepare ($tempsql);
$rv = $localsth->execute ();

my ($ps_emplid) = "";

while (($ps_emplid) = $localsth->fetchrow_array) {
$StudProgKeyRefHash{$ps_emplid} = 1;


James Willmore

On 7 Oct 2003 19:08:15 -0700
I am getting repeated seg faults and dumped cores on Solaris
(version details below).

The problem is difficult to trace with debug print statements and
often dissapears completely when print statements (which resolve
variables) are added. The problem also stops happening when we run
in debugging mode. It is very frustrating.

We do use the 'use blah' statement and some have said in recent
posts that these can cause the problem.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. (My current solution is to
run the program in production with -d switch ;-)
config_args='-Dcc=gcc -B/usr/ccs/bin/'

Are you sure this is where the gcc compiler is? It looks more like
the path to the compiler that comes with Solaris. It may not be the
source of the issue, but worth looking into.




Copyright notice: all code written by the author in this post is
released under the GPL.
for more information.

a fortune quote ...
Larkinson's Law: All laws are basically false.

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