selecting and working with appropriate data type


lane straatman

I'm trying to figure out what data type is appropriate to represent a
card in a game. The idea that I thought was going to work was a
struct, foo, with two integer fields and two fields of char arrays:
index cardno description suit
( 1, 1,Two of clubs ,'c')
( 2, 2,Three of clubs ,'c')
( 3, 3,Four of clubs ,'c')
( 4, 4,Five of clubs ,'c')
( 5, 5,Six of clubs ,'c')
. [cardno = index % 13]
( 48, 9,Ten of spades ,'s')
( 49, 10,Jack of spades ,'s')
( 50, 11,Queen of spades ,'s')
( 51, 12,King of spades ,'s')
( 52, 13,Ace of spades ,'s')
Let's say a person is dealt card 5 and 48. This means foo.index = 5 &&
foo.index = 48 . How does a person test to see whether he has a pair?
I can't get my head around it and suspect that my datatype as it is
isn't as useful as I thought it was going to be. Any hints
appreciated. LS

Charlton Wilbur

LS> I'm trying to figure out what data type is appropriate to
LS> represent a card in a game. The idea that I thought was going
LS> to work was a struct, foo, with two integer fields and two
LS> fields of char arrays:

Why use a struct when an integer will suffice?

card_no / 13 will give you the suit, 0-3.

card_no % 13 will give you the number, 0-12.

Everything else in your data structure is redundant information.



lane said:
I'm trying to figure out what data type is appropriate to represent a
card in a game. The idea that I thought was going to work was a
struct, foo, with two integer fields and two fields of char arrays:
index cardno description suit
( 1, 1,Two of clubs ,'c')
( 2, 2,Three of clubs ,'c')
( 3, 3,Four of clubs ,'c')
( 4, 4,Five of clubs ,'c')
( 5, 5,Six of clubs ,'c')
. [cardno = index % 13]
( 48, 9,Ten of spades ,'s')
( 49, 10,Jack of spades ,'s')
( 50, 11,Queen of spades ,'s')
( 51, 12,King of spades ,'s')
( 52, 13,Ace of spades ,'s')
Let's say a person is dealt card 5 and 48. This means foo.index = 5 &&
foo.index = 48 . How does a person test to see whether he has a pair?
I can't get my head around it and suspect that my datatype as it is
isn't as useful as I thought it was going to be. Any hints
appreciated. LS

Isn't this classically an application of enumerations - one for suit
and one for value?

David T. Ashley

Charlton Wilbur said:
LS> I'm trying to figure out what data type is appropriate to
LS> represent a card in a game. The idea that I thought was going
LS> to work was a struct, foo, with two integer fields and two
LS> fields of char arrays:

Why use a struct when an integer will suffice?

card_no / 13 will give you the suit, 0-3.

card_no % 13 will give you the number, 0-12.

Everything else in your data structure is redundant information.

With regard to the OP's question ...

There are several measures of the "goodness" of a representation:

a)Whether you can store and extract the information you commonly need
efficiently. (i / 13 and i %13 are VERY efficient.)

b)Whether the representation is human-interpretable (to interpret memory
dumps, debugging info, etc.).

c)Whether all of the bit patterns that may occur are valid (if not, it tends
to lead to logical errors). (Generally, the best case is a set of
enumerations where the actual space is the cartesian product of each
individual space).

(and what luck, the URL above gives a playing card example).

Mr. Wilbur's suggestion is probably the best one possible.

A perhaps equal fallback would be (number) x (suit). However, it is my
understanding that jokers have no suit, so this means the cartesian product
is larger than the actual space -- bad.

An even less desirable representation would be (number) x (suit) x
(is_a_face_card) x (is_a_joker). The problem with that representation is
that the actual space is smaller than the cartesian product of each
individual space. In other words, (number = 9) && (is_a_face_card == T) is
a contradiction (for example).

It is unavoidable to violate (c) for a variety of reasons. However, for
this problem, an integer in the range of 0..51 (or slightly larger to handle
jokers) is probably the best, especially given the speed with which most
processors will do an integer division these days.

Chris Dollin

lane said:
I'm trying to figure out what data type is appropriate to represent a
card in a game. The idea that I thought was going to work was a
struct, foo, with two integer fields and two fields of char arrays:
index cardno description suit
( 1, 1,Two of clubs ,'c')
( 2, 2,Three of clubs ,'c')
( 3, 3,Four of clubs ,'c')
( 4, 4,Five of clubs ,'c')
( 5, 5,Six of clubs ,'c')
. [cardno = index % 13]
( 48, 9,Ten of spades ,'s')
( 49, 10,Jack of spades ,'s')
( 50, 11,Queen of spades ,'s')
( 51, 12,King of spades ,'s')
( 52, 13,Ace of spades ,'s')
Let's say a person is dealt card 5 and 48. This means foo.index = 5 &&
foo.index = 48 . How does a person test to see whether he has a pair?
I can't get my head around it and suspect that my datatype as it is
isn't as useful as I thought it was going to be. Any hints
appreciated. LS

As well as the advice you've also been given, you might usefully
look at /how you're going to use/ your data-type and have that
guide you towards your representation.

You may find that the ID for the card isn't a significant problem
and its choice is made easier by seeing what you want to do. For
example, it seems likely that you want to print a card out, read
a card in, shuffle a packful of cards, sort cards by suit or by
rank or by honour count ...

So consider taking an abstract type approach. You can, after all,
change how you represent a card later on.

(Especially if you have tests in place to help you avoid errors.)


lane said:
I'm trying to figure out what data type is appropriate to represent a
card in a game. The idea that I thought was going to work was a
struct, foo, with two integer fields and two fields of char arrays:
index cardno description suit
( 1, 1,Two of clubs ,'c')
( 2, 2,Three of clubs ,'c')
( 3, 3,Four of clubs ,'c')
( 4, 4,Five of clubs ,'c')
( 5, 5,Six of clubs ,'c')
. [cardno = index % 13]
( 48, 9,Ten of spades ,'s')
( 49, 10,Jack of spades ,'s')
( 50, 11,Queen of spades ,'s')
( 51, 12,King of spades ,'s')
( 52, 13,Ace of spades ,'s')
Let's say a person is dealt card 5 and 48. This means foo.index = 5 &&
foo.index = 48 . How does a person test to see whether he has a pair?

Consider the hand as an array.
Sort the array, and check for equality in consecutive elements.
Paul Hsieh wrote a program that I like,
which fully evaluates poker hands and scores them.

This is one that I wrote:

/* BEGIN shuffle.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
** #define HANDS 1
** #define DEALS 5
** #define LU_RAND_SEED 1124021992
** 1124021815
** 1141904096
** 1141906091
** 1143411367
** 123456789LU
#define LU_RAND_SEED time(NULL) /* time(NULL), 1141904096 */
#define DEALS 5
#define HAND 5
#define SUITS (sizeof suit / sizeof *suit)
#define RANKS (sizeof rank / sizeof *rank)
#define LU_RAND(S) ((S) * 69069 + 362437 & 0xffffffffLU)

struct poker {
int suit;
int rank;

int pair(struct poker *hand);
int three(struct poker *hand);
int four(struct poker *hand);
int full(struct poker *hand);
int two_pair(struct poker *hand);
int straight(struct poker *hand);
int flush(struct poker *hand);
int compar_rank(void const *first, void const *second);
int compar_suit(void const *first, void const *second);
long unsigned shuffle(int *array, int n, long unsigned seed);
void s_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));

int main(void)
size_t card;
struct poker hand[HAND];
long unsigned deal;
long unsigned seed;
char *suit[] = {"Hearts","Diamonds","Clubs","Spades"};
char *rank[] = {"Deuce","Three","Four","Five","Six",
int deck[CARDS];

seed = (long unsigned)LU_RAND_SEED;
printf("\nseed = %lu\n\n", seed);
deal = DEALS;
while (deal-- != 0) {
seed = shuffle(deck, CARDS, seed);
for (card = 0; card != HAND; ++card) {
hand[card].suit = deck[card] % SUITS;
hand[card].rank = deck[card] % RANKS;
if (pair(hand)) {
if (three(hand)) {
if (four(hand)) {
puts("Four of a Kind:");
} else {
if (full(hand)) {
puts("Full House:");
} else {
puts("Three of a Kind:");
} else {
if (two_pair(hand)) {
puts("Two Pair:");
} else {
} else {
switch (2 * flush(hand) + straight(hand)) {
case 0:
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
printf("%s High:\n", rank[hand[4].rank]);
case 1:
case 2:
puts("Straight Flush:");
for (card = 0; card != HAND; ++card) {
printf("%s of %s\n",
rank[deck[card] % RANKS],
suit[deck[card] % SUITS]);
return 0;

int pair(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
return hand[1].rank == hand[0].rank
|| hand[2].rank == hand[1].rank
|| hand[3].rank == hand[2].rank
|| hand[4].rank == hand[3].rank;

int three(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
return hand[0].rank == hand[2].rank
|| hand[1].rank == hand[3].rank
|| hand[2].rank == hand[4].rank;

int four(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
return hand[0].rank == hand[3].rank
|| hand[1].rank == hand[4].rank;

int full(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
return hand[0].rank == hand[1].rank
&& hand[2].rank == hand[4].rank
|| hand[0].rank == hand[2].rank
&& hand[3].rank == hand[4].rank;

int two_pair(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
return hand[0].rank == hand[1].rank
&& hand[3].rank == hand[2].rank
|| hand[0].rank == hand[1].rank
&& hand[3].rank == hand[4].rank
|| hand[1].rank == hand[2].rank
&& hand[3].rank == hand[4].rank;

int straight(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_rank);
return (hand[0].rank == 12 && hand[1].rank == 0
|| hand[0].rank + 1 == hand[1].rank)
&& hand[1].rank + 1 == hand[2].rank
&& hand[2].rank + 1 == hand[3].rank
&& hand[3].rank + 1 == hand[4].rank;

int flush(struct poker *hand)
s_sort(hand, HAND, sizeof *hand, compar_suit);
return hand[0].suit == hand[4].suit;

int compar_rank(void const *first, void const *second)
int int_1 = (*(struct poker*)first).rank;
int int_2 = (*(struct poker*)second).rank;

return int_2 > int_1 ? -1 : int_2 != int_1;

int compar_suit(void const *first, void const *second)
int int_1 = (*(struct poker*)first).suit;
int int_2 = (*(struct poker*)second).suit;

return int_2 > int_1 ? -1 : int_2 != int_1;

long unsigned shuffle(int *array, int n, long unsigned seed)
int i, r;

array[0] = 0;
for (i = 1; n > i; ++i) {
seed = LU_RAND(seed);
r = seed % (i + 1);
array = 0;
array = array[r];
array[r] = i;
return seed;

void s_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *))
size_t bytes;
unsigned char *array, *after, *i, *j, *k, *p1, *p2, *end, swap;

array = base;
after = nmemb * size + array;
if (nmemb > (size_t)-1 / 4) {
nmemb /= 4;
} else {
nmemb = (nmemb * 3 + 1) / 7;
while (nmemb != 0) {
bytes = nmemb * size;
i = bytes + array;
do {
j = i - bytes;
if (compar(j, i) > 0) {
k = i;
do {
p1 = j;
p2 = k;
end = p2 + size;
do {
swap = *p1;
*p1++ = *p2;
*p2++ = swap;
} while (p2 != end);
if (bytes + array > j) {
k = j;
j -= bytes;
} while (compar(j, k) > 0);
i += size;
} while (i != after);
nmemb = (nmemb * 3 + 1) / 7;

/* END shuffle.c */

lane straatman

pete said:
LS: fishing for hints on representing a poker game
Consider the hand as an array.
Sort the array, and check for equality in consecutive elements.
Paul Hsieh wrote a program that I like,
which fully evaluates poker hands and scores them.

This is one that I wrote:

/* BEGIN shuffle.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
** #define HANDS 1
** #define DEALS 5
** #define LU_RAND_SEED 1124021992
** 1124021815
** 1141904096
** 1141906091
** 1143411367
** 123456789LU
#define LU_RAND_SEED time(NULL) /* time(NULL), 1141904096 */
#define DEALS 5
#define HAND 5
#define SUITS (sizeof suit / sizeof *suit)
#define RANKS (sizeof rank / sizeof *rank)
#define LU_RAND(S) ((S) * 69069 + 362437 & 0xffffffffLU)

struct poker {
int suit;
int rank;

int pair(struct poker *hand);
int three(struct poker *hand);
int four(struct poker *hand);
int full(struct poker *hand);
int two_pair(struct poker *hand);
int straight(struct poker *hand);
int flush(struct poker *hand);
int compar_rank(void const *first, void const *second);
int compar_suit(void const *first, void const *second);
long unsigned shuffle(int *array, int n, long unsigned seed);
void s_sort(void *base, size_t nmemb, size_t size,
int (*compar)(const void *, const void *));
[main and beyond snipped for brevity]
Thanks all for replies and in particular pete for his generous post.
I'm a mile away from a compiler now, so I can't step through it, but it
looks as clean as a whistle.

One thing I want to do is to be able to calculate is how much of a
difference it makes in the odds when a card gets flipped up, which
happens fairly frequently in real life, and on which I have no numeric
handle. A card flipped up during the deal--in Western
Michigan--becomes the burn card. I'm unaware of how universal this
practice is. An upturned burn card would differ from the usual, I
should think.

Does Paul's version come up with a number for a hand that would inform
a decision? LS

Bill Reid

lane straatman said:
pete wrote:
As is usually the case, it turns out he was looking to solve
Fermat's Last Theorum and asked how to add 2+2...
[main and beyond snipped for brevity]
Thanks all for replies and in particular pete for his generous post.
I'm a mile away from a compiler now, so I can't step through it, but it
looks as clean as a whistle.
Well, as one of my "mentors" on one of my first jobs said, "if it
looks good, it must be good"...

I really do prefer my object-oriented C++ card-playing classes
One thing I want to do is to be able to calculate is how much of a
difference it makes in the odds when a card gets flipped up, which
happens fairly frequently in real life, and on which I have no numeric
handle. A card flipped up during the deal--in Western
Michigan--becomes the burn card. I'm unaware of how universal this
practice is. An upturned burn card would differ from the usual, I
should think.
It's just a card that can never be drawn to the community cards or
to a player's hand, so you remove it from the deck remainder that
you evaluate using combinatorial analysis...oh wait, are you writing
a combinatorial analyzer, or a "Monte Carlo" simulator, or
perhaps a simulator that can call in a combinatorial analysis
at any time, or what?

For my purposes (which include all of the above), I use three
arrays for cards ("deck", "discards/burns", and "table", with
hands being composed of pointers to "groups" of cards
on the "table"). A "card" will always be in one of the three
Does Paul's version come up with a number for a hand that would inform
a decision? LS
Almost definitely not...but a poker "odds" analyzer is simpler
and more straightforward to write than for some other games
I can think of...

lane straatman

Bill said:
As is usually the case, it turns out he was looking to solve
Fermat's Last Theorum and asked how to add 2+2...
It was only a century back that logicians proclaimed that "arithmetic
[main and beyond snipped for brevity]
Thanks all for replies and in particular pete for his generous post.
I'm a mile away from a compiler now, so I can't step through it, but it
looks as clean as a whistle.
Well, as one of my "mentors" on one of my first jobs said, "if it
looks good, it must be good"...

I really do prefer my object-oriented C++ card-playing classes
What is it that you gain from OO?
It's just a card that can never be drawn to the community cards or
to a player's hand, so you remove it from the deck remainder that
you evaluate using combinatorial analysis...oh wait, are you writing
a combinatorial analyzer, or a "Monte Carlo" simulator, or
perhaps a simulator that can call in a combinatorial analysis
at any time, or what?
Monte Carlo is the short answer. I'm only able to do combo with pen
and paper. It's nice to have a computer tell you that you've got the
correct answer. More than anything though, I like to see a scenario,
say, that you're dealt a pocket pair and see how the bidding might go
given tight/loose players, short/tall stacks and position. Right now,
I array the cards and "players" on my desk and try to do the odds
analysis. In real life, I'm having trouble playing with loose players
on tall stacks in cash games. The burning question there is usually
just when to push all in.
For my purposes (which include all of the above), I use three
arrays for cards ("deck", "discards/burns", and "table", with
hands being composed of pointers to "groups" of cards
on the "table"). A "card" will always be in one of the three

Almost definitely not...but a poker "odds" analyzer is simpler
and more straightforward to write than for some other games
I can think of...
True. LS


Does Paul's version come up with a number for a hand that would inform
a decision? LS


I deleted some unused variables and did very little reformatting.
This is pretty close to what he posted:

/* BEGIN pokeref.h */

#ifndef H_POKEREF_H
#define H_POKEREF_H

#define CLUB_SUIT (1)
#define DIAMOND_SUIT (2)
#define HEART_SUIT (4)
#define SPADE_SUIT (8)

#define RANK_SHL (27)
#define SUBR_SHL (13)

#define FLUSH_SCORE (5 << RANK_SHL)
#define TWO_PAIR_SCORE (2 << RANK_SHL)
#define TWO_KIND_SCORE (1 << RANK_SHL)


#ifndef DWORD
typedef unsigned long DWORD;

#ifndef BYTE
typedef unsigned long BYTE;

#ifndef WORD
typedef unsigned long WORD;

typedef struct {
int len;
BYTE entry[52];
} CardPileType;


/* END pokeref.h */

/* BEGIN pokeref.c */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#include "pokeref.h"

DWORD CardValue[52] = {
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

DWORD CardMask[52] = {
1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800,
1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800,
1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800,
1, 2, 4, 8, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x100, 0x200, 0x400, 0x800,

DWORD CardSuit[52] = {
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8

DWORD PokerScore( BYTE * h )
DWORD u,y,z;
DWORD c0,c1,c2,c3,c4;
DWORD m1,m2,m3,m4;
// Make suits powers of two.
u = CardSuit[h[0]];
u |= CardSuit[h[1]];
u |= CardSuit[h[2]];
u |= CardSuit[h[3]];
u |= CardSuit[h[4]];
// Test for single suitedness
u = u&(u-1);
// Make cards powers of two.
c0 = CardMask[h[0]];
c1 = CardMask[h[1]];
c2 = CardMask[h[2]];
c3 = CardMask[h[3]];
c4 = CardMask[h[4]];
// Build masks of 1, 2, 3, and 4 of a kind.
m1 = c0 | c1;
m2 = c1 & c0;
m2 |= c2 & m1;
m1 |= c2;
m2 |= c3 & m1;
m1 |= c3;
m2 |= c4 & m1;
m1 |= c4;

if( m2==0 ) { /*// No pairs?*/
// Is the mask a sequence of 1 bits?
z = m1&(m1-1);
z ^= m1;
y = (z<<5) - z;
// Deal with the bicycle/wheel 5,4,3,2,Ace straight
if ( m1 == 0x100F ) {
if( u!=0 ) return STRAIGHT_SCORE + 0xF;


if( y==m1 ) {
if( u!=0 ) return STRAIGHT_SCORE + m1;


if( u!=0 ) return m1; // Nothing

return FLUSH_SCORE + m1;
// m1 = c0 | ... | c4
// m2 = (c0 & c1) | ((c0|c1) & c2)
| ((c0|c1|c2) & c3) | ((c0|c1|c2|c3) & c4)
// m3 = mask of 3 of a kind.
// m4 = mask of 4 of a kind.
m1 = c0 | c1;
m2 = c1 & c0;
m3 = c2 & m2;
m2 |= c2 & m1;
m1 |= c2;
m4 = c3 & m3;
m3 |= c3 & m2;
m2 |= c3 & m1;
m1 |= c3;
m4 |= c4 & m3;
m3 |= c4 & m2;
m2 |= c4 & m1;
m1 |= c4;

m1 &= ~m2;

if(m3 == 0) {
if( (m2&(m2 - 1))==0 )
return TWO_KIND_SCORE + (m2 << SUBR_SHL) + m1;

return TWO_PAIR_SCORE + (m2 << SUBR_SHL) + m1;

m2 &= ~m3;

if( m4==0 ) {
if( m2==0 )
return THREE_KIND_SCORE + (m3 << SUBR_SHL) + m1;

return FULL_HOUSE_SCORE + (m3 << SUBR_SHL) + m2;

return FOUR_KIND_SCORE + (m4 << SUBR_SHL) + m1;

//char suitdisp[9] = { 0, 5, 4, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 6 };

char suitdisp[9] = { 0, 'c', 'd', 0, 'h', 0, 0, 0, 's' };

void DisplayCard( BYTE c ) {
char s[4];

s[0] = " 1 "[CardValue[c]];
s[1] = "234567890JQKA"[CardValue[c]];
s[2] = suitdisp[CardSuit[c]];
s[3] = '\0';

printf(" %s ",s);


void DisplayHand( CardPileType * h ) {
int v=0;
int i;

for(i=0;i<5;i++) DisplayCard( h->entry );

printf(" => %08X\n",PokerScore(&h->entry[0]));

CardPileType Deck, Hand;

void Shuffle( CardPileType * c ) {
int i = c->len,j;

for(;i>1;) {
j = rand() % i;
t = c->entry;
c->entry = c->entry[j];
c->entry[j] = t;

int Deal( CardPileType * h, CardPileType * d, int n )
int i;
for( i=0; i<n && d->len>0; i++ ) {
h->entry[ h->len ] = d->entry[ d->len ];
return i;

void InitCards()
int i;

Deck.len = 52;
Deck.entry = i;
Hand.len = 0;

#define ARCHIVE_SHL 6

CardPileType HandArchive[ARCHIVE_NUM];

int main(void)
int i,j;
int c;

srand( (unsigned int)time((void *)0) );
printf("FLUSH_SCORE %08x\n",FLUSH_SCORE );
printf("TWO_PAIR_SCORE %08x\n",TWO_PAIR_SCORE );
printf("TWO_KIND_SCORE %08x\n",TWO_KIND_SCORE );

for(i=0;i<ARCHIVE_NUM;i++) {
if( i<32 ) DisplayHand(&Hand);
HandArchive = Hand;
Deal(&Deck,&Hand,5); // Add hand back into Deck.
Shuffle(&Deck); // Reshuffle Deck.

for(c=0;c<1024;c++) {
for(j=0,i=0;i<ARCHIVE_NUM;i++) {
j += PokerScore(&HandArchive.entry[0]);

printf("\nRigged hands\n\n");
Hand.len = 5;
Hand.entry[0] = 12;
Hand.entry[1] = 12+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 12+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 12+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 11;

Hand.entry[0] = 12;
Hand.entry[1] = 12+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 12+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 11+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 11;

Hand.entry[0] = 12;
Hand.entry[1] = 11+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 10+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 9+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 8;

Hand.entry[0] = 12;
Hand.entry[1] = 12+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 2+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 3+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 4;

Hand.entry[0] = 2;
Hand.entry[1] = 2+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 3+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 3+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 4;

Hand.entry[0] = 0;
Hand.entry[1] = 0+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 1+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 2+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 3;

Hand.entry[0] = 0;
Hand.entry[1] = 0+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 1+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 1+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 2;

Hand.entry[0] = 3;
Hand.entry[1] = 2+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 1+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 0+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 12;

Hand.entry[0] = 4;
Hand.entry[1] = 3+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 2+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 1+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 0;

Hand.entry[0] = 12;
Hand.entry[1] = 12+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 11+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 11+39;
Hand.entry[4] = 10;

Hand.entry[0] = 12+ 26;
Hand.entry[1] = 12+13;
Hand.entry[2] = 11+26;
Hand.entry[3] = 11;
Hand.entry[4] = 10+39;

Hand.entry[0] = 12;
Hand.entry[1] = 0;
Hand.entry[2] = 1;
Hand.entry[3] = 2;
Hand.entry[4] = 3;

Hand.entry[0] = 11 + 26;
Hand.entry[1] = 0;
Hand.entry[2] = 1;
Hand.entry[3] = 2;
Hand.entry[4] = 3;

Hand.entry[0] = 11 + 26;
Hand.entry[1] = 4;
Hand.entry[2] = 1;
Hand.entry[3] = 2;
Hand.entry[4] = 3;

return 0;

/* END pokeref.c */

lane straatman

pete said:

I deleted some unused variables and did very little reformatting.
This is pretty close to what he posted:
[post downloaded but snipped for brevity]

#include <stdio.h>
#define LU_RAND(S) ((S) * 69069 + 362437 & 0xffffffffLU)
int main(void)
/** #define LU_RAND_SEED 1124021992
** 1124021815
** 1141904096
** 1141906091
** 1143411367
** 123456789LU */
unsigned long seed;
int i;
seed = 1124021992;
printf("%lu\n", seed);
for (i = 1; i < 1000; ++ i)
seed = LU_RAND(seed);
printf("%lu\n", seed);

return 0;
end source
This prog is heavily snipped from pete's upthread post. He circumvents
a rand() call with the macro, and I've been trying to find cracks in
it, but have only succeeded in finding cracks in my own knowledge of
C. With his choice of 69069, 362437 and mask, he never busts his data
type. Nor can I find a non-randomness mod some smallish number.

I don't understand the mask. If I remove f's, I lose 2 digits on the
number, yet there seems to be an extra f to my thinking. If I add an
f, I get the following warning that doesn't turn out to be true:
warning C4244: '=' : conversion from 'unsigned __int64 ' to 'unsigned
long '. What give's?

I was "certain" that the results for 5 card stud was **way** heavy on
pairs and trips until I took out a deck of cards and got empirical.
For Hold 'Em enthusiasts, you can look at it as the community cards.
You'll be less inclined to pull the trigger with a pocket pair.

Poker is a great way to sharpen up one's syntax. Familiar and hands
on. I've been down the hall at comp.lang.fortran, using Metcalf, Reid
& Cohen. I've yet to assail interoperability with C, and one reason
for that is that I don't see types I recognize. Are the following
kosher types: int_least32_t , int_fast64_t , long double _Complex ,
_Bool ? LS

Bill Reid

It was only a century back that logicians proclaimed that "arithmetic
Math can be pretty the history of "probability theory"
and compare it to what we know now for some good laughs, and those
comedians are/were the renowned mathematicians of their day...
Consider the hand as an array.
Sort the array, and check for equality in consecutive elements.
Paul Hsieh wrote a program that I like,
which fully evaluates poker hands and scores them.

This is one that I wrote:

/* BEGIN shuffle.c */

#include <stdio.h>
[main and beyond snipped for brevity]
Thanks all for replies and in particular pete for his generous post.
I'm a mile away from a compiler now, so I can't step through it, but it
looks as clean as a whistle.
Well, as one of my "mentors" on one of my first jobs said, "if it
looks good, it must be good"...

I really do prefer my object-oriented C++ card-playing classes
What is it that you gain from OO?
The ability to write simulators for new games without re-creating all
the code for "cards", "deck of cards", "card table", "dealer", "players",
etc. Basically, I can just write a new "game" class with some new
"strategy" tables and I'm done...
Monte Carlo is the short answer. I'm only able to do combo with pen
and paper. It's nice to have a computer tell you that you've got the
correct answer.

Ah, yes, once again, check the history of "probability theory" and
note it only really "gelled" as the result of empirical studies, which is
greatly aided these days by high-speed computer simulations. Las
Vegas exists because of the laws of probability but the casino owners
didn't (and still largely don't!) know the laws, they only kind of know
"what works" (note that even after Dr. Thorp calculated the "odds"
of a hand of blackjack, they STILL didn't really understand the
game they were offering)...

Of course, if you able to do the calculation with "pen and paper",
you can do it with a computer, but you admit you don't really trust
your math skills. So you want to simulate the game and compile
the statistics to see what really happens. So what you really want
is not a full poker simulator, but a more limited simulator that just
checks the hand completion results after a particular card is "seen".
Be aware that you'll have to run many billions of trials for each
of the possible combinations of your dealt cards and the "seen"
card in order for the varying results to resolve to a statistically-valid
"expectation" number.
More than anything though, I like to see a scenario,
say, that you're dealt a pocket pair and see how the bidding might go
given tight/loose players, short/tall stacks and position.

OK, that's a full simulator. You're dealing with a lot more variables
there, and getting into some of the more "intangible/chaotic" aspects of
poker, given that in real life, "tightness" and "looseness" can and do
vary themselves as player "psychology" changes. The "bidding"
itself is dependant on YOUR "tightness" or "looseness" in many

In addition to biting off more than you can chew coding- and
game theory-wise, you may be asking a question that already
has a better strategic answer, if your goal is just to learn how
to win at poker...
Right now,
I array the cards and "players" on my desk and try to do the odds

Of course, you can "see" the other player's cards, which is a tremendous
advantage you only sometimes get in a real game!
In real life, I'm having trouble playing with loose players
on tall stacks in cash games. The burning question there is usually
just when to push all in.
Yeah, those pesky "real-life" players will do it to you every time!
Here's a well-known clue: NOBODY can win in a truly "loose"
game. Here's the (duh!) strategy: DON'T PLAY IN THOSE
GAMES. Problem solved!

Of course, it is also impossible to win in a truly "tight" game
either. The general strategy for winning consistently at poker
thus reduces down to choosing your opponents (ideally,
"loose/scared"), not trying to figure out how to win in games
where nobody has a chance of winning.


lane said:

I deleted some unused variables and did very little reformatting.
This is pretty close to what he posted:
[post downloaded but snipped for brevity]

#include <stdio.h>
#define LU_RAND(S) ((S) * 69069 + 362437 & 0xffffffffLU)
int main(void)
/** #define LU_RAND_SEED 1124021992
** 1124021815
** 1141904096
** 1141906091
** 1143411367
** 123456789LU */
unsigned long seed;
int i;
seed = 1124021992;
printf("%lu\n", seed);
for (i = 1; i < 1000; ++ i)
seed = LU_RAND(seed);
printf("%lu\n", seed);

return 0;
end source
This prog is heavily snipped from pete's upthread post.
He circumvents
a rand() call with the macro, and I've been trying to find cracks in
it, but have only succeeded in finding cracks in my own knowledge of
C. With his choice of 69069, 362437 and mask, he never busts his data
type. Nor can I find a non-randomness mod some smallish number.

There are three prng's that I use,
which I call "the fast one", "the good one" and "the standard one"
LU_RAND(S) yields alternating odd and even values,
which is why it's not "the good one".

The stamdard one is in the standard.
The good one is RAND_32LU(S), located here:

The algorithms are not original ones of mine.
What I've gleaned over the years of reading this newgroup
and comp.programming, is that until you become expert in prng's,
it's best to leave the prng algorithms to the experts.
"The good one" is adapted from something posted by
George Marsaglia who I believe is an expert on the topic.

The purpose of the mask, is to keep the results
portable in case of long having more than 32 bits.

Purpose of using the prng's instead of rand(),
is to make the results duplicatable across different C paltforms.

Lane Straatman

There are three prng's that I use,
which I call "the fast one", "the good one" and "the standard one"
LU_RAND(S) yields alternating odd and even values,
which is why it's not "the good one".

The stamdard one is in the standard.
The good one is RAND_32LU(S), located here:

The algorithms are not original ones of mine.
What I've gleaned over the years of reading this newgroup
and comp.programming, is that until you become expert in prng's,
it's best to leave the prng algorithms to the experts.
"The good one" is adapted from something posted by
George Marsaglia who I believe is an expert on the topic.

The purpose of the mask, is to keep the results
portable in case of long having more than 32 bits.

Purpose of using the prng's instead of rand(),
is to make the results duplicatable across different C paltforms.
It takes me a bit to play with these, but that will be easier now that I'm
hooked up to the net again. has
prototypes. LS

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