sending an email with asp



hello i have a fake online store that creates an invoice and sends it
to the user. i get this strange error that i dont understand

the error is
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/06Winter/levini/A07/checkout03.asp, line 135

"<tr> " & _

here is my code watch for text wraps

'assign the email message body to a variable
Dim strHTMLMessage
strHTMLMessage = "<a
href=''> " &
border='0' alt='NetBooks Logo'> " &_
"</a><br> " &_
"<center><font face='Comic Sans MS'
color='#FF0000'>Order Confirmation</font><br><br> " & _
"<div align='center'> " & _
"<center> " & _
"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'
width="'600'> " & _
is here
"<tr> " & _
"<td width='159' valign='top'><font face='Comic Sans
MS'>Books Shipped:</font></td>" & _
"<td width='437'> " & strTitle & _
"</td> " & _
"</tr> " & _
"<tr> " & _
"<td width='159' valign='top'><font face='Comic Sans
MS'>Shipping Address:</font></td> " & _
"<td width='437'><% =strFirstName & " " & strLastName
& "<br>" & strAddress & " <br>" & strCity & ", " & strState & ", " &
strZip & "<br><br>"%> " & _
"</td> " & _
"</tr> " & _
"<tr> " & _
"<td width='159' valign='top'><font face='Comic Sans
MS'>Total:</font></td> " & _
"<td width='437'>$<% =TotalPrice %> "

'Create the mail object
Dim objMail
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")

any help would be greatly appreciated

Ray Costanzo [MVP]

I don't see anything that would cause that error where you indicated. It's
possible there's some non-visible character causing an issue, so make sure
that there are no invisible characters before or after the & and _.

After you get this error worked out, you'll get an error here:

...."<td width='437'><% =strFirstName & ...
....strZip & "<br><br>"%> " & _

Get rid of the<% = and %> and use the same concatenation method you were
using above. Example:

.... "<td width='437'> " & strTitle & _
"</td> " & _

Ray at home

Mike Brind

isaac2004 said:
hello i have a fake online store that creates an invoice and sends it
to the user. i get this strange error that i dont understand

the error is
Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0400'

Expected statement

/06Winter/levini/A07/checkout03.asp, line 135

"<tr> " & _

here is my code watch for text wraps

'assign the email message body to a variable
Dim strHTMLMessage
strHTMLMessage = "<a
href=''> " &
border='0' alt='NetBooks Logo'> " &_
"</a><br> " &_
"<center><font face='Comic Sans MS'
color='#FF0000'>Order Confirmation</font><br><br> " & _
"<div align='center'> " & _
"<center> " & _
"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > width="'600' " & _
-----------------------------------------------------------------error is here

As well as Ray's observation, get rid of the " that appears after
width= in the line that causes the error.

That line should read:
"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > width='600' " & _

Mike Brind

Mike said:
As well as Ray's observation, get rid of the " that appears after
width= in the line that causes the error.

That line should read:
"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' > width='600' " & _

Bugger Google's wrapping!

That should be:
"<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='600' " & _

The extra " had the effect of terminating the string on that line, so
with a ' after it, everything else that followed was a VBScript
comment. Then on the next line, VBScript saw what it reads as a new
string, but there was nothing to reference it, but it expected to see a
variable assignment or other statement. Hence the error you got.

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