Show & hide multiple div tags with one click


Bart Van der Donck

Eero said:
Does someone knows how i can show/hide multible divs at one click?

One approach could be to define two CSS class entries, and then swap
the ID's of the <div>'s according to their current class:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<style type="text/css" media="all">
.invis { visibility: hidden; display: none; }
.vis { visibility: visible; display: inline; }
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var c = 'invis';
var ids = new Array('id1', 'id2'); // IDs of your <div>s
function doSwap() {
c == 'vis' ? c = 'invis' : c = 'vis';
for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++) {
document.getElementById(ids).className = c;
<div id="id1" class="invis">inside div 1</div>
<div id="id2" class="invis">inside div 2</div>
<input type="button" value="show/hide" onClick="doSwap()">

Hope this helps,


Eero said:

Does someone knows how i can show/hide multible divs at one click?

--Käytössä Operan vallankumouksellinen sähköpostiohjelma:

Well, of course you could loop through all the elements changing their style attribute if you have a reference to all the elements you want to change.

A nicer way is to give them all a class, and in the click event handler, change the style attributes of that class.

I have a nice dynamic class ... erm class below, so you can do

s = new CSSStyleSheet();
s.addRule(".foo", "background-color:red;height:20px;width:40px;margin:10px");

You can have any number of divs with the class "foo". Then you can use

s.changeRule(".foo", "background-color", "blue");

To change the style for the rule selector text,and you never have to know about where or how many elements are of class foo.

An object which encapsulates a dynamically created, modifiable stylesheet.
function CSSStyleSheet()
* The array of rules for this stylesheet.
* @private
this.rules = [];

* An associative array, keyed by the selector text containing the rule index number for
* the rule for that selector text.
* @private
this.ruleIndex = [];

if (document.createStyleSheet)
this.sheet = document.createStyleSheet();
this.styleElement = document.createElement("style");
this.sheet = this.styleElement.styleSheet ? this.styleElement.styleSheet : this.styleElement.sheet;

Create a style rule in the stylesheet.
@param selectorText The CSS selector text.
@param ruleText The style specification with or without braces.
CSSStyleSheet.prototype.addRule = function(selectorText, ruleText)
var result;

// Opera, and other browsers with no DOM stylesheet support
if (!this.sheet)
// Remove braces.
ruleText = ruleText.replace(/^\{?([^\}])/, "$1");

// If it exists, modify it.
if (!this.ruleIndex[selectorText])
this.ruleIndex[selectorText] = this.rules.length;
this.rules[this.ruleIndex[selectorText]] = ruleText;

// Build the innerHTML of the <style> element from our rules.
var cssText = "";
for (var sel in this.ruleIndex)
cssText = sel + " {" + this.rules[this.ruleIndex[sel]] + "}";
this.styleElement.innerHTML = cssText;

// IE.
// Each rule object has a style property which contains the style attributes.
else if (this.sheet.addRule)
// addRule() requires no braces
ruleText = ruleText.replace(/^\{?([^\}])/, "$1");
var r = this.sheet.rules.length;
this.sheet.addRule(selectorText, ruleText);
result = this.sheet.rules[r];
this.ruleIndex[selectorText] = r;

if (this.rules.length == 0)
this.rules = this.sheet.rules;

// DOM standard. Result object contains looks like {cssText:selectorText + " " + ruleText}
// cssText property is readonly. deleteRule(ruleIndex} must be used to remove.
else if (this.sheet.insertRule)
// insertRule() requires braces
if (!/^\{[^\}]*\}$/.test(ruleText))
ruleText = "{" + ruleText + "}";

var r = this.sheet.cssRules.length;
this.sheet.insertRule(selectorText + " " + ruleText, r);
result = this.sheet.cssRules[r];
this.ruleIndex[selectorText] = r;

if (this.rules.length == 0)
this.rules = this.sheet.cssRules;
alert("Cannot create rule");
return result;

* Change a style property in a rule.
* @param selectorText The identifier of the rule to change
* @param property The name of the style property to change
* @param value The new value of the style property.
CSSStyleSheet.prototype.changeRule = function(selectorText, property, value)
var index = this.ruleIndex[selectorText];

// If the rule is not present, create it.
if (typeof index == "undefined")
this.addRule(selectorText, property + ":" + value);

// Opera, and other browsers with no DOM stylesheet support
if (!this.sheet)
var cssText = this.rules[index];
if (cssText)
var propSearch = new RegExp("^(.*" + property + "\\s*\:\\s*)([^;]*)(.*)$");
var ruleText = propSearch.exec(cssText);
// If the value was in the old rule...
if (ruleText)
// And it was different...
if (ruleText[4] != value)
this.rules[index] = ruleText[1] + value + ruleText[3];
this.rules[index] = cssText + "; " + property + ": " + value + ";";

// Rebuild the innerHTML of the <style> element from our rules.
cssText = "";
for (var sel in this.ruleIndex)
cssText = sel + " {" + this.rules[this.ruleIndex[sel]] + "}";
this.styleElement.innerHTML = cssText;

var cssText = "";
var cssText = "";
for (var sel in this.ruleIndex)
cssText = sel + " {" + this.rules[this.ruleIndex[sel]] + "}";

// rules contain a style object - easy
else if (this.rules[index].style)
// Make the property camelCase
var m = /^([^-]*)-([a-z])(.*)$/.exec(property);
while (m)
property = m[1] + m[2].toUpperCase() + m[3];
m = /^([^-]*)-([a-z])(.*)$/.exec(property);

// Use the style property of the rule.
this.rules[index].style[property] = value;

// DOM standard. We must parse the rule, delete, and create a new one.
else if (this.sheet.insertRule)
var oldRule = this.rules[index];
if (oldRule)
var cssText = oldRule.cssText;
var propSearch = new RegExp("^[^\\{]*(\\{.*" + property + "\\s*\\:\\s*)([^};]*)([^}]*})");
var ruleText = propSearch.exec(cssText);

// If the value was in the old rule...
if (ruleText)
// And it was different...
if (ruleText[4] != value)
cssText = ruleText[1] + value + ruleText[3];
this.sheet.insertRule(selectorText + " " + cssText, index);
var propSearch = new RegExp("\\{([^}]*)}");
ruleText = propSearch.exec(cssText);
cssText = "{ " + ruleText[1] + "; " + property + ": " + value + " }";
this.sheet.insertRule(selectorText + " " + cssText, index);

CSSStyleSheet.prototype.getRuleProperty = function(selectorText, property)
var index = this.ruleIndex[selectorText];

// If the rule is not present, create it.
if (typeof index == "undefined")

// Opera, and other browsers with no DOM stylesheet support
if (!this.sheet)
var cssText = this.rules[index];
if (cssText)
var propSearch = new RegExp("^.*" + property + "\s*\:\s*([^;]*)");
var ruleText = propSearch.exec(cssText);

// If the value was in the old rule...
if (ruleText)
return ruleText[1];

// rules contain a style object - easy...
else if (this.rules[index].style)
// Make the property camelCase
var m = /^([^-]*)-([a-z])(.*)$/.exec(property);
while (m)
property = m[1] + m[2].toUpperCase() + m[3];
m = /^([^-]*)-([a-z])(.*)$/.exec(property);
var style = this.rules[index].style;
return style[property];

// DOM: We must parse the rule cssText.
else if (this.sheet.insertRule)
var oldRule = this.rules[index];
if (oldRule)
cssText = oldRule.cssText;
var propSearch = new RegExp("^.*" + property + "\\s*\\:\\s*([^};]*)");
var ruleText = propSearch.exec(cssText);

// If the value was in the old rule...
if (ruleText)
return ruleText[1];

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