Simple question about hexadecimal values



Hi everyone...another newbie question, I'm writing a testbench to send
different address to my unit under test.Each address is compute
starting from a base address (say for example a 32 bit address like
X"10000400"). The piece of code which doesn't work is the following:

for i in 0 to 10 loop
temp := i*4+X"10000400";
address_in_sig <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(temp, 32));
-- Send the address to the UUT and verify the output...
end loop;

If I replace X"10000400" with the corresponding unsigned value
everything works, but I wonder which is the right way to code it using
the hexadecima value (which is more readable than 268436480...).
Thanks in advance for your help!


Hi everyone...another newbie question, I'm writing a testbench to send
different address to my unit under test.Each address is compute
starting from a base address (say for example a 32 bit address like
X"10000400"). The piece of code which doesn't work is the following:

for i in 0 to 10 loop
        temp := i*4+X"10000400";
        address_in_sig <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(temp, 32));
        -- Send the address to the UUT and verify the output...
end loop;

If I were feeling lazy I would do the following:

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ;

address_in_sig <= i*4 + X"10000400" ;

On the other hand, if you feel the need to avoid this package,
you can do the following:

use ieee.numeric_std.all ;
.. . .
signal address_in_sig_uv : unsigned (31 downto 0) ;
.. . .
address_in_sig_uv <= i*4 + X"10000400" ;

Then do a type conversion in the port map:

U_comp1 : comp1
port map (
address_port => std_logic_vector(address_in_sig_uv),
. . .
) ;

SynthWorks VHDL Training

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