Sorry for reposting - can not figure out...


J Snaith

Very sorry for reposting same message. I cannot figure out this concern

Good day. I have page in that gets set of photos records
from a database table (paths to photos). Loads that data into session
datatable, divide into parts and display each part at timer interval. For
eg. every 7 seconds display first 5 (of 20) photos in datagrid, then
next set of 5, then next set of 5 photos, etcetera. When all 20 photos have
been displayed (paged) I want to show new panel for 7 seconds (pnlWarning).
Hide pnlViewPhotos and show pnlWarning. Then, start loop again and start
displaying paged photos again (in pnlViewPhotos). Then after 20 display
warning again, etcetera. I have the code working well to page photos but
cannot determine where to show pnlWarning panel and hide other panel for the
7 seconds after all photos displayed, then start displaying photos again
after 7 seconds of making pnlWarning visible=true. Could you please take
look at following code snippet and please advise where I may accomplish this
tasks? Any direction you have would be appreciate and of great help. Thank
you and have fantastic day.

'click button to start
Sub btnDisplayPagingPhotos_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
Dim varPhotosID As String = 24
session("thePageSize") = 7
Timer1.Interval = 7 'seconds
End Sub

Private Sub GetPhotos(ByVal photosid As String)
Dim ssql As String
Dim cnn As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings.Get("cnn"))
ssql = "exec procGetPhotos '" & photosid & "'"

pnlViewPhotos.visible = True

session("da") = New SqlDataAdapter(ssql, cnn)
session("ds") = New DataSet
session("da").Fill(session("ds"), "photos")
session("dtPhotosSource") = session("ds").Tables("photos")


End Sub

Private Sub goToFirstSetOfPhotos()
If session("theCurrentPage") = 1 Then
End If
session("theCurrentPage") = 1
session("theRecordNumber") = 0
End Sub

Private Sub LoadPhotos()
Timer1.Interval = ddlPagingInterval.SelectedItem.Value
session("dtTemp") = session("dtPhotosSource").Clone
If session("theCurrentPage") = session("thePageCount") Then
session("endRec") = session("theMaxRecord")
session("endRec") = session("thePageSize") * session("theCurrentPage")
End If
session("startRec") = session("theRecordNumber")

'if photos actually exist
Dim intCount As Integer
intCount = session("dtPhotosSource").Rows.Count
If intCount > 0 Then
Dim i As Integer
For i = session("startRec") To session("endRec") - 1
session("theRecordNumber") = session("theRecordNumber") + 1
End If

dgPhotos.DataSource = session("dtTemp")
End Sub

Private Sub getPhotosData()
session("theMaxRecord") = session("dtPhotosSource").Rows.Count
session("thePageCount") = session("theMaxRecord") \ session("thePageSize")
If (session("theMaxRecord") Mod session("thePageSize")) > 0 Then
session("thePageCount") = session("thePageCount") + 1
End If
session("theCurrentPage") = 1
session("theRecordNumber") = 0
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed
session("theCurrentPage") = session("theCurrentPage") + 1
If session("theCurrentPage") > session("thePageCount") Then
session("theCurrentPage") = session("thePageCount")
If session("theRecordNumber") = session("theMaxRecord") Then
session("theCurrentPage") = 1
Dim varPhotosID As String = 24
End If
End If
End Sub

Family Tree Mike

Very sorry for reposting same message. I cannot figure out this concern

Good day. I have page in that gets set of photos records
from a database table (paths to photos). Loads that data into session
datatable, divide into parts and display each part at timer interval. For
eg. every 7 seconds display first 5 (of 20) photos in datagrid,
next set of 5, then next set of 5 photos, etcetera. When all 20 photos have
been displayed (paged) I want to show new panel for 7 seconds (pnlWarning).
Hide pnlViewPhotos and show pnlWarning. Then, start loop again and start
displaying paged photos again (in pnlViewPhotos). Then after 20 display
warning again, etcetera. I have the code working well to page photos but
cannot determine where to show pnlWarning panel and hide other panel for
7 seconds after all photos displayed, then start displaying photos again
after 7 seconds of making pnlWarning visible=true. Could you please take
look at following code snippet and please advise where I may accomplish
tasks? Any direction you have would be appreciate and of great help. Thank
you and have fantastic day.
Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed
session("theCurrentPage") = session("theCurrentPage") + 1
If session("theCurrentPage") > session("thePageCount") Then
session("theCurrentPage") = session("thePageCount")
If session("theRecordNumber") = session("theMaxRecord") Then
session("theCurrentPage") = 1
Dim varPhotosID As String = 24
End If
End If
End Sub

I saw your previous posts, but figured an ASP.Net person with experience
with the System.Web.UI.Timer control would be better. I have no
experience with that control.

Your timer handler checks if the current page is greater than the page
count, and resets it to the page count on true. Instead of this, set it
to zero. Later, check if the value is zero, and if so, set the
pnlWarning to true, and the pnlViewPhotos visible value to false. Make
sure on a value of One, to reverse the visibility.

J Snaith

Thank you much for the reply. I have been trying many things but cannot get
it working. I will continue with your suggestions and see if I can get it
to work. Thank you.

J Snaith

Hi Mike. Well I've tried many different things in the timer interval to
accomplish this task, however, something is not working. Both panels
display at same time and don't disappear. I don't think I'm familiar enough
with timer to complete this. Do you have any further advice on how this
task can be accomplished? Appreciate any feedback and guidance, thank you

Family Tree Mike

Hi Mike. Well I've tried many different things in the timer interval to
accomplish this task, however, something is not working. Both panels
display at same time and don't disappear. I don't think I'm familiar
enough with timer to complete this. Do you have any further advice on
how this task can be accomplished? Appreciate any feedback and guidance,
thank you kindly.

Again, I've never used this timer control, but from reading, it
looks like I would put my two panels that need to be toggled for
visibility into a containing UpdatePanel. Something like this:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdPnl" runat="server">
<asp:panel ID="pnlViewPhotos" runat="server"/>
<asp:panel ID="pnlWarning" runat="server" visible="false"/>

J Snaith

Thanks Mike. Appreciate the comments and link. Read the contents nut am
still now sure how to apply this to my case. I've been trying and trying
but cannot get my stuff to work as I want. There must be a way that I am

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