Spreadsheet::WriteExcel & worksheet->write



Hi everyone,

I am grabbing database information using fetchrow() and storing the
results in variables. I need to write these results to an excel
spreadsheet. Does worksheet->write work when you're using variables? It
doesn't seem to like what I'm doing:


when $lastname, $platform and $balance are the results from the
I can print these results OUT to a textfile, so I know they contain
data, but it just doesn't work with the spreadsheet.

Any suggestions?


David Squire

Hi everyone,

I am grabbing database information using fetchrow() and storing the
results in variables. I need to write these results to an excel
spreadsheet. Does worksheet->write work when you're using variables? It
doesn't seem to like what I'm doing:


when $lastname, $platform and $balance are the results from the
I can print these results OUT to a textfile, so I know they contain
data, but it just doesn't work with the spreadsheet.

Could you please show us the code you use to populate these variables,
and to print them out successfully? That would help a lot...


Paul Lalli

I am grabbing database information using fetchrow() and storing the
results in variables. I need to write these results to an excel
spreadsheet. Does worksheet->write work when you're using variables?

ARRG!! I just responded to this in perl.beginners, not realizing you'd
posted an identical copy of the same message to another group. PLEASE
DON'T DO THAT! If you *NEED* to post to more than one group,
crosspost, do not multi-post!!


Paul Lalli


AHHH! My apologies!!! I wasn't aware it'd be a problem.

OK, well the script now writes to the spreadsheet, but it will only
write one line. I am reading in data from a text file and need the
script to write one line to the spreadsheet per line in the text file
based on information in a database. Here is the code:

#open file
$filename = shift;
open(GR,"$filename") or die("Unable to open file");
@sub =<GR>;

foreach $record (@sub)
$sub = uc($record);

$sql = "query";

$sth= $alloc_dbh->prepare($sql_psc_rachel);
while (($masterNum, $subNum, $platform, $machine,
$lastAlloc, $lastAllocDate, $chargeID,
$lastname, $balance) = $sth->fetchrow())
print OUT ("PSC Data: $masterNum, $subNum,
$platform, $machine, $lastAlloc, $lastAllocDate,
$chargeID, $lastname, $balance\n");

#TGCDB info

$start = $tgdata{"$chargeID $platform
$alloc = $tgdata{"$chargeID $platform
$remaining = $tgdata{"$chargeID
$platform Remaining"};
print OUT ("data: $chargeID, Start
$start, Alloc $alloc, Remaining

my $row = 1;

$worksheet1->write($row, 0,
$worksheet1->write($row, 1,
$worksheet1->write($row, 2,
$worksheet1->write($row, 3,
$worksheet1->write($row, 4,
$worksheet1->write($row, 5,
$worksheet1->write($row, 6,
$worksheet1->write($row, 7,
$worksheet1->write($row, 8,
$worksheet1->write($row, 9,
$worksheet1->write($row, 10,
$worksheet1->write($row, 11,



Can anyone see a problem?


David Squire

(e-mail address removed) wrote:

[Top-posting corrected. Please don't do that. Please *do* read the
posting guidelines for this group, that are posted here twice weekly.]
AHHH! My apologies!!! I wasn't aware it'd be a problem.

OK, well the script now writes to the spreadsheet, but it will only
write one line. I am reading in data from a text file and need the
script to write one line to the spreadsheet per line in the text file
based on information in a database. Here is the code:


use strict;
use warnings;

Including those at the top of every script will catch many problems
before they lead you here.
#open file
$filename = shift;
open(GR,"$filename") or die("Unable to open file");

Would be better as:

open my $GR, '<', $filename or die "Unable to open file $filename: $!";

- you don't need to quote variables
- lexically scoped filehandles are nicer
- the three-argument form of open is safer (see perldoc -f open)
- it's nice to have an informative error message
@sub =<GR>;

foreach $record (@sub) {

Why do you slurp in the whole contents of the file when you only need
one line at a time? This wastes memory. It would be better as:

while (my $record = said:

You almost certainly want 'chomp' here, not 'chop'.
$sub = uc($record);

This variable never gets used in the script you show. What is it for?
Please post minimal, *complete*, scripts.
$sql = "query";

$sth= $alloc_dbh->prepare($sql_psc_rachel);

Where did these mystery variables $alloc_dbh and $sql_psc_rachel come
from? There are too many unknowables for us in the script fragment you
have posted.


Please work on reducing your script to a minimal version that produces
no errors or warnings when 'use strict;' and 'use warnings;' are in
effect, yet still exhibits the problem. This exercise might even allow
you to find the problem.


Paul Lalli

AHHH! My apologies!!! I wasn't aware it'd be a problem.

Another problem is that you're top-posting. Please stop that. Trim
your quoted material down to the smallest relevant bits, and
intersperce your comments as appropriate.
OK, well the script now writes to the spreadsheet, but it will only
write one line. I am reading in data from a text file and need the
script to write one line to the spreadsheet per line in the text file
based on information in a database. Here is the code:

#open file
$filename = shift;

Are you using strict and warnings? If not, please start. They catch
99% of the errors programmers make.
open(GR,"$filename") or die("Unable to open file");

1) Do not double-quote variables without reason. See also: perldoc -q
2) Use lexical filehandles, not global barewords (they are subject to
strict, they're not global, and they auto-close when they go out of
3) Use the three-argument form of open
4) State the *reason* the open failed if it does:

open my $GR, '<', $filename or die "Cannot open file: $!";
@sub =<GR>;

foreach $record (@sub)

There is absolutely no reason to read in the entire file into memory
and keep it there for the duration of this loop. Instead, read one
line at a time. At each iteration, discard the previously read line
and read the next:

while (my $record = said:

chop() is almost entirely a holdover from Perl 4. The new standard
idiom is chomp(). (What would happen if your text file happened to not
end with a newline?)

chomp $record;
$sub = uc($record);
$sql = "query";
$sth= $alloc_dbh->prepare($sql_psc_rachel);

Where did any of these variables come from?
while (($masterNum, $subNum, $platform, $machine,
$lastAlloc, $lastAllocDate, $chargeID,
$lastname, $balance) = $sth->fetchrow())
print OUT ("PSC Data: $masterNum, $subNum,
$platform, $machine, $lastAlloc, $lastAllocDate,
$chargeID, $lastname, $balance\n");

When did the OUT filehandle get declared?
#TGCDB info

$start = $tgdata{"$chargeID $platform
$alloc = $tgdata{"$chargeID $platform
$remaining = $tgdata{"$chargeID
$platform Remaining"};
print OUT ("data: $chargeID, Start
$start, Alloc $alloc, Remaining

my $row = 1;

Here you declare a brand new variable, within this loop. It does not
exist before this line, nor after this iteration of the loop ends.
$worksheet1->write($row, 0,

Here (and for 10 more nearly identical lines), you use the $row
variable that you just declared.

Here you increment this variable...

.... but here, that variable goes out of scope. The next time through
the loop, a new $row is declared and initialized to 1. No piece of
code ever uses $row when it is any value other than 1.

Move your declaration of $row outside the loop.

Paul Lalli

J. Gleixner

AHHH! My apologies!!! I wasn't aware it'd be a problem.

What would be a problem??
OK, well the script now writes to the spreadsheet, but it will only
write one line. I am reading in data from a text file and need the
script to write one line to the spreadsheet per line in the text file
based on information in a database. Here is the code:

use strict;
use warnings;
#open file
$filename = shift;
open(GR,"$filename") or die("Unable to open file");
@sub =<GR>;

foreach $record (@sub)
$sub = uc($record);

$sql = "query";

$sth= $alloc_dbh->prepare($sql_psc_rachel);

No idea what "$sql_psc_rachel" contains, however this could probably be
outside of the for loop.
while (($masterNum, $subNum, $platform, $machine,
$lastAlloc, $lastAllocDate, $chargeID,
$lastname, $balance) = $sth->fetchrow())
my $row = 1;

$row will always be 1.

Gary E. Ansok

OK, well the script now writes to the spreadsheet, but it will only
write one line. I am reading in data from a text file and need the
script to write one line to the spreadsheet per line in the text file
based on information in a database. Here is the code:

[ much snippage below ]
while (($masterNum, $subNum, $platform, $machine,
$lastAlloc, $lastAllocDate, $chargeID,
$lastname, $balance) = $sth->fetchrow())
my $row = 1;

$worksheet1->write($row, 0,

Can anyone see a problem?

You're resetting $row to 1 on every trip through the while() loop.

The "my $row = 1" needs to be moved outside of all the loops
that write to the same sheet.

Gary Ansok


As you can probably gather...this is a temporary gig for me.

Thanks for your responses.

Ben Morrow

Quoth "Paul Lalli said:
chop() is almost entirely a holdover from Perl 4. The new standard
idiom is chomp(). (What would happen if your text file happened to not
end with a newline?)

More importantly, what would happen if you were on win32, or doing
socket programming, and your eol sequence was "\r\n"?


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