String Processing Basic Stuff


Vishal G

Hi Guys,

Very basic question....

Please dont suggest to use other programing language or other data
structure cause I can't...

I read data from file and yes I have to slurp the whole thing to
memory cause I can use upto 4GB...

data in file is in this format

30 56 78 34 2 39 87 (50 values per line, total of 120 million

reading file in paragraph mode

Now I have to remove multiple spaces without using much memory

This is what I have wrote (might be very low standard code for Gurus
out there)

It works but takes 5 mins consuming 600-700 MB, if I use substitution
to achieve this it takes 4-5 GB and around 2-3 mins...

Could you pls suggest way to process it faster using less memory

# Process the string $_ to remove leading whitespaces,
multiple whitespaces
# and to padd each value to same size
my $chr = '';
my $str = '';
my $value = '';
my $unitlength = $Alignment::BASEQUALITY_BYTES;
while (length($_) > 0) {
if (($chr = substr($_, 0, 1, "")) ne " ") {
$value = $value . $chr;
} else {
$str = $str . sprintf("%${unitlength}d",
$value) if ($value);
undef $value;

# BQ field
$ace->{'BQ'}->{$name} = $str;

undef $str;
undef $chr;

Thanks in advance



Hi Guys,

Very basic question....

Please dont suggest to use other programing language or other data
structure cause I can't...

I read data from file and yes I have to slurp the whole thing to
memory cause I can use upto 4GB...

data in file is in this format

30 56 78 34 2 39 87 (50 values per line, total of 120 million

reading file in paragraph mode

Now I have to remove multiple spaces without using much memory

This is what I have wrote (might be very low standard code for Gurus
out there)

It works but takes 5 mins consuming 600-700 MB, if I use substitution
to achieve this it takes 4-5 GB and around 2-3 mins...

Could you pls suggest way to process it faster using less memory

# Process the string $_ to remove leading whitespaces,
multiple whitespaces
# and to padd each value to same size
my $chr = '';
my $str = '';
my $value = '';
my $unitlength = $Alignment::BASEQUALITY_BYTES;
while (length($_) > 0) {
if (($chr = substr($_, 0, 1, "")) ne " ") {
$value = $value . $chr;
} else {
$str = $str . sprintf("%${unitlength}d",
$value) if ($value);
undef $value;

# BQ field
$ace->{'BQ'}->{$name} = $str;

undef $str;
undef $chr;

Thanks in advance


Not really clear on what you mean by 50 values per
line, or if you have slurped an 800 MB string in $_
Looks like your trying to shrink one string and grow
The way you are doing it seems very granular.

Here are a couple approaches you could try if not
tried already.


# ???.pl

use strict;
use warnings;

my $unitlength = 5; #$Alignment::BASEQUALITY_BYTES;
my $line = '30 56 78 34 2 39 87 ';
my $str = $line;

# If its 50 values per line
# do substitution
# ------------------------------
$str =~ s/\s*(\d+)/sprintf "%${unitlength}d", $1/ge;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
print "'$str'\n";

# If its all on one huge line
# shrink one string, grow another
# (not sure this will save memory)
# ------------------------------------
my $newstr = '';
my $RxNumber = qr/\s*(\d+)/;

while ($str =~ s/$RxNumber//)
$newstr .= (sprintf "%${unitlength}d", $1);
print "'$newstr'\n";



' 30 56 78 34 2 39 87'
' 30 56 78 34 2 39 87'


Vishal G said:
Hi Guys,

Very basic question....

Please dont suggest to use other programing language or other data
structure cause I can't...

If you can't use a different structure, at least for intermediates,
then you can't program.

I read data from file and yes I have to slurp the whole thing to
memory cause I can use upto 4GB...

Because you can do it that means you have to? We can't you read line by
line, processing each line and appending the result to $str before moving
to the next?
data in file is in this format

30 56 78 34 2 39 87 (50 values per line, total of 120 million

So then, would this work to make an example file?
perl -le 'foreach (1..2.4e6) {print join " ", map int(rand()*99), 1..50}'

reading file in paragraph mode

Why reading in paragraph mode? From your format description, the data
is not formatted in paragraphs.
Now I have to remove multiple spaces without using much memory

This is what I have wrote (might be very low standard code for Gurus
out there)

It works but takes 5 mins consuming 600-700 MB,

When I try it, I get many many warnings which suggests that it is not
actually working correctly.

if I use substitution
to achieve this it takes 4-5 GB and around 2-3 mins...

How did you use substitution?

Starting your code indented half way across the screen isn't very helpful.
It just leads to messy line wrap problems. I fixed that.
my $chr = '';
my $str = '';
my $value = '';
my $unitlength = $Alignment::BASEQUALITY_BYTES;
while (length($_) > 0) {
if (($chr = substr($_, 0, 1, "")) ne " ") {
$value = $value . $chr;
} else {
$str = $str . sprintf("%${unitlength}d", $value) if ($value);

I get:
Argument "67\n33" isn't numeric in sprintf....
undef $value;


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