subprocesses, stdin/out, ttys, and beating insubordinate processesinto the ground


Jonathan Smith

First a bit about what I'm trying to do. I need a function which takes a
patchfile and patches a source directory. Thats it. However, I need to
be able to do so no matter what the patchlevel (-px) of the diff is. So,
my solution is to just try to patch until it works or you try a level
more than 3. However, if you have a reversed patch, or patch can't find
the right file, GNU patch tries to ask for input and I don't want that.
I know that patch will run non-interactively when backgrounded in a
shell (no controlling tty). This is what I've tried so far:

def patchme(self, provides, f, destDir, patchlevels):
for patchlevel in patchlevels:
patchArgs = ['patch', '-d', destDir, '-p%s'%patchlevel, ]
if self.backup:
patchArgs.append(['-b', '-z', self.backup])
if self.extraArgs:
patchArgs.append(self.extraArgs)'attempting to patch the source with file %s and
patchlevel %s' % (f,patchlevel))
p1 = subprocess.Popen([provides, f],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=False)
p2 = subprocess.Popen(patchArgs, stdin=p1.stdout, shell=False)
message = p2.communicate()[0] # patch seems to use stdout
for everything, even errors

if message != None and
os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM)
elif p2.wait():'patch did not apply with path level %s' %
print message
log.error('could not apply the patch to your build dir')

However, I still get an interactive prompt, no matter what I try! Using
shell=False did not help, nor did trying to kill the pid if python sees
a line from patch which isn't saying what its patching or giving info on
a specific hunk. Any suggestions?


PS: if you're a maintainer for GNU patch, a --non-interactive would be
really nice ;-) (and no, -f and -t aren't good enough as they force
other things that I don't want)

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