[SUMMARY] Numeric Maze (#60)


Ruby Quiz

As with so many of our Ruby Quiz problems, this is another pathfinding
challenge. We're probably pretty use to seeing that pruning of the search space
is usually a big win in these cases and this problem is no exception. Let's
talk a little about exactly why that is the case.

When you think about the operations allowed by this quiz, one thing that becomes
obvious is that n * 2 and n / 2 are opposites. If you do one and then the
other, you end up right back at the number you had before you applied any
operations. That kind of busy work isn't helpful. In fact, visiting any number
a second time is pointless since we've already seen an equal or faster path for
the same thing.

There's a lot more duplication in the problem than the opposite operations too.
Let's start working 2 to 9 by hand, so we can see that:

2, 4 (double)
2, 4, 8 (double)
2, 4, 8, 16 (double)
2, 4, 8, 4 (halve)
2, 4, 8, 10 (add two)
2, 4, 2 (halve)
2, 4, 2, 4 (double)
2, 4, 2, 1 (halve)
2, 4, 2, 4 (add two)
2, 4, 6 (add two)
2, 4, 6, 12 (double)
2, 4, 6, 3 (halve)
2, 4, 6, 8 (add two)
2, 1 (halve)
2, 1, 2 (double)
2, 4, 2, 4 (double)
2, 4, 2, 1 (halve)
2, 4, 2, 4 (add two)
2, 1, 3 (add two)
2, 4, 3, 6 (double)
2, 4, 3, 5 (add two)
2, 4 (add two)
2, 4, 8 (double)
2, 4, 8, 16 (double)
2, 4, 8, 4 (halve)
2, 4, 8, 10 (add two)
2, 4, 2 (halve)
2, 4, 2, 4 (double)
2, 4, 2, 1 (halve)
2, 4, 2, 4 (add two)
2, 4, 6 (add two)
2, 4, 6, 12 (double)
2, 4, 6, 3 (halve)
2, 4, 6, 8 (add two)

There's a lot of paths already and we're not there yet. Let's look at the exact
same tree, but with one simple rule of pruning applied: We can toss out any
operation that results in a number we have already seen. Watch how that changes

2, 4 (double)
2, 4, 8 (double)
2, 4, 8, 16 (double)
2, 4, 8, 10 (add two)
2, 4, 6 (add two)
2, 4, 6, 12 (double)
2, 4, 6, 3 (halve)
2, 1 (halve)
2, 1, 3 (add two)
2, 4, 3, 5 (add two)

Those two trees go to the same depth and both represent the same set of numbers.
However, the second one is over three times less work. Imagine how much we can
save as the numbers keep growing and growing.

Another important optimization involves limits. Even with our simple 2 to 9
example, we can be up to 64 after only five operations (2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64).
64 is a long way from 9 and probably not helping us get there. We can limit
upper and lower bounds for the numbers, or even by limiting the steps the path
can take. (Florian Pflug made a great post in the quiz thread about the
latter.) The only thing to be careful of with an optimization like this is that
you make sure you don't impose a limit low enough to prevent an optimal

Many other optimizations were used. Some, like storing instance data in Integer
objects, have that questionable code smell and are probably best avoided. Other
solutions, while super fast on huge inputs, did not produce the shortest path in
all cases. Finally, many optimizations involve timing various elements of Ruby
syntax for minor increases here and there, but that's more detail than we need
to go into in this summary. Given that, let's examine a nice solution, by
Tristan Allwood, using the two optimizations described above:

require 'set'

class MazeSolver

def solve start, finish
visited = Set.new

tul, tll = if start > finish
[(start << 1) + 4, nil]
[(finish << 1) + 4, nil]

solve_it [[start]], finish, visited, tul, tll

def solve_it lpos, target, visited, tul, tll
n = []
lpos.each do |vs|
v = vs.last
next if tul and v > tul
next if tll and v < tll

return vs if v == target

d = v << 1 # double
h = v >> 1 unless (v & 1) == 1 # half
p2 = v + 2 # plus 2

n << (vs.clone << d) if visited.add? d
n << (vs.clone << h) if h and visited.add? h
n << (vs.clone << p2) if visited.add? p2

return solve_it(n, target, visited,tul, tll)

if __FILE__ == $0
puts MazeSolver.new.solve(ARGV[0].to_i, ARGV[1].to_i).join(" ")

Tristan's solution makes use of bit operations, because they tend to be faster
than multiplication and division. All you need to know about these is that n <<
1 == n * 2 and n >> 1 == n / 2.

The primary interface method for the code above is solve(). It takes the start
and finish numbers. As you can see, it sets up a visited Set object to keep
track of the numbers we've seen, assigns upper and lower limits, then hands off
to solve_it().

In solve_it(), each path of numbers is walked and expanded by the three
operations. Note the calls to visited.add?() before new paths are added. This
is the optimization keeping us from revisiting numbers. The next if tul and v >
tul line skips to the next iteration if we've passed the upper limit. That's
the other big optimization. After another level of paths have been added,
solve_it() just recurses to find the next set of operations. This only ever
goes as deep as there are steps in the solution, so there's not much danger of
overrunning the stack for problems we can reasonably solve.

The final if statement of the program triggers the process from the two
parameters passed to the program.

My thanks to the many, many participants that generated great solutions and
discussion, especially all you new guys! I also need to thank the quiz creator
who was very involved in the discussion and gave me a bunch of tips for this

Tomorrow, we have a dice rolling challenge for all you RPG players out there...


Tristan's solution makes use of bit operations, because they tend to be faster
than multiplication and division. All you need to know about these is that n <<
1 == n * 2 and n >> 1 == n / 2.

Are they really faster? Ruby bits are not directly in CPU registers.

My rule of thumb is that every method call in Ruby takes a huge amount of
time, whether it is a bitshift or a multiplication (or even a regexp check).
For the record, I did a quick test:

kero@pc67140460:~/tmp$ time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { |i| i << 1 }'
real 0m2.683s
user 0m1.970s
sys 0m0.710s
kero@pc67140460:~/tmp$ time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { |i| i << 1 }'
real 0m2.687s
user 0m1.880s
sys 0m0.810s
kero@pc67140460:~/tmp$ time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { |i| i * 2 }'
real 0m2.684s
user 0m2.080s
sys 0m0.600s
kero@pc67140460:~/tmp$ time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { |i| i * 2 }'
real 0m2.689s
user 0m2.060s
sys 0m0.640s

No significant differences whatsoever.


PS: fun quiz, but that should be clear with all my postings :)

J. Ryan Sobol

Are they really faster? Ruby bits are not directly in CPU registers.

My rule of thumb is that every method call in Ruby takes a huge
amount of
time, whether it is a bitshift or a multiplication (or even a
regexp check).
For the record, I did a quick test:

As I suspected. Stupid C idioms. :)

~ ryan ~

Lou Vanek

The shift operator comes in handy and can save a lot of time.
These are equivalent operations:
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { || 2**31 }'

real 0m33.225s
user 0m32.452s
sys 0m0.015s
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { || 1<<31 }'

real 0m3.469s
user 0m3.421s
sys 0m0.000s
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { || 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 }'

real 0m13.839s
user 0m13.656s
sys 0m0.015s

Stephen Waits

My thanks to the many, many participants that generated great
solutions and
discussion, especially all you new guys! I also need to thank the
quiz creator
who was very involved in the discussion and gave me a bunch of tips
for this

I think that the purely binary pattern/bit-twiddling based solutions
should at least get an honorable mention.

Great quiz!



Hey guys,

I've just come back from a 2 day holiday and discover my code on
rubyquiz.com.. Wow! For my first entry on ruby-quiz (and i'm fairly
new to ruby to boot) i'm quite happy :) Cheers all!

I've noticed a few comments regarding my use of bitshift, I didn't
expect them to be faster (nor intend them to be) but I just tend to
think in terms of the binary idioms when it comes to +ve odd numbers,
mult/div 2. The fact that I felt the compulsion to write comments next
to them indicating what I was doing should probably be an indication
that I should have been using more standard notation...

Anyways thanks again for making my day :)



Simon Kröger

Lou said:
The shift operator comes in handy and can save a lot of time.
These are equivalent operations:

real 0m33.225s
user 0m32.452s
sys 0m0.015s

real 0m3.469s
user 0m3.421s
sys 0m0.000s
2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 }'

real 0m13.839s
user 0m13.656s
sys 0m0.015s

Kero wrote:

This is an implementation detail,

the ** operator of Fixnum calls rb_big_pow converting self to a Bignum
regardless of the value. '<<' checks the size of the result and uses
real bitshifting if possible.

While this was interresting to me it's not the explanation of the effect
above because the value 2**31 is always a bignum, but the implementation
of the ** operator in Bignum isn't very fast (while shifting the
internal representation of the bignum is faster)

To prove my point that this isn't realy because bitshifts are faster try

1_000_000.times { || 2.0**30 }

At least on my machine this is faster than any of your three examples
above. (if you choose smaller values '<<' will be the fastest because it
doesn't convert to bignums as stated above)




[snip 3 examples with considerable speed differences]
This is an implementation detail,

I'd say ** takes *more* time; not that bitshifts take *less* time.
the ** operator of Fixnum calls rb_big_pow converting self to a Bignum
regardless of the value. '<<' checks the size of the result and uses
real bitshifting if possible.

kero@chmeee:~$ time ruby -e '100_000.times { || 200**10 }'

real 0m1.740s
user 0m1.540s
sys 0m0.072s
kero@chmeee:~$ time ruby -e '100_000.times { || 2**10 }'

real 0m2.122s
user 0m1.928s
sys 0m0.064s

The float value ranks first with about 0.5 seconds runtime.

If Fixnum#** is slower than Bignum#**, that's not a detail, that's plain
weird :)

Something to keep in mind...


Lou Vanek

Then I guess I just love implementation details.
ruby -e "puts (2**29).class" Fixnum
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { 2**29 }'

real 0m25.788s
user 0m25.686s
sys 0m0.031s
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { 2.0**29 }'

real 0m1.233s
user 0m1.234s
sys 0m0.000s
ruby -e "puts (2.0**29).class" Float
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { 1<<29 }'

real 0m0.559s
user 0m0.577s
sys 0m0.000s
ruby -e "puts (1<<29).class" Fixnum
time ruby -e '1_000_000.times { 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*=
2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2 }'

real 0m5.970s
user 0m5.983s
sys 0m0.015s
ruby -e "puts (2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2*=

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