synthesis of 'X', 'Z', etc


Zerang Shah


std_logic can have the value '0' and '1' as well as 'X', 'Z', etc...

What are the synthesis consequences of case statements that include
'X', 'Z', etc? For example:

case some_bit is
when '1' =>
when '0' =>
when others =>
end case

Will most synthesis tools just ignore the "when others" part of the
statement? I'm guessing they do because I can't see a way to synthesize
'X' and 'Z' inputs, but I'm a noob so I could be wrong.

Thanks for the help.

Ralf Hildebrandt

Zerang said:
std_logic can have the value '0' and '1' as well as 'X', 'Z', etc...

What are the synthesis consequences of case statements that include
'X', 'Z', etc?

If you assign 'Z' to a std_logic signal in some cases, it will be
synthesized to a tri-state buffer.
If you assign 'X' to a std_logic signal in some cases, it will be
threatened as don't care and logic reduction will be done.

For example:

case some_bit is
when '1' =>
when '0' =>
when others =>
end case

Because you have assigned a value for some_bit being '1' and '0' (this
means: for all valid cases) there are no cases left, that may appear in
the real world. -> The when others statement is ignored.

You can't test for 'Z' in the real world - a floating tri-state bus will
settle either to low or high.
You can't test for 'X' int he real world, because every signal will have
a value - but you only don't know which one.

An example for a tri-state driver:

sig1 <= data when sel(0)='1' else

An example for logic reduction:

sig2 <= '1' when sel(1 downto 0)="00" else
'0' when sel(1 downto 0)="11" else


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