This is brilliant! Just look how long it is! Ha ha ha ha ha ha


John Rivers

poor guy worked his heart out, just to make a page control

and then they published it

ha ha ha ha ha

to "help" others

ha ha ha ha ha ha

just imagine the face of a newbie looking at that mountain of code

apparently he researched how to do it in books

my god i would love to watch this guy tie his shoelaces

it must take hours and involve lots of complex mathematics

ha ha ha ha

maybe the poor guy's hourly rate is so low he has to overcomplicate
everything just to pay the rent

ha ha ha ha

imagine him working through the night
"i'll make the best page control, ever!"

i've got it! he hates newbies ... so he publishes ridiculous
articles to demoralise them and drain their energy

doesn't tell them that a generic page control is just 10 lines
of code that a monkey could write HE'S EVIL

extract from his article:

"Effectively showing code so it confuses newbies is a main objective
in writing almost all my web articles. Showing 20 lines of code in an
article is unbearable but showing 10,000 certainly can be helpful.
Writing good code, is a commonly employed solution, that I do not

VB Programmer

Can you post 10 sample lines of code to do this? Just wondering what it
would look like from your vantage pt.


John Timney \(ASP.NET MVP\)

If it wasn't a good article it would not have made it onto 15seconds.
Credit to Tomasz for giving something back to the community.


John Timney
Microsoft Regional Director

John Rivers

with pleasure,

this is exactly ten lines of code (exluding the function declaration
and html stuff)

excuse the classicasp, i had it handy

Function PageControl(PageNumber, PageCount)
Const PropName = "PageNumber"
%><table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
<td nowrap><%="Page " & PageNumber & " of " & PageCount%></td>
<td align="right" nowrap><b><%
URL = ThisPage & StripQueryString(Request.QueryString, PropName)
If PageNumber > 1 Then
%>[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, 1))%>">First</a>]
[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageNumber - 1))%>">Prev</a>]<%
%><span style="color:#CCCCCC">[First]
End If
If PageNumber < PageCount Then
%>[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageNumber + 1))%>">Next</a>]
[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageCount))%>">Last</a>]<%
%><span style="color:#CCCCCC">[Next]
End If
End Function

(HTML is convenience function to save typing Server.HTMLEncode etc.)
(QPX is shorthand for Server.URLEncode(name) & "+" &
Server.URLEncode(value) & "&")
(StripQueryString returns the given querystring minus the given

and of course i would have done the paging logic in a stored procedure
rather than repeatedly transferring piles of data about for no reason
like that idiotic "datagrid" control does

which i can show you here:

CREATE proc spTestCursorPagination
@start int
, @size int
declare CRS cursor scroll read_only for select recordid from junk
(tablock) order by recordid
declare @index int
declare @recordid int
create table #temp (
orderid int primary key identity
, recordid int
set nocount on
set @index = 0
open CRS
while @index < @size
if @index = 0
fetch absolute @start from CRS into @recordid
fetch next from CRS into @recordid
insert into #temp with (tablockx) (recordid) values (@recordid)
set @index = @index + 1
close CRS
deallocate CRS
select junk.* from junk (tablock)
inner join #temp (tablock)
on junk.recordid = #temp.recordid
order by #temp.orderid

and i didn't need to read a book to do that
i just used my brain and 20 minutes

plus if you test my solution on a db of 10,000,000
records it will run faster than his junk with 10,000
records and use much less ram and cpu and network resources is useful but most of the articles are total tripe

welcome to the layer cake son

Juan T. Llibre

"Effectively showing code so it confuses newbies is a main objective
in writing almost all my web articles. Showing 20 lines of code in an
article is unbearable but showing 10,000 certainly can be helpful.

Actual text in the article :
"Effectively showing data so it doesn't confuse the end user is a main
objective in developing almost all Web data presentation applications.
Showing 20 records on one page is bearable but showing 10,000
certainly can be confusing."

Writing good code, is a commonly employed solution, that I do not

Actual text in the article :
"Splitting the data across several pages, or paging the data,
is a commonly employed solution to this problem."

It's simply amazing that you would stoop this low, troll!
Go be a jerk somewhere else.

Juan T. Llibre

You should submit that "improvement" to 15Seconds.

John Rivers said:
with pleasure,

this is exactly ten lines of code (exluding the function declaration
and html stuff)

excuse the classicasp, i had it handy

Function PageControl(PageNumber, PageCount)
Const PropName = "PageNumber"
%><table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
<td nowrap><%="Page " & PageNumber & " of " & PageCount%></td>
<td align="right" nowrap><b><%
URL = ThisPage & StripQueryString(Request.QueryString, PropName)
If PageNumber > 1 Then
%>[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, 1))%>">First</a>]
[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageNumber - 1))%>">Prev</a>]<%
%><span style="color:#CCCCCC">[First]
End If
If PageNumber < PageCount Then
%>[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageNumber + 1))%>">Next</a>]
[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageCount))%>">Last</a>]<%
%><span style="color:#CCCCCC">[Next]
End If
End Function

(HTML is convenience function to save typing Server.HTMLEncode etc.)
(QPX is shorthand for Server.URLEncode(name) & "+" &
Server.URLEncode(value) & "&")
(StripQueryString returns the given querystring minus the given

and of course i would have done the paging logic in a stored procedure
rather than repeatedly transferring piles of data about for no reason
like that idiotic "datagrid" control does

which i can show you here:

CREATE proc spTestCursorPagination
@start int
, @size int
declare CRS cursor scroll read_only for select recordid from junk
(tablock) order by recordid
declare @index int
declare @recordid int
create table #temp (
orderid int primary key identity
, recordid int
set nocount on
set @index = 0
open CRS
while @index < @size
if @index = 0
fetch absolute @start from CRS into @recordid
fetch next from CRS into @recordid
insert into #temp with (tablockx) (recordid) values (@recordid)
set @index = @index + 1
close CRS
deallocate CRS
select junk.* from junk (tablock)
inner join #temp (tablock)
on junk.recordid = #temp.recordid
order by #temp.orderid

and i didn't need to read a book to do that
i just used my brain and 20 minutes

plus if you test my solution on a db of 10,000,000
records it will run faster than his junk with 10,000
records and use much less ram and cpu and network resources is useful but most of the articles are total tripe

welcome to the layer cake son

VB said:
Can you post 10 sample lines of code to do this? Just wondering what it
would look like from your vantage pt.


John Rivers

I was being mean, his intentions were good, but that article should
never have been published.

And credit to me then for just showing the community a lean and high
performance approach!

You wouldn't happen to know who at Microsoft was responsible for
ASPX, UserControls, HtmlControls, CustomControls and viewstate would

I am sure it wasn't the same people who designed the other parts of

Juan T. Llibre

Hey, John, do you think that the code you posted
meets the requirements for the posted code in the article ?

1. First, Previous, Next, Last and paging buttons

2. Be sensitive to the data. If the pager is set to show 10 records
per page and only nine are shown, then the pager shouldn't be visible.
On the first page the Previous and First buttons shouldn't be shown.
On the last page the Next and the Last methods shouldn't be shown.

3. Independent of the control that's in charge of the presentation

4. The ability to handle a variety of current and future data sources

5. Easily configurable presentation to integrate with custom applications

6. Notify other controls when paging is taking place

7. Easy to use even by inexperienced Web designers

8. Provide properties to relevant paging data

The code you posted doesn't even come *close* to doing that.
Go be a jerk somewhere else.

Bruce Barker

well the article covered paging with a grid, events, the standard
process controller pattern, and is plugable into a generic application.

not a bad exercise.

-- bruce (

Bruce Barker

you don't solve the same problem. your code is not a generic plugin to be
used on any page. your html may be generic, but the driving code isn't, nor
was it included. in you model every page must implement the paging code.

also you demo rather bad sql. (using a server curor and a table lock - no
scaling this puppy). also to get the total page count, another query is

-- bruce (

John Rivers said:
with pleasure,

this is exactly ten lines of code (exluding the function declaration
and html stuff)

excuse the classicasp, i had it handy

Function PageControl(PageNumber, PageCount)
Const PropName = "PageNumber"
%><table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0"
<td nowrap><%="Page " & PageNumber & " of " & PageCount%></td>
<td align="right" nowrap><b><%
URL = ThisPage & StripQueryString(Request.QueryString, PropName)
If PageNumber > 1 Then
%>[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, 1))%>">First</a>]
[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageNumber - 1))%>">Prev</a>]<%
%><span style="color:#CCCCCC">[First]
End If
If PageNumber < PageCount Then
%>[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageNumber + 1))%>">Next</a>]
[<a href="<%=HTML(URL & QPX(PropName, PageCount))%>">Last</a>]<%
%><span style="color:#CCCCCC">[Next]
End If
End Function

(HTML is convenience function to save typing Server.HTMLEncode etc.)
(QPX is shorthand for Server.URLEncode(name) & "+" &
Server.URLEncode(value) & "&")
(StripQueryString returns the given querystring minus the given

and of course i would have done the paging logic in a stored procedure
rather than repeatedly transferring piles of data about for no reason
like that idiotic "datagrid" control does

which i can show you here:

CREATE proc spTestCursorPagination
@start int
, @size int
declare CRS cursor scroll read_only for select recordid from junk
(tablock) order by recordid
declare @index int
declare @recordid int
create table #temp (
orderid int primary key identity
, recordid int
set nocount on
set @index = 0
open CRS
while @index < @size
if @index = 0
fetch absolute @start from CRS into @recordid
fetch next from CRS into @recordid
insert into #temp with (tablockx) (recordid) values (@recordid)
set @index = @index + 1
close CRS
deallocate CRS
select junk.* from junk (tablock)
inner join #temp (tablock)
on junk.recordid = #temp.recordid
order by #temp.orderid

and i didn't need to read a book to do that
i just used my brain and 20 minutes

plus if you test my solution on a db of 10,000,000
records it will run faster than his junk with 10,000
records and use much less ram and cpu and network resources is useful but most of the articles are total tripe

welcome to the layer cake son

VB said:
Can you post 10 sample lines of code to do this? Just wondering what it
would look like from your vantage pt.


John Rivers

Juan your replies are weak

Hey, John, do you think that the code you posted
meets the requirements for the posted code in the article ?

1. First, Previous, Next, Last and paging buttons

oh yes mine doesn't have paging
buttons, thats an extra 3 lines then ...

2. Be sensitive to the data. If the pager is set to show 10 records
per page and only nine are shown, then the pager shouldn't be visible.
On the first page the Previous and First buttons shouldn't be shown.
On the last page the Next and the Last methods shouldn't be shown.

read my code
it does this - it greys out the controls
it is bad ui design to have page elements appearing and disappearing

3. Independent of the control that's in charge of the presentation

crumbs mine is one method in an include file
that doesn't even know what the datasource is
you don't get much more independent than that
4. The ability to handle a variety of current and future data sources

mine can handle any datasource
as it doesn't try and overencapsulate like his junk

5. Easily configurable presentation to integrate with custom applications

just edit the little html fragments

6. Notify other controls when paging is taking place

at client: just add some javascript
at server: hell the url says "PageNumber=6"
and the referer says "PageNumber=5"
what more do you need???

7. Easy to use even by inexperienced Web designers

don't try and tell me his is easier to use than mine????

8. Provide properties to relevant paging data

don't understand this

The code you posted doesn't even come *close* to doing that.
Go be a jerk somewhere else.

no - you are the jerk for being so wrong

Juan T. Llibre

Your reply is composed of :

"Oh, yeah, add this or add that" and "don't understand this".

You made my case better than I did.

Go ahead and submit your "improvements" to 15Seconds, OK ?
And let us know when the article is published.


John Rivers said:
1. First, Previous, Next, Last and paging buttons

oh yes mine doesn't have paging
buttons, thats an extra 3 lines then ...

2. Be sensitive to the data. If the pager is set to show 10 records
per page and only nine are shown, then the pager shouldn't be visible.
On the first page the Previous and First buttons shouldn't be shown.
On the last page the Next and the Last methods shouldn't be shown.

read my code
it does this - it greys out the controls
it is bad ui design to have page elements appearing and disappearing

3. Independent of the control that's in charge of the presentation

crumbs mine is one method in an include file
that doesn't even know what the datasource is
you don't get much more independent than that
4. The ability to handle a variety of current and future data sources

mine can handle any datasource
as it doesn't try and overencapsulate like his junk

5. Easily configurable presentation to integrate with custom applications

just edit the little html fragments

6. Notify other controls when paging is taking place

at client: just add some javascript
at server: hell the url says "PageNumber=6"
and the referer says "PageNumber=5"
what more do you need???

7. Easy to use even by inexperienced Web designers

don't try and tell me his is easier to use than mine????

8. Provide properties to relevant paging data

don't understand this

The code you posted doesn't even come *close* to doing that.
Go be a jerk somewhere else.

no - you are the jerk for being so wrong

John Rivers

So your final position on this
is that article shows a reasonable
way to implement a paging control?

In which I case I recommend you live
by your words and use his "technique"

At least I have the courage to show my
technique, let's all have a look at yours ...

Show us all your paging control code.

John Rivers

oh yes,

furthermore my approach also supports
ragged paging which you need when
displaying datasheets with grouping

whereas his is hardcoded to a static

looking forward to seeing your work, juan *-)

Kevin Spencer


I hope you realize that you are alone in your opinions, especially those of
your own skill/intellgence. It pains me to see you making a public fool of
yourself in this way. I really feel for you, as when you plan to make a
living doing programming, it will be nearly impossible as long as these
public remarks continue to float around the Internet. You will be older and
wiser, but your reputation will precede you everywhere you go. It is not
possible to remove published messages from the Internet. Your only hope will
be to outlast them.

So, if you are truly desirous of becoming a professional developer, PLEASE
do yourself a favor and stop publishing your foolish opinions now. In
another 5 years they will have faded into obscurity, and perhaps you will be
more knowledgeable and hirable.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Paranoia is just a state of mind.

oh yes,

furthermore my approach also supports
ragged paging which you need when
displaying datasheets with grouping

whereas his is hardcoded to a static

looking forward to seeing your work, juan *-)

John Rivers

Thankyou for your concern,

But I have been programming for 24 years,
I have been a professional system architect
for 10 years, run a computer science research
department at a top university and built, run
and sold 3 .coms.

Why am I wasting time arguing on this newsgroup?

There is a real reason, I am trying to determine
whether microsoft's latest approach to dumbing down
the development process can work, is it possible
to use almost anybody to write enterprise class code?

As opposed to expensive skilled professionals who know
what they are doing.

What is happening in VS.NET is very interesting,
there is a feedback loop whereby the ignorance of today's
average web developer feedsback in to the architecture, ensuring
they stay in their "comfort zone".

It is all about understanding what you guys are capable of
handling conceptually and making sure not to exceed that.

Then providing infrastructure solutions to solve the problems
that the inefficient code that results causes.

Its the classic monkeys and typewriter idea made real.

Just because lots of stupid people agree with each
other doesn't mean they're right.

If I were you kevin i'd start learning to think for yourself, not
just running with the herd like a silly cow.

And Juan, where is your paging control code?????
"Classes and methods may prove me wrong but killfiles will never hurt
If you do a good job I will admit it publicly, and even apologise.
Come on, beat me!

Kevin Spencer

But I have been programming for 24 years,
I have been a professional system architect
for 10 years, run a computer science research
department at a top university and built, run
and sold 3 .coms.

Sorry John, but I'm just not buying it. Anyone can say anythiing they like.
It doesn't make it true. How about telling us WHERE you have been a
"professional system architect" (company name, web address, etc)? WHAT "top
university" have you "run a computer scientce research department" at
(University name, web address, etc)?

Your speech syntax, grammar, and egocentrism puts you at somewhere between
the ages of 15 and 25 (I would guess closer to 15). The fact that you are
non-specific about your qualifications implies that you have something to
hide. And your ignorance of object-oriented programming technology indicates
that yoou know almost nothing about real-world object-oriented programming.

Finally, only a teenager (or someone with a pathological case of arrested
development) would be so foolish as to jeopardize their professional future
with such a proliferation of ignorant and insulting postings on a
widely-read public newsgroup, as teenagers don't understand that they will
have to live in the future with the consequences of their present actions.
Teenagers have parents to take care of them, and don't realize that at some
point they will have to do all the work for themselves and for their own
children, including paying bills, and raising a family. Teenagers don't
realize that eventually your parents die, and you have nobody to fall back
on but yourself.

You have demonstrated precisely none of the behavioral and/or linguistic
characteristics of an adult, much less a professional adult, much less a
science professor. And with no other evidence to rely on, I find you guilty
of lying.

By doing so, you are only hurting yourself, the future you, the only you
that you will ever become. And this grieves me, because I was once as young
and stupid as you are. I wish I had listened when I should have. It took a
lot of years to dig my way back out.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
If the truth hurts, wear it.

Thankyou for your concern,

But I have been programming for 24 years,
I have been a professional system architect
for 10 years, run a computer science research
department at a top university and built, run
and sold 3 .coms.

Why am I wasting time arguing on this newsgroup?

There is a real reason, I am trying to determine
whether microsoft's latest approach to dumbing down
the development process can work, is it possible
to use almost anybody to write enterprise class code?

As opposed to expensive skilled professionals who know
what they are doing.

What is happening in VS.NET is very interesting,
there is a feedback loop whereby the ignorance of today's
average web developer feedsback in to the architecture, ensuring
they stay in their "comfort zone".

It is all about understanding what you guys are capable of
handling conceptually and making sure not to exceed that.

Then providing infrastructure solutions to solve the problems
that the inefficient code that results causes.

Its the classic monkeys and typewriter idea made real.

Just because lots of stupid people agree with each
other doesn't mean they're right.

If I were you kevin i'd start learning to think for yourself, not
just running with the herd like a silly cow.

And Juan, where is your paging control code?????
"Classes and methods may prove me wrong but killfiles will never hurt
If you do a good job I will admit it publicly, and even apologise.
Come on, beat me!

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